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synced 2024-12-27 03:21:36 +03:00
If a VM configuration has been manually moved or recovered by HA, there is no status on this new node. In this case, the replication snapshots still exist on the remote side. It must be possible to remove a job without status, otherwise, a new replication job on the same remote node will fail and the disks will have to be manually removed. When searching through the sorted_volumes generated from the VMID.conf, we can be sure that every disk will be removed in the event of a complete job removal on the remote side. In the end, the remote_prepare_local_job calls on the remote side a prepare.
407 lines
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407 lines
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package PVE::Replication;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::ProcFSTools;
use PVE::Tools;
use PVE::Cluster;
use PVE::Storage;
use PVE::GuestHelpers;
use PVE::ReplicationConfig;
use PVE::ReplicationState;
# regression tests should overwrite this
sub get_log_time {
return strftime("%F %H:%M:%S", localtime);
# Find common base replication snapshot, available on local and remote side.
# Note: this also removes stale replication snapshots
sub find_common_replication_snapshot {
my ($ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, $storecfg, $volumes, $storeid_list, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, $logfunc) = @_;
my $last_sync_snapname =
PVE::ReplicationState::replication_snapshot_name($jobid, $last_sync);
# test if we have a replication_ snapshot from last sync
# and remove all other/stale replication snapshots
my $last_snapshots = prepare(
$storecfg, $volumes, $jobid, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, $logfunc);
# prepare remote side
my $remote_snapshots = remote_prepare_local_job(
$ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, $volumes, $storeid_list, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, 0, $logfunc);
my $base_snapshots = {};
foreach my $volid (@$volumes) {
my $base_snapname;
if (defined($last_snapshots->{$volid}) && defined($remote_snapshots->{$volid})) {
if ($last_snapshots->{$volid}->{$last_sync_snapname} &&
$remote_snapshots->{$volid}->{$last_sync_snapname}) {
$base_snapshots->{$volid} = $last_sync_snapname;
} elsif (defined($parent_snapname) &&
($last_snapshots->{$volid}->{$parent_snapname} &&
$remote_snapshots->{$volid}->{$parent_snapname})) {
$base_snapshots->{$volid} = $parent_snapname;
return ($base_snapshots, $last_snapshots, $last_sync_snapname);
sub remote_prepare_local_job {
my ($ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, $volumes, $storeid_list, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, $force, $logfunc) = @_;
my $ssh_cmd = PVE::Cluster::ssh_info_to_command($ssh_info);
my $cmd = [@$ssh_cmd, '--', 'pvesr', 'prepare-local-job', $jobid];
push @$cmd, '--scan', join(',', @$storeid_list) if scalar(@$storeid_list);
push @$cmd, @$volumes if scalar(@$volumes);
push @$cmd, '--last_sync', $last_sync;
push @$cmd, '--parent_snapname', $parent_snapname
if $parent_snapname;
push @$cmd, '--force' if $force;
my $remote_snapshots;
my $parser = sub {
my $line = shift;
$remote_snapshots = JSON::decode_json($line);
my $logger = sub {
my $line = shift;
chomp $line;
$logfunc->("(remote_prepare_local_job) $line");
PVE::Tools::run_command($cmd, outfunc => $parser, errfunc => $logger);
die "prepare remote node failed - no result\n"
if !defined($remote_snapshots);
return $remote_snapshots;
sub remote_finalize_local_job {
my ($ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, $volumes, $last_sync, $logfunc) = @_;
my $ssh_cmd = PVE::Cluster::ssh_info_to_command($ssh_info);
my $cmd = [@$ssh_cmd, '--', 'pvesr', 'finalize-local-job', $jobid,
@$volumes, '--last_sync', $last_sync];
my $logger = sub {
my $line = shift;
chomp $line;
$logfunc->("(remote_finalize_local_job) $line");
PVE::Tools::run_command($cmd, outfunc => $logger, errfunc => $logger);
# finds local replication snapshots from $last_sync
# and removes all replication snapshots with other time stamps
sub prepare {
my ($storecfg, $volids, $jobid, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, $logfunc) = @_;
$last_sync //= 0;
my ($prefix, $snapname);
if (defined($jobid)) {
($prefix, $snapname) = PVE::ReplicationState::replication_snapshot_name($jobid, $last_sync);
} else {
$prefix = '__replicate_';
my $last_snapshots = {};
my $cleaned_replicated_volumes = {};
foreach my $volid (@$volids) {
my $list = PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_list($storecfg, $volid);
foreach my $snap (@$list) {
if ((defined($snapname) && ($snap eq $snapname)) ||
(defined($parent_snapname) && ($snap eq $parent_snapname))) {
$last_snapshots->{$volid}->{$snap} = 1;
} elsif ($snap =~ m/^\Q$prefix\E/) {
$logfunc->("delete stale replication snapshot '$snap' on $volid");
eval {
PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($storecfg, $volid, $snap);
$cleaned_replicated_volumes->{$volid} = 1;
# If deleting the snapshot fails, we can not be sure if it was due to an error or a timeout.
# The likelihood that the delete has worked out is high at a timeout.
# If it really fails, it will try to remove on the next run.
if (my $err = $@) {
# warn is for syslog/journal.
warn $err;
# logfunc will written in replication log.
$logfunc->("delete stale replication snapshot error: $err");
return wantarray ? ($last_snapshots, $cleaned_replicated_volumes) : $last_snapshots;
sub replicate_volume {
my ($ssh_info, $storecfg, $volid, $base_snapshot, $sync_snapname, $rate, $insecure, $logfunc) = @_;
my ($storeid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
my $ratelimit_bps = int(1000000*$rate) if $rate;
PVE::Storage::storage_migrate($storecfg, $volid, $ssh_info, $storeid, $volname,
$base_snapshot, $sync_snapname, $ratelimit_bps, $insecure, 1, $logfunc);
sub replicate {
my ($guest_class, $jobcfg, $state, $start_time, $logfunc) = @_;
my $local_node = PVE::INotify::nodename();
die "not implemented - internal error" if $jobcfg->{type} ne 'local';
my $dc_conf = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file('datacenter.cfg');
my $migration_network;
my $migration_type = 'secure';
if (my $mc = $dc_conf->{migration}) {
$migration_network = $mc->{network};
$migration_type = $mc->{type} if defined($mc->{type});
my $jobid = $jobcfg->{id};
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
my $last_sync = $state->{last_sync};
die "start time before last sync ($start_time <= $last_sync) - abort sync\n"
if $start_time <= $last_sync;
my $vmid = $jobcfg->{guest};
my $conf = $guest_class->load_config($vmid);
my ($running, $freezefs) = $guest_class->__snapshot_check_freeze_needed($vmid, $conf, 0);
my $volumes = $guest_class->get_replicatable_volumes($storecfg, $vmid, $conf, defined($jobcfg->{remove_job}));
my $sorted_volids = [ sort keys %$volumes ];
$running //= 0; # to avoid undef warnings from logfunc
my $guest_name = $guest_class->guest_type() . ' ' . $vmid;
$logfunc->("guest => $guest_name, running => $running");
$logfunc->("volumes => " . join(',', @$sorted_volids));
if (my $remove_job = $jobcfg->{remove_job}) {
$logfunc->("start job removal - mode '${remove_job}'");
if ($remove_job eq 'full' && $jobcfg->{target} ne $local_node) {
# remove all remote volumes
my @store_list = map { (PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($_))[0] } @$sorted_volids;
my %hash = map { $_ => 1 } @store_list;
my $ssh_info = PVE::Cluster::get_ssh_info($jobcfg->{target});
remote_prepare_local_job($ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, [], [ keys %hash ], 1, undef, 1, $logfunc);
# remove all local replication snapshots (lastsync => 0)
prepare($storecfg, $sorted_volids, $jobid, 0, undef, $logfunc);
PVE::ReplicationConfig::delete_job($jobid); # update config
$logfunc->("job removed");
return undef;
my $ssh_info = PVE::Cluster::get_ssh_info($jobcfg->{target}, $migration_network);
my $parent_snapname = $conf->{parent};
my ($base_snapshots, $last_snapshots, $last_sync_snapname) = find_common_replication_snapshot(
$ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, $storecfg, $sorted_volids, $state->{storeid_list}, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, $logfunc);
my $storeid_hash = {};
foreach my $volid (@$sorted_volids) {
my ($storeid) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
$storeid_hash->{$storeid} = 1;
$state->{storeid_list} = [ sort keys %$storeid_hash ];
# freeze filesystem for data consistency
if ($freezefs) {
$logfunc->("freeze guest filesystem");
$guest_class->__snapshot_freeze($vmid, 0);
# make snapshot of all volumes
my $sync_snapname =
PVE::ReplicationState::replication_snapshot_name($jobid, $start_time);
my $replicate_snapshots = {};
eval {
foreach my $volid (@$sorted_volids) {
$logfunc->("create snapshot '${sync_snapname}' on $volid");
PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($storecfg, $volid, $sync_snapname);
$replicate_snapshots->{$volid} = 1;
my $err = $@;
# thaw immediately
if ($freezefs) {
$logfunc->("thaw guest filesystem");
$guest_class->__snapshot_freeze($vmid, 1);
my $cleanup_local_snapshots = sub {
my ($volid_hash, $snapname) = @_;
foreach my $volid (sort keys %$volid_hash) {
$logfunc->("delete previous replication snapshot '$snapname' on $volid");
eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($storecfg, $volid, $snapname); };
warn $@ if $@;
if ($err) {
$cleanup_local_snapshots->($replicate_snapshots, $sync_snapname); # try to cleanup
die $err;
eval {
my $rate = $jobcfg->{rate};
my $insecure = $migration_type eq 'insecure';
foreach my $volid (@$sorted_volids) {
my $base_snapname;
if (defined($base_snapname = $base_snapshots->{$volid})) {
$logfunc->("incremental sync '$volid' ($base_snapname => $sync_snapname)");
} else {
$logfunc->("full sync '$volid' ($sync_snapname)");
replicate_volume($ssh_info, $storecfg, $volid, $base_snapname, $sync_snapname, $rate, $insecure, $logfunc);
if ($err = $@) {
$cleanup_local_snapshots->($replicate_snapshots, $sync_snapname); # try to cleanup
# we do not cleanup the remote side here - this is done in
# next run of prepare_local_job
die $err;
# remove old snapshots because they are no longer needed
$cleanup_local_snapshots->($last_snapshots, $last_sync_snapname);
eval {
remote_finalize_local_job($ssh_info, $jobid, $vmid, $sorted_volids, $start_time, $logfunc);
# old snapshots will removed by next run from prepare_local_job.
if ($err = $@) {
# warn is for syslog/journal.
warn $err;
# logfunc will written in replication log.
$logfunc->("delete stale replication snapshot error: $err");
return $volumes;
my $run_replication_nolock = sub {
my ($guest_class, $jobcfg, $iteration, $start_time, $logfunc, $verbose) = @_;
my $jobid = $jobcfg->{id};
my $volumes;
# we normaly write errors into the state file,
# but we also catch unexpected errors and log them to syslog
# (for examply when there are problems writing the state file)
my $state = PVE::ReplicationState::read_job_state($jobcfg);
PVE::ReplicationState::record_job_start($jobcfg, $state, $start_time, $iteration);
my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
mkdir $PVE::ReplicationState::replicate_logdir;
my $logfile = PVE::ReplicationState::job_logfile_name($jobid);
open(my $logfd, '>', $logfile) ||
die "unable to open replication log '$logfile' - $!\n";
my $logfunc_wrapper = sub {
my ($msg) = @_;
my $ctime = get_log_time();
print $logfd "$ctime $jobid: $msg\n";
if ($logfunc) {
if ($verbose) {
$logfunc->("$ctime $jobid: $msg");
} else {
$logfunc_wrapper->("start replication job");
eval {
$volumes = replicate($guest_class, $jobcfg, $state, $start_time, $logfunc_wrapper);
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
my $msg = "end replication job with error: $err";
chomp $msg;
} else {
$logfunc_wrapper->("end replication job");
PVE::ReplicationState::record_job_end($jobcfg, $state, $start_time, tv_interval($t0), $err);
die $err if $err;
return $volumes;
sub run_replication {
my ($guest_class, $jobcfg, $iteration, $start_time, $logfunc, $verbose) = @_;
my $volumes;
my $timeout = 2; # do not wait too long - we repeat periodically anyways
$volumes = PVE::GuestHelpers::guest_migration_lock(
$jobcfg->{guest}, $timeout, $run_replication_nolock,
$guest_class, $jobcfg, $iteration, $start_time, $logfunc, $verbose);
return $volumes;