Also moves to full declarative style for IPProtocolSelector, saves 11 lines of of boilerplate code (works when the store is local and not pulled over the API)
88 lines
3.6 KiB
88 lines
3.6 KiB
Ext.define('PVE.form.IPProtocolSelector', {
extend: 'PVE.form.ComboGrid',
alias: ['widget.pveIPProtocolSelector'],
valueField: 'p',
displayField: 'p',
listConfig: {
columns: [
header: gettext('Protocol'),
dataIndex: 'p',
hideable: false,
sortable: false,
width: 100
header: gettext('Number'),
dataIndex: 'n',
hideable: false,
sortable: false,
width: 50
header: gettext('Description'),
dataIndex: 'd',
hideable: false,
sortable: false,
flex: 1
store: {
fields: [ 'p', 'd', 'n'],
data: [
{ p: 'tcp', n: 6, d: 'Transmission Control Protocol' },
{ p: 'udp', n: 17, d: 'User Datagram Protocol' },
{ p: 'icmp', n: 1, d: 'Internet Control Message Protocol' },
{ p: 'igmp', n: 2, d: 'Internet Group Management' },
{ p: 'ggp', n: 3, d: 'gateway-gateway protocol' },
{ p: 'ipencap', n: 4, d: 'IP encapsulated in IP' },
{ p: 'st', n: 5, d: 'ST datagram mode' },
{ p: 'egp', n: 8, d: 'exterior gateway protocol' },
{ p: 'igp', n: 9, d: 'any private interior gateway (Cisco)' },
{ p: 'pup', n: 12, d: 'PARC universal packet protocol' },
{ p: 'hmp', n: 20, d: 'host monitoring protocol' },
{ p: 'xns-idp', n: 22, d: 'Xerox NS IDP' },
{ p: 'rdp', n: 27, d: '"reliable datagram" protocol' },
{ p: 'iso-tp4', n: 29, d: 'ISO Transport Protocol class 4 [RFC905]' },
{ p: 'dccp', n: 33, d: 'Datagram Congestion Control Prot. [RFC4340]' },
{ p: 'xtp', n: 36, d: 'Xpress Transfer Protocol' },
{ p: 'ddp', n: 37, d: 'Datagram Delivery Protocol' },
{ p: 'idpr-cmtp', n: 38, d: 'IDPR Control Message Transport' },
{ p: 'ipv6', n: 41, d: 'Internet Protocol, version 6' },
{ p: 'ipv6-route', n: 43, d: 'Routing Header for IPv6' },
{ p: 'ipv6-frag', n: 44, d: 'Fragment Header for IPv6' },
{ p: 'idrp', n: 45, d: 'Inter-Domain Routing Protocol' },
{ p: 'rsvp', n: 46, d: 'Reservation Protocol' },
{ p: 'gre', n: 47, d: 'General Routing Encapsulation' },
{ p: 'esp', n: 50, d: 'Encap Security Payload [RFC2406]' },
{ p: 'ah', n: 51, d: 'Authentication Header [RFC2402]' },
{ p: 'skip', n: 57, d: 'SKIP' },
{ p: 'ipv6-icmp', n: 58, d: 'ICMP for IPv6' },
{ p: 'ipv6-nonxt', n: 59, d: 'No Next Header for IPv6' },
{ p: 'ipv6-opts', n: 60, d: 'Destination Options for IPv6' },
{ p: 'vmtp', n: 81, d: 'Versatile Message Transport' },
{ p: 'eigrp', n: 88, d: 'Enhanced Interior Routing Protocol (Cisco)' },
{ p: 'ospf', n: 89, d: 'Open Shortest Path First IGP' },
{ p: 'ax.25', n: 93, d: 'AX.25 frames' },
{ p: 'ipip', n: 94, d: 'IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol' },
{ p: 'etherip', n: 97, d: 'Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation [RFC3378]' },
{ p: 'encap', n: 98, d: 'Yet Another IP encapsulation [RFC1241]' },
{ p: 'pim', n: 103, d: 'Protocol Independent Multicast' },
{ p: 'ipcomp', n: 108, d: 'IP Payload Compression Protocol' },
{ p: 'vrrp', n: 112, d: 'Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol [RFC5798]' },
{ p: 'l2tp', n: 115, d: 'Layer Two Tunneling Protocol [RFC2661]' },
{ p: 'isis', n: 124, d: 'IS-IS over IPv4' },
{ p: 'sctp', n: 132, d: 'Stream Control Transmission Protocol' },
{ p: 'fc', n: 133, d: 'Fibre Channel' },
{ p: 'mobility-header', n: 135, d: 'Mobility Support for IPv6 [RFC3775]' },
{ p: 'udplite', n: 136, d: 'UDP-Lite [RFC3828]' },
{ p: 'mpls-in-ip', n: 137, d: 'MPLS-in-IP [RFC4023]' },
{ p: 'hip', n: 139, d: 'Host Identity Protocol' },
{ p: 'shim6', n: 140, d: 'Shim6 Protocol [RFC5533]' },
{ p: 'wesp', n: 141, d: 'Wrapped Encapsulating Security Payload' },
{ p: 'rohc', n: 142, d: 'Robust Header Compression' }