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synced 2025-03-09 08:58:28 +03:00
273 lines
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273 lines
6.3 KiB
Ext.define('pve-rrd-node', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [
name: 'cpu',
// percentage
convert: function(value) {
return value*100;
name: 'iowait',
// percentage
convert: function(value) {
return value*100;
name: 'io_delay', calculate: function(data) {
let ios = 0;
if (data.read_ios !== undefined) { ios += data.read_ios; }
if (data.write_ios !== undefined) { ios += data.write_ios; }
if (ios === 0 || data.io_ticks === undefined) {
return undefined;
return (data.io_ticks*1000.0)/ios;
{ type: 'date', dateFormat: 'timestamp', name: 'time' },
Ext.define('PBS.ServerStatus', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias: 'widget.pbsServerStatus',
title: gettext('ServerStatus'),
scrollable: true,
showVersions: function() {
let me = this;
// Note: use simply text/html here, as ExtJS grid has problems with cut&paste
let panel = Ext.createWidget('component', {
autoScroll: true,
id: 'pkgversions',
padding: 5,
style: {
'background-color': 'white',
'white-space': 'pre',
'font-family': 'monospace',
let win = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
title: gettext('Package versions'),
width: 600,
height: 600,
layout: 'fit',
modal: true,
items: [panel],
buttons: [
xtype: 'button',
iconCls: 'fa fa-clipboard',
handler: function(button) {
text: gettext('Copy'),
text: gettext('Ok'),
handler: function() {
waitMsgTarget: me,
url: `/nodes/localhost/apt/versions`,
method: 'GET',
failure: function(response, opts) {
Ext.Msg.alert(gettext('Error'), response.htmlStatus);
success: function(response, opts) {
let text = '';
Ext.Array.each(response.result.data, function(rec) {
let version = "not correctly installed";
let pkg = rec.Package;
if (rec.OldVersion && rec.OldVersion !== 'unknown') {
version = rec.OldVersion;
if (rec.ExtraInfo) {
text += `${pkg}: ${version} (${rec.ExtraInfo})\n`;
} else {
text += `${pkg}: ${version}\n`;
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
var node_command = function(cmd) {
params: { command: cmd },
url: '/nodes/localhost/status',
method: 'POST',
waitMsgTarget: me,
failure: function(response, opts) {
Ext.Msg.alert(gettext('Error'), response.htmlStatus);
var restartBtn = Ext.create('Proxmox.button.Button', {
text: gettext('Reboot'),
dangerous: true,
confirmMsg: gettext("Reboot backup server?"),
handler: function() {
iconCls: 'fa fa-undo',
var shutdownBtn = Ext.create('Proxmox.button.Button', {
text: gettext('Shutdown'),
dangerous: true,
confirmMsg: gettext("Shutdown backup server?"),
handler: function() {
iconCls: 'fa fa-power-off',
var consoleBtn = Ext.create('Proxmox.button.Button', {
text: gettext('Console'),
iconCls: 'fa fa-terminal',
handler: function() {
Proxmox.Utils.openXtermJsViewer('shell', 0, Proxmox.NodeName);
let version_btn = new Ext.Button({
text: gettext('Package versions'),
iconCls: 'fa fa-gift',
handler: function() {
Proxmox.Utils.checked_command(function() { me.showVersions(); });
me.tbar = [version_btn, '-', consoleBtn, '-', restartBtn, shutdownBtn, '->', { xtype: 'proxmoxRRDTypeSelector' }];
var rrdstore = Ext.create('Proxmox.data.RRDStore', {
rrdurl: "/api2/json/nodes/localhost/rrd",
model: 'pve-rrd-node',
me.items = {
xtype: 'container',
itemId: 'itemcontainer',
layout: 'column',
minWidth: 700,
defaults: {
minHeight: 320,
padding: 5,
columnWidth: 1,
items: [
xtype: 'proxmoxRRDChart',
title: gettext('CPU usage'),
fields: ['cpu', 'iowait'],
fieldTitles: [gettext('CPU usage'), gettext('IO wait')],
store: rrdstore,
xtype: 'proxmoxRRDChart',
title: gettext('Server load'),
fields: ['loadavg'],
fieldTitles: [gettext('Load average')],
store: rrdstore,
xtype: 'proxmoxRRDChart',
title: gettext('Memory usage'),
fields: ['memtotal', 'memused'],
fieldTitles: [gettext('Total'), gettext('RAM usage')],
store: rrdstore,
xtype: 'proxmoxRRDChart',
title: gettext('Swap usage'),
fields: ['swaptotal', 'swapused'],
fieldTitles: [gettext('Total'), gettext('Swap usage')],
store: rrdstore,
xtype: 'proxmoxRRDChart',
title: gettext('Network traffic'),
fields: ['netin', 'netout'],
store: rrdstore,
xtype: 'proxmoxRRDChart',
title: gettext('Root Disk usage'),
fields: ['total', 'used'],
fieldTitles: [gettext('Total'), gettext('Disk usage')],
store: rrdstore,
xtype: 'proxmoxRRDChart',
title: gettext('Root Disk Transfer Rate (bytes/second)'),
fields: ['read_bytes', 'write_bytes'],
fieldTitles: [gettext('Read'), gettext('Write')],
store: rrdstore,
xtype: 'proxmoxRRDChart',
title: gettext('Root Disk Input/Output Operations per Second (IOPS)'),
fields: ['read_ios', 'write_ios'],
fieldTitles: [gettext('Read'), gettext('Write')],
store: rrdstore,
xtype: 'proxmoxRRDChart',
title: gettext('Root Disk IO Delay (ms)'),
fields: ['io_delay'],
fieldTitles: [gettext('IO Delay')],
store: rrdstore,
me.listeners = {
activate: function() {
destroy: function() {