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synced 2025-03-12 20:58:20 +03:00
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310 lines
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package PVE::AbstractMigrate;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use PVE::Tools;
my $msg2text = sub {
my ($level, $msg) = @_;
chomp $msg;
return '' if !$msg;
my $res = '';
my $tstr = strftime("%F %H:%M:%S", localtime);
foreach my $line (split (/\n/, $msg)) {
if ($level eq 'err') {
$res .= "$tstr ERROR: $line\n";
} else {
$res .= "$tstr $line\n";
return $res;
sub log {
my ($self, $level, $msg) = @_;
chomp $msg;
return if !$msg;
print &$msg2text($level, $msg);
sub cmd {
my ($self, $cmd, %param) = @_;
my $logfunc = sub {
my $line = shift;
$self->log('info', $line);
$self->log('info', "# " . PVE::Tools::cmd2string($cmd));
PVE::Tools::run_command($cmd, %param, outfunc => $logfunc, errfunc => $logfunc);
my $run_command_quiet_full = sub {
my ($self, $cmd, $logerr, %param) = @_;
my $log = '';
my $logfunc = sub {
my $line = shift;
$log .= &$msg2text('info', $line);;
eval { PVE::Tools::run_command($cmd, %param, outfunc => $logfunc, errfunc => $logfunc); };
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->log('info', "# " . PVE::Tools::cmd2string($cmd));
print $log;
if ($logerr) {
$self->{errors} = 1;
$self->log('err', $err);
} else {
die $err;
sub cmd_quiet {
my ($self, $cmd, %param) = @_;
return &$run_command_quiet_full($self, $cmd, 0, %param);
sub cmd_logerr {
my ($self, $cmd, %param) = @_;
return &$run_command_quiet_full($self, $cmd, 1, %param);
sub get_remote_migration_ip {
my ($self) = @_;
my $ip;
my $cmd = [@{$self->{rem_ssh}}, 'pvecm', 'mtunnel', '--get_migration_ip'];
push @$cmd, '--migration_network', $self->{opts}->{migration_network}
if defined($self->{opts}->{migration_network});
PVE::Tools::run_command($cmd, outfunc => sub {
my $line = shift;
if ($line =~ m/^ip: '($PVE::Tools::IPRE)'$/) {
$ip = $1;
return $ip;
my $eval_int = sub {
my ($self, $func, @param) = @_;
eval {
local $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{HUP} = sub {
$self->{delayed_interrupt} = 0;
die "interrupted by signal\n";
local $SIG{PIPE} = sub {
$self->{delayed_interrupt} = 0;
die "interrupted by signal\n";
my $di = $self->{delayed_interrupt};
$self->{delayed_interrupt} = 0;
die "interrupted by signal\n" if $di;
&$func($self, @param);
my @ssh_opts = ('-o', 'BatchMode=yes');
my @ssh_cmd = ('/usr/bin/ssh', @ssh_opts);
sub migrate {
my ($class, $node, $nodeip, $vmid, $opts) = @_;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my $self = {
delayed_interrupt => 0,
opts => $opts,
vmid => $vmid,
node => $node,
nodeip => $nodeip,
rem_ssh => [ @ssh_cmd, "root\@$nodeip" ],
$self = bless $self, $class;
my $starttime = time();
local $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{HUP} = $SIG{PIPE} = sub {
$self->log('err', "received interrupt - delayed");
$self->{delayed_interrupt} = 1;
# lock container during migration
eval { $self->lock_vm($self->{vmid}, sub {
$self->{running} = 0;
&$eval_int($self, sub { $self->{running} = $self->prepare($self->{vmid}); });
die $@ if $@;
# get dedicated migration address from remote node, if set.
# as a side effect this checks also if the other node can be accessed
# through ssh and that it has quorum
my $remote_migration_ip = $self->get_remote_migration_ip();
if (defined($remote_migration_ip)) {
$nodeip = $remote_migration_ip;
$self->{nodeip} = $remote_migration_ip;
$self->{rem_ssh} = [ @ssh_cmd, "root\@$nodeip" ];
$self->log('info', "use dedicated network address for sending " .
"migration traffic ($self->{nodeip})");
# test if we can connect to new IP
my $cmd = [ @{$self->{rem_ssh}}, '/bin/true' ];
eval { $self->cmd_quiet($cmd); };
die "Can't connect to destination address ($self->{nodeip}) using " .
"public key authentication\n" if $@;
&$eval_int($self, sub { $self->phase1($self->{vmid}); });
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
$self->log('err', $err);
eval { $self->phase1_cleanup($self->{vmid}, $err); };
if (my $tmperr = $@) {
$self->log('err', $tmperr);
eval { $self->final_cleanup($self->{vmid}); };
if (my $tmperr = $@) {
$self->log('err', $tmperr);
die $err;
# vm is now owned by other node
# Note: there is no VM config file on the local node anymore
if ($self->{running}) {
&$eval_int($self, sub { $self->phase2($self->{vmid}); });
my $phase2err = $@;
if ($phase2err) {
$self->{errors} = 1;
$self->log('err', "online migrate failure - $phase2err");
eval { $self->phase2_cleanup($self->{vmid}, $phase2err); };
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->log('err', $err);
$self->{errors} = 1;
# phase3 (finalize)
&$eval_int($self, sub { $self->phase3($self->{vmid}); });
my $phase3err = $@;
if ($phase3err) {
$self->log('err', $phase3err);
$self->{errors} = 1;
eval { $self->phase3_cleanup($self->{vmid}, $phase3err); };
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->log('err', $err);
$self->{errors} = 1;
eval { $self->final_cleanup($self->{vmid}); };
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->log('err', $err);
$self->{errors} = 1;
my $err = $@;
my $delay = time() - $starttime;
my $mins = int($delay/60);
my $secs = $delay - $mins*60;
my $hours = int($mins/60);
$mins = $mins - $hours*60;
my $duration = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $mins, $secs;
if ($err) {
$self->log('err', "migration aborted (duration $duration): $err");
die "migration aborted\n";
if ($self->{errors}) {
$self->log('err', "migration finished with problems (duration $duration)");
die "migration problems\n"
$self->log('info', "migration finished successfully (duration $duration)");
sub lock_vm {
my ($self, $vmid, $code, @param) = @_;
die "abstract method - implement me";
sub prepare {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
die "abstract method - implement me";
# return $running;
# transfer all data and move VM config files
sub phase1 {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
die "abstract method - implement me";
# only called if there are errors in phase1
sub phase1_cleanup {
my ($self, $vmid, $err) = @_;
die "abstract method - implement me";
# only called when VM is running and phase1 was successful
sub phase2 {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
die "abstract method - implement me";
# only called when VM is running and phase1 was successful
sub phase2_cleanup {
my ($self, $vmid, $err) = @_;
# only called when phase1 was successful
sub phase3 {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
# only called when phase1 was successful
sub phase3_cleanup {
my ($self, $vmid, $err) = @_;
# final cleanup - always called
sub final_cleanup {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
die "abstract method - implement me";