mirror of git://git.proxmox.com/git/pve-docs.git synced 2025-03-07 00:58:19 +03:00
Thomas Lamprecht de786b48df update static/schema information
Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <t.lamprecht@proxmox.com>
2022-09-12 17:25:00 +02:00

792 lines
17 KiB

*pvesm* `<COMMAND> [ARGS] [OPTIONS]`
*pvesm add* `<type> <storage>` `[OPTIONS]`
Create a new storage.
`<type>`: `<btrfs | cephfs | cifs | dir | glusterfs | iscsi | iscsidirect | lvm | lvmthin | nfs | pbs | rbd | zfs | zfspool>` ::
Storage type.
`<storage>`: `<string>` ::
The storage identifier.
`--authsupported` `<string>` ::
`--base` `<string>` ::
Base volume. This volume is automatically activated.
`--blocksize` `<string>` ::
block size
`--bwlimit` `[clone=<LIMIT>] [,default=<LIMIT>] [,migration=<LIMIT>] [,move=<LIMIT>] [,restore=<LIMIT>]` ::
Set bandwidth/io limits various operations.
`--comstar_hg` `<string>` ::
host group for comstar views
`--comstar_tg` `<string>` ::
target group for comstar views
`--content` `<string>` ::
Allowed content types.
NOTE: the value 'rootdir' is used for Containers, and value 'images' for VMs.
`--data-pool` `<string>` ::
Data Pool (for erasure coding only)
`--datastore` `<string>` ::
Proxmox Backup Server datastore name.
`--disable` `<boolean>` ::
Flag to disable the storage.
`--domain` `<string>` ::
CIFS domain.
`--encryption-key` `a file containing an encryption key, or the special value "autogen"` ::
Encryption key. Use 'autogen' to generate one automatically without passphrase.
`--export` `<string>` ::
NFS export path.
`--fingerprint` `([A-Fa-f0-9]{2}:){31}[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}` ::
Certificate SHA 256 fingerprint.
`--format` `<string>` ::
Default image format.
`--fs-name` `<string>` ::
The Ceph filesystem name.
`--fuse` `<boolean>` ::
Mount CephFS through FUSE.
`--is_mountpoint` `<string>` ('default =' `no`)::
Assume the given path is an externally managed mountpoint and consider the storage offline if it is not mounted. Using a boolean (yes/no) value serves as a shortcut to using the target path in this field.
`--iscsiprovider` `<string>` ::
iscsi provider
`--keyring` `file containing the keyring to authenticate in the Ceph cluster` ::
Client keyring contents (for external clusters).
`--krbd` `<boolean>` ::
Always access rbd through krbd kernel module.
`--lio_tpg` `<string>` ::
target portal group for Linux LIO targets
`--master-pubkey` `a file containing a PEM-formatted master public key` ::
Base64-encoded, PEM-formatted public RSA key. Used to encrypt a copy of the encryption-key which will be added to each encrypted backup.
`--max-protected-backups` `<integer> (-1 - N)` ('default =' `Unlimited for users with Datastore.Allocate privilege, 5 for other users`)::
Maximal number of protected backups per guest. Use '-1' for unlimited.
`--maxfiles` `<integer> (0 - N)` ::
Deprecated: use 'prune-backups' instead. Maximal number of backup files per VM. Use '0' for unlimited.
`--mkdir` `<boolean>` ('default =' `yes`)::
Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
`--monhost` `<string>` ::
IP addresses of monitors (for external clusters).
`--mountpoint` `<string>` ::
mount point
`--namespace` `<string>` ::
`--nocow` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Set the NOCOW flag on files. Disables data checksumming and causes data errors to be unrecoverable from while allowing direct I/O. Only use this if data does not need to be any more safe than on a single ext4 formatted disk with no underlying raid system.
`--nodes` `<string>` ::
List of cluster node names.
`--nowritecache` `<boolean>` ::
disable write caching on the target
`--options` `<string>` ::
NFS mount options (see 'man nfs')
`--password` `<password>` ::
Password for accessing the share/datastore.
`--path` `<string>` ::
File system path.
`--pool` `<string>` ::
`--port` `<integer> (1 - 65535)` ('default =' `8007`)::
For non default port.
`--portal` `<string>` ::
iSCSI portal (IP or DNS name with optional port).
`--preallocation` `<falloc | full | metadata | off>` ('default =' `metadata`)::
Preallocation mode for raw and qcow2 images. Using 'metadata' on raw images results in preallocation=off.
`--prune-backups` `[keep-all=<1|0>] [,keep-daily=<N>] [,keep-hourly=<N>] [,keep-last=<N>] [,keep-monthly=<N>] [,keep-weekly=<N>] [,keep-yearly=<N>]` ::
The retention options with shorter intervals are processed first with --keep-last being the very first one. Each option covers a specific period of time. We say that backups within this period are covered by this option. The next option does not take care of already covered backups and only considers older backups.
`--saferemove` `<boolean>` ::
Zero-out data when removing LVs.
`--saferemove_throughput` `<string>` ::
Wipe throughput (cstream -t parameter value).
`--server` `<string>` ::
Server IP or DNS name.
`--server2` `<string>` ::
Backup volfile server IP or DNS name.
NOTE: Requires option(s): `server`
`--share` `<string>` ::
CIFS share.
`--shared` `<boolean>` ::
Mark storage as shared.
`--smbversion` `<2.0 | 2.1 | 3 | 3.0 | 3.11 | default>` ('default =' `default`)::
SMB protocol version. 'default' if not set, negotiates the highest SMB2+ version supported by both the client and server.
`--sparse` `<boolean>` ::
use sparse volumes
`--subdir` `<string>` ::
Subdir to mount.
`--tagged_only` `<boolean>` ::
Only use logical volumes tagged with 'pve-vm-ID'.
`--target` `<string>` ::
iSCSI target.
`--thinpool` `<string>` ::
LVM thin pool LV name.
`--transport` `<rdma | tcp | unix>` ::
Gluster transport: tcp or rdma
`--username` `<string>` ::
`--vgname` `<string>` ::
Volume group name.
`--volume` `<string>` ::
Glusterfs Volume.
*pvesm alloc* `<storage> <vmid> <filename> <size>` `[OPTIONS]`
Allocate disk images.
`<storage>`: `<string>` ::
The storage identifier.
`<vmid>`: `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
Specify owner VM
`<filename>`: `<string>` ::
The name of the file to create.
`<size>`: `\d+[MG]?` ::
Size in kilobyte (1024 bytes). Optional suffixes 'M' (megabyte, 1024K) and 'G' (gigabyte, 1024M)
`--format` `<qcow2 | raw | subvol>` ::
no description available
NOTE: Requires option(s): `size`
*pvesm apiinfo*
Returns APIVER and APIAGE.
*pvesm cifsscan*
An alias for 'pvesm scan cifs'.
*pvesm export* `<volume> <format> <filename>` `[OPTIONS]`
Used internally to export a volume.
`<volume>`: `<string>` ::
Volume identifier
`<format>`: `<btrfs | qcow2+size | raw+size | tar+size | vmdk+size | zfs>` ::
Export stream format
`<filename>`: `<string>` ::
Destination file name
`--base` `(?^i:[a-z0-9_\-]{1,40})` ::
Snapshot to start an incremental stream from
`--snapshot` `(?^i:[a-z0-9_\-]{1,40})` ::
Snapshot to export
`--snapshot-list` `<string>` ::
Ordered list of snapshots to transfer
`--with-snapshots` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Whether to include intermediate snapshots in the stream
*pvesm extractconfig* `<volume>`
Extract configuration from vzdump backup archive.
`<volume>`: `<string>` ::
Volume identifier
*pvesm free* `<volume>` `[OPTIONS]`
Delete volume
`<volume>`: `<string>` ::
Volume identifier
`--delay` `<integer> (1 - 30)` ::
Time to wait for the task to finish. We return 'null' if the task finish within that time.
`--storage` `<string>` ::
The storage identifier.
*pvesm glusterfsscan*
An alias for 'pvesm scan glusterfs'.
*pvesm help* `[OPTIONS]`
Get help about specified command.
`--extra-args` `<array>` ::
Shows help for a specific command
`--verbose` `<boolean>` ::
Verbose output format.
*pvesm import* `<volume> <format> <filename>` `[OPTIONS]`
Used internally to import a volume.
`<volume>`: `<string>` ::
Volume identifier
`<format>`: `<btrfs | qcow2+size | raw+size | tar+size | vmdk+size | zfs>` ::
Import stream format
`<filename>`: `<string>` ::
Source file name. For '-' stdin is used, the tcp://<IP-or-CIDR> format allows to use a TCP connection, the unix://PATH-TO-SOCKET format a UNIX socket as input.Else, the file is treated as common file.
`--allow-rename` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Choose a new volume ID if the requested volume ID already exists, instead of throwing an error.
`--base` `(?^i:[a-z0-9_\-]{1,40})` ::
Base snapshot of an incremental stream
`--delete-snapshot` `(?^i:[a-z0-9_\-]{1,80})` ::
A snapshot to delete on success
`--snapshot` `(?^i:[a-z0-9_\-]{1,40})` ::
The current-state snapshot if the stream contains snapshots
`--with-snapshots` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Whether the stream includes intermediate snapshots
*pvesm iscsiscan*
An alias for 'pvesm scan iscsi'.
*pvesm list* `<storage>` `[OPTIONS]`
List storage content.
`<storage>`: `<string>` ::
The storage identifier.
`--content` `<string>` ::
Only list content of this type.
`--vmid` `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
Only list images for this VM
*pvesm lvmscan*
An alias for 'pvesm scan lvm'.
*pvesm lvmthinscan*
An alias for 'pvesm scan lvmthin'.
*pvesm nfsscan*
An alias for 'pvesm scan nfs'.
*pvesm path* `<volume>`
Get filesystem path for specified volume
`<volume>`: `<string>` ::
Volume identifier
*pvesm prune-backups* `<storage>` `[OPTIONS]`
Prune backups. Only those using the standard naming scheme are considered.
If no keep options are specified, those from the storage configuration are
`<storage>`: `<string>` ::
The storage identifier.
`--dry-run` `<boolean>` ::
Only show what would be pruned, don't delete anything.
`--keep-all` `<boolean>` ::
Keep all backups. Conflicts with the other options when true.
`--keep-daily` `<N>` ::
Keep backups for the last <N> different days. If there is morethan one backup for a single day, only the latest one is kept.
`--keep-hourly` `<N>` ::
Keep backups for the last <N> different hours. If there is morethan one backup for a single hour, only the latest one is kept.
`--keep-last` `<N>` ::
Keep the last <N> backups.
`--keep-monthly` `<N>` ::
Keep backups for the last <N> different months. If there is morethan one backup for a single month, only the latest one is kept.
`--keep-weekly` `<N>` ::
Keep backups for the last <N> different weeks. If there is morethan one backup for a single week, only the latest one is kept.
`--keep-yearly` `<N>` ::
Keep backups for the last <N> different years. If there is morethan one backup for a single year, only the latest one is kept.
`--type` `<lxc | qemu>` ::
Either 'qemu' or 'lxc'. Only consider backups for guests of this type.
`--vmid` `<integer> (1 - N)` ::
Only consider backups for this guest.
*pvesm remove* `<storage>`
Delete storage configuration.
`<storage>`: `<string>` ::
The storage identifier.
*pvesm scan cifs* `<server>` `[OPTIONS]`
Scan remote CIFS server.
`<server>`: `<string>` ::
The server address (name or IP).
`--domain` `<string>` ::
SMB domain (Workgroup).
`--password` `<password>` ::
User password.
`--username` `<string>` ::
User name.
*pvesm scan glusterfs* `<server>`
Scan remote GlusterFS server.
`<server>`: `<string>` ::
The server address (name or IP).
*pvesm scan iscsi* `<portal>`
Scan remote iSCSI server.
`<portal>`: `<string>` ::
The iSCSI portal (IP or DNS name with optional port).
*pvesm scan lvm*
List local LVM volume groups.
*pvesm scan lvmthin* `<vg>`
List local LVM Thin Pools.
`<vg>`: `[a-zA-Z0-9\.\+\_][a-zA-Z0-9\.\+\_\-]+` ::
no description available
*pvesm scan nfs* `<server>`
Scan remote NFS server.
`<server>`: `<string>` ::
The server address (name or IP).
*pvesm scan pbs* `<server> <username> --password <string>` `[OPTIONS]` `[FORMAT_OPTIONS]`
Scan remote Proxmox Backup Server.
`<server>`: `<string>` ::
The server address (name or IP).
`<username>`: `<string>` ::
User-name or API token-ID.
`--fingerprint` `([A-Fa-f0-9]{2}:){31}[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}` ::
Certificate SHA 256 fingerprint.
`--password` `<string>` ::
User password or API token secret.
`--port` `<integer> (1 - 65535)` ('default =' `8007`)::
Optional port.
*pvesm scan zfs*
Scan zfs pool list on local node.
*pvesm set* `<storage>` `[OPTIONS]`
Update storage configuration.
`<storage>`: `<string>` ::
The storage identifier.
`--blocksize` `<string>` ::
block size
`--bwlimit` `[clone=<LIMIT>] [,default=<LIMIT>] [,migration=<LIMIT>] [,move=<LIMIT>] [,restore=<LIMIT>]` ::
Set bandwidth/io limits various operations.
`--comstar_hg` `<string>` ::
host group for comstar views
`--comstar_tg` `<string>` ::
target group for comstar views
`--content` `<string>` ::
Allowed content types.
NOTE: the value 'rootdir' is used for Containers, and value 'images' for VMs.
`--data-pool` `<string>` ::
Data Pool (for erasure coding only)
`--delete` `<string>` ::
A list of settings you want to delete.
`--digest` `<string>` ::
Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA1 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.
`--disable` `<boolean>` ::
Flag to disable the storage.
`--domain` `<string>` ::
CIFS domain.
`--encryption-key` `a file containing an encryption key, or the special value "autogen"` ::
Encryption key. Use 'autogen' to generate one automatically without passphrase.
`--fingerprint` `([A-Fa-f0-9]{2}:){31}[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}` ::
Certificate SHA 256 fingerprint.
`--format` `<string>` ::
Default image format.
`--fs-name` `<string>` ::
The Ceph filesystem name.
`--fuse` `<boolean>` ::
Mount CephFS through FUSE.
`--is_mountpoint` `<string>` ('default =' `no`)::
Assume the given path is an externally managed mountpoint and consider the storage offline if it is not mounted. Using a boolean (yes/no) value serves as a shortcut to using the target path in this field.
`--keyring` `file containing the keyring to authenticate in the Ceph cluster` ::
Client keyring contents (for external clusters).
`--krbd` `<boolean>` ::
Always access rbd through krbd kernel module.
`--lio_tpg` `<string>` ::
target portal group for Linux LIO targets
`--master-pubkey` `a file containing a PEM-formatted master public key` ::
Base64-encoded, PEM-formatted public RSA key. Used to encrypt a copy of the encryption-key which will be added to each encrypted backup.
`--max-protected-backups` `<integer> (-1 - N)` ('default =' `Unlimited for users with Datastore.Allocate privilege, 5 for other users`)::
Maximal number of protected backups per guest. Use '-1' for unlimited.
`--maxfiles` `<integer> (0 - N)` ::
Deprecated: use 'prune-backups' instead. Maximal number of backup files per VM. Use '0' for unlimited.
`--mkdir` `<boolean>` ('default =' `yes`)::
Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
`--monhost` `<string>` ::
IP addresses of monitors (for external clusters).
`--mountpoint` `<string>` ::
mount point
`--namespace` `<string>` ::
`--nocow` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Set the NOCOW flag on files. Disables data checksumming and causes data errors to be unrecoverable from while allowing direct I/O. Only use this if data does not need to be any more safe than on a single ext4 formatted disk with no underlying raid system.
`--nodes` `<string>` ::
List of cluster node names.
`--nowritecache` `<boolean>` ::
disable write caching on the target
`--options` `<string>` ::
NFS mount options (see 'man nfs')
`--password` `<password>` ::
Password for accessing the share/datastore.
`--pool` `<string>` ::
`--port` `<integer> (1 - 65535)` ('default =' `8007`)::
For non default port.
`--preallocation` `<falloc | full | metadata | off>` ('default =' `metadata`)::
Preallocation mode for raw and qcow2 images. Using 'metadata' on raw images results in preallocation=off.
`--prune-backups` `[keep-all=<1|0>] [,keep-daily=<N>] [,keep-hourly=<N>] [,keep-last=<N>] [,keep-monthly=<N>] [,keep-weekly=<N>] [,keep-yearly=<N>]` ::
The retention options with shorter intervals are processed first with --keep-last being the very first one. Each option covers a specific period of time. We say that backups within this period are covered by this option. The next option does not take care of already covered backups and only considers older backups.
`--saferemove` `<boolean>` ::
Zero-out data when removing LVs.
`--saferemove_throughput` `<string>` ::
Wipe throughput (cstream -t parameter value).
`--server` `<string>` ::
Server IP or DNS name.
`--server2` `<string>` ::
Backup volfile server IP or DNS name.
NOTE: Requires option(s): `server`
`--shared` `<boolean>` ::
Mark storage as shared.
`--smbversion` `<2.0 | 2.1 | 3 | 3.0 | 3.11 | default>` ('default =' `default`)::
SMB protocol version. 'default' if not set, negotiates the highest SMB2+ version supported by both the client and server.
`--sparse` `<boolean>` ::
use sparse volumes
`--subdir` `<string>` ::
Subdir to mount.
`--tagged_only` `<boolean>` ::
Only use logical volumes tagged with 'pve-vm-ID'.
`--transport` `<rdma | tcp | unix>` ::
Gluster transport: tcp or rdma
`--username` `<string>` ::
*pvesm status* `[OPTIONS]`
Get status for all datastores.
`--content` `<string>` ::
Only list stores which support this content type.
`--enabled` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Only list stores which are enabled (not disabled in config).
`--format` `<boolean>` ('default =' `0`)::
Include information about formats
`--storage` `<string>` ::
Only list status for specified storage
`--target` `<string>` ::
If target is different to 'node', we only lists shared storages which content is accessible on this 'node' and the specified 'target' node.
*pvesm zfsscan*
An alias for 'pvesm scan zfs'.