1273 lines
31 KiB
1273 lines
31 KiB
package PVE::VZDump;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Fcntl ':flock';
use PVE::Exception qw(raise_param_exc);
use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use IO::File;
use IO::Select;
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use File::Path;
use PVE::RPCEnvironment;
use PVE::Storage;
use PVE::Cluster qw(cfs_read_file);
use Time::localtime;
use Time::Local;
use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option);
use PVE::HA::Env::PVE2;
use PVE::HA::Config;
my @posix_filesystems = qw(ext3 ext4 nfs nfs4 reiserfs xfs);
my $lockfile = '/var/run/vzdump.lock';
my $pidfile = '/var/run/vzdump.pid';
my $logdir = '/var/log/vzdump';
my @plugins = qw();
my $confdesc = {
vmid => {
type => 'string', format => 'pve-vmid-list',
description => "The ID of the guest system you want to backup.",
completion => \&PVE::Cluster::complete_local_vmid,
optional => 1,
node => get_standard_option('pve-node', {
description => "Only run if executed on this node.",
completion => \&PVE::Cluster::get_nodelist,
optional => 1,
all => {
type => 'boolean',
description => "Backup all known guest systems on this host.",
optional => 1,
default => 0,
stdexcludes => {
type => 'boolean',
description => "Exclude temporary files and logs.",
optional => 1,
default => 1,
compress => {
type => 'string',
description => "Compress dump file.",
optional => 1,
enum => ['0', '1', 'gzip', 'lzo'],
default => '0',
pigz=> {
type => "integer",
description => "Use pigz instead of gzip when N>0.".
" N=1 uses half of cores, N>1 uses N as thread count.",
optional => 1,
default => 0,
quiet => {
type => 'boolean',
description => "Be quiet.",
optional => 1,
default => 0,
mode => {
type => 'string',
description => "Backup mode.",
optional => 1,
default => 'snapshot',
enum => [ 'snapshot', 'suspend', 'stop' ],
exclude => {
type => 'string', format => 'pve-vmid-list',
description => "Exclude specified guest systems (assumes --all)",
optional => 1,
'exclude-path' => {
type => 'string', format => 'string-alist',
description => "Exclude certain files/directories (shell globs).",
optional => 1,
mailto => {
type => 'string', format => 'string-list',
description => "Comma-separated list of email addresses that should" .
" receive email notifications.",
optional => 1,
mailnotification => {
type => 'string',
description => "Specify when to send an email",
optional => 1,
enum => [ 'always', 'failure' ],
default => 'always',
tmpdir => {
type => 'string',
description => "Store temporary files to specified directory.",
optional => 1,
dumpdir => {
type => 'string',
description => "Store resulting files to specified directory.",
optional => 1,
script => {
type => 'string',
description => "Use specified hook script.",
optional => 1,
storage => get_standard_option('pve-storage-id', {
description => "Store resulting file to this storage.",
completion => \&complete_backup_storage,
optional => 1,
stop => {
type => 'boolean',
description => "Stop runnig backup jobs on this host.",
optional => 1,
default => 0,
size => {
type => 'integer',
description => "Unused, will be removed in a future release.",
optional => 1,
minimum => 500,
default => 1024,
bwlimit => {
type => 'integer',
description => "Limit I/O bandwidth (KBytes per second).",
optional => 1,
minimum => 0,
default => 0,
ionice => {
type => 'integer',
description => "Set CFQ ionice priority.",
optional => 1,
minimum => 0,
maximum => 8,
default => 7,
lockwait => {
type => 'integer',
description => "Maximal time to wait for the global lock (minutes).",
optional => 1,
minimum => 0,
default => 3*60, # 3 hours
stopwait => {
type => 'integer',
description => "Maximal time to wait until a guest system is stopped (minutes).",
optional => 1,
minimum => 0,
default => 10, # 10 minutes
maxfiles => {
type => 'integer',
description => "Maximal number of backup files per guest system.",
optional => 1,
minimum => 1,
default => 1,
remove => {
type => 'boolean',
description => "Remove old backup files if there are more than 'maxfiles' backup files.",
optional => 1,
default => 1,
# Load available plugins
my @pve_vzdump_classes = qw(PVE::VZDump::QemuServer PVE::VZDump::LXC);
foreach my $plug (@pve_vzdump_classes) {
my $filename = "/usr/share/perl5/$plug.pm";
$filename =~ s!::!/!g;
if (-f $filename) {
eval { require $filename; };
if (!$@) {
$plug->import ();
push @plugins, $plug;
} else {
die $@;
# helper functions
my $debugstattxt = {
err => 'ERROR:',
info => 'INFO:',
warn => 'WARN:',
sub debugmsg {
my ($mtype, $msg, $logfd, $syslog) = @_;
chomp $msg;
return if !$msg;
my $pre = $debugstattxt->{$mtype} || $debugstattxt->{'err'};
my $timestr = strftime ("%b %d %H:%M:%S", CORE::localtime);
syslog ($mtype eq 'info' ? 'info' : 'err', "$pre $msg") if $syslog;
foreach my $line (split (/\n/, $msg)) {
print STDERR "$pre $line\n";
print $logfd "$timestr $pre $line\n" if $logfd;
sub run_command {
my ($logfd, $cmdstr, %param) = @_;
my $logfunc = sub {
my $line = shift;
debugmsg ('info', $line, $logfd);
PVE::Tools::run_command($cmdstr, %param, logfunc => $logfunc);
sub storage_info {
my $storage = shift;
my $cfg = PVE::Storage::config();
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($cfg, $storage);
my $type = $scfg->{type};
die "can't use storage type '$type' for backup\n"
if (!($type eq 'dir' || $type eq 'nfs' || $type eq 'glusterfs'));
die "can't use storage '$storage' for backups - wrong content type\n"
if (!$scfg->{content}->{backup});
PVE::Storage::activate_storage($cfg, $storage);
return {
dumpdir => PVE::Storage::get_backup_dir($cfg, $storage),
maxfiles => $scfg->{maxfiles},
sub format_size {
my $size = shift;
my $kb = $size / 1024;
if ($kb < 1024) {
return int ($kb) . "KB";
my $mb = $size / (1024*1024);
if ($mb < 1024) {
return int ($mb) . "MB";
} else {
my $gb = $mb / 1024;
return sprintf ("%.2fGB", $gb);
sub format_time {
my $seconds = shift;
my $hours = int ($seconds/3600);
$seconds = $seconds - $hours*3600;
my $min = int ($seconds/60);
$seconds = $seconds - $min*60;
return sprintf ("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $min, $seconds);
sub encode8bit {
my ($str) = @_;
$str =~ s/^(.{990})/$1\n/mg; # reduce line length
return $str;
sub escape_html {
my ($str) = @_;
$str =~ s/&/&/g;
$str =~ s/</</g;
$str =~ s/>/>/g;
return $str;
sub check_bin {
my ($bin) = @_;
foreach my $p (split (/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
my $fn = "$p/$bin";
if (-x $fn) {
return $fn;
die "unable to find command '$bin'\n";
sub check_vmids {
my (@vmids) = @_;
my $res = [];
foreach my $vmid (@vmids) {
die "ERROR: strange VM ID '${vmid}'\n" if $vmid !~ m/^\d+$/;
$vmid = int ($vmid); # remove leading zeros
next if !$vmid;
push @$res, $vmid;
return $res;
sub read_vzdump_defaults {
my $fn = "/etc/vzdump.conf";
my $defaults = {
map {
my $default = $confdesc->{$_}->{default};
defined($default) ? ($_ => $default) : ()
} keys %$confdesc
my $raw;
eval { $raw = PVE::Tools::file_get_contents($fn); };
return $defaults if $@;
my $conf_schema = { type => 'object', properties => $confdesc, };
my $res = PVE::JSONSchema::parse_config($conf_schema, $fn, $raw);
if (my $excludes = $res->{'exclude-path'}) {
$res->{'exclude-path'} = PVE::Tools::split_args($excludes);
if (defined($res->{mailto})) {
my @mailto = PVE::Tools::split_list($res->{mailto});
$res->{mailto} = [ @mailto ];
foreach my $key (keys %$defaults) {
$res->{$key} = $defaults->{$key} if !defined($res->{$key});
return $res;
sub sendmail {
my ($self, $tasklist, $totaltime, $err, $detail_pre, $detail_post) = @_;
my $opts = $self->{opts};
my $mailto = $opts->{mailto};
return if !($mailto && scalar(@$mailto));
my $cmdline = $self->{cmdline};
my $ecount = 0;
foreach my $task (@$tasklist) {
$ecount++ if $task->{state} ne 'ok';
chomp $task->{msg} if $task->{msg};
$task->{backuptime} = 0 if !$task->{backuptime};
$task->{size} = 0 if !$task->{size};
$task->{tarfile} = 'unknown' if !$task->{tarfile};
$task->{hostname} = "VM $task->{vmid}" if !$task->{hostname};
if ($task->{state} eq 'todo') {
$task->{msg} = 'aborted';
my $notify = $opts->{mailnotification} || 'always';
return if (!$ecount && !$err && ($notify eq 'failure'));
my $stat = ($ecount || $err) ? 'backup failed' : 'backup successful';
if ($err) {
if ($err =~ /\n/) {
$stat .= ": multiple problems";
} else {
$stat .= ": $err";
$err = undef;
my $hostname = `hostname -f` || PVE::INotify::nodename();
chomp $hostname;
# text part
my $text = $err ? "$err\n\n" : '';
$text .= sprintf ("%-10s %-6s %10s %10s %s\n", qw(VMID STATUS TIME SIZE FILENAME));
foreach my $task (@$tasklist) {
my $vmid = $task->{vmid};
if ($task->{state} eq 'ok') {
$text .= sprintf ("%-10s %-6s %10s %10s %s\n", $vmid,
format_size ($task->{size}),
} else {
$text .= sprintf ("%-10s %-6s %10s %8.2fMB %s\n", $vmid,
0, '-');
$text .= "\nDetailed backup logs:\n\n";
$text .= "$cmdline\n\n";
$text .= $detail_pre . "\n" if defined($detail_pre);
foreach my $task (@$tasklist) {
my $vmid = $task->{vmid};
my $log = $task->{tmplog};
if (!$log) {
$text .= "$vmid: no log available\n\n";
open (TMP, "$log");
while (my $line = <TMP>) { $text .= encode8bit ("$vmid: $line"); }
close (TMP);
$text .= "\n";
$text .= $detail_post if defined($detail_post);
# html part
my $html = "<html><body>\n";
$html .= "<p>" . (escape_html($err) =~ s/\n/<br>/gr) . "</p>\n" if $err;
$html .= "<table border=1 cellpadding=3>\n";
$html .= "<tr><td>VMID<td>NAME<td>STATUS<td>TIME<td>SIZE<td>FILENAME</tr>\n";
my $ssize = 0;
foreach my $task (@$tasklist) {
my $vmid = $task->{vmid};
my $name = $task->{hostname};
if ($task->{state} eq 'ok') {
$ssize += $task->{size};
$html .= sprintf ("<tr><td>%s<td>%s<td>OK<td>%s<td align=right>%s<td>%s</tr>\n",
$vmid, $name,
format_size ($task->{size}),
escape_html ($task->{tarfile}));
} else {
$html .= sprintf ("<tr><td>%s<td>%s<td><font color=red>FAILED<td>%s<td colspan=2>%s</tr>\n",
$vmid, $name, format_time($task->{backuptime}),
escape_html ($task->{msg}));
$html .= sprintf ("<tr><td align=left colspan=3>TOTAL<td>%s<td>%s<td></tr>",
format_time ($totaltime), format_size ($ssize));
$html .= "</table><br><br>\n";
$html .= "Detailed backup logs:<br /><br />\n";
$html .= "<pre>\n";
$html .= escape_html($cmdline) . "\n\n";
$html .= escape_html($detail_pre) . "\n" if defined($detail_pre);
foreach my $task (@$tasklist) {
my $vmid = $task->{vmid};
my $log = $task->{tmplog};
if (!$log) {
$html .= "$vmid: no log available\n\n";
open (TMP, "$log");
while (my $line = <TMP>) {
if ($line =~ m/^\S+\s\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+(ERROR|WARN):/) {
$html .= encode8bit ("$vmid: <font color=red>".
escape_html ($line) . "</font>");
} else {
$html .= encode8bit ("$vmid: " . escape_html ($line));
close (TMP);
$html .= "\n";
$html .= escape_html($detail_post) if defined($detail_post);
$html .= "</pre></body></html>\n";
# end html part
my $subject = "vzdump backup status ($hostname) : $stat";
my $dcconf = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file('datacenter.cfg');
my $mailfrom = $dcconf->{email_from} || "root";
PVE::Tools::sendmail($mailto, $subject, $text, $html, $mailfrom, "vzdump backup tool");
sub new {
my ($class, $cmdline, $opts, $skiplist) = @_;
mkpath $logdir;
check_bin ('cp');
check_bin ('df');
check_bin ('sendmail');
check_bin ('rsync');
check_bin ('tar');
check_bin ('mount');
check_bin ('umount');
check_bin ('cstream');
check_bin ('ionice');
if ($opts->{mode} && $opts->{mode} eq 'snapshot') {
check_bin ('lvcreate');
check_bin ('lvs');
check_bin ('lvremove');
my $defaults = read_vzdump_defaults();
my $maxfiles = $opts->{maxfiles}; # save here, because we overwrite with default
$opts->{remove} = 1 if !defined($opts->{remove});
foreach my $k (keys %$defaults) {
next if $k eq 'exclude-path'; # dealt with separately
if ($k eq 'dumpdir' || $k eq 'storage') {
$opts->{$k} = $defaults->{$k} if !defined ($opts->{dumpdir}) &&
!defined ($opts->{storage});
} else {
$opts->{$k} = $defaults->{$k} if !defined ($opts->{$k});
$opts->{dumpdir} =~ s|/+$|| if ($opts->{dumpdir});
$opts->{tmpdir} =~ s|/+$|| if ($opts->{tmpdir});
$skiplist = [] if !$skiplist;
my $self = bless { cmdline => $cmdline, opts => $opts, skiplist => $skiplist };
my $findexcl = $self->{findexcl} = [];
if ($defaults->{'exclude-path'}) {
push @$findexcl, @{$defaults->{'exclude-path'}};
if ($opts->{'exclude-path'}) {
push @$findexcl, @{$opts->{'exclude-path'}};
if ($opts->{stdexcludes}) {
push @$findexcl, '/tmp/?*',
foreach my $p (@plugins) {
my $pd = $p->new ($self);
push @{$self->{plugins}}, $pd;
if (!$opts->{dumpdir} && !$opts->{storage}) {
$opts->{storage} = 'local';
my $errors = '';
if ($opts->{storage}) {
my $info = storage_info ($opts->{storage});
$opts->{dumpdir} = $info->{dumpdir};
$maxfiles = $info->{maxfiles} if !defined($maxfiles) && defined($info->{maxfiles});
} elsif ($opts->{dumpdir}) {
$errors .= "dumpdir '$opts->{dumpdir}' does not exist"
if ! -d $opts->{dumpdir};
} else {
die "internal error";
if ($opts->{tmpdir} && ! -d $opts->{tmpdir}) {
$errors .= "\n" if $errors;
$errors .= "tmpdir '$opts->{tmpdir}' does not exist";
if ($errors) {
eval { $self->sendmail([], 0, $errors); };
debugmsg ('err', $@) if $@;
die "$errors\n";
$opts->{maxfiles} = $maxfiles if defined($maxfiles);
return $self;
sub get_mount_info {
my ($dir) = @_;
# Note: df 'available' can be negative, and percentage set to '-'
my $cmd = [ 'df', '-P', '-T', '-B', '1', $dir];
my $res;
my $parser = sub {
my $line = shift;
if (my ($fsid, $fstype, undef, $mp) = $line =~
m!(\S+.*)\s+(\S+)\s+\d+\s+\-?\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+%|-)\s+(/.*)$!) {
$res = {
device => $fsid,
fstype => $fstype,
mountpoint => $mp,
eval { PVE::Tools::run_command($cmd, errfunc => sub {}, outfunc => $parser); };
warn $@ if $@;
return $res;
sub getlock {
my ($self, $upid) = @_;
my $fh;
my $maxwait = $self->{opts}->{lockwait} || $self->{lockwait};
die "missimg UPID" if !$upid; # should not happen
if (!open (SERVER_FLCK, ">>$lockfile")) {
debugmsg ('err', "can't open lock on file '$lockfile' - $!", undef, 1);
die "can't open lock on file '$lockfile' - $!";
if (!flock (SERVER_FLCK, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) {
if (!$maxwait) {
debugmsg ('err', "can't aquire lock '$lockfile' (wait = 0)", undef, 1);
die "can't aquire lock '$lockfile' (wait = 0)";
debugmsg('info', "trying to get global lock - waiting...", undef, 1);
eval {
alarm ($maxwait * 60);
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { alarm (0); die "got timeout\n"; };
if (!flock (SERVER_FLCK, LOCK_EX)) {
my $err = $!;
close (SERVER_FLCK);
alarm (0);
die "$err\n";
alarm (0);
alarm (0);
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
debugmsg ('err', "can't aquire lock '$lockfile' - $err", undef, 1);
die "can't aquire lock '$lockfile' - $err";
debugmsg('info', "got global lock", undef, 1);
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($pidfile, $upid);
sub run_hook_script {
my ($self, $phase, $task, $logfd) = @_;
my $opts = $self->{opts};
my $script = $opts->{script};
return if !$script;
my $cmd = "$script $phase";
$cmd .= " $task->{mode} $task->{vmid}" if ($task);
local %ENV;
# set immutable opts directly (so they are available in all phases)
$ENV{STOREID} = $opts->{storage} if $opts->{storage};
$ENV{DUMPDIR} = $opts->{dumpdir} if $opts->{dumpdir};
foreach my $ek (qw(vmtype hostname tarfile logfile)) {
$ENV{uc($ek)} = $task->{$ek} if $task->{$ek};
run_command ($logfd, $cmd);
sub compressor_info {
my ($opts) = @_;
my $opt_compress = $opts->{compress};
if (!$opt_compress || $opt_compress eq '0') {
return undef;
} elsif ($opt_compress eq '1' || $opt_compress eq 'lzo') {
return ('lzop', 'lzo');
} elsif ($opt_compress eq 'gzip') {
if ($opts->{pigz} > 0) {
# As default use int((#cores + 1)/2), we need #cores+1 for the case that #cores = 1
my $cores = POSIX::sysconf(84);
my $pigz_threads = ($opts->{pigz} > 1) ? $opts->{pigz} : int(($cores + 1)/2);
return ("pigz -p ${pigz_threads}", 'gz');
} else {
return ('gzip', 'gz');
} else {
die "internal error - unknown compression option '$opt_compress'";
sub get_backup_file_list {
my ($dir, $bkname, $exclude_fn) = @_;
my $bklist = [];
foreach my $fn (<$dir/${bkname}-*>) {
next if $exclude_fn && $fn eq $exclude_fn;
if ($fn =~ m!/(${bkname}-(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})-(\d{2})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})\.(tgz|((tar|vma)(\.(gz|lzo))?)))$!) {
$fn = "$dir/$1"; # untaint
my $t = timelocal ($7, $6, $5, $4, $3 - 1, $2 - 1900);
push @$bklist, [$fn, $t];
return $bklist;
sub exec_backup_task {
my ($self, $task) = @_;
my $opts = $self->{opts};
my $vmid = $task->{vmid};
my $plugin = $task->{plugin};
my $vmstarttime = time ();
my $logfd;
my $cleanup = {};
my $vmstoptime = 0;
eval {
die "unable to find VM '$vmid'\n" if !$plugin;
# for now we deny backups of a running ha managed service in *stop* mode
# as it interferes with the HA stack (started services should not stop).
if ($opts->{mode} eq 'stop' &&
PVE::HA::Config::vm_is_ha_managed($vmid, 'started'))
die "Cannot execute a backup with stop mode on a HA managed and".
" enabled Service. Use snapshot mode or disable the Service.\n";
my $vmtype = $plugin->type();
my $tmplog = "$logdir/$vmtype-$vmid.log";
my $lt = localtime();
my $bkname = "vzdump-$vmtype-$vmid";
my $basename = sprintf "${bkname}-%04d_%02d_%02d-%02d_%02d_%02d",
$lt->year + 1900, $lt->mon + 1, $lt->mday,
$lt->hour, $lt->min, $lt->sec;
my $maxfiles = $opts->{maxfiles};
if ($maxfiles && !$opts->{remove}) {
my $bklist = get_backup_file_list($opts->{dumpdir}, $bkname);
die "only $maxfiles backup(s) allowed - please consider to remove old backup files.\n"
if scalar(@$bklist) >= $maxfiles;
my $logfile = $task->{logfile} = "$opts->{dumpdir}/$basename.log";
my $ext = $vmtype eq 'qemu' ? '.vma' : '.tar';
my ($comp, $comp_ext) = compressor_info($opts);
if ($comp && $comp_ext) {
$ext .= ".${comp_ext}";
if ($opts->{stdout}) {
$task->{tarfile} = '-';
} else {
my $tarfile = $task->{tarfile} = "$opts->{dumpdir}/$basename$ext";
$task->{tmptar} = $task->{tarfile};
$task->{tmptar} =~ s/\.[^\.]+$/\.dat/;
unlink $task->{tmptar};
$task->{vmtype} = $vmtype;
if ($opts->{tmpdir}) {
$task->{tmpdir} = "$opts->{tmpdir}/vzdumptmp$$";
} else {
# dumpdir is posix? then use it as temporary dir
my $info = get_mount_info($opts->{dumpdir});
if ($vmtype eq 'qemu' ||
grep ($_ eq $info->{fstype}, @posix_filesystems)) {
$task->{tmpdir} = "$opts->{dumpdir}/$basename.tmp";
} else {
$task->{tmpdir} = "/var/tmp/vzdumptmp$$";
debugmsg ('info', "filesystem type on dumpdir is '$info->{fstype}' -" .
"using $task->{tmpdir} for temporary files", $logfd);
rmtree $task->{tmpdir};
mkdir $task->{tmpdir};
-d $task->{tmpdir} ||
die "unable to create temporary directory '$task->{tmpdir}'";
$logfd = IO::File->new (">$tmplog") ||
die "unable to create log file '$tmplog'";
$task->{dumpdir} = $opts->{dumpdir};
$task->{storeid} = $opts->{storage};
$task->{tmplog} = $tmplog;
unlink $logfile;
debugmsg ('info', "Starting Backup of VM $vmid ($vmtype)", $logfd, 1);
$plugin->set_logfd ($logfd);
# test is VM is running
my ($running, $status_text) = $plugin->vm_status ($vmid);
debugmsg ('info', "status = ${status_text}", $logfd);
# lock VM (prevent config changes)
$plugin->lock_vm ($vmid);
$cleanup->{unlock} = 1;
# prepare
my $mode = $running ? $task->{mode} : 'stop';
if ($mode eq 'snapshot') {
my %saved_task = %$task;
eval { $plugin->prepare ($task, $vmid, $mode); };
if (my $err = $@) {
die $err if $err !~ m/^mode failure/;
debugmsg ('info', $err, $logfd);
debugmsg ('info', "trying 'suspend' mode instead", $logfd);
$mode = 'suspend'; # so prepare is called again below
%$task = %saved_task;
$cleanup->{prepared} = 1;
$task->{mode} = $mode;
debugmsg ('info', "backup mode: $mode", $logfd);
debugmsg ('info', "bandwidth limit: $opts->{bwlimit} KB/s", $logfd)
if $opts->{bwlimit};
debugmsg ('info', "ionice priority: $opts->{ionice}", $logfd);
if ($mode eq 'stop') {
$plugin->prepare ($task, $vmid, $mode);
$self->run_hook_script ('backup-start', $task, $logfd);
if ($running) {
debugmsg ('info', "stopping vm", $logfd);
$vmstoptime = time ();
$self->run_hook_script ('pre-stop', $task, $logfd);
$plugin->stop_vm ($task, $vmid);
$cleanup->{restart} = 1;
} elsif ($mode eq 'suspend') {
$plugin->prepare ($task, $vmid, $mode);
$self->run_hook_script ('backup-start', $task, $logfd);
if ($vmtype eq 'lxc') {
# pre-suspend rsync
$plugin->copy_data_phase1($task, $vmid);
debugmsg ('info', "suspend vm", $logfd);
$vmstoptime = time ();
$self->run_hook_script ('pre-stop', $task, $logfd);
$plugin->suspend_vm ($task, $vmid);
$cleanup->{resume} = 1;
if ($vmtype eq 'lxc') {
# post-suspend rsync
$plugin->copy_data_phase2($task, $vmid);
debugmsg ('info', "resume vm", $logfd);
$cleanup->{resume} = 0;
$self->run_hook_script('pre-restart', $task, $logfd);
$plugin->resume_vm($task, $vmid);
$self->run_hook_script('post-restart', $task, $logfd);
my $delay = time () - $vmstoptime;
debugmsg('info', "vm is online again after $delay seconds", $logfd);
} elsif ($mode eq 'snapshot') {
$self->run_hook_script ('backup-start', $task, $logfd);
my $snapshot_count = $task->{snapshot_count} || 0;
$self->run_hook_script ('pre-stop', $task, $logfd);
if ($snapshot_count > 1) {
debugmsg ('info', "suspend vm to make snapshot", $logfd);
$vmstoptime = time ();
$plugin->suspend_vm ($task, $vmid);
$cleanup->{resume} = 1;
$plugin->snapshot ($task, $vmid);
$self->run_hook_script ('pre-restart', $task, $logfd);
if ($snapshot_count > 1) {
debugmsg ('info', "resume vm", $logfd);
$cleanup->{resume} = 0;
$plugin->resume_vm ($task, $vmid);
my $delay = time () - $vmstoptime;
debugmsg ('info', "vm is online again after $delay seconds", $logfd);
$self->run_hook_script ('post-restart', $task, $logfd);
} else {
die "internal error - unknown mode '$mode'\n";
# assemble archive image
$plugin->assemble ($task, $vmid);
# produce archive
if ($opts->{stdout}) {
debugmsg ('info', "sending archive to stdout", $logfd);
$plugin->archive($task, $vmid, $task->{tmptar}, $comp);
$self->run_hook_script ('backup-end', $task, $logfd);
debugmsg ('info', "creating archive '$task->{tarfile}'", $logfd);
$plugin->archive($task, $vmid, $task->{tmptar}, $comp);
rename ($task->{tmptar}, $task->{tarfile}) ||
die "unable to rename '$task->{tmptar}' to '$task->{tarfile}'\n";
# determine size
$task->{size} = (-s $task->{tarfile}) || 0;
my $cs = format_size ($task->{size});
debugmsg ('info', "archive file size: $cs", $logfd);
# purge older backup
if ($maxfiles && $opts->{remove}) {
my $bklist = get_backup_file_list($opts->{dumpdir}, $bkname, $task->{tarfile});
$bklist = [ sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @$bklist ];
while (scalar (@$bklist) >= $maxfiles) {
my $d = pop @$bklist;
debugmsg ('info', "delete old backup '$d->[0]'", $logfd);
unlink $d->[0];
my $logfn = $d->[0];
$logfn =~ s/\.(tgz|((tar|vma)(\.(gz|lzo))?))$/\.log/;
unlink $logfn;
$self->run_hook_script ('backup-end', $task, $logfd);
my $err = $@;
if ($plugin) {
# clean-up
if ($cleanup->{unlock}) {
eval { $plugin->unlock_vm ($vmid); };
warn $@ if $@;
if ($cleanup->{prepared}) {
# only call cleanup when necessary (when prepare was executed)
eval { $plugin->cleanup ($task, $vmid) };
warn $@ if $@;
eval { $plugin->set_logfd (undef); };
warn $@ if $@;
if ($cleanup->{resume} || $cleanup->{restart}) {
eval {
$self->run_hook_script ('pre-restart', $task, $logfd);
if ($cleanup->{resume}) {
debugmsg ('info', "resume vm", $logfd);
$plugin->resume_vm ($task, $vmid);
} else {
my $running = $plugin->vm_status($vmid);
if (!$running) {
debugmsg ('info', "restarting vm", $logfd);
$plugin->start_vm ($task, $vmid);
$self->run_hook_script ('post-restart', $task, $logfd);
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
warn $err;
} else {
my $delay = time () - $vmstoptime;
debugmsg ('info', "vm is online again after $delay seconds", $logfd);
eval { unlink $task->{tmptar} if $task->{tmptar} && -f $task->{tmptar}; };
warn $@ if $@;
eval { rmtree $task->{tmpdir} if $task->{tmpdir} && -d $task->{tmpdir}; };
warn $@ if $@;
my $delay = $task->{backuptime} = time () - $vmstarttime;
if ($err) {
$task->{state} = 'err';
$task->{msg} = $err;
debugmsg ('err', "Backup of VM $vmid failed - $err", $logfd, 1);
eval { $self->run_hook_script ('backup-abort', $task, $logfd); };
} else {
$task->{state} = 'ok';
my $tstr = format_time ($delay);
debugmsg ('info', "Finished Backup of VM $vmid ($tstr)", $logfd, 1);
close ($logfd) if $logfd;
if ($task->{tmplog} && $task->{logfile}) {
system {'cp'} 'cp', $task->{tmplog}, $task->{logfile};
eval { $self->run_hook_script ('log-end', $task); };
die $err if $err && $err =~ m/^interrupted by signal$/;
sub exec_backup {
my ($self, $rpcenv, $authuser) = @_;
my $opts = $self->{opts};
debugmsg ('info', "starting new backup job: $self->{cmdline}", undef, 1);
debugmsg ('info', "skip external VMs: " . join(', ', @{$self->{skiplist}}))
if scalar(@{$self->{skiplist}});
my $tasklist = [];
if ($opts->{all}) {
foreach my $plugin (@{$self->{plugins}}) {
my $vmlist = $plugin->vmlist();
foreach my $vmid (sort @$vmlist) {
next if grep { $_ eq $vmid } @{$opts->{exclude}};
next if !$rpcenv->check($authuser, "/vms/$vmid", [ 'VM.Backup' ], 1);
push @$tasklist, { vmid => $vmid, state => 'todo', plugin => $plugin, mode => $opts->{mode} };
} else {
foreach my $vmid (sort @{$opts->{vmids}}) {
my $plugin;
foreach my $pg (@{$self->{plugins}}) {
my $vmlist = $pg->vmlist();
if (grep { $_ eq $vmid } @$vmlist) {
$plugin = $pg;
$rpcenv->check($authuser, "/vms/$vmid", [ 'VM.Backup' ]);
push @$tasklist, { vmid => $vmid, state => 'todo', plugin => $plugin, mode => $opts->{mode} };
# Use in-memory files for the outer hook logs to pass them to sendmail.
my $job_start_log = '';
my $job_end_log = '';
open my $job_start_fd, '>', \$job_start_log;
open my $job_end_fd, '>', \$job_end_log;
my $starttime = time();
my $errcount = 0;
eval {
$self->run_hook_script ('job-start', undef, $job_start_fd);
foreach my $task (@$tasklist) {
$self->exec_backup_task ($task);
$errcount += 1 if $task->{state} ne 'ok';
$self->run_hook_script ('job-end', undef, $job_end_fd);
my $err = $@;
$self->run_hook_script ('job-abort', undef, $job_end_fd) if $err;
if ($err) {
debugmsg ('err', "Backup job failed - $err", undef, 1);
} else {
if ($errcount) {
debugmsg ('info', "Backup job finished with errors", undef, 1);
} else {
debugmsg ('info', "Backup job finished successfully", undef, 1);
close $job_start_fd;
close $job_end_fd;
my $totaltime = time() - $starttime;
eval { $self->sendmail ($tasklist, $totaltime, undef, $job_start_log, $job_end_log); };
debugmsg ('err', $@) if $@;
die $err if $err;
die "job errors\n" if $errcount;
unlink $pidfile;
sub option_exists {
my $key = shift;
return defined($confdesc->{$key});
# add JSON properties for create and set function
sub json_config_properties {
my $prop = shift;
foreach my $opt (keys %$confdesc) {
$prop->{$opt} = $confdesc->{$opt};
return $prop;
sub verify_vzdump_parameters {
my ($param, $check_missing) = @_;
raise_param_exc({ all => "option conflicts with option 'vmid'"})
if $param->{all} && $param->{vmid};
raise_param_exc({ exclude => "option conflicts with option 'vmid'"})
if $param->{exclude} && $param->{vmid};
$param->{all} = 1 if defined($param->{exclude});
warn "option 'size' is deprecated and will be removed in a future " .
"release, please update your script/configuration!\n"
if defined($param->{size});
return if !$check_missing;
raise_param_exc({ vmid => "property is missing"})
if !($param->{all} || $param->{stop}) && !$param->{vmid};
sub stop_running_backups {
my($self) = @_;
my $upid = PVE::Tools::file_read_firstline($pidfile);
return if !$upid;
my $task = PVE::Tools::upid_decode($upid);
if (PVE::ProcFSTools::check_process_running($task->{pid}, $task->{pstart}) &&
PVE::ProcFSTools::read_proc_starttime($task->{pid}) == $task->{pstart}) {
kill(15, $task->{pid});
# wait max 15 seconds to shut down (else, do nothing for now)
my $i;
for ($i = 15; $i > 0; $i--) {
last if !PVE::ProcFSTools::check_process_running(($task->{pid}, $task->{pstart}));
sleep (1);
die "stoping backup process $task->{pid} failed\n" if $i == 0;
sub command_line {
my ($param) = @_;
my $cmd = "vzdump";
if ($param->{vmid}) {
$cmd .= " " . join(' ', PVE::Tools::split_list($param->{vmid}));
foreach my $p (keys %$param) {
next if $p eq 'id' || $p eq 'vmid' || $p eq 'starttime' ||
$p eq 'dow' || $p eq 'stdout' || $p eq 'enabled';
my $v = $param->{$p};
my $pd = $confdesc->{$p} || die "no such vzdump option '$p'\n";
if ($p eq 'exclude-path') {
foreach my $path (split(/\0/, $v || '')) {
$cmd .= " --$p " . PVE::Tools::shellquote($path);
} else {
$cmd .= " --$p " . PVE::Tools::shellquote($v) if defined($v) && $v ne '';
return $cmd;
# bash completion helpers
sub complete_backup_storage {
my $cfg = PVE::Storage::config();
my $ids = $cfg->{ids};
my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();
my $res = [];
foreach my $sid (keys %$ids) {
my $scfg = $ids->{$sid};
next if !PVE::Storage::storage_check_enabled($cfg, $sid, $nodename, 1);
next if !$scfg->{content}->{backup};
push @$res, $sid;
return $res;