[[storage_cephfs]] Ceph Filesystem (CephFS) ------------------------ ifdef::wiki[] :pve-toplevel: :title: Storage: CephFS endif::wiki[] Storage pool type: `cephfs` CephFS implements a POSIX-compliant filesystem, using a https://ceph.com[Ceph] storage cluster to store its data. As CephFS builds upon Ceph, it shares most of its properties. This includes redundancy, scalability, self-healing, and high availability. TIP: {pve} can xref:chapter_pveceph[manage Ceph setups], which makes configuring a CephFS storage easier. As modern hardware offers a lot of processing power and RAM, running storage services and VMs on same node is possible without a significant performance impact. To use the CephFS storage plugin, you must replace the stock Debian Ceph client, by adding our xref:sysadmin_package_repositories_ceph[Ceph repository]. Once added, run `apt update`, followed by `apt dist-upgrade`, in order to get the newest packages. WARNING: Please ensure that there are no other Ceph repositories configured. Otherwise the installation will fail or there will be mixed package versions on the node, leading to unexpected behavior. [[storage_cephfs_config]] Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This backend supports the common storage properties `nodes`, `disable`, `content`, as well as the following `cephfs` specific properties: fs-name:: Name of the Ceph FS. monhost:: List of monitor daemon addresses. Optional, only needed if Ceph is not running on the {pve} cluster. path:: The local mount point. Optional, defaults to `/mnt/pve//`. username:: Ceph user id. Optional, only needed if Ceph is not running on the {pve} cluster, where it defaults to `admin`. subdir:: CephFS subdirectory to mount. Optional, defaults to `/`. fuse:: Access CephFS through FUSE, instead of the kernel client. Optional, defaults to `0`. .Configuration example for an external Ceph cluster (`/etc/pve/storage.cfg`) ---- cephfs: cephfs-external monhost path /mnt/pve/cephfs-external content backup username admin fs-name cephfs ---- NOTE: Don't forget to set up the client's secret key file, if cephx was not disabled. Authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: If Ceph is installed locally on the {pve} cluster, the following is done automatically when adding the storage. If you use `cephx` authentication, which is enabled by default, you need to provide the secret from the external Ceph cluster. To configure the storage via the CLI, you first need to make the file containing the secret available. One way is to copy the file from the external Ceph cluster directly to one of the {pve} nodes. The following example will copy it to the `/root` directory of the node on which we run it: ---- # scp :/etc/ceph/cephfs.secret /root/cephfs.secret ---- Then use the `pvesm` CLI tool to configure the external RBD storage, use the `--keyring` parameter, which needs to be a path to the secret file that you copied. For example: ---- # pvesm add cephfs --monhost "" --content backup --keyring /root/cephfs.secret ---- When configuring an external RBD storage via the GUI, you can copy and paste the secret into the appropriate field. The secret is only the key itself, as opposed to the `rbd` backend which also contains a `[client.userid]` section. The secret will be stored at ---- # /etc/pve/priv/ceph/.secret ---- A secret can be received from the Ceph cluster (as Ceph admin) by issuing the command below, where `userid` is the client ID that has been configured to access the cluster. For further information on Ceph user management, see the Ceph docs.footnoteref:[cephusermgmt] ---- # ceph auth get-key client.userid > cephfs.secret ---- Storage Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `cephfs` backend is a POSIX-compliant filesystem, on top of a Ceph cluster. .Storage features for backend `cephfs` [width="100%",cols="m,m,3*d",options="header"] |============================================================================== |Content types |Image formats |Shared |Snapshots |Clones |vztmpl iso backup snippets |none |yes |yes^[1]^ |no |============================================================================== ^[1]^ While no known bugs exist, snapshots are not yet guaranteed to be stable, as they lack sufficient testing. ifdef::wiki[] See Also ~~~~~~~~ * link:/wiki/Storage[Storage] endif::wiki[]