*pvesubscription* `<COMMAND> [ARGS] [OPTIONS]` *pvesubscription delete* Delete subscription key of this node. *pvesubscription get* Read subscription info. *pvesubscription help* `[OPTIONS]` Get help about specified command. `--extra-args` `<array>` :: Shows help for a specific command `--verbose` `<boolean>` :: Verbose output format. *pvesubscription set* `<key>` Set subscription key. `<key>`: `pve([1248])([cbsp])-[0-9a-f]{10}` :: Proxmox VE subscription key *pvesubscription set-offline-key* `<data>` (Internal use only!) Set a signed subscription info blob as offline key `<data>`: `<string>` :: no description available *pvesubscription update* `[OPTIONS]` Update subscription info. `--force` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`):: Always connect to server, even if we have up to date info inside local cache.