#!/usr/bin/perl use lib '../src'; use strict; use warnings; use Socket; use POSIX (); # don't import assert() use PVE::Tools 'lock_file_full'; my $name = "test.lockfile.$$-"; END { system("rm $name*"); }; # Utilities: sub forked($$) { my ($code1, $code2) = @_; pipe(my $except_r, my $except_w) or die "pipe: $!\n"; my $pid = fork(); die "fork failed: $!\n" if !defined($pid); if ($pid == 0) { close($except_r); eval { $code1->() }; if ($@) { print {$except_w} $@; $except_w->flush(); POSIX::_exit(1); } POSIX::_exit(0); } close($except_w); eval { $code2->() }; my $err = $@; if ($err) { kill(15, $pid); } else { my $err = do { local $/ = undef; <$except_r> }; } die "interrupted\n" if waitpid($pid, 0) != $pid; die $err if $err; # Check exit code: my $status = POSIX::WEXITSTATUS($?); if ($? == -1) { die "failed to execute\n"; } elsif (POSIX::WIFSIGNALED($?)) { my $sig = POSIX::WTERMSIG($?); die "got signal $sig\n"; } elsif ($status != 0) { die "exit code $status\n"; } } # Book-keeping: my %_ran; sub new { %_ran = (); } sub ran { my ($what) = @_; $_ran{$what} = 1; } sub assert { my ($what) = @_; die "code didn't run: $what\n" if !$_ran{$what}; } sub assert_not { my ($what) = @_; die "code shouldn't have run: $what\n" if $_ran{$what}; } # Regular lock: new(); lock_file_full($name, 10, 0, sub { ran('single lock') }); assert('single lock'); # Lock multiple times in a row: new(); lock_file_full($name, 10, 0, sub { ran('lock A') }); assert('lock A'); lock_file_full($name, 10, 0, sub { ran('lock B') }); assert('lock B'); # Nested lock: new(); lock_file_full($name, 10, 0, sub { ran('lock A'); lock_file_full($name, 10, 0, sub { ran('lock B') }); assert('lock B'); ran('lock C'); }); assert('lock A'); assert('lock B'); assert('lock C'); # Independent locks: new(); lock_file_full($name, 10, 0, sub { ran('lock A'); # locks file "${name}2" lock_file_full($name.2, 10, 0, sub { ran('lock B') }); assert('lock B'); ran('lock C'); }); assert('lock A'); assert('lock B'); assert('lock C'); # Does it actually lock? (shared=0) # Can we get two simultaneous shared locks? (shared=1) sub forktest1($) { my ($shared) = @_; new(); # socket pair for synchronization socketpair(my $fmain, my $fother, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair(): $!\n"; forked sub { # other side close($fmain); my $line; lock_file_full($name, 60, $shared, sub { ran('other side'); # tell parent we've acquired the lock print {$fother} "1\n"; $fother->flush(); # wait for parent to be done trying to lock $line = <$fother>; }); die $@ if $@; die "parent failed\n" if !$line || $line ne "2\n"; assert('other side'); }, sub { # main process # Wait for our child to lock: close($fother); my $line = <$fmain>; die "child failed to acquire a lock\n" if !$line || $line ne "1\n"; lock_file_full($name, 1, $shared, sub { ran('local side'); }); if ($shared) { assert('local side'); } else { assert_not('local side'); } print {$fmain} "2\n"; $fmain->flush(); }; close($fmain); } forktest1(0); forktest1(1);