this should not be here, rather where we include the language files (like in pve), because this is not ecma conform and behaves very different in different browsers (e.g. safari ignores the if check completely and simply uses that function definition) Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
611 lines
18 KiB
611 lines
18 KiB
if (!Ext.isDefined(Proxmox.Setup.auth_cookie_name)) {
throw "Proxmox library not initialized";
// avoid errors related to Accessible Rich Internet Applications
// (access for people with disabilities)
// TODO reenable after all components are upgraded
Ext.enableAria = false;
Ext.enableAriaButtons = false;
Ext.enableAriaPanels = false;
// avoid errors when running without development tools
if (!Ext.isDefined( {
var console = {
dir: function() {},
log: function() {}
Ext.Ajax.defaultHeaders = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
Ext.Ajax.on('beforerequest', function(conn, options) {
if (Proxmox.CSRFPreventionToken) {
if (!options.headers) {
options.headers = {};
options.headers.CSRFPreventionToken = Proxmox.CSRFPreventionToken;
Ext.define('Proxmox.Utils', { utilities: {
// this singleton contains miscellaneous utilities
yesText: gettext('Yes'),
noText: gettext('No'),
enabledText: gettext('Enabled'),
disabledText: gettext('Disabled'),
noneText: gettext('none'),
errorText: gettext('Error'),
unknownText: gettext('Unknown'),
defaultText: gettext('Default'),
daysText: gettext('days'),
dayText: gettext('day'),
runningText: gettext('running'),
stoppedText: gettext('stopped'),
neverText: gettext('never'),
totalText: gettext('Total'),
usedText: gettext('Used'),
directoryText: gettext('Directory'),
stateText: gettext('State'),
groupText: gettext('Group'),
language_map: {
zh_CN: 'Chinese',
ca: 'Catalan',
da: 'Danish',
en: 'English',
eu: 'Euskera (Basque)',
fr: 'French',
de: 'German',
it: 'Italian',
es: 'Spanish',
ja: 'Japanese',
nb: 'Norwegian (Bokmal)',
nn: 'Norwegian (Nynorsk)',
fa: 'Persian (Farsi)',
pl: 'Polish',
pt_BR: 'Portuguese (Brazil)',
ru: 'Russian',
sl: 'Slovenian',
sv: 'Swedish',
tr: 'Turkish'
render_language: function (value) {
if (!value) {
return Proxmox.Utils.defaultText + ' (English)';
var text = Proxmox.Utils.language_map[value];
if (text) {
return text + ' (' + value + ')';
return value;
language_array: function() {
var data = [['__default__', Proxmox.Utils.render_language('')]];
Ext.Object.each(Proxmox.Utils.language_map, function(key, value) {
data.push([key, Proxmox.Utils.render_language(value)]);
return data;
getNoSubKeyHtml: function(url) {
// url
return Ext.String.format('You do not have a valid subscription for this server. Please visit <a target="_blank" href="{0}"></a> to get a list of available options.', url || '');
format_boolean_with_default: function(value) {
if (Ext.isDefined(value) && value !== '__default__') {
return value ? Proxmox.Utils.yesText : Proxmox.Utils.noText;
return Proxmox.Utils.defaultText;
format_boolean: function(value) {
return value ? Proxmox.Utils.yesText : Proxmox.Utils.noText;
format_neg_boolean: function(value) {
return !value ? Proxmox.Utils.yesText : Proxmox.Utils.noText;
format_enabled_toggle: function(value) {
return value ? Proxmox.Utils.enabledText : Proxmox.Utils.disabledText;
format_expire: function(date) {
if (!date) {
return Proxmox.Utils.neverText;
return Ext.Date.format(date, "Y-m-d");
format_duration_long: function(ut) {
var days = Math.floor(ut / 86400);
ut -= days*86400;
var hours = Math.floor(ut / 3600);
ut -= hours*3600;
var mins = Math.floor(ut / 60);
ut -= mins*60;
var hours_str = '00' + hours.toString();
hours_str = hours_str.substr(hours_str.length - 2);
var mins_str = "00" + mins.toString();
mins_str = mins_str.substr(mins_str.length - 2);
var ut_str = "00" + ut.toString();
ut_str = ut_str.substr(ut_str.length - 2);
if (days) {
var ds = days > 1 ? Proxmox.Utils.daysText : Proxmox.Utils.dayText;
return days.toString() + ' ' + ds + ' ' +
hours_str + ':' + mins_str + ':' + ut_str;
} else {
return hours_str + ':' + mins_str + ':' + ut_str;
format_subscription_level: function(level) {
if (level === 'c') {
return 'Community';
} else if (level === 'b') {
return 'Basic';
} else if (level === 's') {
return 'Standard';
} else if (level === 'p') {
return 'Premium';
} else {
return Proxmox.Utils.noneText;
compute_min_label_width: function(text, width) {
if (width === undefined) { width = 100; }
var tm = new Ext.util.TextMetrics();
var min = tm.getWidth(text + ':');
return min < width ? width : min;
authOK: function() {
return (Proxmox.UserName !== '') && Ext.util.Cookies.get(Proxmox.Setup.auth_cookie_name);
authClear: function() {
// comp.setLoading() is buggy in ExtJS 4.0.7, so we
// use el.mask() instead
setErrorMask: function(comp, msg) {
var el = comp.el;
if (!el) {
if (!msg) {
} else {
if (msg === true) {
} else {
monStoreErrors: function(me, store, clearMaskBeforeLoad) {
if (clearMaskBeforeLoad) {
me.mon(store, 'beforeload', function(s, operation, eOpts) {
Proxmox.Utils.setErrorMask(me, false);
} else {
me.mon(store, 'beforeload', function(s, operation, eOpts) {
if (!me.loadCount) {
me.loadCount = 0; // make sure it is numeric
Proxmox.Utils.setErrorMask(me, true);
// only works with 'proxmox' proxy
me.mon(store.proxy, 'afterload', function(proxy, request, success) {
if (success) {
Proxmox.Utils.setErrorMask(me, false);
var msg;
/*jslint nomen: true */
var operation = request._operation;
var error = operation.getError();
if (error.statusText) {
msg = error.statusText + ' (' + error.status + ')';
} else {
msg = gettext('Connection error');
Proxmox.Utils.setErrorMask(me, msg);
extractRequestError: function(result, verbose) {
var msg = gettext('Successful');
if (!result.success) {
msg = gettext("Unknown error");
if (result.message) {
msg = result.message;
if (result.status) {
msg += ' (' + result.status + ')';
if (verbose && Ext.isObject(result.errors)) {
msg += "<br>";
Ext.Object.each(result.errors, function(prop, desc) {
msg += "<br><b>" + Ext.htmlEncode(prop) + "</b>: " +
return msg;
// Ext.Ajax.request
API2Request: function(reqOpts) {
var newopts = Ext.apply({
waitMsg: gettext('Please wait...')
}, reqOpts);
if (!newopts.url.match(/^\/api2/)) {
newopts.url = '/api2/extjs' + newopts.url;
delete newopts.callback;
var createWrapper = function(successFn, callbackFn, failureFn) {
Ext.apply(newopts, {
success: function(response, options) {
if (options.waitMsgTarget) {
if (Proxmox.Utils.toolkit === 'touch') {
} else {
var result = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
response.result = result;
if (!result.success) {
response.htmlStatus = Proxmox.Utils.extractRequestError(result, true);
Ext.callback(callbackFn, options.scope, [options, false, response]);
Ext.callback(failureFn, options.scope, [response, options]);
Ext.callback(callbackFn, options.scope, [options, true, response]);
Ext.callback(successFn, options.scope, [response, options]);
failure: function(response, options) {
if (options.waitMsgTarget) {
if (Proxmox.Utils.toolkit === 'touch') {
} else {
response.result = {};
try {
response.result = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
} catch(e) {}
var msg = gettext('Connection error') + ' - server offline?';
if (response.aborted) {
msg = gettext('Connection error') + ' - aborted.';
} else if (response.timedout) {
msg = gettext('Connection error') + ' - Timeout.';
} else if (response.status && response.statusText) {
msg = gettext('Connection error') + ' ' + response.status + ': ' + response.statusText;
response.htmlStatus = msg;
Ext.callback(callbackFn, options.scope, [options, false, response]);
Ext.callback(failureFn, options.scope, [response, options]);
createWrapper(reqOpts.success, reqOpts.callback, reqOpts.failure);
var target = newopts.waitMsgTarget;
if (target) {
if (Proxmox.Utils.toolkit === 'touch') {
target.setMasked({ xtype: 'loadmask', message: newopts.waitMsg} );
} else {
// Note: ExtJS bug - this does not work when component is not rendered
checked_command: function(orig_cmd) {
url: '/nodes/localhost/subscription',
method: 'GET',
//waitMsgTarget: me,
failure: function(response, opts) {
Ext.Msg.alert(gettext('Error'), response.htmlStatus);
success: function(response, opts) {
var data =;
if (data.status !== 'Active') {
title: gettext('No valid subscription'),
icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING,
msg: Proxmox.Utils.getNoSubKeyHtml(data.url),
buttons: Ext.Msg.OK,
callback: function(btn) {
if (btn !== 'ok') {
} else {
assemble_field_data: function(values, data) {
if (Ext.isObject(data)) {
Ext.Object.each(data, function(name, val) {
if (values.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var bucket = values[name];
if (!Ext.isArray(bucket)) {
bucket = values[name] = [bucket];
if (Ext.isArray(val)) {
values[name] = bucket.concat(val);
} else {
} else {
values[name] = val;
dialog_title: function(subject, create, isAdd) {
if (create) {
if (isAdd) {
return gettext('Add') + ': ' + subject;
} else {
return gettext('Create') + ': ' + subject;
} else {
return gettext('Edit') + ': ' + subject;
network_iface_types: {
eth: gettext("Network Device"),
bridge: 'Linux Bridge',
bond: 'Linux Bond',
OVSBridge: 'OVS Bridge',
OVSBond: 'OVS Bond',
OVSPort: 'OVS Port',
OVSIntPort: 'OVS IntPort'
render_network_iface_type: function(value) {
return Proxmox.Utils.network_iface_types[value] ||
task_desc_table: {
diskinit: [ 'Disk', gettext('Initialize Disk with GPT') ],
vncproxy: [ 'VM/CT', gettext('Console') ],
spiceproxy: [ 'VM/CT', gettext('Console') + ' (Spice)' ],
vncshell: [ '', gettext('Shell') ],
spiceshell: [ '', gettext('Shell') + ' (Spice)' ],
qmsnapshot: [ 'VM', gettext('Snapshot') ],
qmrollback: [ 'VM', gettext('Rollback') ],
qmdelsnapshot: [ 'VM', gettext('Delete Snapshot') ],
qmcreate: [ 'VM', gettext('Create') ],
qmrestore: [ 'VM', gettext('Restore') ],
qmdestroy: [ 'VM', gettext('Destroy') ],
qmigrate: [ 'VM', gettext('Migrate') ],
qmclone: [ 'VM', gettext('Clone') ],
qmmove: [ 'VM', gettext('Move disk') ],
qmtemplate: [ 'VM', gettext('Convert to template') ],
qmstart: [ 'VM', gettext('Start') ],
qmstop: [ 'VM', gettext('Stop') ],
qmreset: [ 'VM', gettext('Reset') ],
qmshutdown: [ 'VM', gettext('Shutdown') ],
qmsuspend: [ 'VM', gettext('Suspend') ],
qmresume: [ 'VM', gettext('Resume') ],
qmconfig: [ 'VM', gettext('Configure') ],
vzsnapshot: [ 'CT', gettext('Snapshot') ],
vzrollback: [ 'CT', gettext('Rollback') ],
vzdelsnapshot: [ 'CT', gettext('Delete Snapshot') ],
vzcreate: ['CT', gettext('Create') ],
vzrestore: ['CT', gettext('Restore') ],
vzdestroy: ['CT', gettext('Destroy') ],
vzmigrate: [ 'CT', gettext('Migrate') ],
vzclone: [ 'CT', gettext('Clone') ],
vztemplate: [ 'CT', gettext('Convert to template') ],
vzstart: ['CT', gettext('Start') ],
vzstop: ['CT', gettext('Stop') ],
vzmount: ['CT', gettext('Mount') ],
vzumount: ['CT', gettext('Unmount') ],
vzshutdown: ['CT', gettext('Shutdown') ],
vzsuspend: [ 'CT', gettext('Suspend') ],
vzresume: [ 'CT', gettext('Resume') ],
hamigrate: [ 'HA', gettext('Migrate') ],
hastart: [ 'HA', gettext('Start') ],
hastop: [ 'HA', gettext('Stop') ],
srvstart: ['SRV', gettext('Start') ],
srvstop: ['SRV', gettext('Stop') ],
srvrestart: ['SRV', gettext('Restart') ],
srvreload: ['SRV', gettext('Reload') ],
cephcreatemon: ['Ceph Monitor', gettext('Create') ],
cephdestroymon: ['Ceph Monitor', gettext('Destroy') ],
cephcreateosd: ['Ceph OSD', gettext('Create') ],
cephdestroyosd: ['Ceph OSD', gettext('Destroy') ],
cephcreatepool: ['Ceph Pool', gettext('Create') ],
cephdestroypool: ['Ceph Pool', gettext('Destroy') ],
imgcopy: ['', gettext('Copy data') ],
imgdel: ['', gettext('Erase data') ],
download: ['', gettext('Download') ],
vzdump: ['', gettext('Backup') ],
aptupdate: ['', gettext('Update package database') ],
startall: [ '', gettext('Start all VMs and Containers') ],
stopall: [ '', gettext('Stop all VMs and Containers') ],
migrateall: [ '', gettext('Migrate all VMs and Containers') ]
format_task_description: function(type, id) {
var farray = Proxmox.Utils.task_desc_table[type];
if (!farray) {
var text = type;
if (id) {
type += ' ' + id;
return text;
var prefix = farray[0];
var text = farray[1];
if (prefix) {
return prefix + ' ' + id + ' - ' + text;
return text;
format_size: function(size) {
/*jslint confusion: true */
var units = ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi'];
var num = 0;
while (size >= 1024 && ((num++)+1) < units.length) {
size = size / 1024;
return size.toFixed((num > 0)?2:0) + " " + units[num] + "B";
render_upid: function(value, metaData, record) {
var type =;
var id =;
return Proxmox.Utils.format_task_description(type, id);
render_uptime: function(value) {
var uptime = value;
if (uptime === undefined) {
return '';
if (uptime <= 0) {
return '-';
return Proxmox.Utils.format_duration_long(uptime);
parse_task_upid: function(upid) {
var task = {};
var res = upid.match(/^UPID:(\S+):([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}):([0-9A-Fa-f]{8,9}):([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}):([^:\s]+):([^:\s]*):([^:\s]+):$/);
if (!res) {
throw "unable to parse upid '" + upid + "'";
task.node = res[1];
| = parseInt(res[2], 16);
task.pstart = parseInt(res[3], 16);
task.starttime = parseInt(res[4], 16);
task.type = res[5];
| = res[6];
task.user = res[7];
task.desc = Proxmox.Utils.format_task_description(task.type,;
return task;
render_timestamp: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
var servertime = new Date(value * 1000);
return Ext.Date.format(servertime, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
openXtermJsViewer: function(vmtype, vmid, nodename, vmname) {
var url = Ext.urlEncode({
console: vmtype, // kvm, lxc, upgrade or shell
xtermjs: 1,
vmid: vmid,
vmname: vmname,
node: nodename
var nw ="?" + url, '_blank', 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=800,height=420');
singleton: true,
constructor: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.apply(me, me.utilities);
var IPV4_OCTET = "(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9])";
var IPV4_REGEXP = "(?:(?:" + IPV4_OCTET + "\\.){3}" + IPV4_OCTET + ")";
var IPV6_H16 = "(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})";
var IPV6_LS32 = "(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":" + IPV6_H16 + ")|" + IPV4_REGEXP + ")";
me.IP4_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV4_REGEXP + ")$");
me.IP4_cidr_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV4_REGEXP + ")\/([0-9]{1,2})$");
var IPV6_REGEXP = "(?:" +
"(?:(?:" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){6})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" +
"(?:(?:" + "::" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){5})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" +
"(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){4})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" +
"(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,1}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){3})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" +
"(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,2}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){2})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" +
"(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,3}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + "(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){1})" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" +
"(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,4}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + ")" + IPV6_LS32 + ")|" +
"(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,5}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + ")" + IPV6_H16 + ")|" +
"(?:(?:(?:(?:" + IPV6_H16 + ":){0,7}" + IPV6_H16 + ")?::" + ")" + ")" +
me.IP6_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV6_REGEXP + ")$");
me.IP6_cidr_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV6_REGEXP + ")\/([0-9]{1,3})$");
me.IP6_bracket_match = new RegExp("^\\[(" + IPV6_REGEXP + ")\\]");
me.IP64_match = new RegExp("^(?:" + IPV6_REGEXP + "|" + IPV4_REGEXP + ")$");
var DnsName_REGEXP = "(?:(([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?)\\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]([A-Za-z0-9\\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?))";
me.DnsName_match = new RegExp("^" + DnsName_REGEXP + "$");
me.HostPort_match = new RegExp("^(" + IPV4_REGEXP + "|" + DnsName_REGEXP + ")(:\\d+)?$");
me.HostPortBrackets_match = new RegExp("^\\[(?:" + IPV6_REGEXP + "|" + IPV4_REGEXP + "|" + DnsName_REGEXP + ")\\](:\\d+)?$");
me.IP6_dotnotation_match = new RegExp("^" + IPV6_REGEXP + "(\\.\\d+)?$");