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synced 2025-02-04 17:47:16 +03:00
So, while we could just make this a special case before the config_to_command call and set the $conf->{vmstate} to the statefile for the case were it's a valid volumeid, the special case handling get's much easier when we do this outside of that method. So it's basically a trade-off, and after looking far to long at all nice revisions Alwin made for me and Fabians request, and even trying out different approaches, it was never perfect. But having slight code duplication over the movement mess I proposed (as I did not had the full picture then, sorry Alwin) felt like the slightly nicer trade off, as all worked I just use this one now, it has very clear semantics, easy to understand and that now three lines are duplicated is IMO irrelevant. Co-developed-by: Alwin Antreich <a.antreich@proxmox.com> Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <t.lamprecht@proxmox.com>
402 lines
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402 lines
11 KiB
package PVE::QemuConfig;
use strict;
use warnings;
use PVE::AbstractConfig;
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::QemuServer;
use PVE::Storage;
use PVE::Tools;
use base qw(PVE::AbstractConfig);
my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();
mkdir "/etc/pve/nodes/$nodename";
my $confdir = "/etc/pve/nodes/$nodename/qemu-server";
mkdir $confdir;
my $lock_dir = "/var/lock/qemu-server";
mkdir $lock_dir;
# BEGIN implemented abstract methods from PVE::AbstractConfig
sub guest_type {
return "VM";
sub __config_max_unused_disks {
my ($class) = @_;
sub config_file_lock {
my ($class, $vmid) = @_;
return "$lock_dir/lock-$vmid.conf";
sub cfs_config_path {
my ($class, $vmid, $node) = @_;
$node = $nodename if !$node;
return "nodes/$node/qemu-server/$vmid.conf";
sub has_feature {
my ($class, $feature, $conf, $storecfg, $snapname, $running, $backup_only) = @_;
my $err;
PVE::QemuServer::foreach_drive($conf, sub {
my ($ds, $drive) = @_;
return if PVE::QemuServer::drive_is_cdrom($drive);
return if $backup_only && defined($drive->{backup}) && !$drive->{backup};
my $volid = $drive->{file};
$err = 1 if !PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($storecfg, $feature, $volid, $snapname, $running);
return $err ? 0 : 1;
sub get_replicatable_volumes {
my ($class, $storecfg, $vmid, $conf, $cleanup, $noerr) = @_;
my $volhash = {};
my $test_volid = sub {
my ($volid, $attr) = @_;
return if $attr->{cdrom};
return if !$cleanup && !$attr->{replicate};
if ($volid =~ m|^/|) {
return if !$attr->{replicate};
return if $cleanup || $noerr;
die "unable to replicate local file/device '$volid'\n";
my ($storeid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid, $noerr);
return if !$storeid;
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($storecfg, $storeid);
return if $scfg->{shared};
my ($path, $owner, $vtype) = PVE::Storage::path($storecfg, $volid);
return if !$owner || ($owner != $vmid);
if ($vtype ne 'images') {
return if $cleanup || $noerr;
die "unable to replicate volume '$volid', type '$vtype'\n";
if (!PVE::Storage::volume_has_feature($storecfg, 'replicate', $volid)) {
return if $cleanup || $noerr;
die "missing replicate feature on volume '$volid'\n";
$volhash->{$volid} = 1;
PVE::QemuServer::foreach_volid($conf, $test_volid);
# add 'unusedX' volumes to volhash
foreach my $key (keys %$conf) {
if ($key =~ m/^unused/) {
$test_volid->($conf->{$key}, { replicate => 1 });
return $volhash;
sub __snapshot_save_vmstate {
my ($class, $vmid, $conf, $snapname, $storecfg, $statestorage, $suspend) = @_;
# first, use explicitly configured storage
# either directly via API, or via conf
my $target = $statestorage // $conf->{vmstatestorage};
if (!$target) {
my ($shared, $local);
PVE::QemuServer::foreach_storage_used_by_vm($conf, sub {
my ($sid) = @_;
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($storecfg, $sid);
my $dst = $scfg->{shared} ? \$shared : \$local;
$$dst = $sid if !$$dst || $scfg->{path}; # prefer file based storage
# second, use shared storage where VM has at least one disk
# third, use local storage where VM has at least one disk
# fall back to local storage
$target = $shared // $local // 'local';
my $defaults = PVE::QemuServer::load_defaults();
my $mem_size = $conf->{memory} // $defaults->{memory};
my $driver_state_size = 500; # assume 500MB is enough to safe all driver state;
# our savevm-start does live-save of the memory until the space left in the
# volume is just enough for the remaining memory content + internal state
# then it stops the vm and copies the rest so we reserve twice the
# memory content + state to minimize vm downtime
my $size = $mem_size*2 + $driver_state_size;
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($storecfg, $target);
my $name = "vm-$vmid-state-$snapname";
$name .= ".raw" if $scfg->{path}; # add filename extension for file base storage
my $statefile = PVE::Storage::vdisk_alloc($storecfg, $target, $vmid, 'raw', $name, $size*1024);
my $runningmachine = PVE::QemuServer::get_current_qemu_machine($vmid);
if ($suspend) {
$conf->{vmstate} = $statefile;
$conf->{runningmachine} = $runningmachine;
} else {
my $snap = $conf->{snapshots}->{$snapname};
$snap->{vmstate} = $statefile;
$snap->{runningmachine} = $runningmachine;
return $statefile;
sub __snapshot_check_running {
my ($class, $vmid) = @_;
return PVE::QemuServer::check_running($vmid);
sub __snapshot_check_freeze_needed {
my ($class, $vmid, $config, $save_vmstate) = @_;
my $running = $class->__snapshot_check_running($vmid);
if (!$save_vmstate) {
return ($running, $running && PVE::QemuServer::parse_guest_agent($config)->{enabled} && PVE::QemuServer::qga_check_running($vmid));
} else {
return ($running, 0);
sub __snapshot_freeze {
my ($class, $vmid, $unfreeze) = @_;
if ($unfreeze) {
eval { PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "guest-fsfreeze-thaw"); };
warn "guest-fsfreeze-thaw problems - $@" if $@;
} else {
eval { PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "guest-fsfreeze-freeze"); };
warn "guest-fsfreeze-freeze problems - $@" if $@;
sub __snapshot_create_vol_snapshots_hook {
my ($class, $vmid, $snap, $running, $hook) = @_;
if ($running) {
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
if ($hook eq "before") {
if ($snap->{vmstate}) {
my $path = PVE::Storage::path($storecfg, $snap->{vmstate});
PVE::Storage::activate_volumes($storecfg, [$snap->{vmstate}]);
PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "savevm-start", statefile => $path);
for(;;) {
my $stat = PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd_nocheck($vmid, "query-savevm");
if (!$stat->{status}) {
die "savevm not active\n";
} elsif ($stat->{status} eq 'active') {
} elsif ($stat->{status} eq 'completed') {
} else {
die "query-savevm returned status '$stat->{status}'\n";
} else {
PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "savevm-start");
} elsif ($hook eq "after") {
eval {
PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "savevm-end");
PVE::Storage::deactivate_volumes($storecfg, [$snap->{vmstate}]) if $snap->{vmstate};
warn $@ if $@;
} elsif ($hook eq "after-freeze") {
# savevm-end is async, we need to wait
for (;;) {
my $stat = PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd_nocheck($vmid, "query-savevm");
if (!$stat->{bytes}) {
} else {
print "savevm not yet finished\n";
sub __snapshot_create_vol_snapshot {
my ($class, $vmid, $ds, $drive, $snapname) = @_;
return if PVE::QemuServer::drive_is_cdrom($drive);
my $volid = $drive->{file};
my $device = "drive-$ds";
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
PVE::QemuServer::qemu_volume_snapshot($vmid, $device, $storecfg, $volid, $snapname);
sub __snapshot_delete_remove_drive {
my ($class, $snap, $remove_drive) = @_;
if ($remove_drive eq 'vmstate') {
delete $snap->{$remove_drive};
} else {
my $drive = PVE::QemuServer::parse_drive($remove_drive, $snap->{$remove_drive});
return if PVE::QemuServer::drive_is_cdrom($drive);
my $volid = $drive->{file};
delete $snap->{$remove_drive};
$class->add_unused_volume($snap, $volid);
sub __snapshot_delete_vmstate_file {
my ($class, $snap, $force) = @_;
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
eval { PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($storecfg, $snap->{vmstate}); };
if (my $err = $@) {
die $err if !$force;
warn $err;
sub __snapshot_delete_vol_snapshot {
my ($class, $vmid, $ds, $drive, $snapname, $unused) = @_;
return if PVE::QemuServer::drive_is_cdrom($drive);
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
my $volid = $drive->{file};
my $device = "drive-$ds";
PVE::QemuServer::qemu_volume_snapshot_delete($vmid, $device, $storecfg, $volid, $snapname);
push @$unused, $volid;
sub __snapshot_rollback_hook {
my ($class, $vmid, $conf, $snap, $prepare, $data) = @_;
if ($prepare) {
# we save the machine of the current config
$data->{oldmachine} = $conf->{machine};
} else {
# if we have a 'runningmachine' entry in the snapshot we use that
# for the forcemachine parameter, else we use the old logic
if (defined($conf->{runningmachine})) {
$data->{forcemachine} = $conf->{runningmachine};
delete $conf->{runningmachine};
} else {
# Note: old code did not store 'machine', so we try to be smart
# and guess the snapshot was generated with kvm 1.4 (pc-i440fx-1.4).
$data->{forcemachine} = $conf->{machine} || 'pc-i440fx-1.4';
# we remove the 'machine' configuration if not explicitly specified
# in the original config.
delete $conf->{machine} if $snap->{vmstate} && !defined($data->{oldmachine});
if ($conf->{vmgenid}) {
# tell the VM that it's another generation, so it can react
# appropriately, e.g. dirty-mark copies of distributed databases or
# re-initializing its random number generator
$conf->{vmgenid} = PVE::QemuServer::generate_uuid();
sub __snapshot_rollback_vol_possible {
my ($class, $drive, $snapname) = @_;
return if PVE::QemuServer::drive_is_cdrom($drive);
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
my $volid = $drive->{file};
PVE::Storage::volume_rollback_is_possible($storecfg, $volid, $snapname);
sub __snapshot_rollback_vol_rollback {
my ($class, $drive, $snapname) = @_;
return if PVE::QemuServer::drive_is_cdrom($drive);
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
PVE::Storage::volume_snapshot_rollback($storecfg, $drive->{file}, $snapname);
sub __snapshot_rollback_vm_stop {
my ($class, $vmid) = @_;
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
PVE::QemuServer::vm_stop($storecfg, $vmid, undef, undef, 5, undef, undef);
sub __snapshot_rollback_vm_start {
my ($class, $vmid, $vmstate, $data) = @_;
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
PVE::QemuServer::vm_start($storecfg, $vmid, $vmstate, undef, undef, undef, $data->{forcemachine});
sub __snapshot_rollback_get_unused {
my ($class, $conf, $snap) = @_;
my $unused = [];
$class->__snapshot_foreach_volume($conf, sub {
my ($vs, $volume) = @_;
return if PVE::QemuServer::drive_is_cdrom($volume);
my $found = 0;
my $volid = $volume->{file};
$class->__snapshot_foreach_volume($snap, sub {
my ($ds, $drive) = @_;
return if $found;
return if PVE::QemuServer::drive_is_cdrom($drive);
$found = 1
if ($drive->{file} && $drive->{file} eq $volid);
push @$unused, $volid if !$found;
return $unused;
sub __snapshot_foreach_volume {
my ($class, $conf, $func) = @_;
PVE::QemuServer::foreach_drive($conf, $func);
# END implemented abstract methods from PVE::AbstractConfig