Ext.define('PVE.VMSummaryBase', { extend: 'PVE.Page', nodename: undefined, vmid: undefined, vmtype: undefined, // qemu or lxc // defines the key/value config keys do display config_keys: undefined, vm_command: function(cmd, params) { var me = this; PVE.Utils.API2Request({ params: params, url: '/nodes/' + me.nodename + '/' + me.vmtype + '/' + me.vmid + '/status/' + cmd, method: 'POST', success: function(response, opts) { var upid = response.result.data; var page = 'nodes/' + me.nodename + '/tasks/' + upid; PVE.Workspace.gotoPage(page); }, failure: function(response, opts) { Ext.Msg.alert('Error', response.htmlStatus); } }); }, config: { items: [ { xtype: 'pveTitleBar' }, { xtype: 'component', itemId: 'vmstatus', styleHtmlContent: true, style: 'background-color:white;', tpl: [ '', '', '', '', '', '
Uptime:{[Proxmox.Utils.format_duration_long' + '(values.uptime)]}
', { meminfo: function(values) { if (!Ext.isDefined(values.mem)) { return '-'; } return Proxmox.Utils.format_size(values.mem || 0) + " of " + Proxmox.Utils.format_size(values.maxmem); }, cpuinfo: function(values) { if (!Ext.isDefined(values.cpu)) { return '-'; } var per = values.cpu * 100; return per.toFixed(2) + "% (" + values.cpus + " CPUs)"; }, status: function(values) { return values.qmpstatus ? values.qmpstatus : values.status; } } ] }, { xtype: 'component', cls: 'dark', padding: 5, html: gettext('Configuration') }, { xtype: 'container', scrollable: 'both', flex: 1, styleHtmlContent: true, itemId: 'vmconfig', style: 'background-color:white;white-space:pre', tpl: [ '', '', '', '', '
' ] } ] }, reload: function() { var me = this; var vm_stat = me.down('#vmstatus'); var error_handler = function(response) { me.setMasked({ xtype: 'loadmask', message: response.htmlStatus }); }; PVE.Utils.API2Request({ url: '/nodes/' + me.nodename + '/' + me.vmtype + '/' + me.vmid + '/status/current', method: 'GET', success: function(response) { var d = response.result.data; me.render_menu(d); vm_stat.setData(d); }, failure: error_handler }); var vm_cfg = me.down('#vmconfig'); PVE.Utils.API2Request({ url: '/nodes/' + me.nodename + '/' + me.vmtype + '/' + me.vmid + '/config', method: 'GET', success: function(response) { var d = response.result.data; var kv = PVE.Workspace.obj_to_kv(d, me.config_keys); vm_cfg.setData(kv); }, failure: error_handler }); }, render_menu: function(data) { var me = this; // use two item arrays for format reasons. // display start, stop and migrate by default var top_items = [ { text: gettext('Start'), handler: function() { me.vm_command("start", {}); } }, { text: gettext('Stop'), handler: function() { me.vm_command("stop", {}); } } ]; var bottom_items = [{ text: gettext('Migrate'), handler: function() { PVE.Workspace.gotoPage('nodes/' + me.nodename + '/' + me.vmtype + '/' + me.vmid +'/migrate'); } }]; // use qmpstatus with qemu, as it's exacter var vm_status = (me.vmtype === 'qemu') ? data.qmpstatus : data.status; if(vm_status === 'running') { top_items.push( { text: gettext('Shutdown'), handler: function() { me.vm_command("shutdown", {}); } }, { text: gettext('Suspend'), handler: function() { me.vm_command("suspend", {}); } } ); bottom_items.push({ text: gettext('Console'), handler: function() { var vmtype = me.vmtype === 'qemu' ? 'kvm' : me.vmtype; PVE.Utils.openConsoleWindow('html5', vmtype, me.vmid, me.nodename); } }); if(data.spice || me.vmtype==='lxc') { bottom_items.push({ text: gettext('Spice'), handler: function() { var vmtype = me.vmtype === 'qemu' ? 'kvm' : me.vmtype; PVE.Utils.openConsoleWindow('vv', vmtype, me.vmid, me.nodename); } }); } } else if(vm_status === 'paused') { top_items.push({ text: gettext('Resume'), handler: function() { me.vm_command("resume", {}); } }); } // concat our item arrays and add them to the menu me.down('pveMenuButton').setMenuItems(top_items.concat(bottom_items)); }, initialize: function() { var me = this; me.reload(); this.callParent(); } });