Dominik Csapak 23d641254d Jobs: add RealmSync Plugin and register it
so that realmsync jobs get executed

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <d.csapak@proxmox.com>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <t.lamprecht@proxmox.com>
2023-06-07 11:38:34 +02:00

349 lines
8.8 KiB

package PVE::Jobs;
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use PVE::Cluster qw(cfs_lock_file cfs_read_file cfs_register_file);
use PVE::Job::Registry;
use PVE::Jobs::VZDump;
use PVE::Jobs::RealmSync;
use PVE::Tools;
sub { PVE::Job::Registry->parse_config(@_); },
sub { PVE::Job::Registry->write_config(@_); },
my $state_dir = "/var/lib/pve-manager/jobs";
my $lock_dir = "/var/lock/pve-manager";
my $get_state_file = sub {
my ($jobid, $type) = @_;
return "$state_dir/$type-$jobid.json";
my $default_state = {
state => 'created',
time => 0,
my $saved_config_props = [qw(enabled schedule)];
# saves some properties of the jobcfg into the jobstate so we can track
# them on different nodes (where the update was not done)
# and update the last runtime when they change
sub detect_changed_runtime_props {
my ($jobid, $type, $cfg) = @_;
lock_job_state($jobid, $type, sub {
my $old_state = read_job_state($jobid, $type) // $default_state;
my $updated = 0;
for my $prop (@$saved_config_props) {
my $old_prop = $old_state->{config}->{$prop} // '';
my $new_prop = $cfg->{$prop} // '';
next if "$old_prop" eq "$new_prop";
if (defined($cfg->{$prop})) {
$old_state->{config}->{$prop} = $cfg->{$prop};
} else {
delete $old_state->{config}->{$prop};
$updated = 1;
return if !$updated;
$old_state->{updated} = time();
my $path = $get_state_file->($jobid, $type);
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($path, encode_json($old_state));
# lockless, since we use file_get_contents, which is atomic
sub read_job_state {
my ($jobid, $type) = @_;
my $path = $get_state_file->($jobid, $type);
return if ! -e $path;
my $raw = PVE::Tools::file_get_contents($path);
return $default_state if $raw eq '';
# untaint $raw
if ($raw =~ m/^(\{.*\})$/) {
return decode_json($1);
die "invalid json data in '$path'\n";
sub lock_job_state {
my ($jobid, $type, $sub) = @_;
my $filename = "$lock_dir/$type-$jobid.lck";
my $res = PVE::Tools::lock_file($filename, 10, $sub);
die $@ if $@;
return $res;
my $get_job_task_status = sub {
my ($state) = @_;
if (!defined($state->{upid})) {
return; # not started
my ($task, $filename) = PVE::Tools::upid_decode($state->{upid}, 1);
die "unable to parse worker upid - $state->{upid}\n" if !$task;
die "no such task\n" if ! -f $filename;
my $pstart = PVE::ProcFSTools::read_proc_starttime($task->{pid});
if ($pstart && $pstart == $task->{pstart}) {
return; # still running
return PVE::Tools::upid_read_status($state->{upid});
# checks if the job is already finished if it was started before and
# updates the statefile accordingly
sub update_job_stopped {
my ($jobid, $type) = @_;
# first check unlocked to save time,
my $state = read_job_state($jobid, $type);
return if !defined($state) || $state->{state} ne 'started'; # removed or not started
if (defined($get_job_task_status->($state))) {
lock_job_state($jobid, $type, sub {
my $state = read_job_state($jobid, $type);
return if !defined($state) || $state->{state} ne 'started'; # removed or not started
my $new_state = {
state => 'stopped',
msg => $get_job_task_status->($state) // 'internal error',
upid => $state->{upid},
config => $state->{config},
if ($state->{updated}) { # save updated time stamp
$new_state->{updated} = $state->{updated};
my $path = $get_state_file->($jobid, $type);
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($path, encode_json($new_state));
# must be called when the job is first created
sub create_job {
my ($jobid, $type, $cfg) = @_;
lock_job_state($jobid, $type, sub {
my $state = read_job_state($jobid, $type) // $default_state;
if ($state->{state} ne 'created') {
die "job state already exists\n";
$state->{time} = time();
for my $prop (@$saved_config_props) {
if (defined($cfg->{$prop})) {
$state->{config}->{$prop} = $cfg->{$prop};
my $path = $get_state_file->($jobid, $type);
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($path, encode_json($state));
# to be called when the job is removed
sub remove_job {
my ($jobid, $type) = @_;
my $path = $get_state_file->($jobid, $type);
unlink $path;
# checks if the job can be started and sets the state to 'starting'
# returns 1 if the job can be started, 0 otherwise
sub starting_job {
my ($jobid, $type) = @_;
# first check unlocked to save time
my $state = read_job_state($jobid, $type);
return 0 if !defined($state) || $state->{state} eq 'started'; # removed or already started
lock_job_state($jobid, $type, sub {
my $state = read_job_state($jobid, $type);
return 0 if !defined($state) || $state->{state} eq 'started'; # removed or already started
my $new_state = {
state => 'starting',
time => time(),
config => $state->{config},
my $path = $get_state_file->($jobid, $type);
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($path, encode_json($new_state));
return 1;
sub started_job {
my ($jobid, $type, $upid, $msg) = @_;
lock_job_state($jobid, $type, sub {
my $state = read_job_state($jobid, $type);
return if !defined($state); # job was removed, do not update
die "unexpected state '$state->{state}'\n" if $state->{state} ne 'starting';
my $new_state;
if (defined($msg)) {
$new_state = {
state => 'stopped',
msg => $msg,
time => time(),
} else {
$new_state = {
state => 'started',
upid => $upid,
$new_state->{config} = $state->{config};
my $path = $get_state_file->($jobid, $type);
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($path, encode_json($new_state));
# will be called when the job schedule is updated
sub update_last_runtime {
my ($jobid, $type) = @_;
lock_job_state($jobid, $type, sub {
my $old_state = read_job_state($jobid, $type) // $default_state;
$old_state->{updated} = time();
my $path = $get_state_file->($jobid, $type);
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($path, encode_json($old_state));
sub get_last_runtime {
my ($jobid, $type) = @_;
my $state = read_job_state($jobid, $type) // $default_state;
return $state->{updated} if defined($state->{updated});
if (my $upid = $state->{upid}) {
my ($task) = PVE::Tools::upid_decode($upid, 1);
die "unable to parse worker upid\n" if !$task;
return $task->{starttime};
return $state->{time} // 0;
sub run_jobs {
my ($first_run) = @_;
my $jobs_cfg = cfs_read_file('jobs.cfg');
my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();
foreach my $id (sort keys %{$jobs_cfg->{ids}}) {
my $cfg = $jobs_cfg->{ids}->{$id};
my $type = $cfg->{type};
my $schedule = delete $cfg->{schedule};
# only schedule local jobs
next if defined($cfg->{node}) && $cfg->{node} ne $nodename;
eval { update_job_stopped($id, $type) };
if (my $err = $@) {
warn "could not update job state, skipping - $err\n";
# update last runtime on the first run when 'repeat-missed' is 0, so that a missed job
# will not start immediately after boot
update_last_runtime($id, $type) if $first_run && !$cfg->{'repeat-missed'};
next if defined($cfg->{enabled}) && !$cfg->{enabled}; # only schedule actually enabled jobs
my $last_run = get_last_runtime($id, $type);
my $calspec = PVE::CalendarEvent::parse_calendar_event($schedule);
my $next_sync = PVE::CalendarEvent::compute_next_event($calspec, $last_run);
next if !defined($next_sync) || time() < $next_sync; # not yet its (next) turn
my $plugin = PVE::Job::Registry->lookup($type);
if (starting_job($id, $type)) {
my $upid = eval { $plugin->run($cfg, $id, $schedule) };
if (my $err = $@) {
warn $@ if $@;
started_job($id, $type, undef, $err);
} elsif ($upid eq 'OK') { # some jobs return OK immediately
started_job($id, $type, undef, 'OK');
} else {
started_job($id, $type, $upid);
# creates and removes statefiles for job configs
sub synchronize_job_states_with_config {
cfs_lock_file('jobs.cfg', undef, sub {
my $data = cfs_read_file('jobs.cfg');
for my $id (keys $data->{ids}->%*) {
my $job = $data->{ids}->{$id};
my $type = $job->{type};
my $path = $get_state_file->($id, $type);
if (-e $path) {
detect_changed_runtime_props($id, $type, $job);
} else {
create_job($id, $type, $job);
my $valid_types = PVE::Job::Registry->lookup_types();
my $type_regex = join("|", $valid_types->@*);
PVE::Tools::dir_glob_foreach($state_dir, "(${type_regex})-(.*).json", sub {
my ($path, $type, $id) = @_;
if (!defined($data->{ids}->{$id})) {
remove_job($id, $type);
die $@ if $@;
sub setup_dirs {
mkdir $state_dir;
mkdir $lock_dir;