implement api proxy calls using AnyEvent::HTTP
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,13 +11,35 @@ use AnyEvent::Util qw(guard fh_nonblocking WSAEWOULDBLOCK WSAEINPROGRESS);
use AnyEvent::Handle;
use AnyEvent::TLS;
use AnyEvent::IO;
use AnyEvent::HTTP;
use Fcntl ();
use Compress::Zlib;
use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::RPCEnvironment;
use PVE::REST;
use URI;
use HTTP::Status qw(:constants);
use HTTP::Headers;
use HTTP::Response;
use CGI; # fixme: remove this!
# DOS attack prevention
# fixme: remove
$CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads
$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 10; # max 10K posts
use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/; # fixme: remove?
use Data::Dumper; # fixme: remove
my $known_methods = {
GET => 1,
POST => 1,
PUT => 1,
DELETE => 1,
sub log_request {
my ($self, $reqstate) = @_;
@ -101,7 +123,7 @@ sub finish_response {
sub response {
my ($self, $reqstate, $resp, $mtime) = @_;
my ($self, $reqstate, $resp, $mtime, $nocomp) = @_;
#print "$$: send response: " . Dumper($resp);
@ -129,6 +151,7 @@ sub response {
} else {
$resp->header('Expires' => $date);
$resp->header('Cache-Control' => "max-age=0");
$resp->header("Pragma", "no-cache");
$resp->header('Server' => "pve-api-daemon/3.0");
@ -143,7 +166,7 @@ sub response {
$content_length = length($content);
if ($content_length > 1024) {
if (!$nocomp && ($content_length > 1024)) {
my $comp = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($content);
$resp->header('Content-Encoding', 'gzip');
$content = $comp;
@ -227,6 +250,155 @@ sub send_file_start {
warn $@ if $@;
sub proxy_request {
my ($self, $reqstate, $r, $clientip, $host, $method, $abs_uri, $ticket, $token, $params) = @_;
eval {
my $target;
if ($host eq 'localhost') {
$target = "http://$host:85$abs_uri";
} else {
$target = "https://$host:8006$abs_uri";
my $headers = {
PVEDisableProxy => 'true',
PVEClientIP => $clientip,
my $cookie_name = 'PVEAuthCookie';
$headers->{'cookie'} = PVE::REST::create_auth_cookie($ticket) if $ticket;
$headers->{'CSRFPreventionToken'} = $token if $token;
my $content;
if ($method eq 'POST' || $method eq 'PUT') {
$headers->{'Content-Type'} = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
# We use a temporary URI object to format
# the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content.
my $url = URI->new('http:');
$content = $url->query;
if (defined($content)) {
$headers->{'Content-Length'} = length($content);
# fixme: tls_ctx;
my $w; $w = http_request(
$method => $target,
headers => $headers,
timeout => 30,
resurse => 0,
body => $content,
sub {
my ($body, $hdr) = @_;
undef $w;
eval {
my $code = delete $hdr->{Status};
my $msg = delete $hdr->{Reason};
delete $hdr->{URL};
delete $hdr->{HTTPVersion};
my $header = HTTP::Headers->new(%$hdr);
my $resp = HTTP::Response->new($code, $msg, $header, $body);
$self->response($reqstate, $resp, undef, 1);
warn $@ if $@;
warn $@ if $@;
my $extract_params = sub {
my ($r, $method) = @_;
# NOTE: HTTP::Request::Params return undef instead of ''
#my $parser = HTTP::Request::Params->new({req => $r});
#my $params = $parser->params;
my $post_params = {};
if ($method eq 'PUT' || $method eq 'POST') {
$post_params = CGI->new($r->content())->Vars;
my $query_params = CGI->new($r->url->query)->Vars;
my $params = $post_params || {};
foreach my $k (keys %{$query_params}) {
$params->{$k} = $query_params->{$k};
return PVE::Tools::decode_utf8_parameters($params);
sub handle_api2_request {
my ($self, $reqstate) = @_;
eval {
my $r = $reqstate->{request};
my $method = $r->method();
my $path = $r->uri->path();
my ($rel_uri, $format) = PVE::REST::split_abs_uri($path);
if (!$format) {
$self->error($reqstate, HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "no such uri");
my $rpcenv = $self->{rpcenv};
my $headers = $r->headers;
my $token = $headers->header('CSRFPreventionToken');
my $cookie = $headers->header('Cookie');
my $ticket = PVE::REST::extract_auth_cookie($cookie);
my $params = &$extract_params($r, $method);
my $clientip = $headers->header('PVEClientIP');
$rpcenv->init_request(params => $params);
my $res = PVE::REST::rest_handler($rpcenv, $clientip, $method, $path, $rel_uri, $ticket, $token);
# fixme: eval { $userid = $rpcenv->get_user(); };
my $userid = $rpcenv->{user}; # this is faster
$rpcenv->set_user(undef); # clear after request
$reqstate->{log}->{userid} = $userid;
if ($res->{proxy}) {
if ($self->{trusted_env}) {
$self->error($reqstate, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "proxy not allowed");
$self->proxy_request($reqstate, $r, $clientip, $res->{proxy}, $method,
$r->uri, $ticket, $token, $res->{proxy_params});
PVE::REST::prepare_response_data($format, $res);
my ($raw, $ct) = PVE::REST::format_response_data($format, $res, $path);
my $resp = HTTP::Response->new($res->{status}, $res->{message});
$resp->header("Content-Type" => $ct);
$self->response($reqstate, $resp);
warn $@ if $@;
sub handle_request {
my ($self, $reqstate) = @_;
@ -235,19 +407,22 @@ sub handle_request {
eval {
my $r = $reqstate->{request};
my $method = $r->method();
my $uri = $r->uri->path();
my $path = $r->uri->path();
#print "REQUEST $uri\n";
# print "REQUEST $path\n";
if ($uri =~ m!/api2!) {
my $handler = $self->{cb};
my ($resp, $userid) = &$handler($self, $reqstate->{request});
$reqstate->{log}->{userid} = $userid if $userid;
if (!$known_methods->{$method}) {
my $resp = HTTP::Response->new(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "method '$method' not available");
$self->response($reqstate, $resp);
if ($self->{pages} && ($method eq 'GET') && (my $handler = $self->{pages}->{$uri})) {
if ($path =~ m!/api2!) {
if ($self->{pages} && ($method eq 'GET') && (my $handler = $self->{pages}->{$path})) {
if (ref($handler) eq 'CODE') {
my ($resp, $userid) = &$handler($self, $reqstate->{request});
$self->response($reqstate, $resp);
@ -267,7 +442,7 @@ sub handle_request {
if ($self->{dirs} && ($method eq 'GET')) {
# we only allow simple names
if ($uri =~ m!^(/\S+/)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+)$!) {
if ($path =~ m!^(/\S+/)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+)$!) {
my ($subdir, $file) = ($1, $2);
if (my $dir = $self->{dirs}->{$subdir}) {
my $filename = "$dir$file";
@ -275,13 +450,11 @@ sub handle_request {
die "unable to open file '$filename' - $!\n";
send_file_start($self, $reqstate, $filename);
} else {
print "FAILED\n"
die "no such file '$uri'";
die "no such file '$path'";
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->error($reqstate, 501, $err);
@ -550,7 +723,7 @@ sub new {
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
foreach my $req (qw(cb socket lockfh lockfile)) {
foreach my $req (qw(rpcenv socket lockfh lockfile)) {
die "misssing required argument '$req'" if !defined($args{$req});
@ -566,7 +739,6 @@ sub new {
$self->{max_conn} = 800 if !$self->{max_conn};
$self->{max_requests} = 8000 if !$self->{max_requests};
$self->{end_cond} = AnyEvent->condvar;
if ($self->{ssl}) {
@ -626,20 +798,9 @@ use POSIX qw(EINTR);
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Select;
use HTTP::Daemon;
use HTTP::Status qw(:constants);
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper; # fixme: remove
use PVE::REST;
use JSON;
# DOS attack prevention
# fixme: remove
$CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads
$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 10; # max 10K posts
my $documentroot = "/usr/share/pve-api/root";
my $workers = {};
sub enable_debug { PVE::REST::enable_debug(); }
@ -833,94 +994,10 @@ sub send_error {
$c->send_response(HTTP::Response->new($code, $msg));
my $known_methods = {
GET => 1,
POST => 1,
PUT => 1,
DELETE => 1,
my $extract_params = sub {
my ($r, $method) = @_;
# NOTE: HTTP::Request::Params return undef instead of ''
#my $parser = HTTP::Request::Params->new({req => $r});
#my $params = $parser->params;
my $post_params = {};
if ($method eq 'PUT' || $method eq 'POST') {
$post_params = CGI->new($r->content())->Vars;
my $query_params = CGI->new($r->url->query)->Vars;
my $params = $post_params || {};
foreach my $k (keys %{$query_params}) {
$params->{$k} = $query_params->{$k};
return PVE::Tools::decode_utf8_parameters($params);
sub handle_connections {
my ($self, $rpcenv) = @_;
my $server = PVE::HTTPServer->new(%{$self->{cfg}}, cb => sub {
my ($server, $r) = @_;
my $method = $r->method();
if (!$known_methods->{$method}) {
return HTTP::Response->new(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "method '$method' not available");
my $uri = $r->uri->path();
my $response;
my $userid;
my ($rel_uri, $format) = PVE::REST::split_abs_uri($uri);
if (!$format) {
$response = HTTP::Response->new(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "no such uri");
} else {
my $headers = $r->headers;
my $cookie = $headers->header('Cookie');
my $ticket = PVE::REST::extract_auth_cookie($cookie);
my $params = &$extract_params($r, $method);
my $clientip = $headers->header('PVEClientIP');
$rpcenv->init_request(params => $params);
my $res = PVE::REST::rest_handler($rpcenv, $clientip, $method, $uri, $rel_uri, $ticket);
# fixme: eval { $userid = $rpcenv->get_user(); };
$userid = $rpcenv->{user}; # this is faster
$rpcenv->set_user(undef); # clear after request
if ($res->{proxy}) {
$response = HTTP::Response->new(HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "proxy not allowed");
} else {
PVE::REST::prepare_response_data($format, $res);
my ($raw, $ct) = PVE::REST::format_response_data($format, $res, $uri);
$response = HTTP::Response->new($res->{status}, $res->{message});
$response->header("Content-Type" => $ct);
$response->header("Pragma", "no-cache");
return wantarray ? ($response, $userid) : $response;
my $server = PVE::HTTPServer->new(%{$self->{cfg}}, rpcenv => $rpcenv);
debug_msg("wating for connections");
@ -166,108 +166,6 @@ sub prepare_response_data {
$res->{data} = $new;
sub create_http_request {
my ($uri, $method, $params) = @_;
# NOTE: HTTP::Request::Common::PUT is crap - so we use our own code
# borrowed from HTTP::Request::Common::POST
if ($method eq 'POST' || $method eq 'PUT') {
my $req = HTTP::Request->new($method => $uri);
$req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
# We use a temporary URI object to format
# the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content.
my $url = URI->new('http:');
my $content = $url->query;
if (defined($content)) {
$req->header('Content-Length' => length($content));
} else {
$req->header('Content-Length' => 0);
return $req;
die "unknown method '$method'";
sub proxy_handler {
my($r, $clientip, $host, $method, $abs_uri, $ticket, $token, $params) = @_;
debug_msg("proxy start $method $host:$abs_uri");
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
# keep it simple - we are on internal network, and use tickets
ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 },
# using the pve root CA file would be another option
# ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 1 , SSL_ca_file => "/etc/pve/pve-root-ca.pem },
protocols_allowed => [ 'http', 'https' ],
timeout => 30,
$ua->default_header('cookie' => "${cookie_name}=$ticket") if $ticket;
$ua->default_header('CSRFPreventionToken' => $token) if $token;
$ua->default_header('PVEDisableProxy' => 'true');
$ua->default_header('PVEClientIP' => $clientip);
my $uri = URI->new();
if ($host eq 'localhost') {
} else {
my $response;
if ($method eq 'GET') {
$response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request::Common::GET($uri));
} elsif ($method eq 'POST' || $method eq 'PUT') {
$response = $ua->request(create_http_request($uri, $method, $params));
} elsif ($method eq 'DELETE') {
$response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request::Common::DELETE($uri));
} else {
$r->status_line("$code proxy method '$method' not implemented");
return $code;
if (my $cookie = $response->header("Set-Cookie")) {
$r->err_headers_out()->add("Set-Cookie" => $cookie);
my $ct = $response->header('Content-Type');
my $code = $response->code;
if (my $message = $response->message) {
$r->status_line("$code $message");
$r->content_type($ct) if $ct;
my $raw = $response->decoded_content;
# note: do not use err_headers_out(), because mod_deflate has a bug,
# resulting in dup length (for exampe 'content-length: 89, 75')
$r->headers_out()->add('Content-Length' , length($raw));
debug_msg("proxy end $method $host:$abs_uri ($code)");
return HTTP_OK;
my $exc_to_res = sub {
my ($err, $status) = @_;
@ -437,92 +335,3 @@ sub split_abs_uri {
my $known_methods = {
GET => 1,
POST => 1,
PUT => 1,
DELETE => 1,
my $request_count = 0;
sub handler {
my($r) = @_;
die "we do not use this any longer";
debug_msg("perl handler called");
# we do not use KeepAlive, so this is not necessary
# $r->child_terminate() if $request_count >= $MaxRequestsPerChild;
my $method = $r->method;
my $clientip = $r->connection->remote_ip();
if !$known_methods->{$method};
my $cookie = $r->headers_in->{Cookie};
my $token = $r->headers_in->{CSRFPreventionToken};
my $ticket = extract_auth_cookie($cookie);
$r->no_cache (1);
my $abs_uri = $r->uri;
my ($rel_uri, $format) = split_abs_uri($abs_uri);
return HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if !$format;
my $rpcenv;
my $res;
eval {
$rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment::get();
$rpcenv->init_request(request_rec => $r);
if (my $err = $@) {
syslog('err', $err);
$res = { status => HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message => $err };
} else {
$res = rest_handler($rpcenv, $clientip, $method, $abs_uri, $rel_uri,
$ticket, $token);
$rpcenv->set_user(undef); # clear after request
if ($res->{proxy}) {
if (($res->{proxy} ne 'localhost') && $r->headers_in->{'PVEDisableProxy'}) {
my $code = FORBIDDEN;
$r->status_line("$code proxy loop detected - aborted ");
return $res->{status};
return proxy_handler($r, $clientip, $res->{proxy}, $method,
$abs_uri, $ticket, $token, $res->{proxy_params});
prepare_response_data($format, $res);
$r->status($res->{status} || HTTP_OK);
if ($res->{message}) {
my ($firstline) = $res->{message} =~ m/\A(.*)$/m;
$r->status_line("$res->{status} $firstline");
my ($raw, $ct) = format_response_data($format, $res, $abs_uri);
$r->content_type ($ct);
# note: do not use err_headers_out(), because mod_deflate has a bug,
# resulting in dup length (for exampe 'content-length: 89, 75')
$r->headers_out()->add('Content-Length', length($raw));
debug_msg("perl handler end $res->{status}");
return OK;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Version: @VERSION@-@PACKAGERELEASE@
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Architecture: amd64
Depends: perl5, libtimedate-perl, libauthen-pam-perl, libintl-perl, rsync, libjson-perl, liblockfile-simple-perl, vncterm, qemu-server (>= 1.1-1), libwww-perl (>= 6.04-1), libnet-http-perl (>= 6.06-1), libhttp-daemon-perl, wget, libnet-dns-perl, vlan, ifenslave-2.6 (>= 1.1.0-10), liblinux-inotify2-perl, debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, netcat-traditional, pve-cluster (>= 1.0-29), libpve-common-perl, libpve-storage-perl, libterm-readline-gnu-perl, libpve-access-control, libio-socket-ssl-perl, libfilesys-df-perl, libfile-readbackwards-perl, libfile-sync-perl, redhat-cluster-pve, resource-agents-pve, fence-agents-pve, cstream, postfix | mail-transport-agent, libxml-parser-perl, lzop, dtach, libanyevent-perl, libio-compress-perl, liburi-perl, logrotate
Depends: perl5, libtimedate-perl, libauthen-pam-perl, libintl-perl, rsync, libjson-perl, liblockfile-simple-perl, vncterm, qemu-server (>= 1.1-1), libwww-perl (>= 6.04-1), libnet-http-perl (>= 6.06-1), libhttp-daemon-perl, wget, libnet-dns-perl, vlan, ifenslave-2.6 (>= 1.1.0-10), liblinux-inotify2-perl, debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, netcat-traditional, pve-cluster (>= 1.0-29), libpve-common-perl, libpve-storage-perl, libterm-readline-gnu-perl, libpve-access-control, libio-socket-ssl-perl, libfilesys-df-perl, libfile-readbackwards-perl, libfile-sync-perl, redhat-cluster-pve, resource-agents-pve, fence-agents-pve, cstream, postfix | mail-transport-agent, libxml-parser-perl, lzop, dtach, libanyevent-perl, libio-compress-perl, liburi-perl, logrotate, libanyevent-http-perl
Conflicts: netcat-openbsd, vzdump
Replaces: vzdump
Provides: vzdump
Reference in New Issue
Block a user