package PVE::API2::ACMEAccount; use strict; use warnings; use PVE::ACME; use PVE::CertHelpers; use PVE::Exception qw(raise_param_exc); use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option); use PVE::RPCEnvironment; use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param); use PVE::ACME::Challenge; use PVE::API2::ACMEPlugin; use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ subclass => "PVE::API2::ACMEPlugin", path => 'plugins', }); my $acme_directories = [ { name => 'Let\'s Encrypt V2', url => '', }, { name => 'Let\'s Encrypt V2 Staging', url => '', }, ]; my $acme_default_directory_url = $acme_directories->[0]->{url}; my $account_contact_from_param = sub { my @addresses = PVE::Tools::split_list(extract_param($_[0], 'contact')); return [ map { "mailto:$_" } @addresses ]; }; my $acme_account_dir = PVE::CertHelpers::acme_account_dir(); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'index', path => '', method => 'GET', permissions => { user => 'all' }, description => "ACMEAccount index.", parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { }, }, returns => { type => 'array', items => { type => "object", properties => {}, }, links => [ { rel => 'child', href => "{name}" } ], }, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; return [ { name => 'account' }, { name => 'tos' }, { name => 'meta' }, { name => 'directories' }, { name => 'plugins' }, { name => 'challenge-schema' }, ]; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'account_index', path => 'account', method => 'GET', permissions => { user => 'all' }, description => "ACMEAccount index.", protected => 1, parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { }, }, returns => { type => 'array', items => { type => "object", properties => {}, }, links => [ { rel => 'child', href => "{name}" } ], }, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $accounts = PVE::CertHelpers::list_acme_accounts(); return [ map { { name => $_ } } @$accounts ]; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'register_account', path => 'account', method => 'POST', description => "Register a new ACME account with CA.", protected => 1, parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { name => get_standard_option('pve-acme-account-name'), contact => get_standard_option('pve-acme-account-contact'), tos_url => { description => 'URL of CA TermsOfService - setting this indicates agreement.', type => 'string', optional => 1, }, directory => get_standard_option('pve-acme-directory-url', { default => $acme_default_directory_url, optional => 1, }), 'eab-kid' => { description => 'Key Identifier for External Account Binding.', type => 'string', requires => 'eab-hmac-key', optional => 1, }, 'eab-hmac-key' => { description => 'HMAC key for External Account Binding.', type => 'string', requires => 'eab-kid', optional => 1, }, }, }, returns => { type => 'string', }, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment::get(); my $authuser = $rpcenv->get_user(); my $account_name = extract_param($param, 'name') // 'default'; my $account_file = "${acme_account_dir}/${account_name}"; mkdir $acme_account_dir if ! -e $acme_account_dir; my $eab_kid = extract_param($param, 'eab-kid'); my $eab_hmac_key = extract_param($param, 'eab-hmac-key'); raise_param_exc({'name' => "ACME account config file '${account_name}' already exists."}) if -e $account_file; my $directory = extract_param($param, 'directory') // $acme_default_directory_url; my $contact = $account_contact_from_param->($param); my $realcmd = sub { PVE::Cluster::cfs_lock_acme($account_name, 10, sub { die "ACME account config file '${account_name}' already exists.\n" if -e $account_file; my $acme = PVE::ACME->new($account_file, $directory); print "Generating ACME account key..\n"; $acme->init(4096); print "Registering ACME account..\n"; my %info = (contact => $contact); if (defined($eab_kid)) { $info{eab} = { kid => $eab_kid, hmac_key => $eab_hmac_key }; } eval { $acme->new_account($param->{tos_url}, %info); }; if (my $err = $@) { unlink $account_file; die "Registration failed: $err\n"; } print "Registration successful, account URL: '$acme->{location}'\n"; }); die $@ if $@; }; return $rpcenv->fork_worker('acmeregister', undef, $authuser, $realcmd); }}); my $update_account = sub { my ($param, $msg, %info) = @_; my $account_name = extract_param($param, 'name') // 'default'; my $account_file = "${acme_account_dir}/${account_name}"; raise_param_exc({'name' => "ACME account config file '${account_name}' does not exist."}) if ! -e $account_file; my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment::get(); my $authuser = $rpcenv->get_user(); my $realcmd = sub { PVE::Cluster::cfs_lock_acme($account_name, 10, sub { die "ACME account config file '${account_name}' does not exist.\n" if ! -e $account_file; my $acme = PVE::ACME->new($account_file); $acme->load(); $acme->update_account(%info); if ($info{status} && $info{status} eq 'deactivated') { my $deactivated_name; for my $i (0..100) { my $candidate = "${acme_account_dir}/_deactivated_${account_name}_${i}"; if (! -e $candidate) { $deactivated_name = $candidate; last; } } if ($deactivated_name) { print "Renaming account file from '$account_file' to '$deactivated_name'\n"; rename($account_file, $deactivated_name) or warn ".. failed - $!\n"; } else { warn "No free slot to rename deactivated account file '$account_file', leaving in place\n"; } } }); die $@ if $@; }; return $rpcenv->fork_worker("acme${msg}", undef, $authuser, $realcmd); }; __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'update_account', path => 'account/{name}', method => 'PUT', description => "Update existing ACME account information with CA. Note: not specifying any new account information triggers a refresh.", protected => 1, parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { name => get_standard_option('pve-acme-account-name'), contact => get_standard_option('pve-acme-account-contact', { optional => 1, }), }, }, returns => { type => 'string', }, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $contact = $account_contact_from_param->($param); if (scalar @$contact) { return $update_account->($param, 'update', contact => $contact); } else { return $update_account->($param, 'refresh'); } }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'get_account', path => 'account/{name}', method => 'GET', description => "Return existing ACME account information.", protected => 1, parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { name => get_standard_option('pve-acme-account-name'), }, }, returns => { type => 'object', additionalProperties => 0, properties => { account => { type => 'object', optional => 1, renderer => 'yaml', }, directory => get_standard_option('pve-acme-directory-url', { optional => 1, }), location => { type => 'string', optional => 1, }, tos => { type => 'string', optional => 1, }, }, }, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $account_name = extract_param($param, 'name') // 'default'; my $account_file = "${acme_account_dir}/${account_name}"; raise_param_exc({'name' => "ACME account config file '${account_name}' does not exist."}) if ! -e $account_file; my $acme = PVE::ACME->new($account_file); $acme->load(); my $res = {}; $res->{account} = $acme->{account}; $res->{directory} = $acme->{directory}; $res->{location} = $acme->{location}; $res->{tos} = $acme->{tos}; return $res; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'deactivate_account', path => 'account/{name}', method => 'DELETE', description => "Deactivate existing ACME account at CA.", protected => 1, parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { name => get_standard_option('pve-acme-account-name'), }, }, returns => { type => 'string', }, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; return $update_account->($param, 'deactivate', status => 'deactivated'); }}); # TODO: deprecated, remove with pve 9 __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'get_tos', path => 'tos', method => 'GET', description => "Retrieve ACME TermsOfService URL from CA. Deprecated, please use /cluster/acme/meta.", permissions => { user => 'all' }, parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { directory => get_standard_option('pve-acme-directory-url', { default => $acme_default_directory_url, optional => 1, }), }, }, returns => { type => 'string', optional => 1, description => 'ACME TermsOfService URL.', }, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $directory = extract_param($param, 'directory') // $acme_default_directory_url; my $acme = PVE::ACME->new(undef, $directory); my $meta = $acme->get_meta(); return $meta ? $meta->{termsOfService} : undef; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'get_meta', path => 'meta', method => 'GET', description => "Retrieve ACME Directory Meta Information", permissions => { check => ['perm', '/nodes/{node}', [ 'Sys.Audit' ]], }, parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { directory => get_standard_option('pve-acme-directory-url', { default => $acme_default_directory_url, optional => 1, }), }, }, returns => { type => 'object', additionalProperties => 1, properties => { termsOfService => { description => 'ACME TermsOfService URL.', type => 'string', optional => 1, }, externalAccountRequired => { description => 'EAB Required', type => 'boolean', optional => 1, }, website => { description => 'URL to more information about the ACME server.', type => 'string', optional => 1, }, caaIdentities => { description => 'Hostnames referring to the ACME servers.', type => 'array', items => { type => 'string', }, optional => 1, }, }, }, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $directory = extract_param($param, 'directory') // $acme_default_directory_url; my $acme = PVE::ACME->new(undef, $directory); my $meta = $acme->get_meta(); return $meta; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'get_directories', path => 'directories', method => 'GET', description => "Get named known ACME directory endpoints.", permissions => { user => 'all' }, parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => {}, }, returns => { type => 'array', items => { type => 'object', additionalProperties => 0, properties => { name => { type => 'string', }, url => get_standard_option('pve-acme-directory-url'), }, }, }, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; return $acme_directories; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'challengeschema', path => 'challenge-schema', method => 'GET', description => "Get schema of ACME challenge types.", permissions => { user => 'all' }, parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => {}, }, returns => { type => 'array', items => { type => 'object', additionalProperties => 0, properties => { id => { type => 'string', }, name => { description => 'Human readable name, falls back to id', type => 'string', }, type => { type => 'string', }, schema => { type => 'object', }, }, }, }, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $plugin_type_enum = PVE::ACME::Challenge->lookup_types(); my $res = []; for my $type (@$plugin_type_enum) { my $plugin = PVE::ACME::Challenge->lookup($type); next if !$plugin->can('get_supported_plugins'); my $plugin_type = $plugin->type(); my $plugins = $plugin->get_supported_plugins(); for my $id (sort keys %$plugins) { my $schema = $plugins->{$id}; push @$res, { id => $id, name => $schema->{name} // $id, type => $plugin_type, schema => $schema, }; } } return $res; }}); 1;