Dominik Csapak
fix #3618: proxmox-async: zip: add conditional EFS flag to zip files
this flag marks the file names as 'UTF-8' encoded if they are valid UTF-8. By default, encoding of file names in zips are defined as code page 437, but we save the filenames as bytes (like in linux fs). For linux systems this would not be a problem since most tools simply use the filenames as bytes, but for the zip utility under windows it's important since NTFS uses UTF-16 for file names. For filenames that are valid UTF-8, they are decoded as UTF-8 everywhere correctly (Linux as UTF-8 bytes, Windows as correct UTF-16 sequence) and for other filenames with a high bit set, it depends on the OS/Software what exactly happens. Some cases below: * Windows + Built-in/7zip: decoded as CP437 * Debian + zip: Bytes taken as-is * Debian + 7z: interpreted as Windows1252, decoded as UTF-8 Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
Local cargo config ================== This repository ships with a ``.cargo/config`` that replaces the registry with packaged crates located in ``/usr/share/cargo/registry``. A similar config is also applied building with dh_cargo. Cargo.lock needs to be deleted when switching between packaged crates and, since the checksums are not compatible. To reference new dependencies (or updated versions) that are not yet packaged, the dependency needs to point directly to a path or git source. Steps for Releases ================== - Cargo.toml updates: - Bump all modified crate versions. - Update all the other crates' Cargo.toml to depend on the new versions if required, then bump their version as well if not already done. - Update debian/changelog files in all the crates updated above. - Build packages with `make deb`. Adding Crates ============= 1) At the top level: - Generate the crate: ``cargo new --lib the-name`` - Sort the crate into ``Cargo.toml``'s ``workspace.members`` - Sort the crate into the ``Makefile``'s ``CRATES`` list. 2) In the new crate's ``Cargo.toml``: - Replace the ``author`` line with ``authors = ["Proxmox Support Team <>"]`` - Add ``license = "AGPL-3"`` - Add ``exclude = [ "debian" ]`` - Add a meaningful ``description`` - Copy ``debian/copyright`` and ``debian/debcargo.toml`` from another subcrate.