mirror of git://git.proxmox.com/git/pve-zsync.git synced 2025-03-13 00:58:41 +03:00
Thomas Lamprecht 5dbe7f7f0c cleanup ugly hash usage
Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <t.lamprecht@proxmox.com>
2018-08-24 11:45:39 +02:00

1325 lines
33 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Fcntl qw(:flock SEEK_END);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray);
use File::Copy qw(move);
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use JSON;
use IO::File;
use String::ShellQuote 'shell_quote';
my $PROGNAME = "pve-zsync";
my $CONFIG_PATH = "/var/lib/${PROGNAME}";
my $STATE = "${CONFIG_PATH}/sync_state";
my $CRONJOBS = "/etc/cron.d/$PROGNAME";
my $PATH = "/usr/sbin";
my $PVE_DIR = "/etc/pve/local";
my $QEMU_CONF = "${PVE_DIR}/qemu-server";
my $LXC_CONF = "${PVE_DIR}/lxc";
my $INTERVAL = 15;
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $IPV4OCTET = "(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9])";
my $IPV4RE = "(?:(?:$IPV4OCTET\\.){3}$IPV4OCTET)";
my $IPV6H16 = "(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})";
my $IPV6LS32 = "(?:(?:$IPV4RE|$IPV6H16:$IPV6H16))";
my $IPV6RE = "(?:" .
"(?:(?:" . "(?:$IPV6H16:){6})$IPV6LS32)|" .
"(?:(?:" . "::(?:$IPV6H16:){5})$IPV6LS32)|" .
"(?:(?:(?:" . "$IPV6H16)?::(?:$IPV6H16:){4})$IPV6LS32)|" .
"(?:(?:(?:(?:$IPV6H16:){0,1}$IPV6H16)?::(?:$IPV6H16:){3})$IPV6LS32)|" .
"(?:(?:(?:(?:$IPV6H16:){0,2}$IPV6H16)?::(?:$IPV6H16:){2})$IPV6LS32)|" .
"(?:(?:(?:(?:$IPV6H16:){0,3}$IPV6H16)?::(?:$IPV6H16:){1})$IPV6LS32)|" .
"(?:(?:(?:(?:$IPV6H16:){0,4}$IPV6H16)?::" . ")$IPV6LS32)|" .
"(?:(?:(?:(?:$IPV6H16:){0,5}$IPV6H16)?::" . ")$IPV6H16)|" .
"(?:(?:(?:(?:$IPV6H16:){0,6}$IPV6H16)?::" . ")))";
my $HOSTv4RE0 = "(?:[\\w\\.\\-_]+|$IPV4RE)"; # hostname or ipv4 address
my $HOSTv4RE1 = "(?:$HOSTv4RE0|\\[$HOSTv4RE0\\])"; # these may be in brackets, too
my $HOSTRE = "(?:$HOSTv4RE1|\\[$IPV6RE\\])"; # ipv6 must always be in brackets
# targets are either a VMID, or a 'host:zpool/path' with 'host:' being optional
my $TARGETRE = qr!^(?:($HOSTRE):)?(\d+|(?:[\w\-_]+)(/.+)?)$!;
my $command = $ARGV[0];
if (defined($command) && $command ne 'help' && $command ne 'printpod') {
check_bin ('cstream');
check_bin ('zfs');
check_bin ('ssh');
check_bin ('scp');
sub {
die "Signal aborting sync\n";
sub check_bin {
my ($bin) = @_;
foreach my $p (split (/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
my $fn = "$p/$bin";
if (-x $fn) {
return $fn;
die "unable to find command '$bin'\n";
sub cut_target_width {
my ($path, $maxlen) = @_;
$path =~ s@/+@/@g;
return $path if length($path) <= $maxlen;
return '..'.substr($path, -$maxlen+2) if $path !~ m@/@;
$path =~ s@/([^/]+/?)$@@;
my $tail = $1;
if (length($tail)+3 == $maxlen) {
return "../$tail";
} elsif (length($tail)+2 >= $maxlen) {
return '..'.substr($tail, -$maxlen+2)
$path =~ s@(/[^/]+)(?:/|$)@@;
my $head = $1;
my $both = length($head) + length($tail);
my $remaining = $maxlen-$both-4; # -4 for "/../"
if ($remaining < 0) {
return substr($head, 0, $maxlen - length($tail) - 3) . "../$tail"; # -3 for "../"
substr($path, ($remaining/2), (length($path)-$remaining), '..');
return "$head/" . $path . "/$tail";
sub lock {
my ($fh) = @_;
flock($fh, LOCK_EX) || die "Can't lock config - $!\n";
sub unlock {
my ($fh) = @_;
flock($fh, LOCK_UN) || die "Can't unlock config- $!\n";
sub get_status {
my ($source, $name, $status) = @_;
if ($status->{$source->{all}}->{$name}->{status}) {
return $status;
return undef;
sub check_pool_exists {
my ($target, $user) = @_;
my $cmd = [];
if ($target->{ip}) {
push @$cmd, 'ssh', "$user\@$target->{ip}", '--';
push @$cmd, 'zfs', 'list', '-H', '--', $target->{all};
eval {
if ($@) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub parse_target {
my ($text) = @_;
my $errstr = "$text : is not a valid input! Use [IP:]<VMID> or [IP:]<ZFSPool>[/Path]";
my $target = {};
if ($text !~ $TARGETRE) {
die "$errstr\n";
$target->{all} = $2;
$target->{ip} = $1 if $1;
my @parts = split('/', $2);
$target->{ip} =~ s/^\[(.*)\]$/$1/ if $target->{ip};
my $pool = $target->{pool} = shift(@parts);
die "$errstr\n" if !$pool;
if ($pool =~ m/^\d+$/) {
$target->{vmid} = $pool;
delete $target->{pool};
return $target if (@parts == 0);
$target->{last_part} = pop(@parts);
if ($target->{ip}) {
if (@parts > 0) {
$target->{path} = join('/', @parts);
return $target;
sub read_cron {
#This is for the first use to init file;
if (!-e $CRONJOBS) {
my $new_fh = IO::File->new("> $CRONJOBS");
die "Could not create $CRONJOBS: $!\n" if !$new_fh;
return undef;
my $fh = IO::File->new("< $CRONJOBS");
die "Could not open file $CRONJOBS: $!\n" if !$fh;
my @text = <$fh>;
return encode_cron(@text);
sub parse_argv {
my (@arg) = @_;
my $param = {
dest => undef,
source => undef,
verbose => undef,
limit => undef,
maxsnap => undef,
name => undef,
skip => undef,
method => undef,
source_user => undef,
dest_user => undef,
my ($ret) = GetOptionsFromArray(
'dest=s' => \$param->{dest},
'source=s' => \$param->{source},
'verbose' => \$param->{verbose},
'limit=i' => \$param->{limit},
'maxsnap=i' => \$param->{maxsnap},
'name=s' => \$param->{name},
'skip' => \$param->{skip},
'method=s' => \$param->{method},
'source-user=s' => \$param->{source_user},
'dest-user=s' => \$param->{dest_user}
die "can't parse options\n" if $ret == 0;
$param->{name} //= "default";
$param->{maxsnap} //= 1;
$param->{method} //= "ssh";
$param->{source_user} //= "root";
$param->{dest_user} //= "root";
return $param;
sub add_state_to_job {
my ($job) = @_;
my $states = read_state();
my $state = $states->{$job->{source}}->{$job->{name}};
$job->{state} = $state->{state};
$job->{lsync} = $state->{lsync};
$job->{vm_type} = $state->{vm_type};
for (my $i = 0; $state->{"snap$i"}; $i++) {
$job->{"snap$i"} = $state->{"snap$i"};
return $job;
sub encode_cron {
my (@text) = @_;
my $cfg = {};
while (my $line = shift(@text)) {
my @arg = split('\s', $line);
my $param = parse_argv(@arg);
if ($param->{source} && $param->{dest}) {
my $source = delete $param->{source};
my $name = delete $param->{name};
$cfg->{$source}->{$name} = $param;
return $cfg;
sub param_to_job {
my ($param) = @_;
my $job = {};
my $source = parse_target($param->{source});
my $dest = parse_target($param->{dest}) if $param->{dest};
$job->{name} = !$param->{name} ? "default" : $param->{name};
$job->{dest} = $param->{dest} if $param->{dest};
$job->{method} = "local" if !$dest->{ip} && !$source->{ip};
$job->{method} = "ssh" if !$job->{method};
$job->{limit} = $param->{limit};
$job->{maxsnap} = $param->{maxsnap} if $param->{maxsnap};
$job->{source} = $param->{source};
$job->{source_user} = $param->{source_user};
$job->{dest_user} = $param->{dest_user};
return $job;
sub read_state {
if (!-e $STATE) {
make_path $CONFIG_PATH;
my $new_fh = IO::File->new("> $STATE");
die "Could not create $STATE: $!\n" if !$new_fh;
print $new_fh "{}";
return undef;
my $fh = IO::File->new("< $STATE");
die "Could not open file $STATE: $!\n" if !$fh;
my $text = <$fh>;
my $states = decode_json($text);
return $states;
sub update_state {
my ($job) = @_;
my $text;
my $in_fh;
eval {
$in_fh = IO::File->new("< $STATE");
die "Could not open file $STATE: $!\n" if !$in_fh;
$text = <$in_fh>;
my $out_fh = IO::File->new("> $STATE.new");
die "Could not open file ${STATE}.new: $!\n" if !$out_fh;
my $states = {};
my $state = {};
if ($text){
$states = decode_json($text);
$state = $states->{$job->{source}}->{$job->{name}};
if ($job->{state} ne "del") {
$state->{state} = $job->{state};
$state->{lsync} = $job->{lsync};
$state->{vm_type} = $job->{vm_type};
for (my $i = 0; $job->{"snap$i"} ; $i++) {
$state->{"snap$i"} = $job->{"snap$i"};
$states->{$job->{source}}->{$job->{name}} = $state;
} else {
delete $states->{$job->{source}}->{$job->{name}};
delete $states->{$job->{source}} if !keys %{$states->{$job->{source}}};
$text = encode_json($states);
print $out_fh $text;
move("$STATE.new", $STATE);
eval {
return $states;
sub update_cron {
my ($job) = @_;
my $updated;
my $has_header;
my $line_no = 0;
my $text = "";
my $header = "SHELL=/bin/sh\n";
$header .= "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin\n\n";
my $fh = IO::File->new("< $CRONJOBS");
die "Could not open file $CRONJOBS: $!\n" if !$fh;
my @test = <$fh>;
while (my $line = shift(@test)) {
if ($line =~ m/source $job->{source} .*name $job->{name} /) {
$updated = 1;
next if $job->{state} eq "del";
$text .= format_job($job, $line);
} else {
if (($line_no < 3) && ($line =~ /^(PATH|SHELL)/ )) {
$has_header = 1;
$text .= "$line\n";
if (!$has_header) {
$text = "$header$text";
if (!$updated) {
$text .= format_job($job);
my $new_fh = IO::File->new("> ${CRONJOBS}.new");
die "Could not open file ${CRONJOBS}.new: $!\n" if !$new_fh;
die "can't write to $CRONJOBS.new\n" if !print($new_fh $text);
close ($new_fh);
die "can't move $CRONJOBS.new: $!\n" if !move("${CRONJOBS}.new", "$CRONJOBS");
close ($fh);
sub format_job {
my ($job, $line) = @_;
my $text = "";
if ($job->{state} eq "stopped") {
$text = "#";
if ($line) {
$line =~ /^#*(.+) root/;
$text .= $1;
} else {
$text .= "*/$INTERVAL * * * *";
$text .= " root";
$text .= " $PROGNAME sync --source $job->{source} --dest $job->{dest}";
$text .= " --name $job->{name} --maxsnap $job->{maxsnap}";
$text .= " --limit $job->{limit}" if $job->{limit};
$text .= " --method $job->{method}";
$text .= " --verbose" if $job->{verbose};
$text .= " --source-user $job->{source_user}";
$text .= " --dest-user $job->{dest_user}";
$text .= "\n";
return $text;
sub list {
my $cfg = read_cron();
my $list = sprintf("%-25s%-25s%-10s%-20s%-6s%-5s\n" , "SOURCE", "NAME", "STATE", "LAST SYNC", "TYPE", "CON");
my $states = read_state();
foreach my $source (sort keys%{$cfg}) {
foreach my $name (sort keys%{$cfg->{$source}}) {
$list .= sprintf("%-25s", cut_target_width($source, 25));
$list .= sprintf("%-25s", cut_target_width($name, 25));
$list .= sprintf("%-10s", $states->{$source}->{$name}->{state});
$list .= sprintf("%-20s", $states->{$source}->{$name}->{lsync});
$list .= sprintf("%-6s", defined($states->{$source}->{$name}->{vm_type}) ? $states->{$source}->{$name}->{vm_type} : "undef");
$list .= sprintf("%-5s\n", $cfg->{$source}->{$name}->{method});
return $list;
sub vm_exists {
my ($target, $user) = @_;
my @cmd = ('ssh', "$user\@$target->{ip}", '--') if $target->{ip};
my $res = undef;
return undef if !defined($target->{vmid});
eval { $res = run_cmd([@cmd, 'ls', "$QEMU_CONF/$target->{vmid}.conf"]) };
return "qemu" if $res;
eval { $res = run_cmd([@cmd, 'ls', "$LXC_CONF/$target->{vmid}.conf"]) };
return "lxc" if $res;
return undef;
sub init {
my ($param) = @_;
my $cfg = read_cron();
my $job = param_to_job($param);
$job->{state} = "ok";
$job->{lsync} = 0;
my $source = parse_target($param->{source});
my $dest = parse_target($param->{dest});
if (my $ip = $dest->{ip}) {
run_cmd(['ssh-copy-id', '-i', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', "$param->{dest_user}\@$ip"]);
if (my $ip = $source->{ip}) {
run_cmd(['ssh-copy-id', '-i', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', "$param->{source_user}\@$ip"]);
die "Pool $dest->{all} does not exists\n" if !check_pool_exists($dest, $param->{dest_user});
if (!defined($source->{vmid})) {
die "Pool $source->{all} does not exists\n" if !check_pool_exists($source, $param->{source_user});
my $vm_type = vm_exists($source, $param->{source_user});
$job->{vm_type} = $vm_type;
$source->{vm_type} = $vm_type;
die "VM $source->{vmid} doesn't exist\n" if $source->{vmid} && !$vm_type;
die "Config already exists\n" if $cfg->{$job->{source}}->{$job->{name}};
#check if vm has zfs disks if not die;
get_disks($source, $param->{source_user}) if $source->{vmid};
eval {
sync($param) if !$param->{skip};
if(my $err = $@) {
print $err;
sub get_job {
my ($param) = @_;
my $cfg = read_cron();
if (!$cfg->{$param->{source}}->{$param->{name}}) {
die "Job with source $param->{source} and name $param->{name} does not exist\n" ;
my $job = $cfg->{$param->{source}}->{$param->{name}};
$job->{name} = $param->{name};
$job->{source} = $param->{source};
$job = add_state_to_job($job);
return $job;
sub destroy_job {
my ($param) = @_;
my $job = get_job($param);
$job->{state} = "del";
sub sync {
my ($param) = @_;
my $lock_fh = IO::File->new("> $LOCKFILE");
die "Can't open Lock File: $LOCKFILE $!\n" if !$lock_fh;
my $date = get_date();
my $job;
eval {
$job = get_job($param);
if ($job && $job->{state} eq "syncing") {
die "Job --source $param->{source} --name $param->{name} is syncing at the moment";
my $dest = parse_target($param->{dest});
my $source = parse_target($param->{source});
my $sync_path = sub {
my ($source, $dest, $job, $param, $date) = @_;
($source->{old_snap}, $source->{last_snap}) = snapshot_get($source, $dest, $param->{maxsnap}, $param->{name}, $param->{source_user});
snapshot_add($source, $dest, $param->{name}, $date, $param->{source_user}, $param->{dest_user});
send_image($source, $dest, $param);
snapshot_destroy($source, $dest, $param->{method}, $source->{old_snap}, $param->{source_user}, $param->{dest_user}) if ($source->{destroy} && $source->{old_snap});
my $vm_type = vm_exists($source, $param->{source_user});
$source->{vm_type} = $vm_type;
if ($job) {
$job->{state} = "syncing";
$job->{vm_type} = $vm_type if !$job->{vm_type};
if ($source->{vmid}) {
die "VM $source->{vmid} doesn't exist\n" if !$vm_type;
die "source-user has to be root for syncing VMs\n" if ($param->{source_user} ne "root");
my $disks = get_disks($source, $param->{source_user});
foreach my $disk (sort keys %{$disks}) {
$source->{all} = $disks->{$disk}->{all};
$source->{pool} = $disks->{$disk}->{pool};
$source->{path} = $disks->{$disk}->{path} if $disks->{$disk}->{path};
$source->{last_part} = $disks->{$disk}->{last_part};
&$sync_path($source, $dest, $job, $param, $date);
if ($param->{method} eq "ssh" && ($source->{ip} || $dest->{ip})) {
send_config($source, $dest,'ssh', $param->{source_user}, $param->{dest_user});
} else {
send_config($source, $dest,'local', $param->{source_user}, $param->{dest_user});
} else {
&$sync_path($source, $dest, $job, $param, $date);
if(my $err = $@) {
if ($job) {
$job->{state} = "error";
print "Job --source $param->{source} --name $param->{name} got an ERROR!!!\nERROR Message:\n";
die "$err\n";
if ($job) {
$job->{state} = "ok";
$job->{lsync} = $date;
sub snapshot_get{
my ($source, $dest, $max_snap, $name, $source_user) = @_;
my $cmd = [];
push @$cmd, 'ssh', "$source_user\@$source->{ip}", '--', if $source->{ip};
push @$cmd, 'zfs', 'list', '-r', '-t', 'snapshot', '-Ho', 'name', '-S', 'creation';
push @$cmd, $source->{all};
my $raw = run_cmd($cmd);
my $index = 0;
my $line = "";
my $last_snap = undef;
my $old_snap;
while ($raw && $raw =~ s/^(.*?)(\n|$)//) {
$line = $1;
if ($line =~ m/(rep_\Q${name}\E_\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})$/) {
$last_snap = $1 if (!$last_snap);
$old_snap = $1;
if ($index == $max_snap) {
$source->{destroy} = 1;
return ($old_snap, $last_snap) if $last_snap;
return undef;
sub snapshot_add {
my ($source, $dest, $name, $date, $source_user, $dest_user) = @_;
my $snap_name = "rep_$name\_".$date;
$source->{new_snap} = $snap_name;
my $path = "$source->{all}\@$snap_name";
my $cmd = [];
push @$cmd, 'ssh', "$source_user\@$source->{ip}", '--', if $source->{ip};
push @$cmd, 'zfs', 'snapshot', $path;
if (my $err = $@) {
snapshot_destroy($source, $dest, 'ssh', $snap_name, $source_user, $dest_user);
die "$err\n";
sub write_cron {
my ($cfg) = @_;
my $text = "SHELL=/bin/sh\n";
$text .= "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin\n";
my $fh = IO::File->new("> $CRONJOBS");
die "Could not open file: $!\n" if !$fh;
foreach my $source (sort keys%{$cfg}) {
foreach my $sync_name (sort keys%{$cfg->{$source}}) {
next if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{status} ne 'ok';
$text .= "$PROG_PATH sync";
$text .= " -source ";
if ($cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{vmid}) {
$text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip}:" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip};
$text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{vmid} ";
} else {
$text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip}:" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip};
$text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_pool}";
$text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_path}" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_path};
$text .= " -dest ";
$text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{dest_ip}:" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{dest_ip};
$text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{dest_pool}";
$text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{dest_path}" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{dest_path};
$text .= " -name $sync_name ";
$text .= " -limit $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{limit}" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{limit};
$text .= " -maxsnap $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{maxsnap}" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{maxsnap};
$text .= "\n";
die "Can't write to cron\n" if (!print($fh $text));
sub get_disks {
my ($target, $user) = @_;
my $cmd = [];
push @$cmd, 'ssh', "$user\@$target->{ip}", '--', if $target->{ip};
if ($target->{vm_type} eq 'qemu') {
push @$cmd, 'qm', 'config', $target->{vmid};
} elsif ($target->{vm_type} eq 'lxc') {
push @$cmd, 'pct', 'config', $target->{vmid};
} else {
die "VM Type unknown\n";
my $res = run_cmd($cmd);
my $disks = parse_disks($res, $target->{ip}, $target->{vm_type}, $user);
return $disks;
sub run_cmd {
my ($cmd) = @_;
print "Start CMD\n" if $DEBUG;
print Dumper $cmd if $DEBUG;
if (ref($cmd) eq 'ARRAY') {
$cmd = join(' ', map { ref($_) ? $$_ : shell_quote($_) } @$cmd);
my $output = `$cmd 2>&1`;
die "COMMAND:\n\t$cmd\nGET ERROR:\n\t$output" if 0 != $?;
print Dumper $output if $DEBUG;
print "END CMD\n" if $DEBUG;
return $output;
sub parse_disks {
my ($text, $ip, $vm_type, $user) = @_;
my $disks;
my $num = 0;
while ($text && $text =~ s/^(.*?)(\n|$)//) {
my $line = $1;
next if $line =~ /media=cdrom/;
next if $line !~ m/^(?:((?:virtio|ide|scsi|sata|mp)\d+)|rootfs): /;
#QEMU if backup is not set include in sync
next if $vm_type eq 'qemu' && ($line =~ m/backup=(?i:0|no|off|false)/);
#LXC if backup is not set do no in sync
next if $vm_type eq 'lxc' && ($line =~ m/^mp\d:/) && ($line !~ m/backup=(?i:1|yes|on|true)/);
my $disk = undef;
my $stor = undef;
if($line =~ m/^(?:(?:(?:virtio|ide|scsi|sata|mp)\d+)|rootfs): (.*)$/) {
my @parameter = split(/,/,$1);
foreach my $opt (@parameter) {
if ($opt =~ m/^(?:file=|volume=)?([^:]+:)([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)$/){
$disk = $2;
$stor = $1;
if (!defined($disk) || !defined($stor)) {
print "Disk: \"$line\" has no valid zfs dataset format and will be skipped\n";
my $cmd = [];
push @$cmd, 'ssh', "$user\@$ip", '--' if $ip;
push @$cmd, 'pvesm', 'path', "$stor$disk";
my $path = run_cmd($cmd);
die "Get no path from pvesm path $stor$disk\n" if !$path;
if ($vm_type eq 'qemu' && $path =~ m/^\/dev\/zvol\/(\w+.*)(\/$disk)$/) {
my @array = split('/', $1);
$disks->{$num}->{pool} = shift(@array);
$disks->{$num}->{all} = $disks->{$num}->{pool};
if (0 < @array) {
$disks->{$num}->{path} = join('/', @array);
$disks->{$num}->{all} .= "\/$disks->{$num}->{path}";
$disks->{$num}->{last_part} = $disk;
$disks->{$num}->{all} .= "\/$disk";
} elsif ($vm_type eq 'lxc' && $path =~ m/^\/(\w+.+)(\/(\w+.*))*(\/$disk)$/) {
$disks->{$num}->{pool} = $1;
$disks->{$num}->{all} = $disks->{$num}->{pool};
if ($2) {
$disks->{$num}->{path} = $3;
$disks->{$num}->{all} .= "\/$disks->{$num}->{path}";
$disks->{$num}->{last_part} = $disk;
$disks->{$num}->{all} .= "\/$disk";
} else {
die "ERROR: in path\n";
die "Vm include no disk on zfs.\n" if !$disks->{0};
return $disks;
sub snapshot_destroy {
my ($source, $dest, $method, $snap, $source_user, $dest_user) = @_;
my @zfscmd = ('zfs', 'destroy');
my $snapshot = "$source->{all}\@$snap";
eval {
if($source->{ip} && $method eq 'ssh'){
run_cmd(['ssh', "$source_user\@$source->{ip}", '--', @zfscmd, $snapshot]);
} else {
run_cmd([@zfscmd, $snapshot]);
if (my $erro = $@) {
warn "WARN: $erro";
if ($dest) {
my @ssh = $dest->{ip} ? ('ssh', "$dest_user\@$dest->{ip}", '--') : ();
my $path = "$dest->{all}";
$path .= "/$source->{last_part}" if $source->{last_part};
eval {
run_cmd([@ssh, @zfscmd, "$path\@$snap"]);
if (my $erro = $@) {
warn "WARN: $erro";
sub snapshot_exist {
my ($source , $dest, $method, $source_user) = @_;
my $cmd = [];
push @$cmd, 'ssh', "$source_user\@$dest->{ip}", '--' if $dest->{ip};
push @$cmd, 'zfs', 'list', '-rt', 'snapshot', '-Ho', 'name';
my $path = $dest->{all};
$path .= "/$source->{last_part}" if $source->{last_part};
$path .= "\@$source->{old_snap}";
push @$cmd, $path;
my $text = "";
eval {$text =run_cmd($cmd);};
if (my $erro =$@) {
warn "WARN: $erro";
return undef;
while ($text && $text =~ s/^(.*?)(\n|$)//) {
my $line =$1;
return 1 if $line =~ m/^.*$source->{old_snap}$/;
sub send_image {
my ($source, $dest, $param) = @_;
my $cmd = [];
push @$cmd, 'ssh', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', "$param->{source_user}\@$source->{ip}", '--' if $source->{ip};
push @$cmd, 'zfs', 'send';
push @$cmd, '-v' if $param->{verbose};
if($source->{last_snap} && snapshot_exist($source , $dest, $param->{method}, $param->{source_user})) {
push @$cmd, '-i', "$source->{all}\@$source->{last_snap}";
push @$cmd, '--', "$source->{all}\@$source->{new_snap}";
if ($param->{limit}){
my $bwl = $param->{limit}*1024;
push @$cmd, \'|', 'cstream', '-t', $bwl;
my $target = "$dest->{all}";
$target .= "/$source->{last_part}" if $source->{last_part};
$target =~ s!/+!/!g;
push @$cmd, \'|';
push @$cmd, 'ssh', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', "$param->{dest_user}\@$dest->{ip}", '--' if $dest->{ip};
push @$cmd, 'zfs', 'recv', '-F', '--';
push @$cmd, "$target";
eval {
if (my $erro = $@) {
snapshot_destroy($source, undef, $param->{method}, $source->{new_snap}, $param->{source_user}, $param->{dest_user});
die $erro;
sub send_config{
my ($source, $dest, $method, $source_user, $dest_user) = @_;
my $source_target = $source->{vm_type} eq 'qemu' ? "$QEMU_CONF/$source->{vmid}.conf": "$LXC_CONF/$source->{vmid}.conf";
my $dest_target_new ="$source->{vmid}.conf.$source->{vm_type}.$source->{new_snap}";
my $config_dir = $dest->{last_part} ? "${CONFIG_PATH}/$dest->{last_part}" : $CONFIG_PATH;
$dest_target_new = $config_dir.'/'.$dest_target_new;
if ($method eq 'ssh'){
if ($dest->{ip} && $source->{ip}) {
run_cmd(['ssh', "$dest_user\@$dest->{ip}", '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '--', $config_dir]);
run_cmd(['scp', '--', "$source_user\@[$source->{ip}]:$source_target", "$dest_user\@[$dest->{ip}]:$dest_target_new"]);
} elsif ($dest->{ip}) {
run_cmd(['ssh', "$source_user\@$dest->{ip}", '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '--', $config_dir]);
run_cmd(['scp', '--', $source_target, "$dest_user\@[$dest->{ip}]:$dest_target_new"]);
} elsif ($source->{ip}) {
run_cmd(['mkdir', '-p', '--', $config_dir]);
run_cmd(['scp', '--', "$source_user\@[$source->{ip}]:$source_target", $dest_target_new]);
if ($source->{destroy}){
my $dest_target_old ="${config_dir}/$source->{vmid}.conf.$source->{vm_type}.$source->{old_snap}";
run_cmd(['ssh', "$dest_user\@$dest->{ip}", '--', 'rm', '-f', '--', $dest_target_old]);
} else {
run_cmd(['rm', '-f', '--', $dest_target_old]);
} elsif ($method eq 'local') {
run_cmd(['mkdir', '-p', '--', $config_dir]);
run_cmd(['cp', $source_target, $dest_target_new]);
sub get_date {
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);
my $datestamp = sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
return $datestamp;
sub status {
my $cfg = read_cron();
my $status_list = sprintf("%-25s%-25s%-10s\n", "SOURCE", "NAME", "STATUS");
my $states = read_state();
foreach my $source (sort keys%{$cfg}) {
foreach my $sync_name (sort keys%{$cfg->{$source}}) {
$status_list .= sprintf("%-25s", cut_target_width($source, 25));
$status_list .= sprintf("%-25s", cut_target_width($sync_name, 25));
$status_list .= "$states->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{state}\n";
return $status_list;
sub enable_job {
my ($param) = @_;
my $job = get_job($param);
$job->{state} = "ok";
sub disable_job {
my ($param) = @_;
my $job = get_job($param);
$job->{state} = "stopped";
my $cmd_help = {
destroy => qq{
$PROGNAME destroy -source <string> [OPTIONS]
remove a sync Job from the scheduler
-name string
name of the sync job, if not set it is default
-source string
the source can be an <VMID> or [IP:]<ZFSPool>[/Path]
create => qq{
$PROGNAME create -dest <string> -source <string> [OPTIONS]
Create a sync Job
-dest string
the destination target is like [IP]:<Pool>[/Path]
-dest-user string
name of the user on the destination target, root by default
-limit integer
max sync speed in kBytes/s, default unlimited
-maxsnap string
how much snapshots will be kept before get erased, default 1
-name string
name of the sync job, if not set it is default
-skip boolean
if this flag is set it will skip the first sync
-source string
the source can be an <VMID> or [IP:]<ZFSPool>[/Path]
-source-user string
name of the user on the source target, root by default
sync => qq{
$PROGNAME sync -dest <string> -source <string> [OPTIONS]\n
will sync one time
-dest string
the destination target is like [IP:]<Pool>[/Path]
-dest-user string
name of the user on the destination target, root by default
-limit integer
max sync speed in kBytes/s, default unlimited
-maxsnap integer
how much snapshots will be kept before get erased, default 1
-name string
name of the sync job, if not set it is default.
It is only necessary if scheduler allready contains this source.
-source string
the source can be an <VMID> or [IP:]<ZFSPool>[/Path]
-source-user string
name of the user on the source target, root by default
-verbose boolean
print out the sync progress.
list => qq{
Get a List of all scheduled Sync Jobs
status => qq{
$PROGNAME status
Get the status of all scheduled Sync Jobs
help => qq{
$PROGNAME help <cmd> [OPTIONS]
Get help about specified command.
<cmd> string
Command name
-verbose boolean
Verbose output format.
enable => qq{
$PROGNAME enable -source <string> [OPTIONS]
enable a syncjob and reset error
-name string
name of the sync job, if not set it is default
-source string
the source can be an <VMID> or [IP:]<ZFSPool>[/Path]
disable => qq{
$PROGNAME disable -source <string> [OPTIONS]
pause a sync job
-name string
name of the sync job, if not set it is default
-source string
the source can be an <VMID> or [IP:]<ZFSPool>[/Path]
printpod => 'internal command',
if (!$command) {
usage(); die "\n";
} elsif (!$cmd_help->{$command}) {
print "ERROR: unknown command '$command'";
usage(1); die "\n";
my @arg = @ARGV;
my $param = parse_argv(@arg);
sub check_params {
for (@_) {
die "$cmd_help->{$command}\n" if !$param->{$_};
if ($command eq 'destroy') {
} elsif ($command eq 'sync') {
check_params(qw(source dest));
} elsif ($command eq 'create') {
check_params(qw(source dest));
} elsif ($command eq 'status') {
print status();
} elsif ($command eq 'list') {
print list();
} elsif ($command eq 'help') {
my $help_command = $ARGV[1];
if ($help_command && $cmd_help->{$help_command}) {
die "$cmd_help->{$help_command}\n";
if ($param->{verbose}) {
exec("man $PROGNAME");
} else {
} elsif ($command eq 'enable') {
} elsif ($command eq 'disable') {
} elsif ($command eq 'printpod') {
sub usage {
my ($help) = @_;
print("ERROR:\tno command specified\n") if !$help;
print("\t$PROGNAME help [<cmd>] [OPTIONS]\n\n");
print("\t$PROGNAME create -dest <string> -source <string> [OPTIONS]\n");
print("\t$PROGNAME destroy -source <string> [OPTIONS]\n");
print("\t$PROGNAME disable -source <string> [OPTIONS]\n");
print("\t$PROGNAME enable -source <string> [OPTIONS]\n");
print("\t$PROGNAME list\n");
print("\t$PROGNAME status\n");
print("\t$PROGNAME sync -dest <string> -source <string> [OPTIONS]\n");
sub check_target {
my ($target) = @_;
sub print_pod {
my $synopsis = join("\n", sort values %$cmd_help);
print <<EOF;
=head1 NAME
pve-zsync - PVE ZFS Replication Manager
pve-zsync <COMMAND> [ARGS] [OPTIONS]
This Tool helps you to sync your VM or directory which stored on ZFS between 2 servers.
This tool also has the capability to add jobs to cron so the sync will be automatically done.
The default syncing interval is set to 15 min, if you want to change this value you can do this in /etc/cron.d/pve-zsync.
To config cron see man crontab.
=head2 PVE ZFS Storage sync Tool
This Tool can get remote pool on other PVE or send Pool to others ZFS machines
add sync job from local VM to remote ZFS Server
pve-zsync create -source=100 -dest=
Cron jobs and config are stored at /etc/cron.d/pve-zsync
The VM config get copied on the destination machine to /var/lib/pve-zsync/
Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
License along with this program. If not, see