mirror of git://git.proxmox.com/git/qemu-server.git synced 2025-03-09 08:58:25 +03:00
Stefan Reiter 0a13e08ec2 refactor: create QemuServer::Monitor for high-level QMP access
QMP and monitor helpers are moved from QemuServer.pm.

By using only vm_running_locally instead of check_running, a cyclic
dependency to QemuConfig is avoided. This also means that the $nocheck
parameter serves no more purpose, and has thus been removed along with

Care has been taken to avoid errors resulting from this, and
occasionally a manual check for a VM's existance inserted on the

Methods have been renamed to avoid redundant naming:
* vm_qmp_command -> qmp_cmd
* vm_mon_cmd -> mon_cmd
* vm_human_monitor_command -> hmp_cmd

mon_cmd is exported since it has many users. This patch also changes all
non-package users of vm_qmp_command to use the mon_cmd helper. Includes
mocking for tests.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Reiter <s.reiter@proxmox.com>
2019-11-20 16:29:23 +01:00

483 lines
12 KiB

package PVE::API2::Qemu::Agent;
use strict;
use warnings;
use PVE::RESTHandler;
use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option);
use PVE::QemuServer;
use PVE::QemuServer::Agent qw(agent_available agent_cmd check_agent_error);
use PVE::QemuServer::Monitor qw(mon_cmd);
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64 decode_base64);
use JSON;
use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler);
# max size for file-read over the api
my $MAX_READ_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024; # 16 MiB
# list of commands
# will generate one api endpoint per command
# needs a 'method' property and optionally a 'perms' property (default VM.Monitor)
my $guest_agent_commands = {
'ping' => {
method => 'POST',
'get-time' => {
method => 'GET',
'info' => {
method => 'GET',
'fsfreeze-status' => {
method => 'POST',
'fsfreeze-freeze' => {
method => 'POST',
'fsfreeze-thaw' => {
method => 'POST',
'fstrim' => {
method => 'POST',
'network-get-interfaces' => {
method => 'GET',
'get-vcpus' => {
method => 'GET',
'get-fsinfo' => {
method => 'GET',
'get-memory-blocks' => {
method => 'GET',
'get-memory-block-info' => {
method => 'GET',
'suspend-hybrid' => {
method => 'POST',
'suspend-ram' => {
method => 'POST',
'suspend-disk' => {
method => 'POST',
'shutdown' => {
method => 'POST',
# added since qemu 2.9
'get-host-name' => {
method => 'GET',
'get-osinfo' => {
method => 'GET',
'get-users' => {
method => 'GET',
'get-timezone' => {
method => 'GET',
name => 'index',
path => '',
proxyto => 'node',
method => 'GET',
description => "Qemu Agent command index.",
permissions => {
user => 'all',
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 1,
properties => {
node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid', {
completion => \&PVE::QemuServer::complete_vmid_running }),
returns => {
type => 'array',
items => {
type => "object",
properties => {},
links => [ { rel => 'child', href => '{name}' } ],
description => "Returns the list of Qemu Agent commands",
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
my $result = [];
my $cmds = [keys %$guest_agent_commands];
push @$cmds, qw(
for my $cmd ( sort @$cmds) {
push @$result, { name => $cmd };
return $result;
sub register_command {
my ($class, $command, $method, $perm) = @_;
die "no method given\n" if !$method;
die "no command given\n" if !defined($command);
my $permission;
if (ref($perm) eq 'HASH') {
$permission = $perm;
} else {
$perm //= 'VM.Monitor';
$permission = { check => [ 'perm', '/vms/{vmid}', [ $perm ]]};
my $parameters = {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid', {
completion => \&PVE::QemuServer::complete_vmid_running }),
command => {
type => 'string',
description => "The QGA command.",
enum => [ sort keys %$guest_agent_commands ],
my $description = "Execute Qemu Guest Agent commands.";
my $name = 'agent';
if ($command ne '') {
$description = "Execute $command.";
$name = $command;
delete $parameters->{properties}->{command};
name => $name,
path => $command,
method => $method,
protected => 1,
proxyto => 'node',
description => $description,
permissions => $permission,
parameters => $parameters,
returns => {
type => 'object',
description => "Returns an object with a single `result` property.",
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
my $vmid = $param->{vmid};
my $conf = PVE::QemuConfig->load_config ($vmid); # check if VM exists
agent_available($vmid, $conf);
my $cmd = $param->{command} // $command;
my $res = mon_cmd($vmid, "guest-$cmd");
return { result => $res };
# old {vmid}/agent POST endpoint, here for compatibility
__PACKAGE__->register_command('', 'POST');
for my $cmd (sort keys %$guest_agent_commands) {
my $props = $guest_agent_commands->{$cmd};
__PACKAGE__->register_command($cmd, $props->{method}, $props->{perms});
# commands with parameters are complicated and we want to register them manually
name => 'set-user-password',
path => 'set-user-password',
method => 'POST',
protected => 1,
proxyto => 'node',
description => "Sets the password for the given user to the given password",
permissions => { check => [ 'perm', '/vms/{vmid}', [ 'VM.Monitor' ]]},
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid', {
completion => \&PVE::QemuServer::complete_vmid_running }),
username => {
type => 'string',
description => 'The user to set the password for.'
password => {
type => 'string',
description => 'The new password.',
minLength => 5,
maxLength => 1024,
crypted => {
type => 'boolean',
description => 'set to 1 if the password has already been passed through crypt()',
optional => 1,
default => 0,
returns => {
type => 'object',
description => "Returns an object with a single `result` property.",
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
my $vmid = $param->{vmid};
my $crypted = $param->{crypted} // 0;
my $args = {
username => $param->{username},
password => encode_base64($param->{password}),
crypted => $crypted ? JSON::true : JSON::false,
my $res = agent_cmd($vmid, "set-user-password", $args, 'cannot set user password');
return { result => $res };
name => 'exec',
path => 'exec',
method => 'POST',
protected => 1,
proxyto => 'node',
description => "Executes the given command in the vm via the guest-agent and returns an object with the pid.",
permissions => { check => [ 'perm', '/vms/{vmid}', [ 'VM.Monitor' ]]},
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid', {
completion => \&PVE::QemuServer::complete_vmid_running }),
command => {
type => 'string',
format => 'string-alist',
description => 'The command as a list of program + arguments',
returns => {
type => 'object',
properties => {
pid => {
type => 'integer',
description => "The PID of the process started by the guest-agent.",
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
my $vmid = $param->{vmid};
my $cmd = [PVE::Tools::split_list($param->{command})];
my $res = PVE::QemuServer::Agent::qemu_exec($vmid, $cmd);
return $res;
name => 'exec-status',
path => 'exec-status',
method => 'GET',
protected => 1,
proxyto => 'node',
description => "Gets the status of the given pid started by the guest-agent",
permissions => { check => [ 'perm', '/vms/{vmid}', [ 'VM.Monitor' ]]},
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid', {
completion => \&PVE::QemuServer::complete_vmid_running }),
pid => {
type => 'integer',
description => 'The PID to query'
returns => {
type => 'object',
properties => {
exited => {
type => 'boolean',
description => 'Tells if the given command has exited yet.',
exitcode => {
type => 'integer',
optional => 1,
description => 'process exit code if it was normally terminated.',
signal=> {
type => 'integer',
optional => 1,
description => 'signal number or exception code if the process was abnormally terminated.',
'out-data' => {
type => 'string',
optional => 1,
description => 'stdout of the process',
'err-data' => {
type => 'string',
optional => 1,
description => 'stderr of the process',
'out-truncated' => {
type => 'boolean',
optional => 1,
description => 'true if stdout was not fully captured',
'err-truncated' => {
type => 'boolean',
optional => 1,
description => 'true if stderr was not fully captured',
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
my $vmid = $param->{vmid};
my $pid = int($param->{pid});
my $res = PVE::QemuServer::Agent::qemu_exec_status($vmid, $pid);
return $res;
name => 'file-read',
path => 'file-read',
method => 'GET',
protected => 1,
proxyto => 'node',
description => "Reads the given file via guest agent. Is limited to $MAX_READ_SIZE bytes.",
permissions => { check => [ 'perm', '/vms/{vmid}', [ 'VM.Monitor' ]]},
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid', {
completion => \&PVE::QemuServer::complete_vmid_running }),
file => {
type => 'string',
description => 'The path to the file'
returns => {
type => 'object',
description => "Returns an object with a `content` property.",
properties => {
content => {
type => 'string',
description => "The content of the file, maximum $MAX_READ_SIZE",
truncated => {
type => 'boolean',
optional => 1,
description => "If set to 1, the output is truncated and not complete"
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
my $vmid = $param->{vmid};
my $qgafh = agent_cmd($vmid, "file-open", { path => $param->{file} }, "can't open file");
my $bytes_left = $MAX_READ_SIZE;
my $eof = 0;
my $read_size = 1024*1024;
my $content = "";
while ($bytes_left > 0 && !$eof) {
my $read = mon_cmd($vmid, "guest-file-read", handle => $qgafh, count => int($read_size));
check_agent_error($read, "can't read from file");
$content .= decode_base64($read->{'buf-b64'});
$bytes_left -= $read->{count};
$eof = $read->{eof} // 0;
my $res = mon_cmd($vmid, "guest-file-close", handle => $qgafh);
check_agent_error($res, "can't close file", 1);
my $result = {
content => $content,
'bytes-read' => ($MAX_READ_SIZE-$bytes_left),
if (!$eof) {
warn "agent file-read: reached maximum read size: $MAX_READ_SIZE bytes. output might be truncated.\n";
$result->{truncated} = 1;
return $result;
name => 'file-write',
path => 'file-write',
method => 'POST',
protected => 1,
proxyto => 'node',
description => "Writes the given file via guest agent.",
permissions => { check => [ 'perm', '/vms/{vmid}', [ 'VM.Monitor' ]]},
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid', {
completion => \&PVE::QemuServer::complete_vmid_running }),
file => {
type => 'string',
description => 'The path to the file.'
content => {
type => 'string',
maxLength => 60*1024, # 60k, smaller than our 64k POST limit
description => "The content to write into the file."
returns => { type => 'null' },
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
my $vmid = $param->{vmid};
my $buf = encode_base64($param->{content});
my $qgafh = agent_cmd($vmid, "file-open", { path => $param->{file}, mode => 'wb' }, "can't open file");
my $write = agent_cmd($vmid, "file-write", { handle => $qgafh, 'buf-b64' => $buf }, "can't write to file");
my $res = agent_cmd($vmid, "file-close", { handle => $qgafh }, "can't close file");
return undef;