mirror of git://git.proxmox.com/git/pve-storage.git synced 2025-02-01 05:47:19 +03:00
Fabian Ebner 0f4533476d diskmanage: allow partitions for get_udev_info
both existing callers only call this with non-partitions currently, so
the change should be backwards compatible.

In preparation to enable ZFS creation on top of partitions (where the
udev info is used to get the stable by-id path of a device).

Signed-off-by: Fabian Ebner <f.ebner@proxmox.com>
2021-09-30 18:10:56 +02:00

934 lines
23 KiB

package PVE::Diskmanage;
use strict;
use warnings;
use PVE::ProcFSTools;
use Data::Dumper;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Fcntl ':mode';
use File::Basename;
use File::stat;
use JSON;
use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param run_command file_get_contents file_read_firstline dir_glob_regex dir_glob_foreach trim);
my $SMARTCTL = "/usr/sbin/smartctl";
my $ZPOOL = "/sbin/zpool";
my $SGDISK = "/sbin/sgdisk";
my $PVS = "/sbin/pvs";
my $LVS = "/sbin/lvs";
my $LSBLK = "/bin/lsblk";
sub check_bin {
my ($path) = @_;
return -x $path;
sub verify_blockdev_path {
my ($rel_path) = @_;
die "missing path" if !$rel_path;
my $path = abs_path($rel_path);
die "failed to get absolute path to $rel_path\n" if !$path;
die "got unusual device path '$path'\n" if $path !~ m|^/dev/(.*)$|;
$path = "/dev/$1"; # untaint
return $path;
sub assert_blockdev {
my ($dev, $noerr) = @_;
if ($dev !~ m|^/dev/| || !(-b $dev)) {
return undef if $noerr;
die "not a valid block device\n";
return 1;
sub init_disk {
my ($disk, $uuid) = @_;
# we should already have checked if it is in use in the api call
# but we check again for safety
die "disk $disk is already in use\n" if disk_is_used($disk);
my $id = $uuid || 'R';
run_command([$SGDISK, $disk, '-U', $id]);
return 1;
sub disk_is_used {
my ($disk) = @_;
my $dev = $disk;
$dev =~ s|^/dev/||;
my $disklist = get_disks($dev, 1);
die "'$disk' is not a valid local disk\n" if !defined($disklist->{$dev});
return 1 if $disklist->{$dev}->{used};
return 0;
sub get_smart_data {
my ($disk, $healthonly) = @_;
my $smartdata = {};
my $type;
my $returncode = 0;
if ($disk =~ m!^/dev/(nvme\d+n\d+)$!) {
my $info = get_sysdir_info("/sys/block/$1");
$disk = "/dev/".($info->{device}
or die "failed to get nvme controller device for $disk\n");
my $cmd = [$SMARTCTL, '-H'];
push @$cmd, '-A', '-f', 'brief' if !$healthonly;
push @$cmd, $disk;
eval {
$returncode = run_command($cmd, noerr => 1, outfunc => sub{
my ($line) = @_;
# ATA SMART attributes, e.g.:
# 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate POSR-K 100 100 000 - 0
# SAS and NVME disks, e.g.:
# Data Units Written: 5,584,952 [2.85 TB]
# Accumulated start-stop cycles: 34
if (defined($type) && $type eq 'ata' && $line =~ m/^([ \d]{2}\d)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S{6})\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) {
my $entry = {};
$entry->{name} = $2 if defined $2;
$entry->{flags} = $3 if defined $3;
# the +0 makes a number out of the strings
$entry->{value} = $4+0 if defined $4;
$entry->{worst} = $5+0 if defined $5;
# some disks report the default threshold as --- instead of 000
if (defined($6) && $6 eq '---') {
$entry->{threshold} = 0;
} else {
$entry->{threshold} = $6+0 if defined $6;
$entry->{fail} = $7 if defined $7;
$entry->{raw} = $8 if defined $8;
$entry->{id} = $1 if defined $1;
push @{$smartdata->{attributes}}, $entry;
} elsif ($line =~ m/(?:Health Status|self\-assessment test result): (.*)$/ ) {
$smartdata->{health} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ m/Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:/) {
$type = 'ata';
delete $smartdata->{text};
} elsif ($line =~ m/=== START OF (READ )?SMART DATA SECTION ===/) {
$type = 'text';
} elsif (defined($type) && $type eq 'text') {
$smartdata->{text} = '' if !defined $smartdata->{text};
$smartdata->{text} .= "$line\n";
# extract wearout from nvme/sas text, allow for decimal values
if ($line =~ m/Percentage Used(?: endurance indicator)?:\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%/i) {
$smartdata->{wearout} = 100 - $1;
} elsif ($line =~ m/SMART Disabled/) {
$smartdata->{health} = "SMART Disabled";
my $err = $@;
# bit 0 and 1 mark an severe smartctl error
# all others are for disk status, so ignore them
# see smartctl(8)
if ((defined($returncode) && ($returncode & 0b00000011)) || $err) {
die "Error getting S.M.A.R.T. data: Exit code: $returncode\n";
$smartdata->{type} = $type;
return $smartdata;
sub get_lsblk_info() {
my $cmd = [$LSBLK, '--json', '-o', 'path,parttype,fstype'];
my $output = "";
my $res = {};
eval {
run_command($cmd, outfunc => sub {
my ($line) = @_;
$output .= "$line\n";
warn "$@\n" if $@;
return $res if $output eq '';
my $parsed = eval { decode_json($output) };
warn "$@\n" if $@;
my $list = $parsed->{blockdevices} // [];
$res = { map {
$_->{path} => {
parttype => $_->{parttype},
fstype => $_->{fstype}
} @{$list} };
return $res;
my $get_devices_by_partuuid = sub {
my ($lsblk_info, $uuids, $res) = @_;
$res = {} if !defined($res);
foreach my $dev (sort keys %{$lsblk_info}) {
my $uuid = $lsblk_info->{$dev}->{parttype};
next if !defined($uuid) || !defined($uuids->{$uuid});
$res->{$dev} = $uuids->{$uuid};
return $res;
sub get_zfs_devices {
my ($lsblk_info) = @_;
my $res = {};
return {} if !check_bin($ZPOOL);
# use zpool and parttype uuid,
# because log and cache do not have
# zfs type uuid
eval {
run_command([$ZPOOL, 'list', '-HPLv'], outfunc => sub {
my ($line) = @_;
if ($line =~ m|^\t([^\t]+)\t|) {
$res->{$1} = 1;
# only warn here,
# because maybe zfs tools are not installed
warn "$@\n" if $@;
my $uuids = {
"6a898cc3-1dd2-11b2-99a6-080020736631" => 1, # apple
"516e7cba-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b" => 1, # bsd
$res = $get_devices_by_partuuid->($lsblk_info, $uuids, $res);
return $res;
sub get_lvm_devices {
my ($lsblk_info) = @_;
my $res = {};
eval {
run_command([$PVS, '--noheadings', '--readonly', '-o', 'pv_name'], outfunc => sub{
my ($line) = @_;
$line = trim($line);
if ($line =~ m|^/dev/|) {
$res->{$line} = 1;
# if something goes wrong, we do not want
# to give up, but indicate an error has occurred
warn "$@\n" if $@;
my $uuids = {
"e6d6d379-f507-44c2-a23c-238f2a3df928" => 1,
$res = $get_devices_by_partuuid->($lsblk_info, $uuids, $res);
return $res;
sub get_ceph_journals {
my ($lsblk_info) = @_;
my $res = {};
my $uuids = {
'45b0969e-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106' => 1, # journal
'30cd0809-c2b2-499c-8879-2d6b78529876' => 2, # db
'5ce17fce-4087-4169-b7ff-056cc58473f9' => 3, # wal
'cafecafe-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106' => 4, # block
$res = $get_devices_by_partuuid->($lsblk_info, $uuids, $res);
return $res;
# reads the lv_tags and matches them with the devices
sub get_ceph_volume_infos {
my $result = {};
my $cmd = [ $LVS, '-S', 'lv_name=~^osd-', '-o', 'devices,lv_name,lv_tags',
'--noheadings', '--readonly', '--separator', ';' ];
run_command($cmd, outfunc => sub {
my $line = shift;
$line =~ s/(?:^\s+)|(?:\s+$)//g; # trim whitespaces
my $fields = [ split(';', $line) ];
# lvs syntax is /dev/sdX(Y) where Y is the start (which we do not need)
my ($dev) = $fields->[0] =~ m|^(/dev/[a-z]+[^(]*)|;
if ($fields->[1] =~ m|^osd-([^-]+)-|) {
my $type = $1;
# $result autovivification is wanted, to not creating empty hashes
if (($type eq 'block' || $type eq 'data') && $fields->[2] =~ m/ceph.osd_id=([^,]+)/) {
$result->{$dev}->{osdid} = $1;
$result->{$dev}->{bluestore} = ($type eq 'block');
if ($fields->[2] =~ m/ceph\.encrypted=1/) {
$result->{$dev}->{encrypted} = 1;
} else {
# undef++ becomes '1' (see `perldoc perlop`: Auto-increment)
return $result;
sub get_udev_info {
my ($dev) = @_;
my $info = "";
my $data = {};
eval {
run_command(['udevadm', 'info', '-p', $dev, '--query', 'all'], outfunc => sub {
my ($line) = @_;
$info .= "$line\n";
warn $@ if $@;
return undef if !$info;
return undef if $info !~ m/^E: DEVTYPE=(disk|partition)$/m;
return undef if $info =~ m/^E: ID_CDROM/m;
# we use this, because some disks are not simply in /dev
# e.g. /dev/cciss/c0d0
if ($info =~ m/^E: DEVNAME=(\S+)$/m) {
$data->{devpath} = $1;
return if !defined($data->{devpath});
$data->{serial} = 'unknown';
if ($info =~ m/^E: ID_SERIAL_SHORT=(\S+)$/m) {
$data->{serial} = $1;
$data->{gpt} = 0;
if ($info =~ m/^E: ID_PART_TABLE_TYPE=gpt$/m) {
$data->{gpt} = 1;
# detect SSD
$data->{rpm} = -1;
if ($info =~ m/^E: ID_ATA_ROTATION_RATE_RPM=(\d+)$/m) {
$data->{rpm} = $1;
if ($info =~ m/^E: ID_BUS=usb$/m) {
$data->{usb} = 1;
if ($info =~ m/^E: ID_MODEL=(.+)$/m) {
$data->{model} = $1;
$data->{wwn} = 'unknown';
if ($info =~ m/^E: ID_WWN=(.*)$/m) {
$data->{wwn} = $1;
if ($info =~ m/^E: DEVLINKS=(.+)$/m) {
my @devlinks = grep(m#^/dev/disk/by-id/(ata|scsi|nvme(?!-eui))#, split (/ /, $1));
$data->{by_id_link} = $devlinks[0] if defined($devlinks[0]);
return $data;
sub get_sysdir_size {
my ($sysdir) = @_;
my $size = file_read_firstline("$sysdir/size");
return if !$size;
# linux always considers sectors to be 512 bytes,
# independently of real block size
return $size * 512;
sub get_sysdir_info {
my ($sysdir) = @_;
return undef if ! -d "$sysdir/device";
my $data = {};
$data->{size} = get_sysdir_size($sysdir) or return;
# dir/queue/rotational should be 1 for hdd, 0 for ssd
$data->{rotational} = file_read_firstline("$sysdir/queue/rotational") // -1;
$data->{vendor} = file_read_firstline("$sysdir/device/vendor") || 'unknown';
$data->{model} = file_read_firstline("$sysdir/device/model") || 'unknown';
if (defined(my $device = readlink("$sysdir/device"))) {
# strip directory and untaint:
($data->{device}) = $device =~ m!([^/]+)$!;
return $data;
sub get_wear_leveling_info {
my ($smartdata) = @_;
my $attributes = $smartdata->{attributes};
if (defined($smartdata->{wearout})) {
return $smartdata->{wearout};
my $wearout;
# Common register names that represent percentage values of potential
# failure indicators used in drivedb.h of smartmontool's. Order matters,
# as some drives may have multiple definitions
my @wearoutregisters = (
# Search for S.M.A.R.T. attributes for known register
foreach my $register (@wearoutregisters) {
last if defined $wearout;
foreach my $attr (@$attributes) {
next if $attr->{name} !~ m/$register/;
$wearout = $attr->{value};
return $wearout;
sub dir_is_empty {
my ($dir) = @_;
my $dh = IO::Dir->new ($dir);
return 1 if !$dh;
while (defined(my $tmp = $dh->read)) {
next if $tmp eq '.' || $tmp eq '..';
return 0;
return 1;
sub is_iscsi {
my ($sysdir) = @_;
if (-l $sysdir && readlink($sysdir) =~ m|host[^/]*/session[^/]*|) {
return 1;
return 0;
my sub is_ssdlike {
my ($type) = @_;
return $type eq 'ssd' || $type eq 'nvme';
sub mounted_blockdevs {
my $mounted = {};
my $mounts = PVE::ProcFSTools::parse_proc_mounts();
foreach my $mount (@$mounts) {
next if $mount->[0] !~ m|^/dev/|;
$mounted->{abs_path($mount->[0])} = $mount->[1];
return $mounted;
sub get_disks {
my ($disks, $nosmart, $include_partitions) = @_;
my $disklist = {};
my $mounted = mounted_blockdevs();
my $lsblk_info = get_lsblk_info();
my $journalhash = get_ceph_journals($lsblk_info);
my $ceph_volume_infos = get_ceph_volume_infos();
my $zfshash = get_zfs_devices($lsblk_info);
my $lvmhash = get_lvm_devices($lsblk_info);
my $disk_regex = ".*";
if (defined($disks)) {
if (!ref($disks)) {
$disks = [ $disks ];
} elsif (ref($disks) ne 'ARRAY') {
die "disks is not a string or array reference\n";
# we get cciss/c0d0 but need cciss!c0d0
$_ =~ s|cciss/|cciss!| for @$disks;
$disk_regex = "(?:" . join('|', @$disks) . ")";
dir_glob_foreach('/sys/block', $disk_regex, sub {
my ($dev) = @_;
# whitelisting following devices
# hdX: ide block device
# sdX: sd block device
# vdX: virtual block device
# xvdX: xen virtual block device
# nvmeXnY: nvme devices
# cciss!cXnY: cciss devices
return if $dev !~ m/^(h|s|x?v)d[a-z]+$/ &&
$dev !~ m/^nvme\d+n\d+$/ &&
$dev !~ m/^cciss\!c\d+d\d+$/;
my $data = get_udev_info("/sys/block/$dev");
return if !defined($data);
my $devpath = $data->{devpath};
my $sysdir = "/sys/block/$dev";
# we do not want iscsi devices
return if is_iscsi($sysdir);
my $sysdata = get_sysdir_info($sysdir);
return if !defined($sysdata);
my $type = 'unknown';
if ($sysdata->{rotational} == 0) {
$type = 'ssd';
$type = 'nvme' if $dev =~ m/^nvme\d+n\d+$/;
$data->{rpm} = 0;
} elsif ($sysdata->{rotational} == 1) {
if ($data->{rpm} != -1) {
$type = 'hdd';
} elsif ($data->{usb}) {
$type = 'usb';
$data->{rpm} = 0;
my $health = 'UNKNOWN';
my $wearout = 'N/A';
if (!$nosmart) {
eval {
my $smartdata = get_smart_data($devpath, !is_ssdlike($type));
$health = $smartdata->{health} if $smartdata->{health};
if (is_ssdlike($type)) {
# if we have an ssd we try to get the wearout indicator
my $wearval = get_wear_leveling_info($smartdata);
$wearout = $wearval if defined($wearval);
# we replaced cciss/ with cciss! above
# but in the result we need cciss/ again
# because the caller might want to check the
# result again with the original parameter
if ($dev =~ m|^cciss!|) {
$dev =~ s|^cciss!|cciss/|;
$disklist->{$dev} = {
vendor => $sysdata->{vendor},
model => $data->{model} || $sysdata->{model},
size => $sysdata->{size},
serial => $data->{serial},
gpt => $data->{gpt},
rpm => $data->{rpm},
type => $type,
wwn => $data->{wwn},
health => $health,
devpath => $devpath,
wearout => $wearout,
my $by_id_link = $data->{by_id_link};
$disklist->{$dev}->{by_id_link} = $by_id_link if defined($by_id_link);
my $osdid = -1;
my $bluestore = 0;
my $osdencrypted = 0;
my $journal_count = 0;
my $db_count = 0;
my $wal_count = 0;
my $partpath = $devpath;
# remove part after last / to
# get the base path for the partitions
# e.g. from /dev/cciss/c0d0 get /dev/cciss
$partpath =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//;
my $determine_usage = sub {
my ($devpath, $sysdir, $is_partition) = @_;
return 'LVM' if $lvmhash->{$devpath};
return 'ZFS' if $zfshash->{$devpath};
my $info = $lsblk_info->{$devpath} // {};
my $parttype = $info->{parttype};
if (defined($parttype)) {
return 'BIOS boot'
if $parttype eq '21686148-6449-6e6f-744e-656564454649';
return 'EFI'
if $parttype eq 'c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b';
return 'ZFS reserved'
if $parttype eq '6a945a3b-1dd2-11b2-99a6-080020736631';
my $fstype = $info->{fstype};
if (defined($fstype)) {
return "${fstype} (mounted)" if $mounted->{$devpath};
return "${fstype}";
return 'mounted' if $mounted->{$devpath};
return if !$is_partition;
# for devices, this check is done explicitly later
return 'Device Mapper' if !dir_is_empty("$sysdir/holders");
return 'partition';
my $collect_ceph_info = sub {
my ($devpath) = @_;
my $ceph_volume = $ceph_volume_infos->{$devpath} or return;
$journal_count += $ceph_volume->{journal} // 0;
$db_count += $ceph_volume->{db} // 0;
$wal_count += $ceph_volume->{wal} // 0;
if (defined($ceph_volume->{osdid})) {
$osdid = $ceph_volume->{osdid};
$bluestore = 1 if $ceph_volume->{bluestore};
$osdencrypted = 1 if $ceph_volume->{encrypted};
my $result = { %{$ceph_volume} };
$result->{journals} = delete $result->{journal}
if $result->{journal};
return $result;
my $partitions = {};
dir_glob_foreach("$sysdir", "$dev.+", sub {
my ($part) = @_;
$partitions->{$part} = $collect_ceph_info->("$partpath/$part");
my $lvm_based_osd = defined($partitions->{$part});
$partitions->{$part}->{devpath} = "$partpath/$part";
$partitions->{$part}->{parent} = "$devpath";
$partitions->{$part}->{gpt} = $data->{gpt};
$partitions->{$part}->{type} = 'partition';
$partitions->{$part}->{size} =
get_sysdir_size("$sysdir/$part") // 0;
$partitions->{$part}->{used} =
$determine_usage->("$partpath/$part", "$sysdir/$part", 1);
$partitions->{$part}->{osdid} //= -1;
# Avoid counting twice (e.g. partition on which the LVM for the
# DB OSD resides is present in the $journalhash)
return if $lvm_based_osd;
# Legacy handling for non-LVM based OSDs
if (my $mp = $mounted->{"$partpath/$part"}) {
if ($mp =~ m|^/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-(\d+)$|) {
$osdid = $1;
$partitions->{$part}->{osdid} = $osdid;
if (my $journal_part = $journalhash->{"$partpath/$part"}) {
$journal_count++ if $journal_part == 1;
$db_count++ if $journal_part == 2;
$wal_count++ if $journal_part == 3;
$bluestore = 1 if $journal_part == 4;
$partitions->{$part}->{journals} = 1 if $journal_part == 1;
$partitions->{$part}->{db} = 1 if $journal_part == 2;
$partitions->{$part}->{wal} = 1 if $journal_part == 3;
$partitions->{$part}->{bluestore} = 1 if $journal_part == 4;
my $used = $determine_usage->($devpath, $sysdir, 0);
if (!$include_partitions) {
foreach my $part (sort keys %{$partitions}) {
next if $partitions->{$part}->{used} eq 'partition';
$used //= $partitions->{$part}->{used};
} else {
# fstype might be set even if there are partitions, but showing that is confusing
$used = 'partitions' if scalar(keys %{$partitions});
$used //= 'partitions' if scalar(keys %{$partitions});
# multipath, software raid, etc.
# this check comes in last, to show more specific info
# if we have it
$used //= 'Device Mapper' if !dir_is_empty("$sysdir/holders");
$disklist->{$dev}->{used} = $used if $used;
$disklist->{$dev}->{osdid} = $osdid;
$disklist->{$dev}->{journals} = $journal_count if $journal_count;
$disklist->{$dev}->{bluestore} = $bluestore if $osdid != -1;
$disklist->{$dev}->{osdencrypted} = $osdencrypted if $osdid != -1;
$disklist->{$dev}->{db} = $db_count if $db_count;
$disklist->{$dev}->{wal} = $wal_count if $wal_count;
if ($include_partitions) {
foreach my $part (keys %{$partitions}) {
$disklist->{$part} = $partitions->{$part};
return $disklist;
sub get_partnum {
my ($part_path) = @_;
my $st = stat($part_path);
die "error detecting block device '$part_path'\n"
if !$st || !$st->mode || !S_ISBLK($st->mode) || !$st->rdev;
my $major = PVE::Tools::dev_t_major($st->rdev);
my $minor = PVE::Tools::dev_t_minor($st->rdev);
my $partnum_path = "/sys/dev/block/$major:$minor/";
my $partnum;
$partnum = file_read_firstline("${partnum_path}partition");
die "Partition does not exist\n" if !defined($partnum);
#untaint and ensure it is a int
if ($partnum =~ m/(\d+)/) {
$partnum = $1;
die "Partition number $partnum is invalid\n" if $partnum > 128;
} else {
die "Failed to get partition number\n";
return $partnum;
sub get_blockdev {
my ($part_path) = @_;
my ($dev, $block_dev);
if ($part_path =~ m|^/dev/(.*)$|) {
$dev = $1;
my $link = readlink "/sys/class/block/$dev";
$block_dev = $1 if $link =~ m|([^/]*)/$dev$|;
die "Can't parse parent device\n" if !defined($block_dev);
die "No valid block device\n" if index($dev, $block_dev) == -1;
$block_dev = "/dev/$block_dev";
die "Block device does not exists\n" if !(-b $block_dev);
return $block_dev;
sub locked_disk_action {
my ($sub) = @_;
my $res = PVE::Tools::lock_file('/run/lock/pve-diskmanage.lck', undef, $sub);
die $@ if $@;
return $res;
sub assert_disk_unused {
my ($dev) = @_;
die "device '$dev' is already in use\n" if disk_is_used($dev);
return undef;
sub append_partition {
my ($dev, $size) = @_;
my $devname = $dev;
$devname =~ s|^/dev/||;
my $newpartid = 1;
dir_glob_foreach("/sys/block/$devname", qr/\Q$devname\E.*?(\d+)/, sub {
my ($part, $partid) = @_;
if ($partid >= $newpartid) {
$newpartid = $partid + 1;
$size = PVE::Tools::convert_size($size, 'b' => 'mb');
run_command([ $SGDISK, '-n', "$newpartid:0:+${size}M", $dev ],
errmsg => "error creating partition '$newpartid' on '$dev'");
my $partition;
# loop again to detect the real partition device which does not always follow
# a strict $devname$partition scheme like /dev/nvme0n1 -> /dev/nvme0n1p1
dir_glob_foreach("/sys/block/$devname", qr/\Q$devname\E.*$newpartid/, sub {
my ($part) = @_;
$partition = "/dev/$part";
return $partition;
my sub strip_dev :prototype($) {
my ($devpath) = @_;
$devpath =~ s|^/dev/||;
return $devpath;
# Check if a disk or any of its partitions has a holder.
# Can also be called with a partition.
# Expected to be called with a result of verify_blockdev_path().
sub has_holder {
my ($devpath) = @_;
my $dev = strip_dev($devpath);
return $devpath if !dir_is_empty("/sys/class/block/${dev}/holders");
my $found;
dir_glob_foreach("/sys/block/${dev}", "${dev}.+", sub {
my ($part) = @_;
$found = "/dev/${part}" if !dir_is_empty("/sys/class/block/${part}/holders");
return $found;
# Basic check if a disk or any of its partitions is mounted.
# Can also be called with a partition.
# Expected to be called with a result of verify_blockdev_path().
sub is_mounted {
my ($devpath) = @_;
my $mounted = mounted_blockdevs();
return $devpath if $mounted->{$devpath};
my $dev = strip_dev($devpath);
my $found;
dir_glob_foreach("/sys/block/${dev}", "${dev}.+", sub {
my ($part) = @_;
my $partpath = "/dev/${part}";
$found = $partpath if $mounted->{$partpath};
return $found;
# Wipes all labels and the first 200 MiB of a disk/partition (or the whole if it is smaller).
# Expected to be called with a result of verify_blockdev_path().
sub wipe_blockdev {
my ($devpath) = @_;
my $devname = basename($devpath);
my $dev_size = PVE::Tools::file_get_contents("/sys/class/block/$devname/size");
($dev_size) = $dev_size =~ m|(\d+)|; # untaint $dev_size
die "Couldn't get the size of the device $devname\n" if !defined($dev_size);
my $size = ($dev_size * 512 / 1024 / 1024);
my $count = ($size < 200) ? $size : 200;
my $to_wipe = [];
dir_glob_foreach("/sys/class/block/${devname}", "${devname}.+", sub {
my ($part) = @_;
push $to_wipe->@*, "/dev/${part}" if -b "/dev/${part}";
if (scalar($to_wipe->@*) > 0) {
print "found child partitions to wipe: ". join(', ', $to_wipe->@*) ."\n";
push $to_wipe->@*, $devpath; # put actual device last
print "wiping block device ${devpath}\n";
run_command(['wipefs', '--all', $to_wipe->@*], errmsg => "error wiping '${devpath}'");
['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', "of=${devpath}", 'bs=1M', 'conv=fdatasync', "count=${count}"],
errmsg => "error wiping '${devpath}'",