mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 10:03:49 +03:00
This is experimental code, not used currently.
408 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable File
408 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package PVE::QMPClient;
use strict;
#use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use PVE::QemuServer;
use IO::Multiplex;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
# Qemu Monitor Protocol (QMP) client.
# This implementation uses IO::Multiplex (libio-multiplex-perl) and
# allows you to issue qmp commands to different VMs in parallel.
# Note: kvm can onyl handle 1 connection, so we close connections asap
sub new {
my ($class, $eventcb) = @_;
my $mux = new IO::Multiplex;
my $self = bless {
mux => $mux,
fhs => {}, # $vmid => fh
fhs_lookup => {}, # $fh => $vmid
queue => {},
current => {},
errors => {},
}, $class;
$self->{eventcb} = $eventcb if $eventcb;
return $self;
# add a single command to the queue for later execution
# with queue_execute()
sub queue_cmd {
my ($self, $vmid, $callback, $execute, %params) = @_;
my $cmd = {};
$cmd->{execute} = $execute;
$cmd->{arguments} = \%params;
$cmd->{callback} = $callback;
push @{$self->{queue}->{$vmid}}, $cmd;
# execute a single command
sub cmd {
my ($self, $vmid, $cmd) = @_;
my $result;
my $callback = sub {
my ($vmid, $resp) = @_;
$result = $resp->{'return'};
$cmd->{callback} = $callback;
$cmd->{arguments} = {} if !defined($cmd->{arguments});
$self->{queue}->{$vmid} = [ $cmd ];
my $cmdstr = $cmd->{execute} || '';
die "VM $vmid qmp command '$cmdstr' failed - $self->{errors}->{$vmid}"
if defined($self->{errors}->{$vmid});
return $result;
my $cmdid_seq = 0;
my $next_cmdid = sub {
return "$$:$cmdid_seq";
my $close_connection = sub {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
my $fh = $self->{fhs}->{$vmid};
return if !$fh;
delete $self->{fhs}->{$vmid};
delete $self->{fhs_lookup}->{$fh};
print "CLOSE SOCKET to $vmid\n";
my $open_connection = sub {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
my $sname = PVE::QemuServer::qmp_socket($vmid);
my $fh = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => $sname, Blocking => 0, Timeout => 1) ||
die "unable to connect to VM $vmid socket - $!\n";
print "OPEN SOCKET to $vmid \n";
$self->{fhs}->{$vmid} = $fh;
$self->{fhs_lookup}->{$fh} = $vmid;
return $fh;
my $check_queue = sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $running = 0;
foreach my $vmid (keys %{$self->{queue}}) {
my $fh = $self->{fhs}->{$vmid};
next if !$fh;
if ($self->{errors}->{$vmid}) {
&$close_connection($self, $vmid);
if ($self->{current}->{$vmid}) { # command running, waiting for response
if (!scalar(@{$self->{queue}->{$vmid}})) { # no more commands for the VM
&$close_connection($self, $vmid);
eval {
my $cmd = $self->{current}->{$vmid} = shift @{$self->{queue}->{$vmid}};
$cmd->{id} = &$next_cmdid();
my $qmpcmd = to_json({
execute => $cmd->{execute},
arguments => $cmd->{arguments},
id => $cmd->{id}});
print "WRITECMD:$vmid: $qmpcmd\n";
$self->{mux}->write($fh, $qmpcmd);
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->{errors}->{$vmid} = $err;
# fixme: close fh?
} else {
$self->{mux}->endloop() if !$running;
return $running;
# execute all queued command
sub queue_execute {
my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
$timeout = 3 if !$timeout;
print "start exec queue\n";
$self->{current} = {};
$self->{errors} = {};
# open all necessary connections
foreach my $vmid (keys %{$self->{queue}}) {
next if !scalar(@{$self->{queue}->{$vmid}}); # no commands for the VM
eval {
my $fh = &$open_connection($self, $vmid);
my $cmd = { execute => 'qmp_capabilities', arguments => {} };
unshift @{$self->{queue}->{$vmid}}, $cmd;
$self->{mux}->set_timeout($fh, $timeout);
if (my $err = $@) {
warn $err;
$self->{errors}->{$vmid} = $err;
my $running;
for (;;) {
$running = &$check_queue($self);
last if !$running;
# make sure we close everything
foreach my $vmid (keys %{$self->{fhs}}) {
&$close_connection($self, $vmid);
$self->{queue} = $self->{current} = $self->{fhs} = $self->{fhs_lookup} = {};
print "end exec queue $running\n";
# mux_input is called when input is available on one of
# the descriptors.
sub mux_input {
my ($self, $mux, $fh, $input) = @_;
print "GOT: $$input\n";
return if $$input !~ m/}\r\n$/;
my $raw = $$input;
# Remove the input from the input buffer.
$$input = '';
my $vmid = $self->{fhs_lookup}->{$fh};
if (!$vmid) {
warn "internal error - unable to lookup vmid";
eval {
my @jsons = split("\n", $raw);
foreach my $json (@jsons) {
my $obj = from_json($json);
next if defined($obj->{QMP}); # skip monitor greeting
if (exists($obj->{error}->{desc})) {
my $desc = $obj->{error}->{desc};
chomp $desc;
die "$desc\n" if $desc !~ m/Connection can not be completed immediately/;
# die $obj->{error}->{desc} if defined($obj->{error}->{desc});
#print "GOTOBJ: " . Dumper($obj);
# we do not need events for now
if (defined($obj->{event})) {
if (my $eventcb = $self->{eventcb}) {
my $cmdid = $obj->{id};
die "received responsed without command id\n" if !$cmdid;
my $curcmd = $self->{current}->{$vmid};
die "unable to lookup current command for VM $vmid\n" if !$curcmd;
delete $self->{current}->{$vmid};
if ($curcmd->{id} ne $cmdid) {
die "got wrong command id '$cmdid' (expected $curcmd->{id})\n";
if (my $callback = $curcmd->{callback}) {
&$callback($vmid, $obj);
if (my $err = $@) {
$self->{errors}->{$vmid} = $err;
# This gets called every second to update player info, etc...
sub mux_timeout {
my ($self, $mux, $fh) = @_;
if (my $vmid = $self->{fhs_lookup}->{$fh}) {
print "GOT timeout for $vmid\n";
$self->{errors}->{$vmid} = "got timeout\n";
package test;
use strict;
use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::QemuServer;
use PVE::Cluster;
use Data::Dumper;
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin';
die "please run as root\n" if $> != 0;
my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();
sub vm_qmp_command {
my ($vmid, $cmd, $nocheck) = @_;
my $res;
eval {
die "VM $vmid not running\n" if !PVE::QemuServer::check_running($vmid, $nocheck);
my $qmpclient = PVE::QMPClient->new();
$res = $qmpclient->cmd($vmid, $cmd);
if (my $err = $@) {
syslog("err", "VM $vmid qmp command failed - $err");
die $err;
return $res;
# print Dumper(vm_qmp_command(100, { execute => 'query-status' }));
sub update_qemu_stats {
print "start update\n";
my $ctime = time();
my $vmstatus = PVE::QemuServer::vmstatus();
my $qmpclient = PVE::QMPClient->new();
my $res = {};
my $blockstatscb = sub {
my ($vmid, $resp) = @_;
my $data = $resp->{'return'} || [];
my $totalrdbytes = 0;
my $totalwrbytes = 0;
for my $blockstat (@$data) {
$totalrdbytes = $totalrdbytes + $blockstat->{stats}->{rd_bytes};
$totalwrbytes = $totalwrbytes + $blockstat->{stats}->{wr_bytes};
$res->{$vmid}->{diskread} = $totalrdbytes;
$res->{$vmid}->{diskwrite} = $totalwrbytes;
my $statuscb = sub {
my ($vmid, $resp) = @_;
$qmpclient->queue_cmd($vmid, $blockstatscb, 'query-blockstats');
my $status = 'unknown';
if (!defined($status = $resp->{'return'}->{status})) {
warn "unable to get VM status\n";
$res->{$vmid}->{status} = $resp->{'return'}->{status};
foreach my $vmid (keys %$vmstatus) {
my $d = $vmstatus->{$vmid};
my $data;
if ($d->{pid}) { # running
$qmpclient->queue_cmd($vmid, $statuscb, 'query-status');
print "start loop\n";
print "end loop\n";
print Dumper($res);
foreach my $vmid (keys %{$qmpclient->{errors}}) {
my $msg = "qmp error on VM $vmid: $qmpclient->{errors}->{$vmid}";
chomp $msg;
warn "$msg\n";
print "end update\n";
for(;;) {