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*qm agent* `<vmid> <command>`
Execute Qemu Guest Agent commands.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`<command>`: `<fsfreeze-freeze | fsfreeze-status | fsfreeze-thaw | fstrim | get-fsinfo | get-memory-block-info | get-memory-blocks | get-time | get-vcpus | info | network-get-interfaces | ping | shutdown | suspend-disk | suspend-hybrid | suspend-ram>` ::
The QGA command.
*qm clone* `<vmid> <newid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Create a copy of virtual machine/template.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`<newid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
VMID for the clone.
`-description` `<string>` ::
Description for the new VM.
`-format` `<qcow2 | raw | vmdk>` ::
Target format for file storage.
NOTE: Requires option(s): `full`
`-full` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Create a full copy of all disk. This is always done when you clone a normal VM. For VM templates, we try to create a linked clone by default.
`-name` `<string>` ::
Set a name for the new VM.
`-pool` `<string>` ::
Add the new VM to the specified pool.
`-snapname` `<string>` ::
The name of the snapshot.
`-storage` `<string>` ::
Target storage for full clone.
NOTE: Requires option(s): `full`
`-target` `<string>` ::
Target node. Only allowed if the original VM is on shared storage.
*qm config* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Get current virtual machine configuration. This does not include pending
configuration changes (see 'pending' API).
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-current` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Get current values (instead of pending values).
*qm create* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Create or restore a virtual machine.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-acpi` `<boolean>` ('default =' `1`)::
Enable/disable ACPI.
`-agent` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Enable/disable Qemu GuestAgent.
`-archive` `<string>` ::
The backup file.
`-args` `<string>` ::
Arbitrary arguments passed to kvm.
`-autostart` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Automatic restart after crash (currently ignored).
`-balloon` `<integer> (0 - N)` ::
Amount of target RAM for the VM in MB. Using zero disables the ballon driver.
`-bios` `<ovmf | seabios>` ('default =' `seabios`)::
Select BIOS implementation.
`-boot` `[acdn]{1,4}` ('default =' `cdn`)::
Boot on floppy (a), hard disk (c), CD-ROM (d), or network (n).
`-bootdisk` `(ide|sata|scsi|virtio)\d+` ::
Enable booting from specified disk.
`-cdrom` `<volume>` ::
This is an alias for option -ide2
`-cores` `<integer> (1 - N)` ('default =' `1`)::
The number of cores per socket.
`-cpu` `[cputype=]<enum> [,hidden=<1|0>]` ::
Emulated CPU type.
`-cpulimit` `<number> (0 - 128)` ('default =' `0`)::
Limit of CPU usage.
`-cpuunits` `<integer> (0 - 500000)` ('default =' `1024`)::
CPU weight for a VM.
`-description` `<string>` ::
Description for the VM. Only used on the configuration web interface. This is saved as comment inside the configuration file.
`-efidisk0` `[file=]<volume> [,format=<enum>] [,size=<DiskSize>]` ::
Configure a Disk for storing EFI vars
`-force` `<boolean>` ::
Allow to overwrite existing VM.
NOTE: Requires option(s): `archive`
`-freeze` `<boolean>` ::
Freeze CPU at startup (use 'c' monitor command to start execution).
`-hostpci[n]` `[host=]<HOSTPCIID[;HOSTPCIID2...]> [,pcie=<1|0>] [,rombar=<1|0>] [,romfile=<string>] [,x-vga=<1|0>]` ::
Map host PCI devices into guest.
`-hotplug` `<string>` ('default =' `network,disk,usb`)::
Selectively enable hotplug features. This is a comma separated list of hotplug features: 'network', 'disk', 'cpu', 'memory' and 'usb'. Use '0' to disable hotplug completely. Value '1' is an alias for the default 'network,disk,usb'.
`-hugepages` `<1024 | 2 | any>` ::
Enable/disable hugepages memory.
`-ide[n]` `[file=]<volume> [,aio=<native|threads>] [,backup=<1|0>] [,bps=<bps>] [,bps_max_length=<seconds>] [,bps_rd=<bps>] [,bps_rd_length=<seconds>] [,bps_wr=<bps>] [,bps_wr_length=<seconds>] [,cache=<enum>] [,cyls=<integer>] [,detect_zeroes=<1|0>] [,discard=<ignore|on>] [,format=<enum>] [,heads=<integer>] [,iops=<iops>] [,iops_max=<iops>] [,iops_max_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd=<iops>] [,iops_rd_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd_max=<iops>] [,iops_wr=<iops>] [,iops_wr_length=<seconds>] [,iops_wr_max=<iops>] [,mbps=<mbps>] [,mbps_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr_max=<mbps>] [,media=<cdrom|disk>] [,model=<model>] [,rerror=<ignore|report|stop>] [,secs=<integer>] [,serial=<serial>] [,size=<DiskSize>] [,snapshot=<1|0>] [,trans=<none|lba|auto>] [,werror=<enum>]` ::
Use volume as IDE hard disk or CD-ROM (n is 0 to 3).
`-keyboard` `<da | de | de-ch | en-gb | en-us | es | fi | fr | fr-be | fr-ca | fr-ch | hu | is | it | ja | lt | mk | nl | no | pl | pt | pt-br | sl | sv | tr>` ('default =' `en-us`)::
Keybord layout for vnc server. Default is read from the '/etc/pve/datacenter.conf' configuration file.
`-kvm` `<boolean>` ('default =' `1`)::
Enable/disable KVM hardware virtualization.
`-localtime` `<boolean>` ::
Set the real time clock to local time. This is enabled by default if ostype indicates a Microsoft OS.
`-lock` `<backup | migrate | rollback | snapshot>` ::
Lock/unlock the VM.
`-machine` `(pc|pc(-i440fx)?-\d+\.\d+(\.pxe)?|q35|pc-q35-\d+\.\d+(\.pxe)?)` ::
Specific the Qemu machine type.
`-memory` `<integer> (16 - N)` ('default =' `512`)::
Amount of RAM for the VM in MB. This is the maximum available memory when you use the balloon device.
`-migrate_downtime` `<number> (0 - N)` ('default =' `0.1`)::
Set maximum tolerated downtime (in seconds) for migrations.
`-migrate_speed` `<integer> (0 - N)` ('default =' `0`)::
Set maximum speed (in MB/s) for migrations. Value 0 is no limit.
`-name` `<string>` ::
Set a name for the VM. Only used on the configuration web interface.
`-net[n]` `[model=]<enum> [,bridge=<bridge>] [,firewall=<1|0>] [,link_down=<1|0>] [,macaddr=<XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX>] [,queues=<integer>] [,rate=<number>] [,tag=<integer>] [,trunks=<vlanid[;vlanid...]>] [,<model>=<macaddr>]` ::
Specify network devices.
`-numa` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Enable/disable NUMA.
`-numa[n]` `cpus=<id[-id];...> [,hostnodes=<id[-id];...>] [,memory=<number>] [,policy=<preferred|bind|interleave>]` ::
NUMA topology.
`-onboot` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Specifies whether a VM will be started during system bootup.
`-ostype` `<l24 | l26 | other | solaris | w2k | w2k3 | w2k8 | win10 | win7 | win8 | wvista | wxp>` ::
Specify guest operating system.
`-parallel[n]` `/dev/parport\d+|/dev/usb/lp\d+` ::
Map host parallel devices (n is 0 to 2).
`-pool` `<string>` ::
Add the VM to the specified pool.
`-protection` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Sets the protection flag of the VM. This will disable the remove VM and remove disk operations.
`-reboot` `<boolean>` ('default =' `1`)::
Allow reboot. If set to '0' the VM exit on reboot.
`-sata[n]` `[file=]<volume> [,aio=<native|threads>] [,backup=<1|0>] [,bps=<bps>] [,bps_max_length=<seconds>] [,bps_rd=<bps>] [,bps_rd_length=<seconds>] [,bps_wr=<bps>] [,bps_wr_length=<seconds>] [,cache=<enum>] [,cyls=<integer>] [,detect_zeroes=<1|0>] [,discard=<ignore|on>] [,format=<enum>] [,heads=<integer>] [,iops=<iops>] [,iops_max=<iops>] [,iops_max_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd=<iops>] [,iops_rd_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd_max=<iops>] [,iops_wr=<iops>] [,iops_wr_length=<seconds>] [,iops_wr_max=<iops>] [,mbps=<mbps>] [,mbps_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr_max=<mbps>] [,media=<cdrom|disk>] [,rerror=<ignore|report|stop>] [,secs=<integer>] [,serial=<serial>] [,size=<DiskSize>] [,snapshot=<1|0>] [,trans=<none|lba|auto>] [,werror=<enum>]` ::
Use volume as SATA hard disk or CD-ROM (n is 0 to 5).
`-scsi[n]` `[file=]<volume> [,aio=<native|threads>] [,backup=<1|0>] [,bps=<bps>] [,bps_max_length=<seconds>] [,bps_rd=<bps>] [,bps_rd_length=<seconds>] [,bps_wr=<bps>] [,bps_wr_length=<seconds>] [,cache=<enum>] [,cyls=<integer>] [,detect_zeroes=<1|0>] [,discard=<ignore|on>] [,format=<enum>] [,heads=<integer>] [,iops=<iops>] [,iops_max=<iops>] [,iops_max_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd=<iops>] [,iops_rd_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd_max=<iops>] [,iops_wr=<iops>] [,iops_wr_length=<seconds>] [,iops_wr_max=<iops>] [,iothread=<1|0>] [,mbps=<mbps>] [,mbps_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr_max=<mbps>] [,media=<cdrom|disk>] [,queues=<integer>] [,scsiblock=<1|0>] [,secs=<integer>] [,serial=<serial>] [,size=<DiskSize>] [,snapshot=<1|0>] [,trans=<none|lba|auto>] [,werror=<enum>]` ::
Use volume as SCSI hard disk or CD-ROM (n is 0 to 13).
`-scsihw` `<lsi | lsi53c810 | megasas | pvscsi | virtio-scsi-pci | virtio-scsi-single>` ('default =' `lsi`)::
SCSI controller model
`-serial[n]` `(/dev/.+|socket)` ::
Create a serial device inside the VM (n is 0 to 3)
`-shares` `<integer> (0 - 50000)` ('default =' `1000`)::
Amount of memory shares for auto-ballooning. The larger the number is, the more memory this VM gets. Number is relative to weights of all other running VMs. Using zero disables auto-ballooning
`-smbios1` `[family=<string>] [,manufacturer=<string>] [,product=<string>] [,serial=<string>] [,sku=<string>] [,uuid=<UUID>] [,version=<string>]` ::
Specify SMBIOS type 1 fields.
`-smp` `<integer> (1 - N)` ('default =' `1`)::
The number of CPUs. Please use option -sockets instead.
`-sockets` `<integer> (1 - N)` ('default =' `1`)::
The number of CPU sockets.
`-startdate` `(now | YYYY-MM-DD | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)` ('default =' `now`)::
Set the initial date of the real time clock. Valid format for date are: 'now' or '2006-06-17T16:01:21' or '2006-06-17'.
`-startup` `[[order=]\d+] [,up=\d+] [,down=\d+] ` ::
Startup and shutdown behavior. Order is a non-negative number defining the general startup order. Shutdown in done with reverse ordering. Additionally you can set the 'up' or 'down' delay in seconds, which specifies a delay to wait before the next VM is started or stopped.
`-storage` `<string>` ::
Default storage.
`-tablet` `<boolean>` ('default =' `1`)::
Enable/disable the USB tablet device.
`-tdf` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Enable/disable time drift fix.
`-template` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Enable/disable Template.
`-unique` `<boolean>` ::
Assign a unique random ethernet address.
NOTE: Requires option(s): `archive`
`-unused[n]` `<string>` ::
Reference to unused volumes. This is used internally, and should not be modified manually.
`-usb[n]` `[host=]<HOSTUSBDEVICE|spice> [,usb3=<1|0>]` ::
Configure an USB device (n is 0 to 4).
`-vcpus` `<integer> (1 - N)` ('default =' `0`)::
Number of hotplugged vcpus.
`-vga` `<cirrus | qxl | qxl2 | qxl3 | qxl4 | serial0 | serial1 | serial2 | serial3 | std | vmware>` ::
Select the VGA type.
`-virtio[n]` `[file=]<volume> [,aio=<native|threads>] [,backup=<1|0>] [,bps=<bps>] [,bps_max_length=<seconds>] [,bps_rd=<bps>] [,bps_rd_length=<seconds>] [,bps_wr=<bps>] [,bps_wr_length=<seconds>] [,cache=<enum>] [,cyls=<integer>] [,detect_zeroes=<1|0>] [,discard=<ignore|on>] [,format=<enum>] [,heads=<integer>] [,iops=<iops>] [,iops_max=<iops>] [,iops_max_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd=<iops>] [,iops_rd_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd_max=<iops>] [,iops_wr=<iops>] [,iops_wr_length=<seconds>] [,iops_wr_max=<iops>] [,iothread=<1|0>] [,mbps=<mbps>] [,mbps_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr_max=<mbps>] [,media=<cdrom|disk>] [,rerror=<ignore|report|stop>] [,secs=<integer>] [,serial=<serial>] [,size=<DiskSize>] [,snapshot=<1|0>] [,trans=<none|lba|auto>] [,werror=<enum>]` ::
Use volume as VIRTIO hard disk (n is 0 to 15).
`-watchdog` `[[model=]<i6300esb|ib700>] [,action=<enum>]` ::
Create a virtual hardware watchdog device.
*qm delsnapshot* `<vmid> <snapname>` `[OPTIONS]`
Delete a VM snapshot.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`<snapname>`: `<string>` ::
The name of the snapshot.
`-force` `<boolean>` ::
For removal from config file, even if removing disk snapshots fails.
*qm destroy* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Destroy the vm (also delete all used/owned volumes).
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-skiplock` `<boolean>` ::
Ignore locks - only root is allowed to use this option.
*qm help* `[<cmd>]` `[OPTIONS]`
Get help about specified command.
`<cmd>`: `<string>` ::
Command name
`-verbose` `<boolean>` ::
Verbose output format.
*qm list* `[OPTIONS]`
Virtual machine index (per node).
`-full` `<boolean>` ::
Determine the full status of active VMs.
*qm listsnapshot* `<vmid>`
List all snapshots.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
*qm migrate* `<vmid> <target>` `[OPTIONS]`
Migrate virtual machine. Creates a new migration task.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`<target>`: `<string>` ::
Target node.
`-force` `<boolean>` ::
Allow to migrate VMs which use local devices. Only root may use this option.
`-migration_network` `<string>` ::
CIDR of the (sub) network that is used for migration.
`-migration_type` `<insecure | secure>` ::
Migration traffic is encrypted using an SSH tunnel by default. On secure, completely private networks this can be disabled to increase performance.
`-online` `<boolean>` ::
Use online/live migration.
`-targetstorage` `<string>` ::
Default target storage.
`-with-local-disks` `<boolean>` ::
Enable live storage migration for local disk
*qm monitor* `<vmid>`
Enter Qemu Monitor interface.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
*qm move_disk* `<vmid> <disk> <storage>` `[OPTIONS]`
Move volume to different storage.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`<disk>`: `<efidisk0 | ide0 | ide1 | ide2 | ide3 | sata0 | sata1 | sata2 | sata3 | sata4 | sata5 | scsi0 | scsi1 | scsi10 | scsi11 | scsi12 | scsi13 | scsi2 | scsi3 | scsi4 | scsi5 | scsi6 | scsi7 | scsi8 | scsi9 | virtio0 | virtio1 | virtio10 | virtio11 | virtio12 | virtio13 | virtio14 | virtio15 | virtio2 | virtio3 | virtio4 | virtio5 | virtio6 | virtio7 | virtio8 | virtio9>` ::
The disk you want to move.
`<storage>`: `<string>` ::
Target storage.
`-delete` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Delete the original disk after successful copy. By default the original disk is kept as unused disk.
`-digest` `<string>` ::
Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA1 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.
`-format` `<qcow2 | raw | vmdk>` ::
Target Format.
*qm mtunnel*
Used by qmigrate - do not use manually.
*qm nbdstop* `<vmid>`
Stop embedded nbd server.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
*qm pending* `<vmid>`
Get virtual machine configuration, including pending changes.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
*qm rescan* `[OPTIONS]`
Rescan all storages and update disk sizes and unused disk images.
`-vmid` `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
*qm reset* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Reset virtual machine.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-skiplock` `<boolean>` ::
Ignore locks - only root is allowed to use this option.
*qm resize* `<vmid> <disk> <size>` `[OPTIONS]`
Extend volume size.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`<disk>`: `<efidisk0 | ide0 | ide1 | ide2 | ide3 | sata0 | sata1 | sata2 | sata3 | sata4 | sata5 | scsi0 | scsi1 | scsi10 | scsi11 | scsi12 | scsi13 | scsi2 | scsi3 | scsi4 | scsi5 | scsi6 | scsi7 | scsi8 | scsi9 | virtio0 | virtio1 | virtio10 | virtio11 | virtio12 | virtio13 | virtio14 | virtio15 | virtio2 | virtio3 | virtio4 | virtio5 | virtio6 | virtio7 | virtio8 | virtio9>` ::
The disk you want to resize.
`<size>`: `\+?\d+(\.\d+)?[KMGT]?` ::
The new size. With the '+' sign the value is added to the actual size of the volume and without it, the value is taken as an absolute one. Shrinking disk size is not supported.
`-digest` `<string>` ::
Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA1 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.
`-skiplock` `<boolean>` ::
Ignore locks - only root is allowed to use this option.
*qm resume* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Resume virtual machine.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-nocheck` `<boolean>` ::
no description available
`-skiplock` `<boolean>` ::
Ignore locks - only root is allowed to use this option.
*qm rollback* `<vmid> <snapname>`
Rollback VM state to specified snapshot.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`<snapname>`: `<string>` ::
The name of the snapshot.
*qm sendkey* `<vmid> <key>` `[OPTIONS]`
Send key event to virtual machine.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`<key>`: `<string>` ::
The key (qemu monitor encoding).
`-skiplock` `<boolean>` ::
Ignore locks - only root is allowed to use this option.
*qm set* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Set virtual machine options (synchrounous API) - You should consider using
the POST method instead for any actions involving hotplug or storage
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-acpi` `<boolean>` ('default =' `1`)::
Enable/disable ACPI.
`-agent` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Enable/disable Qemu GuestAgent.
`-args` `<string>` ::
Arbitrary arguments passed to kvm.
`-autostart` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Automatic restart after crash (currently ignored).
`-balloon` `<integer> (0 - N)` ::
Amount of target RAM for the VM in MB. Using zero disables the ballon driver.
`-bios` `<ovmf | seabios>` ('default =' `seabios`)::
Select BIOS implementation.
`-boot` `[acdn]{1,4}` ('default =' `cdn`)::
Boot on floppy (a), hard disk (c), CD-ROM (d), or network (n).
`-bootdisk` `(ide|sata|scsi|virtio)\d+` ::
Enable booting from specified disk.
`-cdrom` `<volume>` ::
This is an alias for option -ide2
`-cores` `<integer> (1 - N)` ('default =' `1`)::
The number of cores per socket.
`-cpu` `[cputype=]<enum> [,hidden=<1|0>]` ::
Emulated CPU type.
`-cpulimit` `<number> (0 - 128)` ('default =' `0`)::
Limit of CPU usage.
`-cpuunits` `<integer> (0 - 500000)` ('default =' `1024`)::
CPU weight for a VM.
`-delete` `<string>` ::
A list of settings you want to delete.
`-description` `<string>` ::
Description for the VM. Only used on the configuration web interface. This is saved as comment inside the configuration file.
`-digest` `<string>` ::
Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA1 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.
`-efidisk0` `[file=]<volume> [,format=<enum>] [,size=<DiskSize>]` ::
Configure a Disk for storing EFI vars
`-force` `<boolean>` ::
Force physical removal. Without this, we simple remove the disk from the config file and create an additional configuration entry called 'unused[n]', which contains the volume ID. Unlink of unused[n] always cause physical removal.
NOTE: Requires option(s): `delete`
`-freeze` `<boolean>` ::
Freeze CPU at startup (use 'c' monitor command to start execution).
`-hostpci[n]` `[host=]<HOSTPCIID[;HOSTPCIID2...]> [,pcie=<1|0>] [,rombar=<1|0>] [,romfile=<string>] [,x-vga=<1|0>]` ::
Map host PCI devices into guest.
`-hotplug` `<string>` ('default =' `network,disk,usb`)::
Selectively enable hotplug features. This is a comma separated list of hotplug features: 'network', 'disk', 'cpu', 'memory' and 'usb'. Use '0' to disable hotplug completely. Value '1' is an alias for the default 'network,disk,usb'.
`-hugepages` `<1024 | 2 | any>` ::
Enable/disable hugepages memory.
`-ide[n]` `[file=]<volume> [,aio=<native|threads>] [,backup=<1|0>] [,bps=<bps>] [,bps_max_length=<seconds>] [,bps_rd=<bps>] [,bps_rd_length=<seconds>] [,bps_wr=<bps>] [,bps_wr_length=<seconds>] [,cache=<enum>] [,cyls=<integer>] [,detect_zeroes=<1|0>] [,discard=<ignore|on>] [,format=<enum>] [,heads=<integer>] [,iops=<iops>] [,iops_max=<iops>] [,iops_max_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd=<iops>] [,iops_rd_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd_max=<iops>] [,iops_wr=<iops>] [,iops_wr_length=<seconds>] [,iops_wr_max=<iops>] [,mbps=<mbps>] [,mbps_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr_max=<mbps>] [,media=<cdrom|disk>] [,model=<model>] [,rerror=<ignore|report|stop>] [,secs=<integer>] [,serial=<serial>] [,size=<DiskSize>] [,snapshot=<1|0>] [,trans=<none|lba|auto>] [,werror=<enum>]` ::
Use volume as IDE hard disk or CD-ROM (n is 0 to 3).
`-keyboard` `<da | de | de-ch | en-gb | en-us | es | fi | fr | fr-be | fr-ca | fr-ch | hu | is | it | ja | lt | mk | nl | no | pl | pt | pt-br | sl | sv | tr>` ('default =' `en-us`)::
Keybord layout for vnc server. Default is read from the '/etc/pve/datacenter.conf' configuration file.
`-kvm` `<boolean>` ('default =' `1`)::
Enable/disable KVM hardware virtualization.
`-localtime` `<boolean>` ::
Set the real time clock to local time. This is enabled by default if ostype indicates a Microsoft OS.
`-lock` `<backup | migrate | rollback | snapshot>` ::
Lock/unlock the VM.
`-machine` `(pc|pc(-i440fx)?-\d+\.\d+(\.pxe)?|q35|pc-q35-\d+\.\d+(\.pxe)?)` ::
Specific the Qemu machine type.
`-memory` `<integer> (16 - N)` ('default =' `512`)::
Amount of RAM for the VM in MB. This is the maximum available memory when you use the balloon device.
`-migrate_downtime` `<number> (0 - N)` ('default =' `0.1`)::
Set maximum tolerated downtime (in seconds) for migrations.
`-migrate_speed` `<integer> (0 - N)` ('default =' `0`)::
Set maximum speed (in MB/s) for migrations. Value 0 is no limit.
`-name` `<string>` ::
Set a name for the VM. Only used on the configuration web interface.
`-net[n]` `[model=]<enum> [,bridge=<bridge>] [,firewall=<1|0>] [,link_down=<1|0>] [,macaddr=<XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX>] [,queues=<integer>] [,rate=<number>] [,tag=<integer>] [,trunks=<vlanid[;vlanid...]>] [,<model>=<macaddr>]` ::
Specify network devices.
`-numa` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Enable/disable NUMA.
`-numa[n]` `cpus=<id[-id];...> [,hostnodes=<id[-id];...>] [,memory=<number>] [,policy=<preferred|bind|interleave>]` ::
NUMA topology.
`-onboot` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Specifies whether a VM will be started during system bootup.
`-ostype` `<l24 | l26 | other | solaris | w2k | w2k3 | w2k8 | win10 | win7 | win8 | wvista | wxp>` ::
Specify guest operating system.
`-parallel[n]` `/dev/parport\d+|/dev/usb/lp\d+` ::
Map host parallel devices (n is 0 to 2).
`-protection` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Sets the protection flag of the VM. This will disable the remove VM and remove disk operations.
`-reboot` `<boolean>` ('default =' `1`)::
Allow reboot. If set to '0' the VM exit on reboot.
`-revert` `<string>` ::
Revert a pending change.
`-sata[n]` `[file=]<volume> [,aio=<native|threads>] [,backup=<1|0>] [,bps=<bps>] [,bps_max_length=<seconds>] [,bps_rd=<bps>] [,bps_rd_length=<seconds>] [,bps_wr=<bps>] [,bps_wr_length=<seconds>] [,cache=<enum>] [,cyls=<integer>] [,detect_zeroes=<1|0>] [,discard=<ignore|on>] [,format=<enum>] [,heads=<integer>] [,iops=<iops>] [,iops_max=<iops>] [,iops_max_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd=<iops>] [,iops_rd_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd_max=<iops>] [,iops_wr=<iops>] [,iops_wr_length=<seconds>] [,iops_wr_max=<iops>] [,mbps=<mbps>] [,mbps_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr_max=<mbps>] [,media=<cdrom|disk>] [,rerror=<ignore|report|stop>] [,secs=<integer>] [,serial=<serial>] [,size=<DiskSize>] [,snapshot=<1|0>] [,trans=<none|lba|auto>] [,werror=<enum>]` ::
Use volume as SATA hard disk or CD-ROM (n is 0 to 5).
`-scsi[n]` `[file=]<volume> [,aio=<native|threads>] [,backup=<1|0>] [,bps=<bps>] [,bps_max_length=<seconds>] [,bps_rd=<bps>] [,bps_rd_length=<seconds>] [,bps_wr=<bps>] [,bps_wr_length=<seconds>] [,cache=<enum>] [,cyls=<integer>] [,detect_zeroes=<1|0>] [,discard=<ignore|on>] [,format=<enum>] [,heads=<integer>] [,iops=<iops>] [,iops_max=<iops>] [,iops_max_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd=<iops>] [,iops_rd_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd_max=<iops>] [,iops_wr=<iops>] [,iops_wr_length=<seconds>] [,iops_wr_max=<iops>] [,iothread=<1|0>] [,mbps=<mbps>] [,mbps_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr_max=<mbps>] [,media=<cdrom|disk>] [,queues=<integer>] [,scsiblock=<1|0>] [,secs=<integer>] [,serial=<serial>] [,size=<DiskSize>] [,snapshot=<1|0>] [,trans=<none|lba|auto>] [,werror=<enum>]` ::
Use volume as SCSI hard disk or CD-ROM (n is 0 to 13).
`-scsihw` `<lsi | lsi53c810 | megasas | pvscsi | virtio-scsi-pci | virtio-scsi-single>` ('default =' `lsi`)::
SCSI controller model
`-serial[n]` `(/dev/.+|socket)` ::
Create a serial device inside the VM (n is 0 to 3)
`-shares` `<integer> (0 - 50000)` ('default =' `1000`)::
Amount of memory shares for auto-ballooning. The larger the number is, the more memory this VM gets. Number is relative to weights of all other running VMs. Using zero disables auto-ballooning
`-skiplock` `<boolean>` ::
Ignore locks - only root is allowed to use this option.
`-smbios1` `[family=<string>] [,manufacturer=<string>] [,product=<string>] [,serial=<string>] [,sku=<string>] [,uuid=<UUID>] [,version=<string>]` ::
Specify SMBIOS type 1 fields.
`-smp` `<integer> (1 - N)` ('default =' `1`)::
The number of CPUs. Please use option -sockets instead.
`-sockets` `<integer> (1 - N)` ('default =' `1`)::
The number of CPU sockets.
`-startdate` `(now | YYYY-MM-DD | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)` ('default =' `now`)::
Set the initial date of the real time clock. Valid format for date are: 'now' or '2006-06-17T16:01:21' or '2006-06-17'.
`-startup` `[[order=]\d+] [,up=\d+] [,down=\d+] ` ::
Startup and shutdown behavior. Order is a non-negative number defining the general startup order. Shutdown in done with reverse ordering. Additionally you can set the 'up' or 'down' delay in seconds, which specifies a delay to wait before the next VM is started or stopped.
`-tablet` `<boolean>` ('default =' `1`)::
Enable/disable the USB tablet device.
`-tdf` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Enable/disable time drift fix.
`-template` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Enable/disable Template.
`-unused[n]` `<string>` ::
Reference to unused volumes. This is used internally, and should not be modified manually.
`-usb[n]` `[host=]<HOSTUSBDEVICE|spice> [,usb3=<1|0>]` ::
Configure an USB device (n is 0 to 4).
`-vcpus` `<integer> (1 - N)` ('default =' `0`)::
Number of hotplugged vcpus.
`-vga` `<cirrus | qxl | qxl2 | qxl3 | qxl4 | serial0 | serial1 | serial2 | serial3 | std | vmware>` ::
Select the VGA type.
`-virtio[n]` `[file=]<volume> [,aio=<native|threads>] [,backup=<1|0>] [,bps=<bps>] [,bps_max_length=<seconds>] [,bps_rd=<bps>] [,bps_rd_length=<seconds>] [,bps_wr=<bps>] [,bps_wr_length=<seconds>] [,cache=<enum>] [,cyls=<integer>] [,detect_zeroes=<1|0>] [,discard=<ignore|on>] [,format=<enum>] [,heads=<integer>] [,iops=<iops>] [,iops_max=<iops>] [,iops_max_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd=<iops>] [,iops_rd_length=<seconds>] [,iops_rd_max=<iops>] [,iops_wr=<iops>] [,iops_wr_length=<seconds>] [,iops_wr_max=<iops>] [,iothread=<1|0>] [,mbps=<mbps>] [,mbps_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd=<mbps>] [,mbps_rd_max=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr=<mbps>] [,mbps_wr_max=<mbps>] [,media=<cdrom|disk>] [,rerror=<ignore|report|stop>] [,secs=<integer>] [,serial=<serial>] [,size=<DiskSize>] [,snapshot=<1|0>] [,trans=<none|lba|auto>] [,werror=<enum>]` ::
Use volume as VIRTIO hard disk (n is 0 to 15).
`-watchdog` `[[model=]<i6300esb|ib700>] [,action=<enum>]` ::
Create a virtual hardware watchdog device.
*qm showcmd* `<vmid>`
Show command line which is used to start the VM (debug info).
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
*qm shutdown* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Shutdown virtual machine. This is similar to pressing the power button on a
physical machine.This will send an ACPI event for the guest OS, which
should then proceed to a clean shutdown.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-forceStop` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Make sure the VM stops.
`-keepActive` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Do not deactivate storage volumes.
`-skiplock` `<boolean>` ::
Ignore locks - only root is allowed to use this option.
`-timeout` `<integer> (0 - N)` ::
Wait maximal timeout seconds.
*qm snapshot* `<vmid> <snapname>` `[OPTIONS]`
Snapshot a VM.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`<snapname>`: `<string>` ::
The name of the snapshot.
`-description` `<string>` ::
A textual description or comment.
`-vmstate` `<boolean>` ::
Save the vmstate
*qm start* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Start virtual machine.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-machine` `(pc|pc(-i440fx)?-\d+\.\d+(\.pxe)?|q35|pc-q35-\d+\.\d+(\.pxe)?)` ::
Specific the Qemu machine type.
`-migratedfrom` `<string>` ::
The cluster node name.
`-migration_network` `<string>` ::
CIDR of the (sub) network that is used for migration.
`-migration_type` `<insecure | secure>` ::
Migration traffic is encrypted using an SSH tunnel by default. On secure, completely private networks this can be disabled to increase performance.
`-skiplock` `<boolean>` ::
Ignore locks - only root is allowed to use this option.
`-stateuri` `<string>` ::
Some command save/restore state from this location.
`-targetstorage` `<string>` ::
Target storage for the migration. (Can be '1' to use the same storage id as on the source node.)
*qm status* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Show VM status.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-verbose` `<boolean>` ::
Verbose output format
*qm stop* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Stop virtual machine. The qemu process will exit immediately. Thisis akin
to pulling the power plug of a running computer and may damage the VM data
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-keepActive` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Do not deactivate storage volumes.
`-migratedfrom` `<string>` ::
The cluster node name.
`-skiplock` `<boolean>` ::
Ignore locks - only root is allowed to use this option.
`-timeout` `<integer> (0 - N)` ::
Wait maximal timeout seconds.
*qm suspend* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Suspend virtual machine.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-skiplock` `<boolean>` ::
Ignore locks - only root is allowed to use this option.
*qm template* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Create a Template.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-disk` `<efidisk0 | ide0 | ide1 | ide2 | ide3 | sata0 | sata1 | sata2 | sata3 | sata4 | sata5 | scsi0 | scsi1 | scsi10 | scsi11 | scsi12 | scsi13 | scsi2 | scsi3 | scsi4 | scsi5 | scsi6 | scsi7 | scsi8 | scsi9 | virtio0 | virtio1 | virtio10 | virtio11 | virtio12 | virtio13 | virtio14 | virtio15 | virtio2 | virtio3 | virtio4 | virtio5 | virtio6 | virtio7 | virtio8 | virtio9>` ::
If you want to convert only 1 disk to base image.
*qm terminal* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Open a terminal using a serial device (The VM need to have a serial device
configured, for example 'serial0: socket')
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-iface` `<serial0 | serial1 | serial2 | serial3>` ::
Select the serial device. By default we simply use the first suitable device.
*qm unlink* `<vmid> -idlist <string>` `[OPTIONS]`
Unlink/delete disk images.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-force` `<boolean>` ::
Force physical removal. Without this, we simple remove the disk from the config file and create an additional configuration entry called 'unused[n]', which contains the volume ID. Unlink of unused[n] always cause physical removal.
`-idlist` `<string>` ::
A list of disk IDs you want to delete.
*qm unlock* `<vmid>`
Unlock the VM.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
*qm vncproxy* `<vmid>`
Proxy VM VNC traffic to stdin/stdout
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
*qm wait* `<vmid>` `[OPTIONS]`
Wait until the VM is stopped.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
The (unique) ID of the VM.
`-timeout` `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
Timeout in seconds. Default is to wait forever.