mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 09:47:13 +03:00
use new AbstractMigrate.pm
This commit is contained in:
@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method({
my $realcmd = sub {
my $upid = shift;
PVE::QemuMigrate::migrate($target, $targetip, $vmid, $param->{online}, $param->{force});
PVE::QemuMigrate->migrate($target, $targetip, $vmid, $param);
my $upid = $rpcenv->fork_worker('qmigrate', $vmid, $user, $realcmd);
@ -2,63 +2,15 @@ package PVE::QemuMigrate;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use PVE::AbstractMigrate;
use IO::File;
use IPC::Open2;
use PVE::Tools qw(run_command);
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::Cluster;
use PVE::Storage;
use PVE::QemuServer;
my $delayed_interrupt = 0;
# blowfish is a fast block cipher, much faster then 3des
my @ssh_opts = ('-c', 'blowfish', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes');
my @ssh_cmd = ('/usr/bin/ssh', @ssh_opts);
my @scp_cmd = ('/usr/bin/scp', @ssh_opts);
my $qm_cmd = '/usr/sbin/qm';
sub logmsg {
my ($level, $msg) = @_;
chomp $msg;
return if !$msg;
my $tstr = strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S", localtime);
foreach my $line (split (/\n/, $msg)) {
if ($level eq 'err') {
print STDOUT "$tstr ERROR: $line\n";
} else {
print STDOUT "$tstr $line\n";
sub eval_int {
my ($func) = @_;
eval {
local $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{HUP} = sub {
$delayed_interrupt = 0;
die "interrupted by signal\n";
local $SIG{PIPE} = sub {
$delayed_interrupt = 0;
die "interrupted by signal\n";
my $di = $delayed_interrupt;
$delayed_interrupt = 0;
die "interrupted by signal\n" if $di;
use base qw(PVE::AbstractMigrate);
sub fork_command_pipe {
my ($cmd) = @_;
@ -137,10 +89,9 @@ sub run_with_timeout {
sub fork_tunnel {
my ($nodeip, $lport, $rport) = @_;
my ($self, $nodeip, $lport, $rport) = @_;
my $cmd = [@ssh_cmd, '-o', 'BatchMode=yes',
'-L', "$lport:localhost:$rport", $nodeip,
my $cmd = [@{$self->{rem_ssh}}, '-L', "$lport:localhost:$rport",
'qm', 'mtunnel' ];
my $tunnel = fork_command_pipe($cmd);
@ -165,7 +116,7 @@ sub fork_tunnel {
sub finish_tunnel {
my $tunnel = shift;
my ($self, $tunnel) = @_;
my $writer = $tunnel->{writer};
@ -182,181 +133,60 @@ sub finish_tunnel {
die $err if $err;
sub migrate {
my ($node, $nodeip, $vmid, $online, $force) = @_;
my $starttime = time();
my $rem_ssh = [@ssh_cmd, "root\@$nodeip"];
local $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{HUP} = $SIG{PIPE} = sub {
logmsg('err', "received interrupt - delayed");
$delayed_interrupt = 1;
local $ENV{RSYNC_RSH} = join(' ', @ssh_cmd);
my $session = {
vmid => $vmid,
node => $node,
nodeip => $nodeip,
force => $force,
storecfg => PVE::Storage::config(),
rem_ssh => $rem_ssh,
sub lock_vm {
my ($self, $vmid, $code, @param) = @_;
my $errors;
# lock config during migration
eval { PVE::QemuServer::lock_config($vmid, sub {
my $conf;
eval_int(sub { $conf = prepare($session); });
die $@ if $@;
my $running = 0;
if (my $pid = PVE::QemuServer::check_running($vmid)) {
die "cant migrate running VM without --online\n" if !$online;
$running = $pid;
my $rhash = {};
eval_int (sub { phase1($session, $conf, $rhash, $running); });
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
if ($rhash->{clearlock}) {
my $unset = { lock => 1 };
eval { PVE::QemuServer::change_config_nolock($session->{vmid}, {}, $unset, 1) };
if (my $tmperr = $@) {
logmsg('err', $tmperr);
if ($rhash->{volumes}) {
foreach my $volid (@{$rhash->{volumes}}) {
logmsg('err', "found stale volume copy '$volid' on node '$session->{node}'");
die $err;
# vm is now owned by other node
# Note: there is no VM config file on the local node anymore, so
# we need to pass $nocheck = 1 for vm commands
my $volids = $rhash->{volumes};
if ($running) {
$rhash = {};
eval_int(sub { phase2($session, $conf, $rhash); });
my $err = $@;
# always kill tunnel
if ($rhash->{tunnel}) {
eval_int(sub { finish_tunnel($rhash->{tunnel}) });
if (my $tmperr = $@) {
logmsg('err', "stopping tunnel failed - $tmperr");
$errors = 1;
# always stop local VM - no interrupts possible
eval { PVE::QemuServer::vm_stop($session->{storecfg}, $session->{vmid}, 1, 1); };
if (my $tmperr = $@) {
logmsg('err', "stopping vm failed - $tmperr");
$errors = 1;
if ($err) {
$errors = 1;
logmsg('err', "online migrate failure - $err");
# finalize -- clear migrate lock
eval_int(sub {
my $cmd = [ @{$session->{rem_ssh}}, $qm_cmd, 'unlock', $session->{vmid} ];
if (my $tmperr = $@) {
logmsg('err', "failed to clear migrate lock - $tmperr");
$errors = 1;
# destroy local copies
foreach my $volid (@$volids) {
eval_int(sub { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($session->{storecfg}, $volid); });
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
logmsg('err', "removing local copy of '$volid' failed - $err");
$errors = 1;
last if $err =~ /^interrupted by signal$/;
# always deactivate volumes - avoid lvm LVs to be active on
# several nodes
eval {
my $vollist = PVE::QemuServer::get_vm_volumes($conf);
PVE::Storage::deactivate_volumes($session->{storecfg}, $vollist);
if (my $tmperr = $@) {
logmsg('err', $tmperr);
$errors = 1;
my $err = $@;
my $delay = time() - $starttime;
my $mins = int($delay/60);
my $secs = $delay - $mins*60;
my $hours = int($mins/60);
$mins = $mins - $hours*60;
my $duration = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $mins, $secs;
if ($err) {
logmsg('err', "migration aborted (duration $duration): $err");
die "migration aborted\n";
if ($errors) {
logmsg('err', "migration finished with problems (duration $duration)");
die "migration problems\n"
logmsg('info', "migration finished successfuly (duration $duration)");
return PVE::QemuServer::lock_config($vmid, $code, @param);
sub prepare {
my ($session) = @_;
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
my $online = $self->{opts}->{online};
$self->{storecfg} = PVE::Storage::config();
# test is VM exist
my $conf = PVE::QemuServer::load_config($session->{vmid});
my $conf = $self->{vmconf} = PVE::QemuServer::load_config($vmid);
my $running = 0;
if (my $pid = PVE::QemuServer::check_running($vmid)) {
die "cant migrate running VM without --online\n" if !$online;
$running = $pid;
if (my $loc_res = PVE::QemuServer::check_local_resources($conf, 1)) {
if ($self->{running} || !$self->{opts}->{force}) {
die "can't migrate VM which uses local devices\n";
} else {
$self->log('info', "migrating VM which uses local devices");
# activate volumes
my $vollist = PVE::QemuServer::get_vm_volumes($conf);
PVE::Storage::activate_volumes($session->{storecfg}, $vollist);
PVE::Storage::activate_volumes($self->{storecfg}, $vollist);
# fixme: check if storage is available on both nodes
# test ssh connection
my $cmd = [ @{$session->{rem_ssh}}, '/bin/true' ];
eval { run_command($cmd); };
my $cmd = [ @{$self->{rem_ssh}}, '/bin/true' ];
eval { $self->cmd_quiet($cmd); };
die "Can't connect to destination address using public key\n" if $@;
return $conf;
return $running;
sub sync_disks {
my ($session, $conf, $rhash, $running) = @_;
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
logmsg('info', "copying disk images");
$self->log('info', "copying disk images");
my $conf = $self->{vmconf};
$self->{volumes} = [];
my $res = [];
@ -366,11 +196,13 @@ sub sync_disks {
my $cdromhash = {};
# get list from PVE::Storage (for unused volumes)
my $dl = PVE::Storage::vdisk_list($session->{storecfg}, undef, $session->{vmid});
my $dl = PVE::Storage::vdisk_list($self->{storecfg}, undef, $vmid);
PVE::Storage::foreach_volid($dl, sub {
my ($volid, $sid, $volname) = @_;
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($session->{storecfg}, $sid);
# check if storage is available on both nodes
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_check_node($self->{storecfg}, $sid);
PVE::Storage::storage_check_node($self->{storecfg}, $sid, $self->{node});
return if $scfg->{shared};
@ -396,7 +228,9 @@ sub sync_disks {
my ($sid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($session->{storecfg}, $sid);
# check if storage is available on both nodes
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_check_node($self->{storecfg}, $sid);
PVE::Storage::storage_check_node($self->{storecfg}, $sid, $self->{node});
return if $scfg->{shared};
@ -404,22 +238,22 @@ sub sync_disks {
$sharedvm = 0;
my ($path, $owner) = PVE::Storage::path($session->{storecfg}, $volid);
my ($path, $owner) = PVE::Storage::path($self->{storecfg}, $volid);
die "can't migrate volume '$volid' - owned by other VM (owner = VM $owner)\n"
if !$owner || ($owner != $session->{vmid});
if !$owner || ($owner != $self->{vmid});
$volhash->{$volid} = 1;
if ($running && !$sharedvm) {
if ($self->{running} && !$sharedvm) {
die "can't do online migration - VM uses local disks\n";
# do some checks first
foreach my $volid (keys %$volhash) {
my ($sid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($session->{storecfg}, $sid);
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($self->{storecfg}, $sid);
die "can't migrate '$volid' - storagy type '$scfg->{type}' not supported\n"
if $scfg->{type} ne 'dir';
@ -427,53 +261,66 @@ sub sync_disks {
foreach my $volid (keys %$volhash) {
my ($sid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
push @{$rhash->{volumes}}, $volid;
PVE::Storage::storage_migrate($session->{storecfg}, $volid, $session->{nodeip}, $sid);
push @{$self->{volumes}}, $volid;
PVE::Storage::storage_migrate($self->{storecfg}, $volid, $self->{nodeip}, $sid);
die "Failed to sync data - $@" if $@;
sub phase1 {
my ($session, $conf, $rhash, $running) = @_;
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
logmsg('info', "starting migration of VM $session->{vmid} to node '$session->{node}' ($session->{nodeip})");
$self->log('info', "starting migration of VM $vmid to node '$self->{node}' ($self->{nodeip})");
if (my $loc_res = PVE::QemuServer::check_local_resources($conf, 1)) {
if ($running || !$session->{force}) {
die "can't migrate VM which uses local devices\n";
} else {
logmsg('info', "migrating VM which uses local devices");
my $conf = $self->{vmconf};
# set migrate lock in config file
$rhash->{clearlock} = 1;
PVE::QemuServer::change_config_nolock($vmid, { lock => 'migrate' }, {}, 1);
PVE::QemuServer::change_config_nolock($session->{vmid}, { lock => 'migrate' }, {}, 1);
sync_disks($session, $conf, $rhash, $running);
sync_disks($self, $vmid);
# move config to remote node
my $conffile = PVE::QemuServer::config_file($session->{vmid});
my $newconffile = PVE::QemuServer::config_file($session->{vmid}, $session->{node});
my $conffile = PVE::QemuServer::config_file($vmid);
my $newconffile = PVE::QemuServer::config_file($vmid, $self->{node});
die "Failed to move config to node '$session->{node}' - rename failed: $!\n"
die "Failed to move config to node '$self->{node}' - rename failed: $!\n"
if !rename($conffile, $newconffile);
sub phase2 {
my ($session, $conf, $rhash) = @_;
sub phase1_cleanup {
my ($self, $vmid, $err) = @_;
logmsg('info', "starting VM on remote node '$session->{node}'");
$self->log('info', "aborting phase 1 - cleanup resources");
my $unset = { lock => 1 };
eval { PVE::QemuServer::change_config_nolock($vmid, {}, $unset, 1) };
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->log('err', $err);
if ($self->{volumes}) {
foreach my $volid (@{$self->{volumes}}) {
$self->log('err', "found stale volume copy '$volid' on node '$self->{node}'");
# fixme: try to remove ?
sub phase2 {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
my $conf = $self->{vmconf};
logmsg('info', "starting VM $vmid on remote node '$self->{node}'");
my $rport;
## start on remote node
my $cmd = [@{$session->{rem_ssh}}, $qm_cmd, 'start',
$session->{vmid}, '--stateuri', 'tcp', '--skiplock'];
my $cmd = [@{$self->{rem_ssh}}, 'qm', 'start',
$vmid, '--stateuri', 'tcp', '--skiplock'];
run_command($cmd, outfunc => sub {
$self->cmd($cmd, outfunc => sub {
my $line = shift;
if ($line =~ m/^migration listens on port (\d+)$/) {
@ -483,23 +330,23 @@ sub phase2 {
die "unable to detect remote migration port\n" if !$rport;
logmsg('info', "starting migration tunnel");
$self->log('info', "starting migration tunnel");
## create tunnel to remote port
my $lport = PVE::QemuServer::next_migrate_port();
$rhash->{tunnel} = fork_tunnel($session->{nodeip}, $lport, $rport);
$self->{tunnel} = $self->fork_tunnel($self->{nodeip}, $lport, $rport);
logmsg('info', "starting online/live migration");
$self->log('info', "starting online/live migration");
# start migration
my $start = time();
PVE::QemuServer::vm_monitor_command($session->{vmid}, "migrate -d \"tcp:localhost:$lport\"", 1);
PVE::QemuServer::vm_monitor_command($vmid, "migrate -d \"tcp:localhost:$lport\"", 1);
my $lstat = '';
while (1) {
sleep (2);
my $stat = PVE::QemuServer::vm_monitor_command($session->{vmid}, "info migrate", 1);
my $stat = PVE::QemuServer::vm_monitor_command($vmid, "info migrate", 1);
if ($stat =~ m/^Migration status: (active|completed|failed|cancelled)$/im) {
my $ms = $1;
@ -510,10 +357,10 @@ sub phase2 {
$rem = $1 if $stat =~ m/^remaining ram: (\d+) kbytes$/im;
$total = $1 if $stat =~ m/^total ram: (\d+) kbytes$/im;
logmsg('info', "migration status: $ms (transferred ${trans}KB, " .
"remaining ${rem}KB), total ${total}KB)");
$self->log('info', "migration status: $ms (transferred ${trans}KB, " .
"remaining ${rem}KB), total ${total}KB)");
} else {
logmsg('info', "migration status: $ms");
$self->log('info', "migration status: $ms");
@ -521,10 +368,10 @@ sub phase2 {
my $delay = time() - $start;
if ($delay > 0) {
my $mbps = sprintf "%.2f", $conf->{memory}/$delay;
logmsg('info', "migration speed: $mbps MB/s");
$self->log('info', "migration speed: $mbps MB/s");
if ($ms eq 'failed' || $ms eq 'cancelled') {
die "aborting\n"
@ -536,3 +383,62 @@ sub phase2 {
$lstat = $stat;
sub phase3 {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
my $volids = $self->{volumes};
# destroy local copies
foreach my $volid (@$volids) {
eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($self->{storecfg}, $volid); };
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->log('err', "removing local copy of '$volid' failed - $err");
$self->{errors} = 1;
last if $err =~ /^interrupted by signal$/;
if ($self->{tunnel}) {
eval { finish_tunnel($self, $self->{tunnel}); };
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->log('err', $err);
$self->{errors} = 1;
sub phase3_cleanup {
my ($self, $vmid, $err) = @_;
my $conf = $self->{vmconf};
# always stop local VM
eval { PVE::QemuServer::vm_stop($self->{storecfg}, $vmid, 1, 1); };
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->log('err', "stopping vm failed - $err");
$self->{errors} = 1;
# always deactivate volumes - avoid lvm LVs to be active on several nodes
eval {
my $vollist = PVE::QemuServer::get_vm_volumes($conf);
PVE::Storage::deactivate_volumes($self->{storecfg}, $vollist);
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->log('err', $err);
$self->{errors} = 1;
# clear migrate lock
my $cmd = [ @{$self->{rem_ssh}}, 'qm', 'unlock', $vmid ];
$self->cmd_logerr($cmd, errmsg => "failed to clear migrate lock");
sub final_cleanup {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
# nothing to do
Reference in New Issue
Block a user