
421 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package ReplicationTestEnv;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Clone 'clone';
use File::Basename;
use JSON;
use lib ('.', '../..');
use PVE::Cluster;
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::LXC::Config;
use PVE::QemuConfig;
use PVE::Storage;
use PVE::API2::Replication;
use PVE::Replication;
use PVE::ReplicationConfig;
use PVE::ReplicationState;
use Test::MockModule;
our $mocked_nodename = 'node1';
our $mocked_replication_jobs = {};
my $pve_replication_config_module = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::ReplicationConfig');
my $pve_replication_state_module = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::ReplicationState');
our $mocked_vm_configs = {};
our $mocked_ct_configs = {};
my $mocked_get_members = sub {
return {
node1 => { online => 1 },
node2 => { online => 1 },
node3 => { online => 1 },
my $mocked_vmlist = sub {
my $res = {};
foreach my $id (keys %$mocked_ct_configs) {
my $d = $mocked_ct_configs->{$id};
$res->{$id} = { 'type' => 'lxc', 'node' => $d->{node}, 'version' => 1 };
foreach my $id (keys %$mocked_vm_configs) {
my $d = $mocked_vm_configs->{$id};
$res->{$id} = { 'type' => 'qemu', 'node' => $d->{node}, 'version' => 1 };
return { 'ids' => $res };
my $mocked_get_ssh_info = sub {
my ($node, $network_cidr) = @_;
return { node => $node };
my $mocked_ssh_info_to_command = sub {
my ($info, @extra_options) = @_;
return ['fake_ssh', $info->{name}, @extra_options];
my $statefile = ".mocked_repl_state.$$";
unlink $statefile;
$PVE::ReplicationState::state_path = $statefile;
$PVE::ReplicationState::state_lock = ".mocked_repl_state_lock.$$";
$PVE::API2::Replication::pvesr_lock_path = ".mocked_pvesr_lock.$$";
$PVE::GuestHelpers::lockdir = ".mocked_pve-manager_lock.$$";
if (!mkdir($PVE::GuestHelpers::lockdir) && !$!{EEXIST}) {
# If we cannot create the guest helper lockdir we'll loop endlessly, so die
# if it fails.
die "mkdir($PVE::GuestHelpers::lockdir): $!\n";
my $pve_sshinfo_module = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::SSHInfo');
my $pve_cluster_module = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::Cluster');
my $pve_inotify_module = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::INotify');
my $mocked_qemu_load_conf = sub {
my ($class, $vmid, $node) = @_;
$node = $mocked_nodename if !$node;
my $conf = $mocked_vm_configs->{$vmid};
die "no such vm '$vmid'" if !defined($conf);
die "vm '$vmid' on wrong node" if $conf->{node} ne $node;
return $conf;
my $pve_qemuserver_module = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::QemuServer');
my $pve_qemuconfig_module = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::QemuConfig');
my $mocked_lxc_load_conf = sub {
my ($class, $vmid, $node) = @_;
$node = $mocked_nodename if !$node;
my $conf = $mocked_ct_configs->{$vmid};
die "no such ct '$vmid'" if !defined($conf);
die "ct '$vmid' on wrong node" if $conf->{node} ne $node;
return $conf;
my $pve_lxc_config_module = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::LXC::Config');
my $mocked_replication_config_new = sub {
my $res = clone($mocked_replication_jobs);
return bless { ids => $res }, 'PVE::ReplicationConfig';
my $mocked_storage_config = {
ids => {
local => {
type => 'dir',
shared => 0,
content => {
'iso' => 1,
'backup' => 1,
path => "/var/lib/vz",
'local-zfs' => {
type => 'zfspool',
pool => 'nonexistent-testpool',
shared => 0,
content => {
'images' => 1,
'rootdir' => 1
my $pve_storage_module = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::Storage');
my $mocked_storage_content = {};
my $timestamp_counter = 0;
sub generate_snapshot_info {
return {
id => $timestamp_counter,
timestamp => $timestamp_counter,
sub register_mocked_volid {
my ($volid, $snapname) = @_;
my ($storeid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
my $scfg = $mocked_storage_config->{ids}->{$storeid} ||
die "no such storage '$storeid'\n";
my $d = $mocked_storage_content->{$storeid}->{$volname} //= {};
$d->{$snapname} = generate_snapshot_info() if $snapname;
my $mocked_volume_snapshot = sub {
my ($cfg, $volid, $snap) = @_;
my ($storeid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
my $d = $mocked_storage_content->{$storeid}->{$volname};
die "no such volid '$volid'\n" if !$d;
$d->{$snap} = generate_snapshot_info();
my $mocked_volume_snapshot_delete = sub {
my ($cfg, $volid, $snap, $running) = @_;
my ($storeid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
my $d = $mocked_storage_content->{$storeid}->{$volname};
die "no such volid '$volid'\n" if !$d;
delete $d->{$snap} || die "no such snapshot '$snap' on '$volid'\n";
my $mocked_volume_snapshot_info = sub {
my ($cfg, $volid) = @_;
my ($storeid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
return $mocked_storage_content->{$storeid}->{$volname} // {};
2017-06-07 14:24:09 +02:00
my $pve_replication_module = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::Replication');
my $mocked_job_logfile_name = sub {
my ($jobid) = @_;
return ".mocked_replication_log_$jobid";
my $mocked_log_time = 0;
my $mocked_get_log_time = sub {
return $mocked_log_time;
my $locks = {};
my $mocked_cfs_lock_file = sub {
my ($filename, $timeout, $code, @param) = @_;
die "$filename already locked\n" if ($locks->{$filename});
$locks->{$filename} = 1;
my $res = $code->(@param);
delete $locks->{$filename};
return $res;
my $mocked_cfs_read_file = sub {
my ($filename) = @_;
return {} if $filename eq 'datacenter.cfg';
return PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file($filename);
my $mocked_cfs_write_file = sub {
my ($filename, $cfg) = @_;
die "wrong file - $filename\n" if $filename ne 'replication.cfg';
$cfg->write_config(); # checks but no actual write to pmxcfs
sub setup {
$pve_replication_state_module->mock(job_logfile_name => $mocked_job_logfile_name);
2017-06-07 14:24:09 +02:00
$pve_replication_module->mock(get_log_time => $mocked_get_log_time);
$pve_storage_module->mock(config => sub { return $mocked_storage_config; });
$pve_storage_module->mock(volume_snapshot => $mocked_volume_snapshot);
$pve_storage_module->mock(volume_snapshot_delete => $mocked_volume_snapshot_delete);
$pve_storage_module->mock(volume_snapshot_info => $mocked_volume_snapshot_info);
new => $mocked_replication_config_new,
lock => sub { $mocked_cfs_lock_file->('replication.cfg', undef, $_[0]); },
write => sub { $mocked_cfs_write_file->('replication.cfg', $_[0]); },
$pve_qemuserver_module->mock(check_running => sub { return 0; });
$pve_qemuconfig_module->mock(load_config => $mocked_qemu_load_conf);
$pve_lxc_config_module->mock(load_config => $mocked_lxc_load_conf);
get_ssh_info => $mocked_get_ssh_info,
ssh_info_to_command => $mocked_ssh_info_to_command,
get_vmlist => sub { return $mocked_vmlist->(); },
get_members => $mocked_get_members,
cfs_update => sub {},
cfs_lock_file => $mocked_cfs_lock_file,
cfs_write_file => $mocked_cfs_write_file,
cfs_read_file => $mocked_cfs_read_file,
$pve_inotify_module->mock('nodename' => sub { return $mocked_nodename; });
# code to generate/conpare test logs
my $logname;
my $logfh;
sub openlog {
my ($filename) = @_;
if (!$filename) {
# compute from $0
$filename = basename($0);
if ($filename =~ m/^(\S+)\.pl$/) {
$filename = "$1.log";
} else {
die "unable to compute log name for $0";
die "log already open" if defined($logname);
open (my $fh, ">", "$filename.tmp") ||
die "unable to open log - $!";
$logname = $filename;
$logfh = $fh;
sub commit_log {
if (-f $logname) {
my $diff = `diff -u '$logname' '$logname.tmp'`;
if ($diff) {
warn "got unexpected output\n";
print "# diff -u '$logname' '$logname.tmp'\n";
print $diff;
} else {
rename("$logname.tmp", $logname) || die "rename log failed - $!";
my $status;
# helper to track job status
sub track_jobs {
my ($ctime) = @_;
2017-06-07 14:24:09 +02:00
$mocked_log_time = $ctime;
my $logmsg = sub {
my ($msg) = @_;
2017-06-07 14:24:09 +02:00
print "$msg\n";
print $logfh "$msg\n";
if (!$status) {
$status = PVE::ReplicationState::job_status();
foreach my $jobid (sort keys %$status) {
my $jobcfg = $status->{$jobid};
2017-06-07 14:24:09 +02:00
$logmsg->("$ctime $jobid: new job next_sync => $jobcfg->{next_sync}");
PVE::API2::Replication::run_jobs($ctime, $logmsg, 1);
my $new = PVE::ReplicationState::job_status();
# detect removed jobs
foreach my $jobid (sort keys %$status) {
if (!$new->{$jobid}) {
2017-06-07 14:24:09 +02:00
$logmsg->("$ctime $jobid: vanished job");
foreach my $jobid (sort keys %$new) {
my $jobcfg = $new->{$jobid};
my $oldcfg = $status->{$jobid};
if (!$oldcfg) {
2017-06-07 14:24:09 +02:00
$logmsg->("$ctime $jobid: new job next_sync => $jobcfg->{next_sync}");
next; # no old state to compare
} else {
foreach my $k (qw(target guest vmtype next_sync)) {
my $changes = '';
if ($oldcfg->{$k} ne $jobcfg->{$k}) {
$changes .= ', ' if $changes;
$changes .= "$k => $jobcfg->{$k}";
2017-06-07 14:24:09 +02:00
$logmsg->("$ctime $jobid: changed config $changes") if $changes;
my $oldstate = $oldcfg->{state};
my $state = $jobcfg->{state};
my $changes = '';
foreach my $k (qw(last_node last_try last_sync fail_count error)) {
if (($oldstate->{$k} // '') ne ($state->{$k} // '')) {
my $value = $state->{$k} // '';
chomp $value;
$changes .= ', ' if $changes;
$changes .= "$k => $value";
2017-06-07 14:24:09 +02:00
$logmsg->("$ctime $jobid: changed state $changes") if $changes;
my $old_storeid_list = $oldstate->{storeid_list};
my $storeid_list = $state->{storeid_list};
my $storeid_list_changes = 0;
foreach my $storeid (@$storeid_list) {
next if grep { $_ eq $storeid } @$old_storeid_list;
$storeid_list_changes = 1;
foreach my $storeid (@$old_storeid_list) {
next if grep { $_ eq $storeid } @$storeid_list;
$storeid_list_changes = 1;
2017-06-07 14:24:09 +02:00
$logmsg->("$ctime $jobid: changed storeid list " . join(',', @$storeid_list))
if $storeid_list_changes;
$status = $new;