Ext.ns('Proxmox'); Ext.ns('Proxmox.Setup'); if (!Ext.isDefined(Proxmox.Setup.auth_cookie_name)) { throw "Proxmox library not initialized"; } // avoid errors related to Accessible Rich Internet Applications // (access for people with disabilities) // TODO reenable after all components are upgraded Ext.enableAria = false; Ext.enableAriaButtons = false; Ext.enableAriaPanels = false; // avoid errors when running without development tools if (!Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) { var console = { dir: function() {}, log: function() {} }; } Ext.Ajax.defaultHeaders = { 'Accept': 'application/json' }; Ext.Ajax.on('beforerequest', function(conn, options) { if (Proxmox.CSRFPreventionToken) { if (!options.headers) { options.headers = {}; } options.headers.CSRFPreventionToken = Proxmox.CSRFPreventionToken; } }); Ext.define('Proxmox.Utils', { utilities: { // this singleton contains miscellaneous utilities yesText: gettext('Yes'), noText: gettext('No'), enabledText: gettext('Enabled'), disabledText: gettext('Disabled'), noneText: gettext('none'), errorText: gettext('Error'), unknownText: gettext('Unknown'), defaultText: gettext('Default'), daysText: gettext('days'), dayText: gettext('day'), runningText: gettext('running'), stoppedText: gettext('stopped'), neverText: gettext('never'), totalText: gettext('Total'), usedText: gettext('Used'), directoryText: gettext('Directory'), stateText: gettext('State'), groupText: gettext('Group'), language_map: { zh_CN: 'Chinese (Simplified)', zh_TW: 'Chinese (Traditional)', ca: 'Catalan', da: 'Danish', en: 'English', eu: 'Euskera (Basque)', fr: 'French', de: 'German', it: 'Italian', es: 'Spanish', ja: 'Japanese', nb: 'Norwegian (Bokmal)', nn: 'Norwegian (Nynorsk)', fa: 'Persian (Farsi)', pl: 'Polish', pt_BR: 'Portuguese (Brazil)', ru: 'Russian', sl: 'Slovenian', sv: 'Swedish', tr: 'Turkish' }, render_language: function (value) { if (!value) { return Proxmox.Utils.defaultText + ' (English)'; } var text = Proxmox.Utils.language_map[value]; if (text) { return text + ' (' + value + ')'; } return value; }, language_array: function() { var data = [['__default__', Proxmox.Utils.render_language('')]]; Ext.Object.each(Proxmox.Utils.language_map, function(key, value) { data.push([key, Proxmox.Utils.render_language(value)]); }); return data; }, getNoSubKeyHtml: function(url) { // url http://www.proxmox.com/products/proxmox-ve/subscription-service-plans return Ext.String.format('You do not have a valid subscription for this server. Please visit www.proxmox.com to get a list of available options.', url || 'http://www.proxmox.com'); }, format_boolean_with_default: function(value) { if (Ext.isDefined(value) && value !== '__default__') { return value ? Proxmox.Utils.yesText : Proxmox.Utils.noText; } return Proxmox.Utils.defaultText; }, format_boolean: function(value) { return value ? Proxmox.Utils.yesText : Proxmox.Utils.noText; }, format_neg_boolean: function(value) { return !value ? Proxmox.Utils.yesText : Proxmox.Utils.noText; }, format_enabled_toggle: function(value) { return value ? Proxmox.Utils.enabledText : Proxmox.Utils.disabledText; }, format_expire: function(date) { if (!date) { return Proxmox.Utils.neverText; } return Ext.Date.format(date, "Y-m-d"); }, format_duration_long: function(ut) { var days = Math.floor(ut / 86400); ut -= days*86400; var hours = Math.floor(ut / 3600); ut -= hours*3600; var mins = Math.floor(ut / 60); ut -= mins*60; var hours_str = '00' + hours.toString(); hours_str = hours_str.substr(hours_str.length - 2); var mins_str = "00" + mins.toString(); mins_str = mins_str.substr(mins_str.length - 2); var ut_str = "00" + ut.toString(); ut_str = ut_str.substr(ut_str.length - 2); if (days) { var ds = days > 1 ? Proxmox.Utils.daysText : Proxmox.Utils.dayText; return days.toString() + ' ' + ds + ' ' + hours_str + ':' + mins_str + ':' + ut_str; } else { return hours_str + ':' + mins_str + ':' + ut_str; } }, format_subscription_level: function(level) { if (level === 'c') { return 'Community'; } else if (level === 'b') { return 'Basic'; } else if (level === 's') { return 'Standard'; } else if (level === 'p') { return 'Premium'; } else { return Proxmox.Utils.noneText; } }, compute_min_label_width: function(text, width) { if (width === undefined) { width = 100; } var tm = new Ext.util.TextMetrics(); var min = tm.getWidth(text + ':'); return min < width ? width : min; }, setAuthData: function(data) { Proxmox.CSRFPreventionToken = data.CSRFPreventionToken; Proxmox.UserName = data.username; Proxmox.LoggedOut = data.LoggedOut; // creates a session cookie (expire = null) // that way the cookie gets deleted after the browser window is closed Ext.util.Cookies.set(Proxmox.Setup.auth_cookie_name, data.ticket, null, '/', null, true); }, authOK: function() { if (Proxmox.LoggedOut) { return undefined; } return (Proxmox.UserName !== '') && Ext.util.Cookies.get(Proxmox.Setup.auth_cookie_name); }, authClear: function() { if (Proxmox.LoggedOut) { return undefined; } Ext.util.Cookies.clear(Proxmox.Setup.auth_cookie_name); }, // comp.setLoading() is buggy in ExtJS 4.0.7, so we // use el.mask() instead setErrorMask: function(comp, msg) { var el = comp.el; if (!el) { return; } if (!msg) { el.unmask(); } else { if (msg === true) { el.mask(gettext("Loading...")); } else { el.mask(msg); } } }, monStoreErrors: function(me, store, clearMaskBeforeLoad) { if (clearMaskBeforeLoad) { me.mon(store, 'beforeload', function(s, operation, eOpts) { Proxmox.Utils.setErrorMask(me, false); }); } else { me.mon(store, 'beforeload', function(s, operation, eOpts) { if (!me.loadCount) { me.loadCount = 0; // make sure it is numeric Proxmox.Utils.setErrorMask(me, true); } }); } // only works with 'proxmox' proxy me.mon(store.proxy, 'afterload', function(proxy, request, success) { me.loadCount++; if (success) { Proxmox.Utils.setErrorMask(me, false); return; } var msg; /*jslint nomen: true */ var operation = request._operation; var error = operation.getError(); if (error.statusText) { msg = error.statusText + ' (' + error.status + ')'; } else { msg = gettext('Connection error'); } Proxmox.Utils.setErrorMask(me, msg); }); }, extractRequestError: function(result, verbose) { var msg = gettext('Successful'); if (!result.success) { msg = gettext("Unknown error"); if (result.message) { msg = result.message; if (result.status) { msg += ' (' + result.status + ')'; } } if (verbose && Ext.isObject(result.errors)) { msg += "
"; Ext.Object.each(result.errors, function(prop, desc) { msg += "
" + Ext.htmlEncode(prop) + ": " + Ext.htmlEncode(desc); }); } } return msg; }, // Ext.Ajax.request API2Request: function(reqOpts) { var newopts = Ext.apply({ waitMsg: gettext('Please wait...') }, reqOpts); if (!newopts.url.match(/^\/api2/)) { newopts.url = '/api2/extjs' + newopts.url; } delete newopts.callback; var createWrapper = function(successFn, callbackFn, failureFn) { Ext.apply(newopts, { success: function(response, options) { if (options.waitMsgTarget) { if (Proxmox.Utils.toolkit === 'touch') { options.waitMsgTarget.setMasked(false); } else { options.waitMsgTarget.setLoading(false); } } var result = Ext.decode(response.responseText); response.result = result; if (!result.success) { response.htmlStatus = Proxmox.Utils.extractRequestError(result, true); Ext.callback(callbackFn, options.scope, [options, false, response]); Ext.callback(failureFn, options.scope, [response, options]); return; } Ext.callback(callbackFn, options.scope, [options, true, response]); Ext.callback(successFn, options.scope, [response, options]); }, failure: function(response, options) { if (options.waitMsgTarget) { if (Proxmox.Utils.toolkit === 'touch') { options.waitMsgTarget.setMasked(false); } else { options.waitMsgTarget.setLoading(false); } } response.result = {}; try { response.result = Ext.decode(response.responseText); } catch(e) {} var msg = gettext('Connection error') + ' - server offline?'; if (response.aborted) { msg = gettext('Connection error') + ' - aborted.'; } else if (response.timedout) { msg = gettext('Connection error') + ' - Timeout.'; } else if (response.status && response.statusText) { msg = gettext('Connection error') + ' ' + response.status + ': ' + response.statusText; } response.htmlStatus = msg; Ext.callback(callbackFn, options.scope, [options, false, response]); Ext.callback(failureFn, options.scope, [response, options]); } }); }; createWrapper(reqOpts.success, reqOpts.callback, reqOpts.failure); var target = newopts.waitMsgTarget; if (target) { if (Proxmox.Utils.toolkit === 'touch') { target.setMasked({ xtype: 'loadmask', message: newopts.waitMsg} ); } else { // Note: ExtJS bug - this does not work when component is not rendered target.setLoading(newopts.waitMsg); } } Ext.Ajax.request(newopts); }, checked_command: function(orig_cmd) { Proxmox.Utils.API2Request({ url: '/nodes/localhost/subscription', method: 'GET', //waitMsgTarget: me, failure: function(response, opts) { Ext.Msg.alert(gettext('Error'), response.htmlStatus); }, success: function(response, opts) { var data = response.result.data; if (data.status !== 'Active') { Ext.Msg.show({ title: gettext('No valid subscription'), icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING, msg: Proxmox.Utils.getNoSubKeyHtml(data.url), buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, callback: function(btn) { if (btn !== 'ok') { return; } orig_cmd(); } }); } else { orig_cmd(); } } }); }, assemble_field_data: function(values, data) { if (Ext.isObject(data)) { Ext.Object.each(data, function(name, val) { if (values.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var bucket = values[name]; if (!Ext.isArray(bucket)) { bucket = values[name] = [bucket]; } if (Ext.isArray(val)) { values[name] = bucket.concat(val); } else { bucket.push(val); } } else { values[name] = val; } }); } }, dialog_title: function(subject, create, isAdd) { if (create) { if (isAdd) { return gettext('Add') + ': ' + subject; } else { return gettext('Create') + ': ' + subject; } } else { return gettext('Edit') + ': ' + subject; } }, network_iface_types: { eth: gettext("Network Device"), bridge: 'Linux Bridge', bond: 'Linux Bond', vlan: 'Linux VLAN', OVSBridge: 'OVS Bridge', OVSBond: 'OVS Bond', OVSPort: 'OVS Port', OVSIntPort: 'OVS IntPort' }, render_network_iface_type: function(value) { return Proxmox.Utils.network_iface_types[value] || Proxmox.Utils.unknownText; }, task_desc_table: { acmenewcert: [ 'SRV', gettext('Order Certificate') ], acmeregister: [ 'ACME Account', gettext('Register') ], acmedeactivate: [ 'ACME Account', gettext('Deactivate') ], acmeupdate: [ 'ACME Account', gettext('Update') ], acmerefresh: [ 'ACME Account', gettext('Refresh') ], acmerenew: [ 'SRV', gettext('Renew Certificate') ], acmerevoke: [ 'SRV', gettext('Revoke Certificate') ], 'move_volume': [ 'CT', gettext('Move Volume') ], clustercreate: [ '', gettext('Create Cluster') ], clusterjoin: [ '', gettext('Join Cluster') ], diskinit: [ 'Disk', gettext('Initialize Disk with GPT') ], vncproxy: [ 'VM/CT', gettext('Console') ], spiceproxy: [ 'VM/CT', gettext('Console') + ' (Spice)' ], vncshell: [ '', gettext('Shell') ], spiceshell: [ '', gettext('Shell') + ' (Spice)' ], qmsnapshot: [ 'VM', gettext('Snapshot') ], qmrollback: [ 'VM', gettext('Rollback') ], qmdelsnapshot: [ 'VM', gettext('Delete Snapshot') ], qmcreate: [ 'VM', gettext('Create') ], qmrestore: [ 'VM', gettext('Restore') ], qmdestroy: [ 'VM', gettext('Destroy') ], qmigrate: [ 'VM', gettext('Migrate') ], qmclone: [ 'VM', gettext('Clone') ], qmmove: [ 'VM', gettext('Move disk') ], qmtemplate: [ 'VM', gettext('Convert to template') ], qmstart: [ 'VM', gettext('Start') ], qmstop: [ 'VM', gettext('Stop') ], qmreset: [ 'VM', gettext('Reset') ], qmshutdown: [ 'VM', gettext('Shutdown') ], qmsuspend: [ 'VM', gettext('Hibernate') ], qmpause: [ 'VM', gettext('Pause') ], qmresume: [ 'VM', gettext('Resume') ], qmconfig: [ 'VM', gettext('Configure') ], vzsnapshot: [ 'CT', gettext('Snapshot') ], vzrollback: [ 'CT', gettext('Rollback') ], vzdelsnapshot: [ 'CT', gettext('Delete Snapshot') ], vzcreate: ['CT', gettext('Create') ], vzrestore: ['CT', gettext('Restore') ], vzdestroy: ['CT', gettext('Destroy') ], vzmigrate: [ 'CT', gettext('Migrate') ], vzclone: [ 'CT', gettext('Clone') ], vztemplate: [ 'CT', gettext('Convert to template') ], vzstart: ['CT', gettext('Start') ], vzstop: ['CT', gettext('Stop') ], vzmount: ['CT', gettext('Mount') ], vzumount: ['CT', gettext('Unmount') ], vzshutdown: ['CT', gettext('Shutdown') ], vzsuspend: [ 'CT', gettext('Suspend') ], vzresume: [ 'CT', gettext('Resume') ], hamigrate: [ 'HA', gettext('Migrate') ], hastart: [ 'HA', gettext('Start') ], hastop: [ 'HA', gettext('Stop') ], srvstart: ['SRV', gettext('Start') ], srvstop: ['SRV', gettext('Stop') ], srvrestart: ['SRV', gettext('Restart') ], srvreload: ['SRV', gettext('Reload') ], cephcreatemgr: ['Ceph Manager', gettext('Create') ], cephdestroymgr: ['Ceph Manager', gettext('Destroy') ], cephcreatemon: ['Ceph Monitor', gettext('Create') ], cephdestroymon: ['Ceph Monitor', gettext('Destroy') ], cephcreateosd: ['Ceph OSD', gettext('Create') ], cephdestroyosd: ['Ceph OSD', gettext('Destroy') ], cephcreatepool: ['Ceph Pool', gettext('Create') ], cephdestroypool: ['Ceph Pool', gettext('Destroy') ], cephfscreate: ['CephFS', gettext('Create') ], cephcreatemds: ['Ceph Metadata Server', gettext('Create') ], cephdestroymds: ['Ceph Metadata Server', gettext('Destroy') ], imgcopy: ['', gettext('Copy data') ], imgdel: ['', gettext('Erase data') ], unknownimgdel: ['', gettext('Destroy image from unknown guest') ], download: ['', gettext('Download') ], vzdump: ['VM/CT', gettext('Backup') ], aptupdate: ['', gettext('Update package database') ], startall: [ '', gettext('Start all VMs and Containers') ], stopall: [ '', gettext('Stop all VMs and Containers') ], migrateall: [ '', gettext('Migrate all VMs and Containers') ], dircreate: [ gettext('Directory Storage'), gettext('Create') ], lvmcreate: [ gettext('LVM Storage'), gettext('Create') ], lvmthincreate: [ gettext('LVM-Thin Storage'), gettext('Create') ], zfscreate: [ gettext('ZFS Storage'), gettext('Create') ] }, format_task_description: function(type, id) { var farray = Proxmox.Utils.task_desc_table[type]; var text; if (!farray) { text = type; if (id) { type += ' ' + id; } return text; } var prefix = farray[0]; text = farray[1]; if (prefix) { return prefix + ' ' + id + ' - ' + text; } return text; }, format_size: function(size) { /*jslint confusion: true */ var units = ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi']; var num = 0; while (size >= 1024 && ((num++)+1) < units.length) { size = size / 1024; } return size.toFixed((num > 0)?2:0) + " " + units[num] + "B"; }, render_upid: function(value, metaData, record) { var type = record.data.type; var id = record.data.id; return Proxmox.Utils.format_task_description(type, id); }, render_uptime: function(value) { var uptime = value; if (uptime === undefined) { return ''; } if (uptime <= 0) { return '-'; } return Proxmox.Utils.format_duration_long(uptime); }, parse_task_upid: function(upid) { var task = {}; var res = upid.match(/^UPID:(\S+):([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}):([0-9A-Fa-f]{8,9}):([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}):([^:\s]+):([^:\s]*):([^:\s]+):$/); if (!res) { throw "unable to parse upid '" + upid + "'"; } task.node = res[1]; task.pid = parseInt(res[2], 16); task.pstart = parseInt(res[3], 16); task.starttime = parseInt(res[4], 16); task.type = res[5]; task.id = res[6]; task.user = res[7]; task.desc = Proxmox.Utils.format_task_description(task.type, task.id); return task; }, render_timestamp: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) { var servertime = new Date(value * 1000); return Ext.Date.format(servertime, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); }, openXtermJsViewer: function(vmtype, vmid, nodename, vmname, cmd) { var url = Ext.Object.toQueryString({ console: vmtype, // kvm, lxc, upgrade or shell xtermjs: 1, vmid: vmid, vmname: vmname, node: nodename, cmd: cmd, }); var nw = window.open("?" + url, '_blank', 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=800,height=420'); if (nw) { nw.focus(); } } }, singleton: true, constructor: function() { var me = this; Ext.apply(me, me.utilities); var IPV4_OCTET = "(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9])"; var IPV4_REGEXP = "(?:(?:" + IPV4_OCTET + "\\.){3}" + IPV4_OCTET + ")"; var IPV6_H16 = "(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})"; var IPV6_LS32 = "(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":" + IPV6_H16 + ")|" + IPV4_REGEXP + ")"; var IPV4_CIDR_MASK = "([0-9]{1,2})"; var IPV6_CIDR_MASK = "([0-9]{1,3})"; me.IP4_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV4_REGEXP + ")$"); me.IP4_cidr_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV4_REGEXP + ")\/" + IPV4_CIDR_MASK + "$"); var IPV6_REGEXP = "(?:" + "(?:(?:" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){6})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" + "(?:(?:" + "::" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){5})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" + "(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){4})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" + "(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,1}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){3})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" + "(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,2}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){2})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" + "(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,3}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){1})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" + "(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,4}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + ")" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" + "(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,5}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + ")" + IPV6_H16 + ")|" + "(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,7}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + ")" + ")" + ")"; me.IP6_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV6_REGEXP + ")$"); me.IP6_cidr_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV6_REGEXP + ")\/" + IPV6_CIDR_MASK + "$"); me.IP6_bracket_match = new RegExp("^\\[(" + IPV6_REGEXP + ")\\]"); me.IP64_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV6_REGEXP + "|" + IPV4_REGEXP + ")$"); me.IP64_cidr_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV6_REGEXP + "\/" + IPV6_CIDR_MASK + ")|(?:" + IPV4_REGEXP + "\/" + IPV4_CIDR_MASK + ")$"); var DnsName_REGEXP = "(?:(([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?)\\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]([A-Za-z0-9\\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?))"; me.DnsName_match = new RegExp("^" + DnsName_REGEXP + "$"); me.HostPort_match = new RegExp("^(" + IPV4_REGEXP + "|" + DnsName_REGEXP + ")(:\\d+)?$"); me.HostPortBrackets_match = new RegExp("^\\[(?:" + IPV6_REGEXP + "|" + IPV4_REGEXP + "|" + DnsName_REGEXP + ")\\](:\\d+)?$"); me.IP6_dotnotation_match = new RegExp("^" + IPV6_REGEXP + "(\\.\\d+)?$"); } });