rest-server: support unix sockets in create_daemon

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <>
Reviewed-by: Lukas Wagner <>
This commit is contained in:
Wolfgang Bumiller 2023-03-08 13:26:50 +01:00
parent 440c7e3361
commit aad01f7a90

View File

@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::future::Future;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_uchar};
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd, OwnedFd, RawFd};
use std::panic::UnwindSafe;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::pin::Pin;
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
use futures::future::{self, Either};
@ -22,7 +23,8 @@ type BoxedStoreFunc = Box<dyn FnMut() -> Result<String, Error> + UnwindSafe + Se
// Helper trait to "store" something in the environment to be re-used after re-executing the
// service on a reload.
trait Reloadable: Sized {
#[doc(hidden)] // not public api
pub trait Reloadable: Sized {
fn restore(var: &str) -> Result<Self, Error>;
fn get_store_func(&self) -> Result<BoxedStoreFunc, Error>;
@ -222,33 +224,79 @@ impl Reloader {
fn fd_store_func(fd: RawFd) -> Result<BoxedStoreFunc, Error> {
let mut fd_opt = Some(unsafe {
Ok(Box::new(move || {
let fd = fd_opt.take().unwrap();
fd_change_cloexec(fd.as_raw_fd(), false)?;
/// NOTE: This must only be used for *async* I/O objects!
unsafe fn fd_restore_func<T>(var: &str) -> Result<T, Error>
T: FromRawFd,
let fd = var
.map_err(|e| format_err!("invalid file descriptor: {}", e))? as RawFd;
fd_change_cloexec(fd, true)?;
Ok(unsafe { T::from_raw_fd(fd) })
// For now all we need to do is store and reuse a tcp listening socket:
impl Reloadable for tokio::net::TcpListener {
// NOTE: The socket must not be closed when the store-function is called:
// FIXME: We could become "independent" of the TcpListener and its reference to the file
// descriptor by `dup()`ing it (and check if the listener still exists via kcmp()?)
fn get_store_func(&self) -> Result<BoxedStoreFunc, Error> {
let mut fd_opt = Some(unsafe {
Ok(Box::new(move || {
let fd = fd_opt.take().unwrap();
fd_change_cloexec(fd.as_raw_fd(), false)?;
fn restore(var: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let fd = var
.map_err(|e| format_err!("invalid file descriptor: {}", e))? as RawFd;
fd_change_cloexec(fd, true)?;
Ok(Self::from_std(unsafe {
Ok(Self::from_std(unsafe { fd_restore_func(var) }?)?)
// For now all we need to do is store and reuse a tcp listening socket:
impl Reloadable for tokio::net::UnixListener {
// NOTE: The socket must not be closed when the store-function is called:
fn get_store_func(&self) -> Result<BoxedStoreFunc, Error> {
fn restore(var: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(Self::from_std(unsafe { fd_restore_func(var) }?)?)
pub trait Listenable: Reloadable {
type Address;
fn bind(addr: &Self::Address) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = io::Result<Self>> + Send + '_>>;
impl Listenable for tokio::net::TcpListener {
type Address = std::net::SocketAddr;
fn bind(addr: &Self::Address) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = io::Result<Self>> + Send + '_>> {
impl Listenable for tokio::net::UnixListener {
type Address = std::os::unix::net::SocketAddr;
fn bind(addr: &Self::Address) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = io::Result<Self>> + Send + '_>> {
Box::pin(async move {
let addr = addr.as_pathname().ok_or_else(|| {
io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "missing path for unix socket")
@ -259,20 +307,21 @@ impl Reloadable for tokio::net::TcpListener {
/// socket. The finished listening socket is then passed to the `create_service` function which
/// can be used to setup the TLS and the HTTP daemon. The returned future has to call
/// [systemd_notify] with [SystemdNotify::Ready] when the service is ready.
pub async fn create_daemon<F, S>(
address: std::net::SocketAddr,
pub async fn create_daemon<F, S, L>(
address: L::Address,
create_service: F,
pidfn: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
F: FnOnce(tokio::net::TcpListener) -> Result<S, Error>,
L: Listenable,
F: FnOnce(L) -> Result<S, Error>,
S: Future<Output = Result<(), Error>>,
let mut reloader = Reloader::new()?;
let listener: tokio::net::TcpListener = reloader
let listener: L = reloader
.restore("PROXMOX_BACKUP_LISTEN_FD", move || async move {