2012-04-20 08:20:44 +02:00

563 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# implement persistent history ?
use strict;
use Term::ReadLine;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use HTTP::Status qw(:constants :is status_message);
use Text::ParseWords;
use PVE::JSONSchema;
use PVE::Cluster;
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::RPCEnvironment;
use PVE::API2;
use JSON;
my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment->init('cli');
my $basedir = '/api2/json';
my $cdir = '';
sub print_usage {
my $msg = shift;
print STDERR "ERROR: $msg\n" if $msg;
print STDERR "USAGE: pvesh [verifyapi]\n";
print STDERR " pvesh CMD [OPTIONS]\n";
my $disable_proxy = 0;
my $opt_nooutput = 0;
my $cmd = shift;
my $optmatch;
do {
$optmatch = 0;
if ($cmd) {
if ($cmd eq '--noproxy') {
$cmd = shift;
$disable_proxy = 1;
$optmatch = 1;
} elsif ($cmd eq '--nooutput') {
# we use this when starting task in CLI (suppress printing upid)
# for example 'pvesh --nooutput create /nodes/localhost/stopall'
$cmd = shift;
$opt_nooutput = 1;
$optmatch = 1;
} while ($optmatch);
if ($cmd) {
if ($cmd eq 'verifyapi') {
exit 0;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'ls' || $cmd eq 'get' || $cmd eq 'create' ||
$cmd eq 'set' || $cmd eq 'delete' ||$cmd eq 'help' ) {
pve_command([ $cmd, @ARGV], $opt_nooutput);
} else {
print_usage ("unknown command '$cmd'");
exit (-1);
if (scalar (@ARGV) != 0) {
print_usage ();
exit (-1);
print "entering PVE shell - type 'help' for help\n";
my $term = new Term::ReadLine ('pvesh');
my $attribs = $term->Attribs;
sub complete_path {
my($text) = @_;
my ($dir, undef, $rest) = $text =~ m|^(.*/)?(([^/]*))?$|;
my $path = abs_path($cdir, $dir);
my @res = ();
my $di = dir_info($path);
if (my $children = $di->{children}) {
foreach my $c (@$children) {
if ($c =~ /^\Q$rest/) {
my $new = $dir ? "$dir$c" : $c;
push @res, $new;
if (scalar(@res) == 0) {
return undef;
} elsif (scalar(@res) == 1) {
return ($res[0], $res[0], "$res[0]/");
# lcd : lowest common denominator
my $lcd = '';
my $tmp = $res[0];
for (my $i = 1; $i <= length($tmp); $i++) {
my $found = 1;
foreach my $p (@res) {
if (substr($tmp, 0, $i) ne substr($p, 0, $i)) {
$found = 0;
if ($found) {
$lcd = substr($tmp, 0, $i);
} else {
return ($lcd, @res);
# just to avoid an endless loop (called by attempted_completion_function)
$attribs->{completion_entry_function} = sub {
my($text, $state) = @_;
return undef;
$attribs->{attempted_completion_function} = sub {
my ($text, $line, $start) = @_;
my $prefix = substr($line, 0, $start);
if ($prefix =~ /^\s*$/) { # first word (command completeion)
$attribs->{completion_word} = [qw(help ls cd get set create delete quit)];
return $term->completion_matches($text, $attribs->{list_completion_function});
if ($prefix =~ /^\s*\S+\s+$/) { # second word (path completion)
return complete_path($text);
return ();
sub abs_path {
my ($current, $path) = @_;
my $ret = $current;
return $current if !defined($path);
$ret = '' if $path =~ m|^\/|;
foreach my $d (split (/\/+/ , $path)) {
if ($d eq '.') {
} elsif ($d eq '..') {
$ret = dirname($ret);
$ret = '' if $ret eq '.';
} else {
$ret = "$ret/$d";
$ret =~ s|\/+|\/|g;
$ret =~ s|^\/||;
$ret =~ s|\/$||;
return $ret;
my $read_password = sub {
my $attribs = $term->Attribs;
my $old = $attribs->{redisplay_function};
$attribs->{redisplay_function} = $attribs->{shadow_redisplay};
my $input = $term->readline('password: ');
my $conf = $term->readline('Retype new password: ');
$attribs->{redisplay_function} = $old;
die "Passwords do not match.\n" if ($input ne $conf);
return $input;
sub reverse_map_cmd {
my $method = shift;
my $mmap = {
GET => 'get',
PUT => 'set',
POST => 'create',
DELETE => 'delete',
my $cmd = $mmap->{$method};
die "got strange value for method ('$method') - internal error" if !$cmd;
return $cmd;
sub map_cmd {
my $cmd = shift;
my $mmap = {
create => 'POST',
set => 'PUT',
get => 'GET',
ls => 'GET',
delete => 'DELETE',
my $method = $mmap->{$cmd};
die "unable to map method" if !$method;
return $method;
sub check_proxyto {
my ($info, $uri_param) = @_;
if ($info->{proxyto}) {
my $pn = $info->{proxyto};
my $node = $uri_param->{$pn};
die "proxy parameter '$pn' does not exists" if !$node;
if ($node ne 'localhost' && ($node ne PVE::INotify::nodename())) {
die "proxy loop detected - aborting\n" if $disable_proxy;
my $remip = PVE::Cluster::remote_node_ip($node);
return ($node, $remip);
return undef;
sub proxy_handler {
my ($node, $remip, $dir, $cmd, $args) = @_;
my $remcmd = ['ssh', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', "root\@$remip",
'pvesh', '--noproxy', $cmd, $dir, @$args];
system(@$remcmd) == 0 || die "proxy handler failed\n";
sub call_method {
my ($dir, $cmd, $args, $nooutput) = @_;
my $method = map_cmd($cmd);
my $uri_param = {};
my ($handler, $info) = PVE::API2->find_handler($method, $dir, $uri_param);
if (!$handler || !$info) {
die "no '$cmd' handler for '$dir'\n";
my ($node, $remip) = check_proxyto($info, $uri_param);
return proxy_handler($node, $remip, $dir, $cmd, $args) if $node;
my $data = $handler->cli_handler("$cmd $dir", $info->{name}, $args, [], $uri_param, $read_password);
return if $nooutput;
warn "200 OK\n"; # always print OK status if successful
if ($info && $info->{returns} && $info->{returns}->{type}) {
my $rtype = $info->{returns}->{type};
return if $rtype eq 'null';
if ($rtype eq 'string') {
print $data if $data;
print to_json($data, {utf8 => 1, allow_nonref => 1, canonical => 1, pretty => 1 });
sub find_resource_methods {
my ($path, $ihash) = @_;
for my $method (qw(GET POST PUT DELETE)) {
my $uri_param = {};
my ($handler, $info, $pm) = PVE::API2->find_handler($method, $path, $uri_param);
if ($handler && $info && !$ihash->{$info}) {
$ihash->{$info} = {
path => $pm,
handler => $handler,
info => $info,
uri_param => $uri_param,
sub print_help {
my ($path, $opts) = @_;
my $ihash = {};
find_resource_methods($path, $ihash);
if (!scalar(keys(%$ihash))) {
die "no such resource\n";
my $di = dir_info($path);
if (my $children = $di->{children}) {
foreach my $c (@$children) {
my $cp = abs_path($path, $c);
find_resource_methods($cp, $ihash);
foreach my $mi (sort { $a->{path} cmp $b->{path} } values %$ihash) {
my $method = $mi->{info}->{method};
# we skip index methods for now.
next if ($method eq 'GET') && PVE::JSONSchema::method_get_child_link($mi->{info});
my $path = $mi->{path};
$path =~ s|/+$||; # remove trailing slash
my $cmd = reverse_map_cmd($method);
print $mi->{handler}->usage_str($mi->{info}->{name}, "$cmd $path", [], $mi->{uri_param},
$opts->{verbose} ? 'full' : 'short', 1);
print "\n\n" if $opts->{verbose};
sub resource_cap {
my ($path) = @_;
my $res = '';
my ($handler, $info) = PVE::API2->find_handler('GET', $path);
if (!($handler && $info)) {
$res .= '--';
} else {
if (PVE::JSONSchema::method_get_child_link($info)) {
$res .= 'Dr';
} else {
$res .= '-r';
($handler, $info) = PVE::API2->find_handler('PUT', $path);
if (!($handler && $info)) {
$res .= '-';
} else {
$res .= 'w';
($handler, $info) = PVE::API2->find_handler('POST', $path);
if (!($handler && $info)) {
$res .= '-';
} else {
$res .= 'c';
($handler, $info) = PVE::API2->find_handler('DELETE', $path);
if (!($handler && $info)) {
$res .= '-';
} else {
$res .= 'd';
return $res;
sub extract_children {
my ($lnk, $data) = @_;
my $res = [];
return $res if !($lnk && $data);
my $href = $lnk->{href};
if ($href =~ m/^\{(\S+)\}$/) {
my $prop = $1;
foreach my $elem (sort {$a->{$prop} cmp $b->{$prop}} @$data) {
next if !ref($elem);
my $value = $elem->{$prop};
push @$res, $value;
return $res;
sub dir_info {
my ($path) = @_;
my $res = { path => $path };
my $uri_param = {};
my ($handler, $info, $pm) = PVE::API2->find_handler('GET', $path, $uri_param);
if ($handler && $info) {
eval {
my $data = $handler->handle($info, $uri_param);
my $lnk = PVE::JSONSchema::method_get_child_link($info);
$res->{children} = extract_children($lnk, $data);
}; # ignore errors ?
return $res;
sub list_dir {
my ($dir, $args) = @_;
my $uri_param = {};
my ($handler, $info) = PVE::API2->find_handler('GET', $dir, $uri_param);
if (!$handler || !$info) {
die "no such resource\n";
if (!PVE::JSONSchema::method_get_child_link($info)) {
die "resource does not define child links\n";
my ($node, $remip) = check_proxyto($info, $uri_param);
return proxy_handler($node, $remip, $dir, 'ls', $args) if $node;
my $data = $handler->cli_handler("ls $dir", $info->{name}, $args, [], $uri_param, $read_password);
my $lnk = PVE::JSONSchema::method_get_child_link($info);
my $children = extract_children($lnk, $data);
foreach my $c (@$children) {
my $cap = resource_cap(abs_path($dir, $c));
print "$cap $c\n";
sub pve_command {
my ($args, $nooutput) = @_;
my $cmd = shift @$args;
if ($cmd eq 'cd') {
my $path = shift @$args;
die "usage: cd [dir]\n" if scalar(@$args);
if (!defined($path)) {
$cdir = '';
} else {
my $new_dir = abs_path($cdir, $path);
my ($handler, $info) = PVE::API2->find_handler('GET', $new_dir);
die "no such resource\n" if !$handler;
$cdir = $new_dir;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'help') {
my $help_usage_error = sub {
die "usage: help [path] [--verbose]\n";
my $opts = {};
&$help_usage_error() if !Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray($args, $opts, 'verbose');
my $path;
if (scalar(@$args) && $args->[0] !~ m/^\-/) {
$path = shift @$args;
&$help_usage_error() if scalar(@$args);
print "help [path] [--verbose]\n";
print "cd [path]\n";
print "ls [path]\n\n";
print_help(abs_path($cdir, $path), $opts);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'ls') {
my $path;
if (scalar(@$args) && $args->[0] !~ m/^\-/) {
$path = shift @$args;
list_dir(abs_path($cdir, $path), $args);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'get') {
my $path;
if (scalar(@$args) && $args->[0] !~ m/^\-/) {
$path = shift @$args;
call_method(abs_path($cdir, $path), $cmd, $args);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'create') {
my $path;
if (scalar(@$args) && $args->[0] !~ m/^\-/) {
$path = shift @$args;
call_method(abs_path($cdir, $path), $cmd, $args, $nooutput);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'delete') {
my $path = shift @$args;
die "usage: delete [path]\n" if scalar(@$args);
call_method(abs_path($cdir, $path), $cmd, $args);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'set') {
my $path;
if (scalar(@$args) && $args->[0] !~ m/^\-/) {
$path = shift @$args;
call_method(abs_path($cdir, $path), $cmd, $args);
} else {
die "unknown command '$cmd'\n";
my $input;
while (defined ($input = $term->readline("pve:/$cdir> "))) {
chomp $input;
next if $input =~ m/^\s*$/;
if ($input =~ m/^\s*q(uit)?\s*$/) {
exit (0);
eval {
my $args = [ shellwords($input) ];
warn $@ if $@;