#!/usr/bin/perl use lib '..'; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); use PVE::Storage; use PVE::Cluster; use PVE::Tools qw(run_command); use Cwd; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; my $verbose = undef; my $storagename = "zfstank99"; my $subvol = 'regressiontest'; my $mountpoint = "${subvol}_mnt"; #volsize in GB my $volsize = 1; my $vmdisk = "vm-102-disk-1"; my $vmbase = "base-100-disk-1"; my $vmlinked = "vm-101-disk-1"; my $ctdisk = "subvol-202-disk-1"; my $ctbase = "basevol-200-disk-1"; my $ctlinked = "subvol-201-disk-1"; my $basesnap = '@__base__'; my $tests = {}; #create zfs subvol for testing my $pool = undef; my $zpath = undef; my $cfg = undef; my $scfg = undef; my $count = 0; my $testnum = 19; my $end_test = $testnum; my $start_test = 1; if (@ARGV == 2) { $end_test = $ARGV[1]; $start_test = $ARGV[0]; } elsif (@ARGV == 1) { $start_test = $ARGV[0]; $end_test = $ARGV[0]; } my $test19 = sub { print "\nrun test19 \"path\"\n"; my @res; my $fail = 0; eval { @res = PVE::Storage::path($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk"); if ($res[0] ne "\/dev\/zvol\/regressiontest\/$vmdisk") { $count++; $fail = 1; warn "Test 19 a: path is not correct: expected \'\/dev\/zvol\/regressiontest\/$vmdisk'\ get \'$res[0]\'"; } if ($res[1] ne "102") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 a: owner is not correct: expected \'102\' get \'$res[1]\'"; } if ($res[2] ne "images") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 a: owner is not correct: expected \'images\' get \'$res[2]\'"; } }; if ( $@ ) { $count++; warn "Test 19 a: $@"; } @res = undef; $fail = 0; eval { @res = PVE::Storage::path($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase"); if ($res[0] ne "\/dev\/zvol\/regressiontest\/$vmbase") { $count++; $fail = 1; warn "Test 19 b: path is not correct: expected \'\/dev\/zvol\/regressiontest\/$vmbase'\ get \'$res[0]\'"; } if ($res[1] ne "100") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 b: owner is not correct: expected \'100\' get \'$res[1]\'"; } if ($res[2] ne "images") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 b: owner is not correct: expected \'images\' get \'$res[2]\'"; } }; if ( $@ ) { $count++; warn "Test 19 b: $@"; } @res = undef; $fail = 0; eval { @res = PVE::Storage::path($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked"); if ($res[0] ne "\/dev\/zvol\/regressiontest\/$vmlinked") { $count++; $fail = 1; warn "Test 19 c: path is not correct: expected \'\/dev\/zvol\/regressiontest\/$vmlinked'\ get \'$res[0]\'"; } if ($res[1] ne "101") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 c: owner is not correct: expected \'101\' get \'$res[1]\'"; } if ($res[2] ne "images") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 c: owner is not correct: expected \'images\' get \'$res[2]\'"; } }; if ( $@ ) { $count++; warn "Test 19 c: $@"; } @res = undef; $fail = 0; eval { @res = PVE::Storage::path($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk"); if ($res[0] ne "\/$mountpoint\/$ctdisk") { $count++; $fail = 1; warn "Test 19 d: path is not correct: expected \'\/$mountpoint\/$ctdisk'\ get \'$res[0]\'"; } if ($res[1] ne "202") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 d: owner is not correct: expected \'202\' get \'$res[1]\'"; } if ($res[2] ne "images") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 d: owner is not correct: expected \'images\' get \'$res[2]\'"; } }; if ( $@ ) { $count++; warn "Test 19 d: $@"; } @res = undef; $fail = 0; eval { @res = PVE::Storage::path($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase"); if ($res[0] ne "\/$mountpoint\/$ctbase") { $count++; $fail = 1; warn "Test 19 e: path is not correct: expected \'\/$mountpoint\/$ctbase'\ get \'$res[0]\'"; } if ($res[1] ne "200") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 e: owner is not correct: expected \'200\' get \'$res[1]\'"; } if ($res[2] ne "images") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 e: owner is not correct: expected \'images\' get \'$res[2]\'"; } }; if ( $@ ) { $count++; warn "Test 19 e: $@"; } @res = undef; $fail = 0; eval { @res = PVE::Storage::path($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked"); if ($res[0] ne "\/$mountpoint\/$ctlinked") { $count++; $fail = 1; warn "Test 19 f: path is not correct: expected \'\/$mountpoint\/$ctlinked'\ get \'$res[0]\'"; } if ($res[1] ne "201") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 f: owner is not correct: expected \'201\' get \'$res[1]\'"; } if ($res[2] ne "images") { if (!$fail) { $count++; $fail = 1; } warn "Test 19 f: owner is not correct: expected \'images\' get \'$res[2]\'"; } }; if ( $@ ) { $count++; warn "Test 19 f: $@"; } }; $tests->{19} = $test19; my $test18 = sub { print "\nrun test18 \"scan_zfs\"\n"; my $res; eval { $res = PVE::Storage::scan_zfs($cfg, $storagename); my $exists = 0; foreach my $subvol (@$res){ if ($subvol->{pool} eq 'regressiontest') { $exists++; } } if (!$exists) { $count++; warn "Test 18 a: not pool"; } }; if ( $@ ) { $count++; warn "Test 18 a: $@"; } $res = undef; eval { $res = PVE::Storage::scan_zfs($cfg, $storagename); foreach my $subvol (@$res){ if ($subvol->{pool} eq 'zfspool/subvol') { $count++; warn "Test 18 b:"; } } foreach my $subvol (@$res){ if ($subvol->{pool} eq 'zfspool/basevol') { $count++; warn "Test 18 c"; } } }; if ( $@ ) { $count++; warn "Test 18 a: $@"; } }; $tests->{18} = $test18; my $test17 = sub { print "\nrun test17 \"deactivate_storage\"\n"; eval { PVE::Storage::activate_storage($cfg, $storagename); PVE::Storage::deactivate_storage($cfg, $storagename); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test 17 a: $@"; } }; $tests->{17} = $test17; my $test16 = sub { print "\nrun test16 \"activate_storage\"\n"; eval { PVE::Storage::activate_storage($cfg, $storagename); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test 16 a: $@"; } }; $tests->{16} = $test16; my $test15 = sub { print "\nrun test15 \"template_list and vdisk_list\"\n"; my $hash = Dumper {}; my $res = Dumper PVE::Storage::template_list($cfg, $storagename, "vztmpl"); if ( $hash ne $res ) { $count++; warn "Test 15 a failed\n"; } $res = undef; $res = Dumper PVE::Storage::template_list($cfg, $storagename, "iso"); if ( $hash ne $res ) { $count++; warn "Test 15 b failed\n"; } $res = undef; $res = Dumper PVE::Storage::template_list($cfg, $storagename, "backup"); if ( $hash ne $res ) { $count++; warn "Test 15 c failed\n"; } $res = undef; $hash = Dumper {'zfstank99' => [ { 'parent' => undef, 'volid' => 'zfstank99:base-100-disk-1', 'name' => 'base-100-disk-1', 'vmid' => '100', 'size' => 1073741824, 'format' => 'raw' } ]}; $res = Dumper PVE::Storage::vdisk_list($cfg, $storagename, 100, ["$storagename:$vmbase"]); if ( $hash ne $res ) { $count++; warn "Test 15 d failed\n"; } $res = undef; $hash = Dumper {'zfstank99' => [ { 'parent' => undef, 'volid' => 'zfstank99:vm-102-disk-1', 'name' => 'vm-102-disk-1', 'vmid' => '102', 'size' => 1073741824, 'format' => 'raw' } ]}; $res = Dumper PVE::Storage::vdisk_list($cfg, $storagename, 102, ["$storagename:$vmdisk"]); if ( $hash ne $res ) { $count++; warn "Test 15 e failed\n"; } $res = undef; $hash = Dumper {'zfstank99' => [ { 'parent' => 'base-100-disk-1@__base__', 'volid' => "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'name' => 'vm-101-disk-1', 'vmid' => '101', 'size' => 1073741824, 'format' => 'raw' } ]}; $res = Dumper PVE::Storage::vdisk_list($cfg, $storagename, 101, ["$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked"]); if ( $hash ne $res ) { $count++; warn "Test 15 f failed\n"; } $res = undef; $hash = Dumper {'zfstank99' => [ { 'parent' => undef, 'volid' => 'zfstank99:basevol-200-disk-1', 'name' => 'basevol-200-disk-1', 'vmid' => '200', 'size' => 1073741824, 'format' => 'subvol' } ]}; $res = Dumper PVE::Storage::vdisk_list($cfg, $storagename, 200, ["$storagename:$ctbase"]); if ( $hash ne $res ) { $count++; warn "Test 15 g failed\n"; } $res = undef; $hash = Dumper {'zfstank99' => [ { 'parent' => undef, 'volid' => 'zfstank99:subvol-202-disk-1', 'name' => 'subvol-202-disk-1', 'vmid' => '202', 'size' => 1073741824, 'format' => 'subvol' } ]}; $res = Dumper PVE::Storage::vdisk_list($cfg, $storagename, 202, ["$storagename:$ctdisk"]); if ( $hash ne $res ) { $count++; warn "Test 15 h failed\n"; } $res = undef; $hash = Dumper {'zfstank99' => [ { 'parent' => 'basevol-200-disk-1@__base__', 'volid' => "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 'name' => 'subvol-201-disk-1', 'vmid' => '201', 'size' => 1073741824, 'format' => 'subvol' } ]}; $res = Dumper PVE::Storage::vdisk_list($cfg, $storagename, 201, ["$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked"]); if ( $hash ne $res ) { $count++; warn "Test 15 i failed\n"; } }; $tests->{15} = $test15; my $test14 = sub { print "\nrun test14 \"vdisk_free\"\n"; eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk"); eval { run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$vmdisk", outfunc => sub {}, errfunc => sub {}); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test14 a: vdisk still exists\n"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test14 a: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase"); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test14 b: free vdisk should not work\n"; } eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked"); eval { run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$vmlinked", outfunc => sub {}, errfunc => sub {}); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test14 c: vdisk still exists\n"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test14 c: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk"); eval { run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$ctdisk", outfunc => sub {}, errfunc => sub {}); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test14 d: vdisk still exists\n"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test14 d: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase"); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test14 e: free vdisk should not work\n"; } eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked"); eval { run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$ctlinked", outfunc => sub {}, errfunc => sub {}); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test14 f: vdisk still exists\n"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test14 f: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase"); eval { run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$vmbase", outfunc => sub {}, errfunc => sub {}); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test14 g: vdisk still exists\n"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test14 g: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase"); eval { run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$ctbase", outfunc => sub {}, errfunc => sub {}); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test14 h: vdisk still exists\n"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test14 h: $@"; } }; $tests->{14} = $test14; my $test13 = sub { print "\nrun test13 \"vdisk_alloc\"\n"; eval { my $tmp_volid = PVE::Storage::vdisk_alloc($cfg, $storagename, "112", "raw", undef ,1024 * 1024); if ($tmp_volid ne "$storagename:vm-112-disk-0") { die "volname:$tmp_volid don't match\n"; } eval { run_command("zfs get -H volsize $zpath\/vm-112-disk-0", outfunc => sub { my $tmp = shift; if ($tmp !~ m/^$zpath\/vm-112-disk-0.*volsize.*1G.*$/) { die "size don't match\n"; } }); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test13 a: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test13 a: $@"; } eval { my $tmp_volid = PVE::Storage::vdisk_alloc($cfg, $storagename, "112", "raw", undef ,2048 * 1024); if ($tmp_volid ne "$storagename:vm-112-disk-1") { die "volname:$tmp_volid don't match\n"; } eval { run_command("zfs get -H volsize $zpath\/vm-112-disk-1", outfunc => sub { my $tmp = shift; if ($tmp !~ m/^$zpath\/vm-112-disk-1.*volsize.*2G.*$/) { die "size don't match\n"; } }); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test13 b: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test13 b: $@"; } eval { my $tmp_volid = PVE::Storage::vdisk_alloc($cfg, $storagename, "113", "subvol", undef ,1024 * 1024); if ($tmp_volid ne "$storagename:subvol-113-disk-0") { die "volname:$tmp_volid don't match\n"; } eval { run_command("zfs get -H refquota $zpath\/subvol-113-disk-0", outfunc => sub { my $tmp = shift; if ($tmp !~ m/^$zpath\/subvol-113-disk-0.*refquota.*1G.*$/) { die "size don't match\n"; } }); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test13 c: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test13 c: $@"; } eval { my $tmp_volid = PVE::Storage::vdisk_alloc($cfg, $storagename, "113", "subvol", undef ,2048 * 1024); if ($tmp_volid ne "$storagename:subvol-113-disk-1") { die "volname:$tmp_volid don't match\n"; } eval { run_command("zfs get -H refquota $zpath\/subvol-113-disk-1", outfunc => sub { my $tmp = shift; if ($tmp !~ m/^$zpath\/subvol-113-disk-1.*refquota.*G.*$/) { die "size don't match\n"; } }); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test13 d: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test13 d: $@"; } }; $tests->{13} = $test13; my $test12 = sub { print "\nrun test12 \"vdisk_create_base\"\n"; eval { my $tmp_volid = PVE::Storage::vdisk_create_base($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk"); if ($tmp_volid ne "$storagename:base-102-disk-1") { die; } eval { run_command("zfs list $zpath\/base-102-disk-1", outfunc => sub {}); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test12 a: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test12 a: $@"; } eval { my $tmp_volid = PVE::Storage::vdisk_create_base($cfg, "$storagename:$vmlinked"); if ($tmp_volid ne "$storagename:base-101-disk-1") { die; } eval { run_command("zfs list $zpath\/base-101-disk-1", outfunc => sub {}); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test12 b: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test12 b: $@"; } eval { my $tmp_volid = PVE::Storage::vdisk_create_base($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk"); if ($tmp_volid ne "$storagename:basevol-202-disk-1") { die ; } eval { run_command("zfs list $zpath\/basevol-202-disk-1", outfunc => sub {}); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test12 c: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test12 c: $@"; } eval { my $tmp_volid = PVE::Storage::vdisk_create_base($cfg, "$storagename:$ctlinked"); if ($tmp_volid ne "$storagename:basevol-201-disk-1") { die; } eval { run_command("zfs list $zpath\/basevol-201-disk-1", outfunc => sub {}); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test12 d: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test12 d: $@"; } }; $tests->{12} = $test12; my $test11 = sub { print "\nrun test11 \"volume_is_base\"\n"; eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_clone($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 110); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test11 a: clone_image only works on base images"; } eval { if ("$storagename:$vmbase\/vm-110-disk-0" ne PVE::Storage::vdisk_clone($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 110, '__base__')){ $count++; warn "Test11 b"; } run_command("zfs list -H -o volsize $zpath\/vm-110-disk-0", outfunc => sub { my $line = shift; chomp($line); warn "Test11 b not correct volsize" if $line !~ m/$volsize/; }); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test11 b: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_clone($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 111); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test11 c: clone_image only works on base images"; } eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_clone($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 110); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test11 d: clone_image only works on base images"; } eval { if ( "$storagename:$ctbase\/subvol-210-disk-0" ne PVE::Storage::vdisk_clone($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 210, '__base__')){ $count++; warn "Test11 e"; } run_command("zfs list -H -o refquota $zpath\/subvol-210-disk-0", outfunc => sub { my $line = shift; chomp($line); warn "Test11 e not correct volsize" if $line !~ m/$volsize/; }); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test11 e: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_clone($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 211); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test11 f: clone_image only works on base images"; } }; $tests->{11} = $test11; my $test10 =sub { print "\nrun test10 \"volume_is_base\"\n"; eval { if (1 == volume_is_base($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk")) { $count++; warn "Test10 a: is no base"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test10 a: $@"; } eval { if (0 == volume_is_base($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase")) { $count++; warn "Test10 b: is base"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test10 b: $@"; } eval { if (1 == volume_is_base($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked")) { $count++; warn "Test10 c: is no base"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test10 c: $@"; } eval { if (1 == volume_is_base($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk")) { $count++; warn "Test10 d: is no base"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test10 d: $@"; } eval { if (0 == volume_is_base($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase")) { $count++; warn "Test10 e: is base"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test10 e: $@"; } eval { if (1 == volume_is_base($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked")) { $count++; warn "Test10 f: is no base"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test10 f: $@"; } }; $tests->{10} = $test10; my $test9 =sub { print "\nrun test9 \"parse_volume_id\"\n"; eval { my ($store, $disk) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id("$storagename:$vmdisk"); if ($store ne $storagename || $disk ne $vmdisk) { $count++; warn "Test9 a: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test9 a: $@"; } eval { my ($store, $disk) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id("$storagename:$vmbase"); if ($store ne $storagename || $disk ne $vmbase) { $count++; warn "Test9 b: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test9 b: $@"; } eval { my ($store, $disk) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id("$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked"); if ($store ne $storagename || $disk ne "$vmbase\/$vmlinked") { $count++; warn "Test9 c: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test9 c: $@"; } eval { my ($store, $disk) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id("$storagename:$ctdisk"); if ($store ne $storagename || $disk ne $ctdisk) { $count++; warn "Test9 d: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test9 d: $@"; } eval { my ($store, $disk) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id("$storagename:$ctbase"); if ($store ne $storagename || $disk ne $ctbase) { $count++; warn "Test9 e: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test9 e: $@"; } eval { my ($store, $disk) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id("$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked"); if ($store ne $storagename || $disk ne "$ctbase\/$ctlinked") { $count++; warn "Test9 f: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test9 f: $@"; } }; $tests->{9} = $test9; my $test8 = sub { print "\nrun test8 \"parse_volname\"\n"; eval { my ($vtype, $name, $vmid, $basename, $basevmid, $isBase, $format) = PVE::Storage::parse_volname($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk"); if ($vtype ne 'images' || $vmid ne '102' || $name ne $vmdisk || defined($basename) || defined($basevmid) || $isBase || $format ne 'raw') { $count++; warn "Test8 a: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test8 a: $@"; } eval { my ($vtype, $name, $vmid, $basename, $basevmid, $isBase, $format) = PVE::Storage::parse_volname($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase"); if ($vtype ne 'images' || $vmid ne '100' || $name ne $vmbase || defined($basename) || defined($basevmid) || !$isBase || $format ne 'raw') { $count++; warn "Test8 b: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test8 b: $@"; } eval { my ($vtype, $name, $vmid, $basename, $basevmid, $isBase, $format) = PVE::Storage::parse_volname($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked"); if ($vtype ne 'images' || $name ne $vmlinked || $vmid ne '101' || $basename ne $vmbase || $basevmid ne '100' || $isBase || $format ne 'raw') { $count++; warn "Test8 c: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test8 c: $@"; } eval { my ($vtype, $name, $vmid, $basename, $basevmid, $isBase, $format) = PVE::Storage::parse_volname($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk"); if ($vtype ne 'images' || $vmid ne '202' || $name ne $ctdisk || defined($basename) || defined($basevmid) || $isBase || $format ne 'subvol') { $count++; warn "Test8 d: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test8 d: $@"; } eval { my ($vtype, $name, $vmid, $basename, $basevmid, $isBase, $format) = PVE::Storage::parse_volname($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase"); if ($vtype ne 'images' || $vmid ne '200' || $name ne $ctbase || defined($basename) || defined($basevmid) || !$isBase || $format ne 'subvol') { $count++; warn "Test8 e: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test8 e: $@"; } eval { my ($vtype, $name, $vmid, $basename, $basevmid, $isBase, $format) = PVE::Storage::parse_volname($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked"); if ($vtype ne 'images' || $name ne $ctlinked || $vmid ne '201' || $basename ne $ctbase || $basevmid ne '200' || $isBase || $format ne 'subvol') { $count++; warn "Test8 f: parsing wrong"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test8 f: $@"; } }; $tests->{8} = $test8; my $test7 = sub { print "\nrun test7 \"volume_rollback\"\n"; my $tmp_guid; my $parse_guid = sub { my ($line) = shift; if ( $line =~ m/^Disk identifier \(GUID\)\: (.*)$/ ) { $tmp_guid = $1; } }; eval { PVE::Storage::activate_volumes($cfg, ["$storagename:$vmdisk"]); run_command("sgdisk --randomize-guids \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmdisk", outfunc => $parse_guid); run_command("sgdisk -p \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmdisk", outfunc => $parse_guid); my $old_guid = $tmp_guid; PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'snap1'); run_command("sgdisk --randomize-guids \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmdisk", outfunc => $parse_guid); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'snap1'); PVE::Storage::activate_volumes($cfg, ["$storagename:$vmdisk"]); $tmp_guid = undef; run_command("sgdisk -p \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmdisk", outfunc => $parse_guid); if ($old_guid ne $tmp_guid) { $count++; warn "Test7 a: Zvol makes no rollback"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 a: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 a: $@"; } $tmp_guid = undef; eval { PVE::Storage::activate_volumes($cfg, ["$storagename:$vmbase"]); run_command("sgdisk --randomize-guids \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmbase", outfunc => $parse_guid); run_command("sgdisk -p \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmbase", outfunc => $parse_guid); my $old_guid = $tmp_guid; PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap1'); run_command("sgdisk --randomize-guids \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmbase", outfunc => $parse_guid); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap1'); PVE::Storage::activate_volumes($cfg, ["$storagename:$vmbase"]); $tmp_guid = undef; run_command("sgdisk -p \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmbase", outfunc => $parse_guid); if ($old_guid ne $tmp_guid) { $count++; warn "Test7 b: Zvol makes no rollback"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 b: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 b: $@"; } $tmp_guid = undef; eval { PVE::Storage::activate_volumes($cfg, ["$storagename:$vmbase/$vmlinked"]); run_command("sgdisk --randomize-guids \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmlinked", outfunc => $parse_guid); run_command("sgdisk -p \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmlinked", outfunc => $parse_guid); my $old_guid = $tmp_guid; PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'snap1'); run_command("sgdisk --randomize-guids \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmlinked", outfunc => $parse_guid); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'snap1'); PVE::Storage::activate_volumes($cfg, ["$storagename:$vmbase/$vmlinked"]); $tmp_guid = undef; run_command("sgdisk -p \/dev\/zvol\/$zpath\/$vmlinked", outfunc => $parse_guid); if ($old_guid ne $tmp_guid) { $count++; warn "Test7 c: Zvol makes no rollback"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 c: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 c: $@"; } $tmp_guid = undef; eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'snap1'); run_command("touch \/$mountpoint\/$ctdisk\/test.txt", outfunc => $parse_guid); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'snap1'); eval { run_command("ls \/$mountpoint\/$ctdisk\/test.txt", errofunc => sub {}); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test7 d: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 d: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 d: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 'snap1'); run_command("touch \/$mountpoint\/$ctbase\/test.txt", outfunc => $parse_guid); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 'snap1'); eval { run_command("ls \/$mountpoint\/$ctbase\/test.txt", errofunc => sub {}); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test7 e: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 e: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 f: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase/$ctlinked", 'snap1'); run_command("touch \/$mountpoint\/$ctlinked\/test.txt", outfunc => $parse_guid); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase/$ctlinked", 'snap1'); eval { run_command("ls \/$zpath\/$ctlinked\/test.txt", errofunc => sub {}); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test7 g: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 g: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 g: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'snap2'); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'snap1'); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test7 h: Not allowed to rollback"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 h: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap2'); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap1'); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test7 i: Not allowed to rollback"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 i: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'snap2'); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'snap1'); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test7 j: Not allowed to rollback"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 j: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'snap2'); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'snap1'); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test7 k: Not allowed to rollback"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 k: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 'snap2'); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 'snap1'); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test7 l: Not allowed to rollback"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 l: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase/$ctlinked", 'snap2'); eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase/$ctlinked", 'snap1'); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test7 m: Not allowed to rollback"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test7 m: $@"; } }; $tests->{7} = $test7; my $test6 = sub { print "\nrun test6 \"volume_rollback_is_possible\"\n"; eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'snap1'); my $blockers = []; my $res = PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible( $cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'snap1', $blockers, ); if ($res != 1) { $count++; warn "Test6 a: Rollback should be possible"; } if (scalar($blockers->@*) != 0) { $count++; warn "Test6 a: 'blockers' should be empty"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test6 a: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap1'); if ( 1 != PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap1')) { $count++; warn "Test6 b: Rollback should be possible"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test6 b: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmlinked", 'snap1'); if ( 1 != PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'snap1')) { $count++; warn "Test6 c: Rollback should be possible"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test6 c: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'snap1'); if ( 1 != PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'snap1')) { $count++; warn "Test6 d: Rollback should be possible"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test6 d: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 'snap1'); if ( 1 != PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 'snap1')) { $count++; warn "Test6 e: Rollback should be possible"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test6 e: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctlinked", 'snap1'); if ( 1 != PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 'snap1')) { $count++; warn "Test6 f: Rollback should be possible"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test6 f: $@"; } my $blockers = []; eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'snap2'); PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'snap1', $blockers); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test6 g: Rollback should not be possible"; } elsif (scalar($blockers->@*) != 1 || $blockers->[0] ne 'snap2') { $count++; warn "Test6 g: 'blockers' should be ['snap2']"; } undef $blockers; $blockers = []; eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap2'); PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap3'); PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap1', $blockers); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test6 h: Rollback should not be possible"; } else { if (scalar($blockers->@*) != 2) { $count++; warn "Test6 g: 'blockers' should contain two elements"; } my $blockers_hash = { map { $_ => 1 } $blockers->@* }; if (!$blockers_hash->{'snap2'}) { $count++; warn "Test6 g: 'blockers' should contain 'snap2'"; } if (!$blockers_hash->{'snap3'}) { $count++; warn "Test6 g: 'blockers' should contain 'snap3'"; } } undef $blockers; eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmlinked", 'snap2'); PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'snap1'); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test6 j: Rollback should not be possible"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'snap2'); PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'snap1'); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test6 k: Rollback should not be possible"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 'snap2'); PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 'snap1'); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test6 l: Rollback should not be possible"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctlinked", 'snap2'); PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 'snap1'); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test6 m: Rollback should not be possible"; } }; $tests->{6} = $test6; my $test5 = sub { print "\nrun test5 \"volume_snapshot_delete\"\n"; my $out = sub{my $tmp = shift;}; eval { run_command("zfs snapshot $zpath\/$vmdisk\@snap"); eval{ PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$vmdisk\@snap", errfunc => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test5 a: snapshot still exists"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 PVE a: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 a: $@"; } eval { run_command("zfs snapshot $zpath\/$vmbase\@snap"); eval{ PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$vmbase\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test5 b: snapshot still exists"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 PVE b: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 b: $@"; } eval { run_command("zfs snapshot $zpath\/$vmlinked\@snap"); eval{ PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$vmlinked\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test5 c: snapshot still exists"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 PVE c: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 c: $@"; } eval { run_command("zfs snapshot $zpath\/$ctdisk\@snap"); eval{ PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$ctdisk\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test5 d: snapshot still exists"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 PVE d: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 d: $@"; } eval { run_command("zfs snapshot $zpath\/$ctbase\@snap"); eval{ PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$ctbase\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test5 e: snapshot still exists"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 PVE e: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 e: $@"; } eval { run_command("zfs snapshot $zpath\/$ctlinked\@snap"); eval{ PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$ctlinked\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test5 f: snapshot still exists"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 PVE f: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 f: $@"; } print "######Ignore Output if no Test5 g: is included######\n"; eval{ PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_delete($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", '__base__'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$vmbase\@__base__", outfunc => $out); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test5 g: $@"; } }; if (!$@) { $count++; warn "Test5 PVE g: snapshot __base__ can be erased"; } print "######End Ignore#######\n"; }; $tests->{5} = $test5; my $test4 = sub { print "\nrun test4 \"volume_snapshot\"\n"; my $out = sub{}; eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$vmdisk\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 a: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 a: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$vmbase\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 b: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 c: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$vmdisk\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 c: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 c: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$ctdisk\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 d: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 d: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$ctbase\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 e: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 e: $@"; } eval { PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 'snap'); eval{ run_command("zfs list $zpath\/$ctdisk\@snap", errmsg => $out, outfunc => $out); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 f: $@"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test4 f: $@"; } }; $tests->{4} = $test4; my $test3 = sub { print "\nrun test3 \"volume_has_feature\"\n"; eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$vmdisk", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 a failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 a: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$vmbase", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 b failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 b: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 c failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 c: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$ctdisk", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 d failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 d: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$ctbase", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 e failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 e: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 f failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 f: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$vmdisk", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 g failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 g: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$vmbase", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 h failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 h: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 h failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 h: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$ctdisk", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 i failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 i: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$ctbase", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 j failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 j: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 k failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 k: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$vmdisk", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 l failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 l: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$vmbase", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 m failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 m: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 n failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 n: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$ctdisk", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 o failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 o: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$ctbase", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 p failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 p: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 q failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 q: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$vmdisk", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 r failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 r: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$vmbase", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 s failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 s: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 t failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 t: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$ctdisk", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 u failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 u: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$ctbase", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 v failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 v: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 w failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 w: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$vmdisk", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 x failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 x: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$vmbase", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 y failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 y: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 z failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 z: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$ctdisk", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 A failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 A: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$ctbase", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 B failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 B: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", undef, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 C failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 C: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 a1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 a1: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$vmbase", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 b1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 b1: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 c1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 c1: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 d1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 d1: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$ctbase", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 e1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 e1: $@"; } eval { if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'snapshot', "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 f1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 f1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 g1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 g1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$vmbase", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 h1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 h1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 h1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 h1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 i1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 i1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$ctbase", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 j1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 j1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'clone', "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 k1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 k1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 l1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 l1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$vmbase", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 m1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 m1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 n1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 n1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 o1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 o1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$ctbase", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 p1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 p1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'template', "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 q1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 q1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 r1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 r1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$vmbase", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 s1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 s1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 t1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 t1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 u1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 u1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$ctbase", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 v1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 v1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'copy', "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 w1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 w1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$vmdisk", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 x1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 x1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$vmbase", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 y1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 y1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 z1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 z1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$ctdisk", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 A1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 A1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$ctbase", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 B1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 B1: $@"; } eval { if (PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($cfg, 'sparseinit', "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", 'test', 0)) { $count++; warn "Test3 C1 failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test3 C1: $@"; } }; $tests->{3} = $test3; my $test2 = sub { print "\nrun test2 \"volume_resize\"\n"; my $newsize = ($volsize + 1) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; eval { if (($newsize/1024) != PVE::Storage::volume_resize($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk", $newsize, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test2 a failed"; } if ($newsize != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk")) { $count++; warn "Test2 a failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test2 a: $@"; } eval { warn "Test2 b failed" if ($newsize/1024) != PVE::Storage::volume_resize($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase", $newsize, 0); warn "Test2 b failed" if $newsize != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase"); }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test2 b: $@"; } eval { if (($newsize/1024) != PVE::Storage::volume_resize($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked", $newsize, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test2 c failed"; } if ($newsize != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked")) { $count++; warn "Test2 c failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test2 c: $@"; } eval { if (($newsize/1024) != PVE::Storage::volume_resize($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk", $newsize, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test2 d failed"; } if ($newsize != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk")) { $count++; warn "Test2 d failed" } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test2 d: $@"; } eval { if (($newsize/1024) != PVE::Storage::volume_resize($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase", $newsize, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test2 e failed"; } if ($newsize != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase")) { $count++; warn "Test2 e failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test2 e: $@"; } eval { if (($newsize/1024) != PVE::Storage::volume_resize($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked", $newsize, 0)) { $count++; warn "Test2 f failed"; } if ($newsize != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase\/$ctlinked")) { $count++; warn "Test2 f failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test2 f: $@"; } }; $tests->{2} = $test2; my $test1 = sub { print "\nrun test1 \"volume_size_info\"\n"; my $size = ($volsize * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); eval { if ($size != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$vmdisk")) { $count++; warn "Test1 a failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test1 a : $@"; } eval { if ($size != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase")) { $count++; warn "Test1 b failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test1 b : $@"; } eval { if ($size != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked")) { $count++; warn "Test1 c failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test1 c : $@"; } eval { if ($size != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$ctdisk")) { $count++; warn "Test1 d failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test1 d : $@"; } eval { if ($size != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$ctbase")) { $count++; warn "Test1 e failed"; } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test1 e : $@"; } eval { if ($size != PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($cfg, "$storagename:$vmbase\/$vmlinked")) { $count++; warn "Test1 f failed" } }; if ($@) { $count++; warn "Test1 f : $@"; } }; $tests->{1} = $test1; sub setup_zfs { #create VM zvol print "create zvol $vmdisk\n" if $verbose; run_command("zfs create -V${volsize}G $zpath\/$vmdisk"); print "create zvol $vmbase\n" if $verbose; run_command("zfs create -V${volsize}G $zpath\/$vmbase"); run_command("zfs snapshot $zpath\/$vmbase$basesnap"); print "create linked clone $vmlinked\n" if $verbose; run_command("zfs clone $zpath\/$vmbase$basesnap $zpath\/$vmlinked"); #create CT subvol print "create subvol $ctdisk\n" if $verbose; run_command("zfs create -o refquota=${volsize}G $zpath\/$ctdisk"); print "create subvol $ctbase\n" if $verbose; run_command("zfs create -o refquota=${volsize}G $zpath\/$ctbase"); run_command("zfs snapshot $zpath\/$ctbase$basesnap"); print "create linked clone $ctlinked\n" if $verbose; run_command("zfs clone $zpath\/$ctbase$basesnap $zpath\/$ctlinked -o refquota=${volsize}G"); my $vollist = [ "$storagename:$vmdisk", "$storagename:$vmbase", "$storagename:$vmbase/$vmlinked", "$storagename:$ctdisk", "$storagename:$ctbase", "$storagename:$ctbase/$ctlinked", ]; PVE::Storage::activate_volumes($cfg, $vollist); } sub cleanup_zfs { print "destroy $pool\/$subvol\n" if $verbose; eval { run_command("zfs destroy $zpath -r"); }; if ($@) { print "cleanup failed: $@\nretrying once\n" if $verbose; eval { run_command("zfs destroy $zpath -r"); }; if ($@) { clean_up_zpool(); setup_zpool(); } } } sub setup_zpool { unlink 'zpool.img'; eval { run_command("truncate -s 8G zpool.img"); }; if ($@) { clean_up_zpool(); } my $pwd = cwd(); eval { run_command("zpool create -m \/$mountpoint $subvol $pwd\/zpool.img"); }; if ($@) { clean_up_zpool(); } } sub clean_up_zpool { eval { run_command("zpool destroy -f $subvol"); }; if ($@) { warn $@;} unlink 'zpool.img'; } sub volume_is_base { my ($cfg, $volid) = @_; my (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $isBase, undef) = PVE::Storage::parse_volname($cfg, $volid); return $isBase; } if ($> != 0) { #EUID warn "not root, skipping zfs tests\n"; exit 0; } eval { run_command("zpool status"); }; if ($@) { warn "zpool status failed, not running tests: $@\n"; exit 0; } setup_zpool(); my $time = time; print "Start tests for ZFSPoolPlugin\n"; $cfg = {'ids' => { $storagename => { 'content' => { 'images' => 1, 'rootdir' => 1 }, 'pool' => $subvol, 'mountpoint' => "\/$mountpoint", 'type' => 'zfspool' }, }, 'order' => {'zfstank99' => 1,} }; $zpath = $subvol; for (my $i = $start_test; $i <= $end_test; $i++) { setup_zfs(); eval { $tests->{$i}(); }; if (my $err = $@) { warn $err; $count++; } cleanup_zfs(); } clean_up_zpool(); $time = time - $time; print "Stop tests for ZFSPoolPlugin\n"; print "$count tests failed\n"; print "Time: ${time}s\n"; exit -1 if $count > 0;