ALT linux support for APT crates #1

konevsa merged 25 commits from konevsa/proxmox:sisyphus into master 2024-11-07 14:30:43 +03:00

ALT linux support for APT crates

ALT linux support for APT crates
konevsa added 25 commits 2024-11-07 14:25:51 +03:00
Variable does not need to be mutable
A new feature that adds support for ALT Linux.
Refactoring the code for correct /etc/os-release processing.
ALT Linux uses checkinstall, classic, debuginfo and gostcrypto.
Apt uses vendor ID (alt, p10 etc) in square brackets of the source lists.
1. New tests for ALT Linux.
2. Move test files for Debian to a separate directory.
There is no need for the deb822-style format.
konevsa merged commit 58f1446429 into master 2024-11-07 14:30:42 +03:00
konevsa deleted branch sisyphus 2024-11-07 14:30:57 +03:00
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Reference: Proxmox/proxmox#1
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