#!/usr/bin/perl # this is some experimental code to test pci pass through use strict; use warnings; use IO::Dir; use IO::File; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); use Data::Dumper; # linux/Documentation/filesystems/sysfs-pci.txt # linux/DocumentationABI/testing/sysfs-bus-pci use constant { PCI_STATUS => 0x06, PCI_CONF_HEADER_LEN => 0x40, PCI_STATUS_CAP_LIST => 0x10, PCI_CAPABILITY_LIST => 0x34, PCI_CAP_ID_PM => 0x01, PCI_PM_CTRL => 0x04, PCI_PM_CTRL_STATE_MASK => 0x03, PCI_PM_CTRL_STATE_D0 => 0x00, PCI_PM_CTRL_STATE_D3hot => 0x03, PCI_PM_CTRL_NO_SOFT_RESET => 0x08, }; my $pcisysfs = "/sys/bus/pci"; sub file_read_firstline { my ($filename) = @_; my $fh = IO::File->new ($filename, "r"); return undef if !$fh; my $res = <$fh>; chomp $res; $fh->close; return $res; } sub file_read { my ($filename) = @_; my $fh = IO::File->new ($filename, "r"); return undef if !$fh; local $/ = undef; # enable slurp mode my $content = <$fh>; $fh->close(); return $content; } sub file_write { my ($filename, $buf) = @_; my $fh = IO::File->new ($filename, "w"); return undef if !$fh; my $res = print $fh $buf; $fh->close(); return $res; } sub read_pci_config { my $name = shift; return file_read ("$pcisysfs/devices/$name/config"); } sub pci_config_write { my ($name, $pos, $buf) = @_; my $filename = "$pcisysfs/devices/$name/config"; my $fh = IO::File->new ($filename, "w"); return undef if !$fh; if (sysseek($fh, $pos, 0) != $pos) { print "PCI WRITE seek failed\n"; return undef; } my $res = syswrite ($fh, $buf); print "PCI WRITE $res\n"; $fh->close(); return $res; } sub pci_config_read { my ($conf, $pos, $fmt) = @_; my $len; if ($fmt eq 'C') { $len = 1; } elsif ($fmt eq 'S') { $len = 2; } elsif ($fmt eq 'L') { $len = 4; } else { return undef; } return undef if (($pos < 0) || (($pos + $len) > length($conf))); return unpack($fmt, substr($conf, $pos, $len)); } sub pci_device_list { my $res = {}; my $dh = IO::Dir->new ("$pcisysfs/devices") || return $res; my $used_irqs; if ($dh) { while (defined(my $name = $dh->read)) { if ($name =~ m/^([a-f0-9]{4}):([a-f0-9]{2}):([a-f0-9]{2})\.([a-f0-9])$/i) { my ($domain, $bus, $slot, $func) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); my $irq = file_read_firstline("$pcisysfs/devices/$name/irq"); next if $irq !~ m/^\d+$/; my $irq_is_shared = defined($used_irqs->{$irq}) || 0; $used_irqs->{$irq} = 1; my $vendor = file_read_firstline("$pcisysfs/devices/$name/vendor"); next if $vendor !~ s/^0x//; my $product = file_read_firstline("$pcisysfs/devices/$name/device"); next if $product !~ s/^0x//; my $conf = read_pci_config ($name); next if !$conf; $res->{$name} = { vendor => $vendor, product => $product, domain => $domain, bus => $bus, slot => $slot, func => $func, irq => $irq, irq_is_shared => $irq_is_shared, has_fl_reset => -f "$pcisysfs/devices/$name/reset" || 0, }; my $status = pci_config_read ($conf, PCI_STATUS, 'S'); next if !defined ($status) || (!($status & PCI_STATUS_CAP_LIST)); my $pos = pci_config_read ($conf, PCI_CAPABILITY_LIST, 'C'); while ($pos && $pos > PCI_CONF_HEADER_LEN && $pos != 0xff) { my $capid = pci_config_read ($conf, $pos, 'C'); last if !defined ($capid); $res->{$name}->{cap}->{$capid} = $pos; $pos = pci_config_read ($conf, $pos + 1, 'C'); } #print Dumper($res->{$name}); my $capid = PCI_CAP_ID_PM; if (my $pm_cap_off = $res->{$name}->{cap}->{$capid}) { # require the NO_SOFT_RESET bit is clear my $ctl = pci_config_read ($conf, $pm_cap_off + PCI_PM_CTRL, 'L'); if (defined ($ctl) && !($ctl & PCI_PM_CTRL_NO_SOFT_RESET)) { $res->{$name}->{has_pm_reset} = 1; } } } } } return $res; } sub pci_pm_reset { my ($list, $name) = @_; print "trying to reset $name\n"; my $dev = $list->{$name} || die "no such pci device '$name"; my $capid = PCI_CAP_ID_PM; my $pm_cap_off = $list->{$name}->{cap}->{$capid}; return undef if !defined ($pm_cap_off); return undef if !$dev->{has_pm_reset}; my $conf = read_pci_config ($name) || die "cant read pci config"; my $ctl = pci_config_read ($conf, $pm_cap_off + PCI_PM_CTRL, 'L'); return undef if !defined ($ctl); $ctl = $ctl & ~PCI_PM_CTRL_STATE_MASK; pci_config_write($name, $pm_cap_off + PCI_PM_CTRL, pack ('L', $ctl|PCI_PM_CTRL_STATE_D3hot)); usleep(10000); # 10ms pci_config_write($name, $pm_cap_off + PCI_PM_CTRL, pack ('L', $ctl|PCI_PM_CTRL_STATE_D0)); usleep(10000); # 10ms return pci_config_write($name, 0, $conf); } sub pci_dev_reset { my ($list, $name) = @_; print "trying to reset $name\n"; my $dev = $list->{$name} || die "no such pci device '$name"; my $fn = "$pcisysfs/devices/$name/reset"; return file_write ($fn, "1"); } sub pci_dev_bind_to_stub { my ($list, $name) = @_; my $dev = $list->{$name} || die "no such pci device '$name"; #return undef if $dev->{irq_is_shared}; my $testdir = "$pcisysfs/drivers/pci-stub/$name"; return 1 if -d $testdir; my $data = "$dev->{vendor} $dev->{product}"; return undef if !file_write ("$pcisysfs/drivers/pci-stub/new_id", $data); my $fn = "$pcisysfs/devices/$name/driver/unbind"; if (!file_write ($fn, $name)) { return undef if -f $fn; } $fn = "$pcisysfs/drivers/pci-stub/bind"; if (! -d $testdir) { return undef if !file_write ($fn, $name); } return -d $testdir; } sub pci_dev_unbind_from_stub { my ($list, $name) = @_; my $dev = $list->{$name} || die "no such pci device '$name"; #return undef if $dev->{irq_is_shared}; my $testdir = "$pcisysfs/drivers/pci-stub/$name"; return 1 if ! -d $testdir; my $data = "$dev->{vendor} $dev->{product}"; file_write ("$pcisysfs/drivers/pci-stub/remove_id", $data); return undef if !file_write ("$pcisysfs/drivers/pci-stub/unbind", $name); return ! -d $testdir; } my $devlist = pci_device_list(); print Dumper($devlist); my $name = $ARGV[0] || exit 0; if (!pci_dev_bind_to_stub($devlist, $name)) { print "failed\n"; exit (-1); } if (!pci_dev_unbind_from_stub($devlist, $name)) { print "failed\n"; exit (-1); } #pci_pm_reset ($devlist, $name); if (!pci_dev_reset ($devlist, $name)) { print "reset failed\n"; exit (-1); } exit 0;