#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Fcntl ':flock'; use File::Path; use IO::Socket::UNIX; use IO::Select; use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param); use PVE::Cluster; use PVE::SafeSyslog; use PVE::INotify; use PVE::RPCEnvironment; use PVE::QemuServer; use PVE::API2::Qemu; use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option); use Term::ReadLine; use PVE::CLIHandler; use base qw(PVE::CLIHandler); $ENV{'PATH'} = '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin'; initlog('qm'); die "please run as root\n" if $> != 0; PVE::INotify::inotify_init(); my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment->init('cli'); $rpcenv->init_request(); $rpcenv->set_language($ENV{LANG}); $rpcenv->set_user('root@pam'); my $upid_exit = sub { my $upid = shift; my $status = PVE::Tools::upid_read_status($upid); exit($status eq 'OK' ? 0 : -1); }; my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename(); sub run_vnc_proxy { my ($vmid) = @_; my $path = PVE::QemuServer::vnc_socket($vmid); my $c; while ( ++$c < 10 && !-e $path ) { sleep(1); } my $s = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => $path, Timeout => 120); die "unable to connect to socket '$path' - $!" if !$s; my $select = new IO::Select; $select->add(\*STDIN); $select->add($s); my $timeout = 60*15; # 15 minutes my @handles; while ($select->count && scalar(@handles = $select->can_read ($timeout))) { foreach my $h (@handles) { my $buf; my $n = $h->sysread($buf, 4096); if ($h == \*STDIN) { if ($n) { syswrite($s, $buf); } else { exit(0); } } elsif ($h == $s) { if ($n) { syswrite(\*STDOUT, $buf); } else { exit(0); } } } } exit(0); } __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'showcmd', path => 'showcmd', method => 'GET', description => "Show command line which is used to start the VM (debug info).", parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid'), }, }, returns => { type => 'null'}, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config(); print PVE::QemuServer::vm_commandline($storecfg, $param->{vmid}) . "\n"; return undef; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'status', path => 'status', method => 'GET', description => "Show VM status.", parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid'), verbose => { description => "Verbose output format", type => 'boolean', optional => 1, } }, }, returns => { type => 'null'}, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; # test if VM exists my $conf = PVE::QemuServer::load_config ($param->{vmid}); my $vmstatus = PVE::QemuServer::vmstatus($param->{vmid}); my $stat = $vmstatus->{$param->{vmid}}; if ($param->{verbose}) { foreach my $k (sort (keys %$stat)) { next if $k eq 'cpu' || $k eq 'relcpu'; # always 0 my $v = $stat->{$k}; next if !defined($v); print "$k: $v\n"; } } else { my $status = $stat->{status} || 'unknown'; print "status: $status\n"; } return undef; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'vncproxy', path => 'vncproxy', method => 'PUT', description => "Proxy VM VNC traffic to stdin/stdout", parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid'), }, }, returns => { type => 'null'}, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $vmid = $param->{vmid}; run_vnc_proxy ($vmid); return undef; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'unlock', path => 'unlock', method => 'PUT', description => "Unlock the VM.", parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid'), }, }, returns => { type => 'null'}, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $vmid = $param->{vmid}; PVE::QemuServer::lock_config ($vmid, sub { my $conf = PVE::QemuServer::load_config($vmid); delete $conf->{lock}; PVE::QemuServer::update_config_nolock($vmid, $conf, 1); }); return undef; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'mtunnel', path => 'mtunnel', method => 'POST', description => "Used by qmigrate - do not use manually.", parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => {}, }, returns => { type => 'null'}, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; if (!PVE::Cluster::check_cfs_quorum(1)) { print "no quorum\n"; return undef; } print "tunnel online\n"; *STDOUT->flush(); while (my $line = <>) { chomp $line; last if $line =~ m/^quit$/; } return undef; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'wait', path => 'wait', method => 'GET', description => "Wait until the VM is stopped.", parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid'), timeout => { description => "Timeout in seconds. Default is to wait forever.", type => 'integer', minimum => 1, optional => 1, } }, }, returns => { type => 'null'}, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $vmid = $param->{vmid}; my $timeout = $param->{timeout}; my $pid = PVE::QemuServer::check_running ($vmid); return if !$pid; print "waiting until VM $vmid stopps (PID $pid)\n"; my $count = 0; while ((!$timeout || ($count < $timeout)) && PVE::QemuServer::check_running ($vmid)) { $count++; sleep 1; } die "wait failed - got timeout\n" if PVE::QemuServer::check_running ($vmid); return undef; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'monitor', path => 'monitor', method => 'POST', description => "Enter Qemu Monitor interface.", parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid'), }, }, returns => { type => 'null'}, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $vmid = $param->{vmid}; my $conf = PVE::QemuServer::load_config ($vmid); # check if VM exists print "Entering Qemu Monitor for VM $vmid - type 'help' for help\n"; my $term = new Term::ReadLine ('qm'); my $input; while (defined ($input = $term->readline('qm> '))) { chomp $input; next if $input =~ m/^\s*$/; last if $input =~ m/^\s*q(uit)?\s*$/; eval { print PVE::QemuServer::vm_human_monitor_command ($vmid, $input); }; print "ERROR: $@" if $@; } return undef; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'rescan', path => 'rescan', method => 'POST', description => "Rescan all storages and update disk sizes and unused disk images.", parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid', {optional => 1}), }, }, returns => { type => 'null'}, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; PVE::QemuServer::rescan($param->{vmid}); return undef; }}); __PACKAGE__->register_method ({ name => 'terminal', path => 'terminal', method => 'POST', description => "Open a terminal using a serial device (The VM need to have a serial device configured, for example 'serial0: socket')", parameters => { additionalProperties => 0, properties => { vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid'), iface => { type => 'string', optional => 1, enum => [qw(serial0 serial1 serial2 serial3)], } }, }, returns => { type => 'null'}, code => sub { my ($param) = @_; my $vmid = $param->{vmid}; my $conf = PVE::QemuServer::load_config ($vmid); # check if VM exists my $iface = $param->{iface}; if ($iface) { die "serial interface '$iface' is not configured\n" if !$conf->{$iface}; die "wrong serial type on interface '$iface'\n" if $conf->{$iface} ne 'socket'; } else { foreach my $opt (qw(serial0 serial1 serial2 serial3)) { if ($conf->{$opt} && ($conf->{$opt} eq 'socket')) { $iface = $opt; last; } } die "unable to find a serial interface\n" if !$iface; } die "VM $vmid not running\n" if !PVE::QemuServer::check_running($vmid); my $socket = "/var/run/qemu-server/${vmid}.$iface"; my $cmd = "socat UNIX-CONNECT:$socket STDIO,raw,echo=0,escape=0x0f"; print "starting serial terminal on interface $iface (press control-O to exit)\n"; system($cmd); return undef; }}); my $cmddef = { list => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'vmlist', [], { node => $nodename }, sub { my $vmlist = shift; exit 0 if (!scalar(@$vmlist)); printf "%10s %-20s %-10s %-10s %12s %-10s\n", qw(VMID NAME STATUS MEM(MB) BOOTDISK(GB) PID); foreach my $rec (sort { $a->{vmid} <=> $b->{vmid} } @$vmlist) { printf "%10s %-20s %-10s %-10s %12.2f %-10s\n", $rec->{vmid}, $rec->{name}, $rec->{status}, ($rec->{maxmem} || 0)/(1024*1024), ($rec->{maxdisk} || 0)/(1024*1024*1024), $rec->{pid}||0; } } ], create => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'create_vm', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename }, $upid_exit ], destroy => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'destroy_vm', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename }, $upid_exit ], clone => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'clone_vm', ['vmid', 'newid'], { node => $nodename }, $upid_exit ], migrate => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'migrate_vm', ['vmid', 'target'], { node => $nodename }, $upid_exit ], set => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'update_vm', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename } ], resize => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'resize_vm', ['vmid', 'disk', 'size'], { node => $nodename } ], move_disk => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'move_vm_disk', ['vmid', 'disk', 'storage'], { node => $nodename }, $upid_exit ], unlink => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'unlink', ['vmid', 'idlist'], { node => $nodename } ], config => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'vm_config', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename }, sub { my $config = shift; foreach my $k (sort (keys %$config)) { next if $k eq 'digest'; my $v = $config->{$k}; if ($k eq 'description') { $v = PVE::Tools::encode_text($v); } print "$k: $v\n"; } }], showcmd => [ __PACKAGE__, 'showcmd', ['vmid']], status => [ __PACKAGE__, 'status', ['vmid']], snapshot => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'snapshot', ['vmid', 'snapname'], { node => $nodename } , $upid_exit ], delsnapshot => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'delsnapshot', ['vmid', 'snapname'], { node => $nodename } , $upid_exit ], rollback => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'rollback', ['vmid', 'snapname'], { node => $nodename } , $upid_exit ], template => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'template', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename }], start => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'vm_start', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename } , $upid_exit ], stop => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'vm_stop', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename }, $upid_exit ], reset => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'vm_reset', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename }, $upid_exit ], shutdown => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'vm_shutdown', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename }, $upid_exit ], suspend => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'vm_suspend', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename }, $upid_exit ], resume => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'vm_resume', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename }, $upid_exit ], sendkey => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'vm_sendkey', ['vmid', 'key'], { node => $nodename } ], vncproxy => [ __PACKAGE__, 'vncproxy', ['vmid']], wait => [ __PACKAGE__, 'wait', ['vmid']], unlock => [ __PACKAGE__, 'unlock', ['vmid']], rescan => [ __PACKAGE__, 'rescan', []], monitor => [ __PACKAGE__, 'monitor', ['vmid']], mtunnel => [ __PACKAGE__, 'mtunnel', []], terminal => [ __PACKAGE__, 'terminal', ['vmid']], }; my $cmd = shift; # Note: disable '+' prefix for Getopt::Long (for resize command) use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_getopt_compat); PVE::CLIHandler::handle_cmd($cmddef, "qm", $cmd, \@ARGV, undef, $0); exit 0; __END__ =head1 NAME qm - qemu/kvm virtual machine manager =head1 SYNOPSIS =include synopsis =head1 DESCRIPTION qm is a script to manage virtual machines with qemu/kvm. You can create and destroy virtual machines, and control execution (start/stop/suspend/resume). Besides that, you can use qm to set parameters in the associated config file. It is also possible to create and delete virtual disks. =head1 CONFIGURATION All configuration files consists of lines in the form PARAMETER: value See L for a complete list of options. Configuration files are stored inside the Proxmox configuration file system, and can be access at F.conf>. The default for option 'keyboard' is read from F. =head1 Locks Online migration and backups (vzdump) set a lock to prevent unintentional action on such VMs. Sometimes you need remove such lock manually (power failure). qm unlock =head1 EXAMPLES # create a new VM with 4 GB ide disk qm create 300 -ide0 4 -net0 e1000 -cdrom proxmox-mailgateway_2.1.iso # start the new VM qm start 300 # send shutdown, then wait until VM is stopped qm shutdown 300 && qm wait 300 # same as above, but only wait for 40 seconds qm shutdown 300 && qm wait 300 -timeout 40 =include pve_copyright