api-macro: move method handling to api/method.rs
We may want to add the ability to declare a Schema for structs, so factorize function handling into its own file. Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <w.bumiller@proxmox.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate proc_macro2;
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use std::mem;
use failure::Error;
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
use quote::quote;
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Parser};
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::Ident;
use syn::{parenthesized, Token};
use crate::util::{JSONObject, JSONValue, SimpleIdent};
mod method;
/// The main `Schema` type.
/// We have 2 fixed keys: `type` and `description`. The remaining keys depend on the `type`.
@ -261,399 +257,12 @@ impl SchemaArray {
/// We get macro attributes like `#[input(THIS)]` with the parenthesis around `THIS` included.
struct Parenthesized<T: Parse> {
pub token: syn::token::Paren,
pub content: T,
impl<T: Parse> Parse for Parenthesized<T> {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let content;
Ok(Self {
token: parenthesized!(content in input),
content: content.parse()?,
/// We get macro attributes like `#[doc = "TEXT"]` with the `=` included.
struct BareAssignment<T: Parse> {
pub token: Token![=],
pub content: T,
impl<T: Parse> Parse for BareAssignment<T> {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
token: input.parse()?,
content: input.parse()?,
/// Parse `#[input()]`, `#[returns()]` and `#[protected]` attributes out of an function annotated
/// Parse `input`, `returns` and `protected` attributes out of an function annotated
/// with an `#[api]` attribute and produce a `const ApiMethod` named after the function.
/// See the top level macro documentation for a complete example.
pub(crate) fn api(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
let mut attribs = JSONObject::parse_inner.parse2(attr)?;
let mut func: syn::ItemFn = syn::parse2(item)?;
let attribs = JSONObject::parse_inner.parse2(attr)?;
let mut input_schema: Schema = attribs
.into_object("input schema definition")?
let mut returns_schema: Schema = attribs
.into_object("return schema definition")?
let protected: bool = attribs
api_function_attributes(&mut input_schema, &mut returns_schema, &mut func.attrs)?;
let mut wrapper_ts = TokenStream::new();
let api_func_name = handle_function_signature(
&mut input_schema,
&mut returns_schema,
&mut func,
&mut wrapper_ts,
let input_schema = {
let mut ts = TokenStream::new();
input_schema.to_schema(&mut ts)?;
let returns_schema = {
let mut ts = TokenStream::new();
returns_schema.to_schema(&mut ts)?;
let vis = &func.vis;
let func_name = &func.sig.ident;
let api_method_name = Ident::new(
&format!("API_METHOD_{}", func_name.to_string().to_uppercase()),
Ok(quote_spanned! { func.sig.span() =>
#vis const #api_method_name: ::proxmox::api::ApiMethod =
.returns(& #returns_schema .schema())
fn api_function_attributes(
input_schema: &mut Schema,
returns_schema: &mut Schema,
attrs: &mut Vec<syn::Attribute>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut doc_comment = String::new();
let doc_span = Span::call_site(); // FIXME: set to first doc comment
for attr in mem::replace(attrs, Vec::new()) {
// don't mess with #![...]
if let syn::AttrStyle::Inner(_) = &attr.style {
if attr.path.is_ident("doc") {
let doc: BareAssignment<syn::LitStr> = syn::parse2(attr.tokens.clone())?;
if !doc_comment.is_empty() {
} else {
derive_descriptions(input_schema, returns_schema, &doc_comment, doc_span)
fn derive_descriptions(
input_schema: &mut Schema,
returns_schema: &mut Schema,
doc_comment: &str,
doc_span: Span,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// If we have a doc comment, allow automatically inferring the description for the input and
// output objects:
if doc_comment.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let mut parts = doc_comment.split("\nReturns:");
if let Some(first) = parts.next() {
if input_schema.description.is_none() {
input_schema.description = Some(syn::LitStr::new(first.trim(), doc_span));
if let Some(second) = parts.next() {
if returns_schema.description.is_none() {
returns_schema.description = Some(syn::LitStr::new(second.trim(), doc_span));
if parts.next().is_some() {
"multiple 'Returns:' sections found in doc comment!"
enum ParameterType<'a> {
Other(&'a syn::Type, bool, &'a Schema),
fn handle_function_signature(
input_schema: &mut Schema,
returns_schema: &mut Schema,
func: &mut syn::ItemFn,
wrapper_ts: &mut TokenStream,
) -> Result<Ident, Error> {
let sig = &func.sig;
if sig.asyncness.is_some() {
bail!(sig => "async fn is currently not supported");
let mut api_method_param = None;
let mut rpc_env_param = None;
let mut value_param = None;
let mut param_list = Vec::<(SimpleIdent, ParameterType)>::new();
for input in sig.inputs.iter() {
// `self` types are not supported:
let pat_type = match input {
syn::FnArg::Receiver(r) => bail!(r => "methods taking a 'self' are not supported"),
syn::FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => pat_type,
// Normally function parameters are simple Ident patterns. Anything else is an error.
let pat = match &*pat_type.pat {
syn::Pat::Ident(pat) => pat,
_ => bail!(pat_type => "unsupported parameter type"),
// Here's the deal: we need to distinguish between parameters we need to extract before
// calling the function, a general "Value" parameter covering all the remaining json
// values, and our 2 fixed function parameters: `&ApiMethod` and `&mut dyn RpcEnvironment`.
// Our strategy is as follows:
// 1) See if the parameter name also appears in the input schema. In this case we
// assume that we want the parameter to be extracted from the `Value` and passed
// directly to the function.
// 2) Check the parameter type for `&ApiMethod` and remember its position (since we may
// need to reorder it!)
// 3) Check the parameter type for `&dyn RpcEnvironment` and remember its position
// (since we may need to reorder it!).
// 4) Check for a `Value` or `serde_json::Value` parameter. This becomes the
// "catch-all" parameter and only 1 may exist.
// Note that we may still use further `Value` parameters if they have been
// explicitly named in the `input_schema`. However, only 1 unnamed `Value` parameter
// is allowed.
// If no such parameter exists, we automatically fail the function if the `Value` is
// not empty after extracting the parameters.
// 5) Finally, if none of the above conditions are met, we do not know what to do and
// bail out with an error.
let param_type = if let Some((optional, schema)) =
// Found an explicit parameter: extract it:
ParameterType::Other(&pat_type.ty, optional, schema)
} else if is_api_method_type(&pat_type.ty) {
if api_method_param.is_some() {
bail!(pat_type => "multiple ApiMethod parameters found");
api_method_param = Some(param_list.len());
} else if is_rpc_env_type(&pat_type.ty) {
if rpc_env_param.is_some() {
bail!(pat_type => "multiple RpcEnvironment parameters found");
rpc_env_param = Some(param_list.len());
} else if is_value_type(&pat_type.ty) {
if value_param.is_some() {
bail!(pat_type => "multiple additional Value parameters found");
value_param = Some(param_list.len());
} else {
bail!(&pat.ident => "unexpected parameter");
param_list.push((pat.ident.clone().into(), param_type));
* Doing this is actually unreliable, since we cannot support aliased Result types, or all
* poassible combinations of paths like `result::Result<>` or `std::result::Result<>` or
* `ApiResult`.
// Secondly, take a look at the return type, and then decide what to do:
// If our function has the correct signature we may not even need a wrapper.
if is_default_return_type(&sig.output)
&& (
) == (3, Some(0), Some(1), Some(2))
return Ok(sig.ident.clone());
create_wrapper_function(input_schema, returns_schema, param_list, func, wrapper_ts)
fn is_api_method_type(ty: &syn::Type) -> bool {
if let syn::Type::Reference(r) = ty {
if let syn::Type::Path(p) = &*r.elem {
if p.qself.is_some() {
return false;
if let Some(ps) = p.path.segments.last() {
return ps.ident == "ApiMethod";
fn is_rpc_env_type(ty: &syn::Type) -> bool {
if let syn::Type::Reference(r) = ty {
if let syn::Type::TraitObject(t) = &*r.elem {
if let Some(syn::TypeParamBound::Trait(b)) = t.bounds.first() {
if let Some(ps) = b.path.segments.last() {
return ps.ident == "RpcEnvironment";
/// Note that we cannot handle renamed imports at all here...
fn is_value_type(ty: &syn::Type) -> bool {
if let syn::Type::Path(p) = ty {
if p.qself.is_some() {
return false;
let segs = &p.path.segments;
match segs.len() {
1 => return segs.last().unwrap().ident == "Value",
2 => {
return segs.first().unwrap().ident == "serde_json"
&& segs.last().unwrap().ident == "Value"
_ => return false,
fn create_wrapper_function(
_input_schema: &Schema,
_returns_schema: &Schema,
param_list: Vec<(SimpleIdent, ParameterType)>,
func: &syn::ItemFn,
wrapper_ts: &mut TokenStream,
) -> Result<Ident, Error> {
let api_func_name = Ident::new(
&format!("api_function_{}", &func.sig.ident),
let mut body = TokenStream::new();
let mut args = TokenStream::new();
for (name, param) in param_list {
let span = name.span();
match param {
ParameterType::Value => args.extend(quote_spanned! { span => input_params, }),
ParameterType::ApiMethod => args.extend(quote_spanned! { span => api_method_param, }),
ParameterType::RpcEnv => args.extend(quote_spanned! { span => rpc_env_param, }),
ParameterType::Other(_ty, optional, _schema) => {
let name_str = syn::LitStr::new(&name.to_string(), span);
let arg_name = Ident::new(&format!("input_arg_{}", name), span);
// Optional parameters are expected to be Option<> types in the real function
// signature, so we can just keep the returned Option from `input_map.remove()`.
body.extend(quote_spanned! { span =>
let #arg_name = input_map
if !optional {
// Non-optional types need to be extracted out of the option though:
// Whether the parameter is optional should have been verified by the schema
// verifier already, so here we just use failure::bail! instead of building a
// proper http error!
body.extend(quote_spanned! { span =>
.ok_or_else(|| ::failure::format_err!(
"missing non-optional parameter: {}",
body.extend(quote_spanned! { span => ; });
args.extend(quote_spanned! { span => #arg_name, });
// build the wrapping function:
let func_name = &func.sig.ident;
wrapper_ts.extend(quote! {
fn #api_func_name(
mut input_params: ::serde_json::Value,
api_method_param: &::proxmox::api::ApiMethod,
rpc_env_param: &mut dyn ::proxmox::api::RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<::serde_json::Value, ::failure::Error> {
if let ::serde_json::Value::Object(ref mut input_map) = &mut input_params {
} else {
::failure::bail!("api function wrapper called with a non-object json value");
return Ok(api_func_name);
method::handle_method(attribs, item)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use std::mem;
use failure::Error;
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::Ident;
use super::Schema;
use crate::util::{BareAssignment, JSONObject, SimpleIdent};
/// Parse `input`, `returns` and `protected` attributes out of an function annotated
/// with an `#[api]` attribute and produce a `const ApiMethod` named after the function.
/// See the top level macro documentation for a complete example.
pub fn handle_method(mut attribs: JSONObject, item: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
let mut func: syn::ItemFn = syn::parse2(item)?;
let mut input_schema: Schema = attribs
.into_object("input schema definition")?
let mut returns_schema: Schema = attribs
.into_object("return schema definition")?
let protected: bool = attribs
api_function_attributes(&mut input_schema, &mut returns_schema, &mut func.attrs)?;
let mut wrapper_ts = TokenStream::new();
let api_func_name = handle_function_signature(
&mut input_schema,
&mut returns_schema,
&mut func,
&mut wrapper_ts,
let input_schema = {
let mut ts = TokenStream::new();
input_schema.to_schema(&mut ts)?;
let returns_schema = {
let mut ts = TokenStream::new();
returns_schema.to_schema(&mut ts)?;
let vis = &func.vis;
let func_name = &func.sig.ident;
let api_method_name = Ident::new(
&format!("API_METHOD_{}", func_name.to_string().to_uppercase()),
Ok(quote_spanned! { func.sig.span() =>
#vis const #api_method_name: ::proxmox::api::ApiMethod =
.returns(& #returns_schema .schema())
fn api_function_attributes(
input_schema: &mut Schema,
returns_schema: &mut Schema,
attrs: &mut Vec<syn::Attribute>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut doc_comment = String::new();
let doc_span = Span::call_site(); // FIXME: set to first doc comment
for attr in mem::replace(attrs, Vec::new()) {
// don't mess with #![...]
if let syn::AttrStyle::Inner(_) = &attr.style {
if attr.path.is_ident("doc") {
let doc: BareAssignment<syn::LitStr> = syn::parse2(attr.tokens.clone())?;
if !doc_comment.is_empty() {
} else {
derive_descriptions(input_schema, returns_schema, &doc_comment, doc_span)
fn derive_descriptions(
input_schema: &mut Schema,
returns_schema: &mut Schema,
doc_comment: &str,
doc_span: Span,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// If we have a doc comment, allow automatically inferring the description for the input and
// output objects:
if doc_comment.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let mut parts = doc_comment.split("\nReturns:");
if let Some(first) = parts.next() {
if input_schema.description.is_none() {
input_schema.description = Some(syn::LitStr::new(first.trim(), doc_span));
if let Some(second) = parts.next() {
if returns_schema.description.is_none() {
returns_schema.description = Some(syn::LitStr::new(second.trim(), doc_span));
if parts.next().is_some() {
"multiple 'Returns:' sections found in doc comment!"
enum ParameterType<'a> {
Other(&'a syn::Type, bool, &'a Schema),
fn handle_function_signature(
input_schema: &mut Schema,
returns_schema: &mut Schema,
func: &mut syn::ItemFn,
wrapper_ts: &mut TokenStream,
) -> Result<Ident, Error> {
let sig = &func.sig;
if sig.asyncness.is_some() {
bail!(sig => "async fn is currently not supported");
let mut api_method_param = None;
let mut rpc_env_param = None;
let mut value_param = None;
let mut param_list = Vec::<(SimpleIdent, ParameterType)>::new();
for input in sig.inputs.iter() {
// `self` types are not supported:
let pat_type = match input {
syn::FnArg::Receiver(r) => bail!(r => "methods taking a 'self' are not supported"),
syn::FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => pat_type,
// Normally function parameters are simple Ident patterns. Anything else is an error.
let pat = match &*pat_type.pat {
syn::Pat::Ident(pat) => pat,
_ => bail!(pat_type => "unsupported parameter type"),
// Here's the deal: we need to distinguish between parameters we need to extract before
// calling the function, a general "Value" parameter covering all the remaining json
// values, and our 2 fixed function parameters: `&ApiMethod` and `&mut dyn RpcEnvironment`.
// Our strategy is as follows:
// 1) See if the parameter name also appears in the input schema. In this case we
// assume that we want the parameter to be extracted from the `Value` and passed
// directly to the function.
// 2) Check the parameter type for `&ApiMethod` and remember its position (since we may
// need to reorder it!)
// 3) Check the parameter type for `&dyn RpcEnvironment` and remember its position
// (since we may need to reorder it!).
// 4) Check for a `Value` or `serde_json::Value` parameter. This becomes the
// "catch-all" parameter and only 1 may exist.
// Note that we may still use further `Value` parameters if they have been
// explicitly named in the `input_schema`. However, only 1 unnamed `Value` parameter
// is allowed.
// If no such parameter exists, we automatically fail the function if the `Value` is
// not empty after extracting the parameters.
// 5) Finally, if none of the above conditions are met, we do not know what to do and
// bail out with an error.
let param_type = if let Some((optional, schema)) =
// Found an explicit parameter: extract it:
ParameterType::Other(&pat_type.ty, optional, schema)
} else if is_api_method_type(&pat_type.ty) {
if api_method_param.is_some() {
bail!(pat_type => "multiple ApiMethod parameters found");
api_method_param = Some(param_list.len());
} else if is_rpc_env_type(&pat_type.ty) {
if rpc_env_param.is_some() {
bail!(pat_type => "multiple RpcEnvironment parameters found");
rpc_env_param = Some(param_list.len());
} else if is_value_type(&pat_type.ty) {
if value_param.is_some() {
bail!(pat_type => "multiple additional Value parameters found");
value_param = Some(param_list.len());
} else {
bail!(&pat.ident => "unexpected parameter");
param_list.push((pat.ident.clone().into(), param_type));
* Doing this is actually unreliable, since we cannot support aliased Result types, or all
* poassible combinations of paths like `result::Result<>` or `std::result::Result<>` or
* `ApiResult`.
// Secondly, take a look at the return type, and then decide what to do:
// If our function has the correct signature we may not even need a wrapper.
if is_default_return_type(&sig.output)
&& (
) == (3, Some(0), Some(1), Some(2))
return Ok(sig.ident.clone());
create_wrapper_function(input_schema, returns_schema, param_list, func, wrapper_ts)
fn is_api_method_type(ty: &syn::Type) -> bool {
if let syn::Type::Reference(r) = ty {
if let syn::Type::Path(p) = &*r.elem {
if p.qself.is_some() {
return false;
if let Some(ps) = p.path.segments.last() {
return ps.ident == "ApiMethod";
fn is_rpc_env_type(ty: &syn::Type) -> bool {
if let syn::Type::Reference(r) = ty {
if let syn::Type::TraitObject(t) = &*r.elem {
if let Some(syn::TypeParamBound::Trait(b)) = t.bounds.first() {
if let Some(ps) = b.path.segments.last() {
return ps.ident == "RpcEnvironment";
/// Note that we cannot handle renamed imports at all here...
fn is_value_type(ty: &syn::Type) -> bool {
if let syn::Type::Path(p) = ty {
if p.qself.is_some() {
return false;
let segs = &p.path.segments;
match segs.len() {
1 => return segs.last().unwrap().ident == "Value",
2 => {
return segs.first().unwrap().ident == "serde_json"
&& segs.last().unwrap().ident == "Value"
_ => return false,
fn create_wrapper_function(
_input_schema: &Schema,
_returns_schema: &Schema,
param_list: Vec<(SimpleIdent, ParameterType)>,
func: &syn::ItemFn,
wrapper_ts: &mut TokenStream,
) -> Result<Ident, Error> {
let api_func_name = Ident::new(
&format!("api_function_{}", &func.sig.ident),
let mut body = TokenStream::new();
let mut args = TokenStream::new();
for (name, param) in param_list {
let span = name.span();
match param {
ParameterType::Value => args.extend(quote_spanned! { span => input_params, }),
ParameterType::ApiMethod => args.extend(quote_spanned! { span => api_method_param, }),
ParameterType::RpcEnv => args.extend(quote_spanned! { span => rpc_env_param, }),
ParameterType::Other(_ty, optional, _schema) => {
let name_str = syn::LitStr::new(&name.to_string(), span);
let arg_name = Ident::new(&format!("input_arg_{}", name), span);
// Optional parameters are expected to be Option<> types in the real function
// signature, so we can just keep the returned Option from `input_map.remove()`.
body.extend(quote_spanned! { span =>
let #arg_name = input_map
if !optional {
// Non-optional types need to be extracted out of the option though:
// Whether the parameter is optional should have been verified by the schema
// verifier already, so here we just use failure::bail! instead of building a
// proper http error!
body.extend(quote_spanned! { span =>
.ok_or_else(|| ::failure::format_err!(
"missing non-optional parameter: {}",
body.extend(quote_spanned! { span => ; });
args.extend(quote_spanned! { span => #arg_name, });
// build the wrapping function:
let func_name = &func.sig.ident;
wrapper_ts.extend(quote! {
fn #api_func_name(
mut input_params: ::serde_json::Value,
api_method_param: &::proxmox::api::ApiMethod,
rpc_env_param: &mut dyn ::proxmox::api::RpcEnvironment,
) -> Result<::serde_json::Value, ::failure::Error> {
if let ::serde_json::Value::Object(ref mut input_map) = &mut input_params {
} else {
::failure::bail!("api function wrapper called with a non-object json value");
return Ok(api_func_name);
@ -310,3 +310,18 @@ impl Parse for JSONMapEntry {
/// We get macro attributes like `#[doc = "TEXT"]` with the `=` included.
pub struct BareAssignment<T: Parse> {
pub token: Token![=],
pub content: T,
impl<T: Parse> Parse for BareAssignment<T> {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
token: input.parse()?,
content: input.parse()?,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user