mirror of git://git.proxmox.com/git/pve-cluster.git synced 2025-03-12 20:58:25 +03:00
Oguz Bektas 80d19645c4 pvecm: fix typo in description for 'updatecerts'
Signed-off-by: Oguz Bektas <o.bektas@proxmox.com>
2021-04-22 21:54:41 +02:00
2011-08-23 07:29:23 +02:00
2020-01-30 20:26:09 +01:00
2011-08-23 07:29:23 +02:00

Enable/Disable debugging

# echo "1" >/etc/pve/.debug 
# echo "0" >/etc/pve/.debug 

Memory leak debugging (valgrind)

export G_SLICE=always-malloc 
export G_DEBUG=gc-friendly
valgrind --leak-check=full ./pmxcfs -f

# pmap <PID>
# cat /proc/<PID>/maps

Profiling (google-perftools)

compile with: -lprofiler
CPUPROFILE=./profile ./pmxcfs -f
google-pprof --text ./pmxcfs profile 
google-pprof --gv ./pmxcfs profile 

Proposed file system layout

The file system is mounted at:






Symbolic links:

local => nodes/${LOCALNAME}
qemu-server => nodes/${LOCALNAME}/qemu-server/
openvz => nodes/${LOCALNAME}/openvz/

Special status files for debugging (JSON):
.version    => file versions (to detect file modifications)
.members    => Info about cluster members
.vmlist     => List of all VMs
.clusterlog => Cluster log (last 50 entries)
.rrd        => RRD data (most recent entries)

POSIX Compatibility

The file system is based on fuse, so the behavior is POSIX like. But
many feature are simply not implemented, because we do not need them:

    - just normal files, no symbolic links, ...
    - you can't rename non-empty directories (because this makes it easier 
      to guarantee that VMIDs are unique).
    - you can't change file permissions (permissions are based on path)
    - O_EXCL creates were not atomic (like old NFS)
    - O_TRUNC creates are not atomic (fuse restriction)
    - ...

File access rights

All files/dirs are owned by user 'root' and have group
'www-data'. Only root has write permissions, but group 'www-data' can
read most files. Files below the following paths:


are only accessible by root.



The final fuse binary which mounts the file system at '/etc/pve' is
called 'pmxcfs'.


That files implement some kind of fuse plugins - we can assemble our
file system using several plugins (like bind mounts).


This plugin implements the distributed, replicated file system. All
file system operations are sent over the wire.


Plugin for symbolic links.


Plugin to dump data returned from a function. We use this to provide
status information (for example the .version or .vmlist files)


Some helper function.


In memory file system, which writes data back to the disk.


This implements the sqlite backend for memdb.c 


A simple IPC server based on libqb. Provides fast access to
configuration and status.


A simple key/value store. Values are copied to all cluster members.


Helper to simplify the implementation of a distributed finite state
machine on top of corosync CPG.


A simple event loop for corosync services.


# ./autogen.sh
# ./configure
# make

To test, you need a working corosync installation. First create
the mount point with:

# mkdir /etc/pve

and create the directory to store the database:

# mkdir /var/lib/pve-cluster/

Then start the fuse file system with:

# ./src/pmxcfs

The distributed file system is accessible under /etc/pve

There is a small test program to dump the database (and the index used
to compare database contents).

# ./src/testmemdb

To build the Debian package use:

# dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc

Distributed Configuration Database (DCDB)

We want to implement a simple way to distribute small configuration
files among the cluster on top of corosync CPG.

The set of all configuration files defines the 'state'. That state is
stored persistently on all members using a backend
database. Configuration files are usually quite small, and we can even
set a limit for the file size.

* Backend Database

Each node stores the state using a backend database. That database
need to have transaction support, because we want to do atomic
updates. It must also be possible to get a copy/snapshot of the
current state.

** File Based Backend (not implemented)

Seems possible, but its hard to implement atomic update and snapshots.

** Berkeley Database Backend (not implemented)

The Berkeley DB provides full featured transaction support, including
atomic commits and snapshot isolation. 

** SQLite Database Backend (currently in use)

This is simpler than BDB. All data is inside a single file. And there
is a defined way to access that data (SQL). It is also very stable.

We can use the following simple database table:


We use a global 'version' number (64bit) to uniquely identify the
current version. This 'version' is incremented on any database
modification. We also use it as 'inode' number when we create a new
entry. The 'inode' is the primary key.

** RAM/File Based Backend

If the state is small enough we can hold all data in RAM. Then a
'snapshot' is a simple copy of the state in RAM. Although all data is
in RAM, a copy is written to the disk. The idea is that the state in
RAM is the 'correct' one. If any file/database operations fails the
saved state can become inconsistent, and the node must trigger a state
resync operation if that happens.

We can use the DB design from above to store data on disk.

* Comparing States

We need an effective way to compare states and test if they are
equal. The easiest way is to assign a version number which increase on
every change. States are equal if they have the same version. Also,
the version provides a way to determine which state is newer. We can
gain additional safety by 

  - adding the ID of the last writer for each value
  - computing a hash for each value

And on partition merge we use that info to compare the version of each

* Quorum

Quorum is necessary to modify state. Else we allow read-only access.

* State Transfer to a Joining Process ([Ban], [Bir96, ch. 15.3.2])

We adopt the general mechanism described in [Ban] to avoid making
copies of the state. This can be achieved by initiating a state
transfer immediately after a configuration change. We implemented this
protocol in 'dfsm.c'. It is used by the DCDB implementation 'dcdb.c'.

There are to types of messages:

  - normal: only delivered when the state is synchronized. We queue
    them until the state is in sync.

  - state transfer: used to implement the state transfer

The following example assumes that 'P' joins, 'Q' and 'R' share the
same state.

	P	Q 	R
        c-------c-------c new configuration
	*       *       * change mode: DFSM_MODE_START_SYNC
	*   	*	* start queuing
	*       *       * $state[X] = dfsm_get_state_fn()
	|------->-------> send(DFSM_MESSAGE_STATE, $state[P]) 
	|<------|------>| send(DFSM_MESSAGE_STATE, $state[Q]) 
	<-------<-------| send(DFSM_MESSAGE_STATE, $state[R]) 
	w-------w-------w wait until we have received all states
	*       *       * dfsm_process_state_update($state[P,Q,R])
	*       |       | change mode: DFSM_MODE_UPDATE
	|       *       * change mode: DFSM_MODE_SYNCED
	|   	*	* stop queuing (deliver queue)
	|       *       | selected Q as leader: send updates 
	|<------*       | send(DFSM_MESSAGE_UPDATE, $updates) 
	|<------*       | send(DFSM_MESSAGE_UPDATE_COMPLETE) 

	P	Q 	R
	*<------|       | record updates: dfsm_process_update_fn() 
	*<------|-------| queue normal messages 
	w       |       | wait for DFSM_MESSAGE_UPDATE_COMPLETE
	*       |       | commit new state: dfsm_commit_fn()
	*       |       | change mode: DFSM_MODE_SYNCED
	*       |       | stop queuing (deliver queue)

While the general algorithm seems quite easy, there are some pitfalls
when implementing it using corosync CPG (extended virtual synchrony):

Messages sent in one configuration can be received in a later
configuration. This is perfect for normal messages, but must not
happen for state transfer message. We add an unique epoch to all state
transfer messages, and simply discard messages from other

Configuration change may happen before the protocol finish. This is
particularly bad when we have already queued messages. Those queued
messages needs to be considered part of the state (and thus we need
to make sure that all nodes have exactly the same queue).

A simple solution is to resend all queued messages. We just need to
make sure that we still have a reasonable order (resend changes the
order). A sender expects that sent messages are received in the same
order. We include a 'msg_count' (local to each member) in all 'normal'
messages, and so we can use that to sort the queue.

A second problem arrives from the fact that we allow synced member to
continue operation while other members doing state updates. We
basically use 2 different queues:

  queue 1: Contain messages from 'unsynced' members. This queue is
  sorted and resent on configuration change. We commit those messages
  when we get the DFSM_MESSAGE_UPDATE_COMPLETE message.

  queue 2: Contain messages from 'synced' members. This queue is only
  used by 'unsynced' members, because 'synced' members commits those
  messages immediately. We can safely discard this queue at
  configuration change.

File Locking

We implement a simple lock-file based locking mechanism on top of the
distributed file system. You can create/acquire a lock with:

  $filename = "/etc/pve/priv/lock/<A-LOCK-NAME>";
  while(!(mkdir $filename)) {
      (utime 0, 0, $filename); # cfs unlock request
  /* got the lock */

If above command succeed, you got the lock for 120 seconds (hard coded
time limit). The 'mkdir' command is atomic and only succeed if the
directory does not exist. The 'utime 0 0' triggers a cluster wide
test, and removes $filename if it is older than 120 seconds. This test
does not use the mtime stored inside the file system, because there can
be a time drift between nodes. Instead each node stores the local time when
it first see a lock file. This time is used to calculate the age of
the lock.

With version 3.0-17, it is possible to update an existing lock using

  utime 0, time();

This succeeds if run from the same node you created the lock, and updates
the lock lifetime for another 120 seconds. 


[Bir96]	Kenneth P. Birman, Building Secure and Reliable Network Applications,
	Manning Publications Co., 1996 

[Ban]   Bela Ban, Flexible API for State Transfer in the JavaGroups Toolkit,