package PVE::Report; use strict; use warnings; use PVE::pvecfg; use PVE::Tools; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin'; my $cmd_timeout = 10; # generous timeout # NOTE: always add new sections to the report_order array! my $report_def = { general => { title => 'general system info', cmds => [ 'hostname', 'pveversion --verbose', 'cat /etc/hosts', 'top -b -n 1 | head -n 15', 'pvesubscription get', 'lscpu', 'pvesh get /cluster/resources --type node --output-format=yaml', ], }, storage => [ 'cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg', 'pvesm status', 'cat /etc/fstab', 'findmnt --ascii', 'df --human', ], 'virtual guests' => [ 'qm list', sub { dir2text('/etc/pve/qemu-server/', '\d.*conf') }, 'pct list', sub { dir2text('/etc/pve/lxc/', '\d.*conf') }, ], network => [ 'ip -details -statistics address', 'ip -details -4 route show', 'ip -details -6 route show', 'cat /etc/network/interfaces', ], firewall => [ sub { dir2text('/etc/pve/firewall/', '.*fw') }, 'cat /etc/pve/local/host.fw', 'iptables-save', ], cluster => [ 'pvecm nodes', 'pvecm status', 'cat /etc/pve/corosync.conf 2>/dev/null' ], bios => [ 'dmidecode -t bios', ], pci => [ 'lspci -nnk', ], disks => [ 'lsblk --ascii', ], volumes => [ 'lvs', 'vgs', ], }; my @report_order = ('general', 'storage', 'virtual guests', 'network', 'firewall', 'cluster', 'bios', 'pci', 'disks', 'volumes'); push @{$report_def->{volumes}}, 'zpool status', 'zfs list' if cmd_exists('zfs'); push @{$report_def->{disk}}, 'multipath -ll', 'multipath -v3' if cmd_exists('multipath'); my $report = ''; # output the content of all the files of a directory sub dir2text { my ($target_dir, $regexp) = @_; PVE::Tools::dir_glob_foreach($target_dir, $regexp, sub { my ($file) = @_; $report .= "\n# cat $target_dir$file\n"; $report .= PVE::Tools::file_get_contents($target_dir.$file)."\n"; }); } # command -v is the posix equivalent of 'which' sub cmd_exists { system("command -v '$_[0]' > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0 } sub generate { my $record_output = sub { $report .= shift . "\n"; }; my $run_cmd_params = { outfunc => $record_output, errfunc => $record_output, timeout => $cmd_timeout, noerr => 1, # avoid checking programs exit code }; foreach my $section (@report_order) { my $s = $report_def->{$section}; my $title = "info about $section"; my $commands = $s; if (ref($s) eq 'HASH') { $commands = $s->{cmds}; $title = $s->{title} if defined($s->{title}); } elsif (ref($s) ne 'ARRAY') { die "unknown report definition in section '$section'!"; } $report .= "\n==== $title ====\n"; foreach my $command (@$commands) { eval { if (ref $command eq 'CODE') { PVE::Tools::run_with_timeout($cmd_timeout, $command); } else { $report .= "\n# $command\n"; PVE::Tools::run_command($command, %$run_cmd_params); } }; $report .= "\nERROR: $@\n" if $@; } } return $report; } 1;