mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 06:03:46 +03:00
add PVE/Replication.pm - moved from pve-manager
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ install: PVE
install -m 0644 PVE/AbstractMigrate.pm ${PERL5DIR}/PVE/
install -m 0644 PVE/ReplicationConfig.pm ${PERL5DIR}/PVE/
install -m 0644 PVE/ReplicationState.pm ${PERL5DIR}/PVE/
install -m 0644 PVE/Replication.pm ${PERL5DIR}/PVE/
install -d ${PERL5DIR}/PVE/VZDump
install -m 0644 PVE/VZDump/Plugin.pm ${PERL5DIR}/PVE/VZDump/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
package PVE::Replication;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::ProcFSTools;
use PVE::Tools;
use PVE::Cluster;
use PVE::Storage;
use PVE::GuestHelpers;
use PVE::ReplicationConfig;
use PVE::ReplicationState;
# regression tests should overwrite this
sub get_log_time {
return time();
sub remote_prepare_local_job {
my ($ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, $volumes, $storeid_list, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, $force, $logfunc) = @_;
my $ssh_cmd = PVE::Cluster::ssh_info_to_command($ssh_info);
my $cmd = [@$ssh_cmd, '--', 'pvesr', 'prepare-local-job', $jobid];
push @$cmd, '--scan', join(',', @$storeid_list) if scalar(@$storeid_list);
push @$cmd, @$volumes if scalar(@$volumes);
push @$cmd, '--last_sync', $last_sync;
push @$cmd, '--parent_snapname', $parent_snapname
if $parent_snapname;
push @$cmd, '--force' if $force;
my $remote_snapshots;
my $parser = sub {
my $line = shift;
$remote_snapshots = JSON::decode_json($line);
my $logger = sub {
my $line = shift;
chomp $line;
$logfunc->("(remote_prepare_local_job) $line");
PVE::Tools::run_command($cmd, outfunc => $parser, errfunc => $logger);
die "prepare remote node failed - no result\n"
if !defined($remote_snapshots);
return $remote_snapshots;
sub remote_finalize_local_job {
my ($ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, $volumes, $last_sync, $logfunc) = @_;
my $ssh_cmd = PVE::Cluster::ssh_info_to_command($ssh_info);
my $cmd = [@$ssh_cmd, '--', 'pvesr', 'finalize-local-job', $jobid,
@$volumes, '--last_sync', $last_sync];
my $logger = sub {
my $line = shift;
chomp $line;
$logfunc->("(remote_finalize_local_job) $line");
PVE::Tools::run_command($cmd, outfunc => $logger, errfunc => $logger);
# finds local replication snapshots from $last_sync
# and removes all replication snapshots with other time stamps
sub prepare {
my ($storecfg, $volids, $jobid, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, $logfunc) = @_;
$last_sync //= 0;
my ($prefix, $snapname) =
PVE::ReplicationState::replication_snapshot_name($jobid, $last_sync);
my $last_snapshots = {};
my $cleaned_replicated_volumes = {};
foreach my $volid (@$volids) {
my $list = PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_list($storecfg, $volid);
foreach my $snap (@$list) {
if ($snap eq $snapname || (defined($parent_snapname) && ($snap eq $parent_snapname))) {
$last_snapshots->{$volid}->{$snap} = 1;
} elsif ($snap =~ m/^\Q$prefix\E/) {
$logfunc->("delete stale replication snapshot '$snap' on $volid");
PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($storecfg, $volid, $snap);
$cleaned_replicated_volumes->{$volid} = 1;
return wantarray ? ($last_snapshots, $cleaned_replicated_volumes) : $last_snapshots;
sub replicate_volume {
my ($ssh_info, $storecfg, $volid, $base_snapshot, $sync_snapname, $rate, $insecure) = @_;
my ($storeid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
# fixme: handle $rate, $insecure ??
PVE::Storage::storage_migrate($storecfg, $volid, $ssh_info, $storeid, $volname,
$base_snapshot, $sync_snapname);
sub replicate {
my ($guest_class, $jobcfg, $state, $start_time, $logfunc) = @_;
my $local_node = PVE::INotify::nodename();
die "not implemented - internal error" if $jobcfg->{type} ne 'local';
my $dc_conf = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file('datacenter.cfg');
my $migration_network;
my $migration_type = 'secure';
if (my $mc = $dc_conf->{migration}) {
$migration_network = $mc->{network};
$migration_type = $mc->{type} if defined($mc->{type});
my $jobid = $jobcfg->{id};
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
my $last_sync = $state->{last_sync};
die "start time before last sync ($start_time <= $last_sync) - abort sync\n"
if $start_time <= $last_sync;
my $vmid = $jobcfg->{guest};
my $vmtype = $jobcfg->{vmtype};
my $conf = $guest_class->load_config($vmid);
my ($running, $freezefs) = $guest_class->__snapshot_check_freeze_needed($vmid, $conf, 0);
my $volumes = $guest_class->get_replicatable_volumes($storecfg, $conf);
my $sorted_volids = [ sort keys %$volumes ];
$running //= 0; # to avoid undef warnings from logfunc
$logfunc->("guest => $vmid, type => $vmtype, running => $running");
$logfunc->("volumes => " . join(',', @$sorted_volids));
if (my $remove_job = $jobcfg->{remove_job}) {
$logfunc->("start job removal - mode '${remove_job}'");
if ($remove_job eq 'full' && $jobcfg->{target} ne $local_node) {
# remove all remote volumes
my $ssh_info = PVE::Cluster::get_ssh_info($jobcfg->{target});
remote_prepare_local_job($ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, [], $state->{storeid_list}, 0, undef, 1, $logfunc);
# remove all local replication snapshots (lastsync => 0)
prepare($storecfg, $sorted_volids, $jobid, 0, undef, $logfunc);
PVE::ReplicationConfig::delete_job($jobid); # update config
$logfunc->("job removed");
my $ssh_info = PVE::Cluster::get_ssh_info($jobcfg->{target}, $migration_network);
my $last_sync_snapname =
PVE::ReplicationState::replication_snapshot_name($jobid, $last_sync);
my $sync_snapname =
PVE::ReplicationState::replication_snapshot_name($jobid, $start_time);
my $parent_snapname = $conf->{parent};
# test if we have a replication_ snapshot from last sync
# and remove all other/stale replication snapshots
my $last_snapshots = prepare(
$storecfg, $sorted_volids, $jobid, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, $logfunc);
# prepare remote side
my $remote_snapshots = remote_prepare_local_job(
$ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, $sorted_volids, $state->{storeid_list}, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, 0, $logfunc);
my $storeid_hash = {};
foreach my $volid (@$sorted_volids) {
my ($storeid) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
$storeid_hash->{$storeid} = 1;
$state->{storeid_list} = [ sort keys %$storeid_hash ];
# freeze filesystem for data consistency
if ($freezefs) {
$logfunc->("freeze guest filesystem");
$guest_class->__snapshot_freeze($vmid, 0);
# make snapshot of all volumes
my $replicate_snapshots = {};
eval {
foreach my $volid (@$sorted_volids) {
$logfunc->("create snapshot '${sync_snapname}' on $volid");
PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($storecfg, $volid, $sync_snapname);
$replicate_snapshots->{$volid} = 1;
my $err = $@;
# unfreeze immediately
if ($freezefs) {
$guest_class->__snapshot_freeze($vmid, 1);
my $cleanup_local_snapshots = sub {
my ($volid_hash, $snapname) = @_;
foreach my $volid (sort keys %$volid_hash) {
$logfunc->("delete previous replication snapshot '$snapname' on $volid");
eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($storecfg, $volid, $snapname); };
warn $@ if $@;
if ($err) {
$cleanup_local_snapshots->($replicate_snapshots, $sync_snapname); # try to cleanup
die $err;
eval {
my $rate = $jobcfg->{rate};
my $insecure = $migration_type eq 'insecure';
foreach my $volid (@$sorted_volids) {
my $base_snapname;
if (defined($last_snapshots->{$volid}) && defined($remote_snapshots->{$volid})) {
if ($last_snapshots->{$volid}->{$last_sync_snapname} &&
$remote_snapshots->{$volid}->{$last_sync_snapname}) {
$logfunc->("incremental sync '$volid' ($last_sync_snapname => $sync_snapname)");
$base_snapname = $last_sync_snapname;
} elsif (defined($parent_snapname) &&
($last_snapshots->{$volid}->{$parent_snapname} &&
$remote_snapshots->{$volid}->{$parent_snapname})) {
$logfunc->("incremental sync '$volid' ($parent_snapname => $sync_snapname)");
$base_snapname = $parent_snapname;
$logfunc->("full sync '$volid' ($sync_snapname)") if !defined($base_snapname);
replicate_volume($ssh_info, $storecfg, $volid, $base_snapname, $sync_snapname, $rate, $insecure);
$err = $@;
if ($err) {
$cleanup_local_snapshots->($replicate_snapshots, $sync_snapname); # try to cleanup
# we do not cleanup the remote side here - this is done in
# next run of prepare_local_job
die $err;
# remove old snapshots because they are no longer needed
$cleanup_local_snapshots->($last_snapshots, $last_sync_snapname);
remote_finalize_local_job($ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, $sorted_volids, $start_time, $logfunc);
die $err if $err;
my $run_replication_nolock = sub {
my ($guest_class, $jobcfg, $iteration, $start_time, $logfunc) = @_;
my $jobid = $jobcfg->{id};
# we normaly write errors into the state file,
# but we also catch unexpected errors and log them to syslog
# (for examply when there are problems writing the state file)
eval {
my $state = PVE::ReplicationState::read_job_state($jobcfg);
my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
$state->{pid} = $$;
$state->{ptime} = PVE::ProcFSTools::read_proc_starttime($state->{pid});
$state->{last_node} = PVE::INotify::nodename();
$state->{last_try} = $start_time;
$state->{last_iteration} = $iteration;
$state->{storeid_list} //= [];
PVE::ReplicationState::write_job_state($jobcfg, $state);
mkdir $PVE::ReplicationState::replicate_logdir;
my $logfile = PVE::ReplicationState::job_logfile_name($jobid);
open(my $logfd, '>', $logfile) ||
die "unable to open replication log '$logfile' - $!\n";
my $logfunc_wrapper = sub {
my ($msg) = @_;
my $ctime = get_log_time();
print $logfd "$ctime $jobid: $msg\n";
$logfunc->("$ctime $jobid: $msg") if $logfunc;
$logfunc_wrapper->("start replication job");
eval {
replicate($guest_class, $jobcfg, $state, $start_time, $logfunc_wrapper);
my $err = $@;
$state->{duration} = tv_interval($t0);
delete $state->{pid};
delete $state->{ptime};
if ($err) {
chomp $err;
$state->{error} = "$err";
PVE::ReplicationState::write_job_state($jobcfg, $state);
$logfunc_wrapper->("end replication job with error: $err");
} else {
$logfunc_wrapper->("end replication job");
$state->{last_sync} = $start_time;
$state->{fail_count} = 0;
delete $state->{error};
PVE::ReplicationState::write_job_state($jobcfg, $state);
if (my $err = $@) {
warn "$jobid: got unexpected replication job error - $err";
sub run_replication {
my ($guest_class, $jobcfg, $iteration, $start_time, $logfunc, $noerr) = @_;
eval {
my $timeout = 2; # do not wait too long - we repeat periodically anyways
$jobcfg->{guest}, $timeout, $run_replication_nolock,
$guest_class, $jobcfg, $iteration, $start_time, $logfunc);
if (my $err = $@) {
return undef if $noerr;
die $err;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user