/* Copyright (C) 2013 Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH Copyright: spiceterm is under GNU GPL, the GNU General Public License. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Author: Dietmar Maurer Note: most of the code here is copied from vncterm (which is also written by me). */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for openpty and forkpty */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "spiceterm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "event_loop.h" #include "translations.h" static int debug = 0; #define DPRINTF(x, format, ...) { \ if (x <= debug) { \ printf("%s: " format "\n" , __FUNCTION__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } #define TERM "xterm" #define TERMIDCODE "[?1;2c" // vt100 ID /* these colours are from linux kernel drivers/char/vt.c */ unsigned char color_table[] = { 0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7, 8,12,10,14, 9,13,11,15 }; static void draw_char_at(spiceTerm *vt, int x, int y, gunichar2 ch, TextAttributes attrib) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= vt->width || y >= vt->height) { return; } spice_screen_draw_char(vt->screen, x, y, ch, attrib); } static void spiceterm_update_xy(spiceTerm *vt, int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= vt->width || y >= vt->height) { return; } int y1 = (vt->y_base + y) % vt->total_height; int y2 = y1 - vt->y_displ; if (y2 < 0) { y2 += vt->total_height; } if (y2 < vt->height) { TextCell *c = &vt->cells[y1 * vt->width + x]; draw_char_at(vt, x, y2, c->ch, c->attrib); } } static void spiceterm_clear_xy(spiceTerm *vt, int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= vt->width || y >= vt->height) { return; } int y1 = (vt->y_base + y) % vt->total_height; int y2 = y1 - vt->y_displ; if (y2 < 0) { y2 += vt->total_height; } if (y2 < vt->height) { TextCell *c = &vt->cells[y1 * vt->width + x]; c->ch = ' '; c->attrib = vt->default_attrib; c->attrib.fgcol = vt->cur_attrib.fgcol; c->attrib.bgcol = vt->cur_attrib.bgcol; draw_char_at(vt, x, y, c->ch, c->attrib); } } void spiceterm_toggle_marked_cell(spiceTerm *vt, int pos) { int x = (pos%vt->width); int y = (pos/vt->width); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= vt->width || y >= vt->height) { return; } int y1 = (vt->y_displ + y) % vt->total_height; TextCell *c = &vt->cells[y1 * vt->width + x]; c->attrib.selected = c->attrib.selected ? 0 : 1; if (y < vt->height) { draw_char_at(vt, x, y, c->ch, c->attrib); } } static void spiceterm_show_cursor(spiceTerm *vt, int show) { int x = vt->cx; if (x >= vt->width) { x = vt->width - 1; } int y1 = (vt->y_base + vt->cy) % vt->total_height; int y = y1 - vt->y_displ; if (y < 0) { y += vt->total_height; } if (y < vt->height) { TextCell *c = &vt->cells[y1 * vt->width + x]; if (show) { TextAttributes attrib = vt->default_attrib; attrib.invers = !(attrib.invers); /* invert fg and bg */ draw_char_at(vt, x, y, c->ch, attrib); } else { draw_char_at(vt, x, y, c->ch, c->attrib); } } } void spiceterm_refresh(spiceTerm *vt) { int x, y, y1; y1 = vt->y_displ; for(y = 0; y < vt->height; y++) { TextCell *c = vt->cells + y1 * vt->width; for(x = 0; x < vt->width; x++) { draw_char_at(vt, x, y, c->ch, c->attrib); c++; } if (++y1 == vt->total_height) y1 = 0; } spiceterm_show_cursor(vt, 1); } static void spiceterm_clear_screen(spiceTerm *vt) { int x, y; for (y = 0; y <= vt->height; y++) { int y1 = (vt->y_base + y) % vt->total_height; TextCell *c = &vt->cells[y1 * vt->width]; for (x = 0; x < vt->width; x++) { c->ch = ' '; c->attrib = vt->default_attrib; c->attrib.fgcol = vt->cur_attrib.fgcol; c->attrib.bgcol = vt->cur_attrib.bgcol; c++; } } spice_screen_clear(vt->screen, 0, 0, vt->screen->primary_width, vt->screen->primary_height); } void spiceterm_unselect_all(spiceTerm *vt) { int x, y, y1; y1 = vt->y_displ; for(y = 0; y < vt->total_height; y++) { TextCell *c = vt->cells + y1 * vt->width; for(x = 0; x < vt->width; x++) { if (c->attrib.selected) { c->attrib.selected = 0; if (y < vt->height) { draw_char_at(vt, x, y, c->ch, c->attrib); } } c++; } if (++y1 == vt->total_height) y1 = 0; } } static void spiceterm_scroll_down(spiceTerm *vt, int top, int bottom, int lines) { if ((top + lines) >= bottom) { lines = bottom - top -1; } if (top < 0 || bottom > vt->height || top >= bottom || lines < 1) { return; } int i; for(i = bottom - top - lines - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int src = ((vt->y_base + top + i) % vt->total_height)*vt->width; int dst = ((vt->y_base + top + lines + i) % vt->total_height)*vt->width; memmove(vt->cells + dst, vt->cells + src, vt->width*sizeof(TextCell)); } for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { int j; TextCell *c = vt->cells + ((vt->y_base + top + i) % vt->total_height)*vt->width; for(j = 0; j < vt->width; j++) { c->attrib = vt->default_attrib; c->ch = ' '; c++; } } int h = lines * 16; int y0 = top*16; int y1 = y0 + h; int y2 = bottom*16; spice_screen_scroll(vt->screen, 0, y1, vt->screen->primary_width, y2, 0, y0); spice_screen_clear(vt->screen, 0, y0, vt->screen->primary_width, y1); } static void spiceterm_scroll_up(spiceTerm *vt, int top, int bottom, int lines, int moveattr) { if ((top + lines) >= bottom) { lines = bottom - top - 1; } if (top < 0 || bottom > vt->height || top >= bottom || lines < 1) { return; } int h = lines * 16; int y0 = top*16; int y1 = (top + lines)*16; int y2 = bottom*16; spice_screen_scroll(vt->screen, 0, y0, vt->screen->primary_width, y2 -h, 0, y1); spice_screen_clear(vt->screen, 0, y2 -h, vt->screen->primary_width, y2); if (!moveattr) { return; } // move attributes int i; for(i = 0; i < (bottom - top - lines); i++) { int dst = ((vt->y_base + top + i) % vt->total_height)*vt->width; int src = ((vt->y_base + top + lines + i) % vt->total_height)*vt->width; memmove(vt->cells + dst, vt->cells + src, vt->width*sizeof(TextCell)); } for (i = 1; i <= lines; i++) { int j; TextCell *c = vt->cells + ((vt->y_base + bottom - i) % vt->total_height)*vt->width; for(j = 0; j < vt->width; j++) { c->attrib = vt->default_attrib; c->ch = ' '; c++; } } } void spiceterm_virtual_scroll(spiceTerm *vt, int lines) { if (vt->altbuf || lines == 0) return; if (lines < 0) { lines = -lines; int i = vt->scroll_height; if (i > vt->total_height - vt->height) i = vt->total_height - vt->height; int y1 = vt->y_base - i; if (y1 < 0) y1 += vt->total_height; for(i = 0; i < lines; i++) { if (vt->y_displ == y1) break; if (--vt->y_displ < 0) { vt->y_displ = vt->total_height - 1; } } } else { int i; for(i = 0; i < lines; i++) { if (vt->y_displ == vt->y_base) break; if (++vt->y_displ == vt->total_height) { vt->y_displ = 0; } } } spiceterm_refresh(vt); } void spiceterm_respond_esc(spiceTerm *vt, const char *esc) { int len = strlen(esc); int i; if (vt->ibuf_count < (IBUFSIZE - 1 - len)) { vt->ibuf[vt->ibuf_count++] = 27; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { vt->ibuf[vt->ibuf_count++] = esc[i]; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "input buffer oferflow\n"); return; } } void spiceterm_respond_data(spiceTerm *vt, int len, uint8_t *data) { int i; if (vt->ibuf_count < (IBUFSIZE - len)) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { vt->ibuf[vt->ibuf_count++] = data[i]; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "input buffer oferflow\n"); return; } } static void spiceterm_put_lf(spiceTerm *vt) { if (vt->cy + 1 == vt->region_bottom) { if (vt->altbuf || vt->region_top != 0 || vt->region_bottom != vt->height) { spiceterm_scroll_up(vt, vt->region_top, vt->region_bottom, 1, 1); return; } if (vt->y_displ == vt->y_base) { spiceterm_scroll_up(vt, vt->region_top, vt->region_bottom, 1, 0); } if (vt->y_displ == vt->y_base) { if (++vt->y_displ == vt->total_height) { vt->y_displ = 0; } } if (++vt->y_base == vt->total_height) { vt->y_base = 0; } if (vt->scroll_height < vt->total_height) { vt->scroll_height++; } int y1 = (vt->y_base + vt->height - 1) % vt->total_height; TextCell *c = &vt->cells[y1 * vt->width]; int x; for (x = 0; x < vt->width; x++) { c->ch = ' '; c->attrib = vt->default_attrib; c++; } // fprintf (stderr, "BASE: %d DISPLAY %d\n", vt->y_base, vt->y_displ); } else if (vt->cy < vt->height - 1) { vt->cy += 1; } } static void spiceterm_csi_m(spiceTerm *vt) { int i; for (i = 0; i < vt->esc_count; i++) { switch (vt->esc_buf[i]) { case 0: /* reset all console attributes to default */ vt->cur_attrib = vt->default_attrib; break; case 1: vt->cur_attrib.bold = 1; break; case 4: vt->cur_attrib.uline = 1; break; case 5: vt->cur_attrib.blink = 1; break; case 7: vt->cur_attrib.invers = 1; break; case 8: vt->cur_attrib.unvisible = 1; break; case 10: vt->cur_enc = LAT1_MAP; // fixme: dispaly controls = 0 ? // fixme: toggle meta = 0 ? break; case 11: vt->cur_enc = IBMPC_MAP; // fixme: dispaly controls = 1 ? // fixme: toggle meta = 0 ? break; case 12: vt->cur_enc = IBMPC_MAP; // fixme: dispaly controls = 1 ? // fixme: toggle meta = 1 ? break; case 22: vt->cur_attrib.bold = 0; break; case 24: vt->cur_attrib.uline = 0; break; case 25: vt->cur_attrib.blink = 0; break; case 27: vt->cur_attrib.invers = 0; break; case 28: vt->cur_attrib.unvisible = 0; break; case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: case 36: case 37: /* set foreground color */ vt->cur_attrib.fgcol = color_table [vt->esc_buf[i] - 30]; break; case 38: /* reset color to default, enable underline */ vt->cur_attrib.fgcol = vt->default_attrib.fgcol; vt->cur_attrib.uline = 1; break; case 39: /* reset color to default, disable underline */ vt->cur_attrib.fgcol = vt->default_attrib.fgcol; vt->cur_attrib.uline = 0; break; case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: /* set background color */ vt->cur_attrib.bgcol = color_table [vt->esc_buf[i] - 40]; break; case 49: /* reset background color */ vt->cur_attrib.bgcol = vt->default_attrib.bgcol; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unhandled ESC[%d m code\n",vt->esc_buf[i]); //fixme: implement } } } static void spiceterm_save_cursor(spiceTerm *vt) { vt->cx_saved = vt->cx; vt->cy_saved = vt->cy; vt->cur_attrib_saved = vt->cur_attrib; vt->charset_saved = vt->charset; vt->g0enc_saved = vt->g0enc; vt->g1enc_saved = vt->g1enc; vt->cur_enc_saved = vt->cur_enc; } static void spiceterm_restore_cursor(spiceTerm *vt) { vt->cx = vt->cx_saved; vt->cy = vt->cy_saved; vt->cur_attrib = vt->cur_attrib_saved; vt->charset = vt->charset_saved; vt->g0enc = vt->g0enc_saved; vt->g1enc = vt->g1enc_saved; vt->cur_enc = vt->cur_enc_saved; } static void spiceterm_set_alternate_buffer(spiceTerm *vt, int on_off) { int x, y; vt->y_displ = vt->y_base; if (on_off) { if (vt->altbuf) return; vt->altbuf = 1; /* alternate buffer & cursor */ spiceterm_save_cursor(vt); /* save screen to altcels */ for (y = 0; y < vt->height; y++) { int y1 = (vt->y_base + y) % vt->total_height; for (x = 0; x < vt->width; x++) { vt->altcells[y*vt->width + x] = vt->cells[y1*vt->width + x]; } } /* clear screen */ for (y = 0; y <= vt->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < vt->width; x++) { // spiceterm_clear_xy(vt, x, y); } } } else { if (vt->altbuf == 0) return; vt->altbuf = 0; /* restore saved data */ for (y = 0; y < vt->height; y++) { int y1 = (vt->y_base + y) % vt->total_height; for (x = 0; x < vt->width; x++) { vt->cells[y1*vt->width + x] = vt->altcells[y*vt->width + x]; } } spiceterm_restore_cursor(vt); } spiceterm_refresh(vt); } static void spiceterm_set_mode(spiceTerm *vt, int on_off) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= vt->esc_count; i++) { if (vt->esc_ques) { /* DEC private modes set/reset */ switch(vt->esc_buf[i]) { case 10: /* X11 mouse reporting on/off */ case 1000: /* SET_VT200_MOUSE */ case 1002: /* xterm SET_BTN_EVENT_MOUSE */ vt->report_mouse = on_off; break; case 1049: /* start/end special app mode (smcup/rmcup) */ spiceterm_set_alternate_buffer (vt, on_off); break; case 25: /* Cursor on/off */ case 9: /* X10 mouse reporting on/off */ case 6: /* Origin relative/absolute */ case 1: /* Cursor keys in appl mode*/ case 5: /* Inverted screen on/off */ case 7: /* Autowrap on/off */ case 8: /* Autorepeat on/off */ break; } } else { /* ANSI modes set/reset */ //g_assert_not_reached(); /* fixme: implement me */ } } } static void spiceterm_gotoxy(spiceTerm *vt, int x, int y) { /* verify all boundaries */ if (x < 0) { x = 0; } if (x >= vt->width) { x = vt->width - 1; } vt->cx = x; if (y < 0) { y = 0; } if (y >= vt->height) { y = vt->height - 1; } vt->cy = y; } static void debug_print_escape_buffer(spiceTerm *vt, const char *func, const char *prefix, const char *qes, gunichar2 ch) { if (debug >=1 ) { if (vt->esc_count == 0) { printf("%s:%s ESC[%s%c\n", func, prefix, qes, ch); } else if (vt->esc_count == 1) { printf("%s:%s ESC[%s%d%c\n", func, prefix, qes, vt->esc_buf[0], ch); } else { int i; printf("%s:%s ESC[%s%d", func, prefix, qes, vt->esc_buf[0]); for (i = 1; i < vt->esc_count; i++) { printf(";%d", vt->esc_buf[i]); } printf("%c\n", ch); } } } enum { ESnormal, ESesc, ESsquare, ESgetpars, ESgotpars, ESfunckey, EShash, ESsetG0, ESsetG1, ESpercent, ESignore, ESnonstd, ESpalette, ESidquery, ESosc1, ESosc2}; static void spiceterm_putchar(spiceTerm *vt, gunichar2 ch) { int x, y, i, c; if (debug && !vt->tty_state) { DPRINTF(1, "CHAR:%2d: %4x '%c' (cur_enc %d) %d %d", vt->tty_state, ch, ch, vt->cur_enc, vt->cx, vt->cy); } switch(vt->tty_state) { case ESesc: vt->tty_state = ESnormal; switch (ch) { case '[': vt->tty_state = ESsquare; break; case ']': vt->tty_state = ESnonstd; break; case '%': vt->tty_state = ESpercent; break; case '7': spiceterm_save_cursor(vt); break; case '8': spiceterm_restore_cursor(vt); break; case '(': vt->tty_state = ESsetG0; // SET G0 break; case ')': vt->tty_state = ESsetG1; // SET G1 break; case 'M': /* cursor up (ri) */ if (vt->cy == vt->region_top) spiceterm_scroll_down(vt, vt->region_top, vt->region_bottom, 1); else if (vt->cy > 0) { vt->cy--; } break; case '>': /* numeric keypad - ignored */ break; case '=': /* appl. keypad - ignored */ break; default: DPRINTF(1, "got unhandled ESC%c %d", ch, ch); break; } break; case ESnonstd: /* Operating System Controls */ vt->tty_state = ESnormal; switch (ch) { case 'P': /* palette escape sequence */ for(i = 0; i < MAX_ESC_PARAMS; i++) { vt->esc_buf[i] = 0; } vt->esc_count = 0; vt->tty_state = ESpalette; break; case 'R': /* reset palette */ // fixme: reset_palette(vc); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '4': vt->osc_cmd = ch; vt->osc_textbuf[0] = 0; vt->tty_state = ESosc1; break; default: DPRINTF(1, "got unhandled OSC %c", ch); vt->tty_state = ESnormal; break; } break; case ESosc1: vt->tty_state = ESnormal; if (ch == ';') { vt->tty_state = ESosc2; } else { DPRINTF(1, "got illegal OSC sequence"); } break; case ESosc2: if (ch != 0x9c && ch != 7) { int i = 0; while (vt->osc_textbuf[i]) i++; vt->osc_textbuf[i++] = ch; vt->osc_textbuf[i] = 0; } else { DPRINTF(1, "OSC:%c:%s", vt->osc_cmd, vt->osc_textbuf); vt->tty_state = ESnormal; } break; case ESpalette: if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')) { vt->esc_buf[vt->esc_count++] = (ch > '9' ? (ch & 0xDF) - 'A' + 10 : ch - '0'); if (vt->esc_count == 7) { // fixme: this does not work - please test /* rfbColourMap *cmap =&vt->screen->colourMap; int i = color_table[vt->esc_buf[0]] * 3, j = 1; cmap->data.bytes[i] = 16 * vt->esc_buf[j++]; cmap->data.bytes[i++] += vt->esc_buf[j++]; cmap->data.bytes[i] = 16 * vt->esc_buf[j++]; cmap->data.bytes[i++] += vt->esc_buf[j++]; cmap->data.bytes[i] = 16 * vt->esc_buf[j++]; cmap->data.bytes[i] += vt->esc_buf[j]; */ //set_palette(vc); ? vt->tty_state = ESnormal; } } else vt->tty_state = ESnormal; break; case ESsquare: for(i = 0; i < MAX_ESC_PARAMS; i++) { vt->esc_buf[i] = 0; } vt->esc_count = 0; vt->esc_has_par = 0; vt->tty_state = ESgetpars; if (ch == '>') { vt->tty_state = ESidquery; break; } if ((vt->esc_ques = (ch == '?'))) { break; } case ESgetpars: if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { vt->esc_has_par = 1; if (vt->esc_count < MAX_ESC_PARAMS) { vt->esc_buf[vt->esc_count] = vt->esc_buf[vt->esc_count] * 10 + ch - '0'; } break; } else if (ch == ';') { vt->esc_count++; break; } else { if (vt->esc_has_par) { vt->esc_count++; } vt->tty_state = ESgotpars; } case ESgotpars: vt->tty_state = ESnormal; char *qes = vt->esc_ques ? "?" : ""; if (debug) { debug_print_escape_buffer(vt, __func__, "", qes, ch); } switch (ch) { case 'h': spiceterm_set_mode(vt, 1); break; case 'l': spiceterm_set_mode(vt, 0); break; case 'm': if (!vt->esc_count) { vt->esc_count++; // default parameter 0 } spiceterm_csi_m(vt); break; case 'n': /* report cursor position */ /* TODO: send ESC[row;colR */ break; case 'A': /* move cursor up */ if (vt->esc_buf[0] == 0) { vt->esc_buf[0] = 1; } spiceterm_gotoxy(vt, vt->cx, vt->cy - vt->esc_buf[0]); break; case 'B': case 'e': /* move cursor down */ if (vt->esc_buf[0] == 0) { vt->esc_buf[0] = 1; } spiceterm_gotoxy(vt, vt->cx, vt->cy + vt->esc_buf[0]); break; case 'C': case 'a': /* move cursor right */ if (vt->esc_buf[0] == 0) { vt->esc_buf[0] = 1; } spiceterm_gotoxy(vt, vt->cx + vt->esc_buf[0], vt->cy); break; case 'D': /* move cursor left */ if (vt->esc_buf[0] == 0) { vt->esc_buf[0] = 1; } spiceterm_gotoxy(vt, vt->cx - vt->esc_buf[0], vt->cy); break; case 'G': case '`': /* move cursor to column */ spiceterm_gotoxy(vt, vt->esc_buf[0] - 1, vt->cy); break; case 'd': /* move cursor to row */ spiceterm_gotoxy(vt, vt->cx , vt->esc_buf[0] - 1); break; case 'f': case 'H': /* move cursor to row, column */ spiceterm_gotoxy(vt, vt->esc_buf[1] - 1, vt->esc_buf[0] - 1); break; case 'J': switch (vt->esc_buf[0]) { case 0: /* clear to end of screen */ for (y = vt->cy; y < vt->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < vt->width; x++) { if (y == vt->cy && x < vt->cx) { continue; } spiceterm_clear_xy (vt, x, y); } } break; case 1: /* clear from beginning of screen */ for (y = 0; y <= vt->cy; y++) { for (x = 0; x < vt->width; x++) { if (y == vt->cy && x > vt->cx) { break; } spiceterm_clear_xy(vt, x, y); } } break; case 2: /* clear entire screen */ spiceterm_clear_screen(vt); break; } break; case 'K': switch (vt->esc_buf[0]) { case 0: /* clear to eol */ for(x = vt->cx; x < vt->width; x++) { spiceterm_clear_xy(vt, x, vt->cy); } break; case 1: /* clear from beginning of line */ for (x = 0; x <= vt->cx; x++) { spiceterm_clear_xy(vt, x, vt->cy); } break; case 2: /* clear entire line */ for(x = 0; x < vt->width; x++) { spiceterm_clear_xy(vt, x, vt->cy); } break; } break; case 'L': /* insert line */ c = vt->esc_buf[0]; if (c > vt->height - vt->cy) c = vt->height - vt->cy; else if (!c) c = 1; spiceterm_scroll_down(vt, vt->cy, vt->region_bottom, c); break; case 'M': /* delete line */ c = vt->esc_buf[0]; if (c > vt->height - vt->cy) c = vt->height - vt->cy; else if (!c) c = 1; spiceterm_scroll_up(vt, vt->cy, vt->region_bottom, c, 1); break; case 'T': /* scroll down */ c = vt->esc_buf[0]; if (!c) c = 1; spiceterm_scroll_down(vt, vt->region_top, vt->region_bottom, c); break; case 'S': /* scroll up */ c = vt->esc_buf[0]; if (!c) c = 1; spiceterm_scroll_up(vt, vt->region_top, vt->region_bottom, c, 1); break; case 'P': /* delete c character */ c = vt->esc_buf[0]; if (c > vt->width - vt->cx) c = vt->width - vt->cx; else if (!c) c = 1; for (x = vt->cx; x < vt->width - c; x++) { int y1 = (vt->y_base + vt->cy) % vt->total_height; TextCell *dst = &vt->cells[y1 * vt->width + x]; TextCell *src = dst + c; *dst = *src; spiceterm_update_xy(vt, x + c, vt->cy); src->ch = ' '; src->attrib = vt->default_attrib; spiceterm_update_xy(vt, x, vt->cy); } break; case 's': /* save cursor position */ spiceterm_save_cursor(vt); break; case 'u': /* restore cursor position */ spiceterm_restore_cursor(vt); break; case 'X': /* erase c characters */ c = vt->esc_buf[0]; if (!c) c = 1; if (c > (vt->width - vt->cx)) c = vt->width - vt->cx; for(i = 0; i < c; i++) { spiceterm_clear_xy(vt, vt->cx + i, vt->cy); } break; case '@': /* insert c character */ c = vt->esc_buf[0]; if (c > (vt->width - vt->cx)) { c = vt->width - vt->cx; } if (!c) c = 1; for (x = vt->width - c; x >= vt->cx; x--) { int y1 = (vt->y_base + vt->cy) % vt->total_height; TextCell *src = &vt->cells[y1 * vt->width + x]; TextCell *dst = src + c; *dst = *src; spiceterm_update_xy (vt, x + c, vt->cy); src->ch = ' '; src->attrib = vt->cur_attrib; spiceterm_update_xy(vt, x, vt->cy); } break; case 'r': /* set region */ if (!vt->esc_buf[0]) vt->esc_buf[0]++; if (!vt->esc_buf[1]) vt->esc_buf[1] = vt->height; /* Minimum allowed region is 2 lines */ if (vt->esc_buf[0] < vt->esc_buf[1] && vt->esc_buf[1] <= vt->height) { vt->region_top = vt->esc_buf[0] - 1; vt->region_bottom = vt->esc_buf[1]; vt->cx = 0; vt->cy = vt->region_top; DPRINTF(1, "set region %d %d", vt->region_top, vt->region_bottom); } break; default: if (debug) { debug_print_escape_buffer(vt, __func__, " unhandled escape", qes, ch); } break; } vt->esc_ques = 0; break; case ESsetG0: // Set G0 vt->tty_state = ESnormal; if (ch == '0') vt->g0enc = GRAF_MAP; else if (ch == 'B') vt->g0enc = LAT1_MAP; else if (ch == 'U') vt->g0enc = IBMPC_MAP; else if (ch == 'K') vt->g0enc = USER_MAP; if (vt->charset == 0) vt->cur_enc = vt->g0enc; break; case ESsetG1: // Set G1 vt->tty_state = ESnormal; if (ch == '0') vt->g1enc = GRAF_MAP; else if (ch == 'B') vt->g1enc = LAT1_MAP; else if (ch == 'U') vt->g1enc = IBMPC_MAP; else if (ch == 'K') vt->g1enc = USER_MAP; if (vt->charset == 1) vt->cur_enc = vt->g1enc; break; case ESidquery: // vt100 query id vt->tty_state = ESnormal; if (ch == 'c') { DPRINTF(1, "ESC[>c Query term ID"); spiceterm_respond_esc(vt, TERMIDCODE); } break; case ESpercent: vt->tty_state = ESnormal; switch (ch) { case '@': /* defined in ISO 2022 */ vt->utf8 = 0; break; case 'G': /* prelim official escape code */ case '8': /* retained for compatibility */ vt->utf8 = 1; break; } break; default: // ESnormal vt->tty_state = ESnormal; switch(ch) { case 0: break; case 7: /* alert aka. bell */ // fixme: //rfbSendBell(vt->screen); break; case 8: /* backspace */ if (vt->cx > 0) vt->cx--; break; case 9: /* tabspace */ if (vt->cx + (8 - (vt->cx % 8)) > vt->width) { vt->cx = 0; spiceterm_put_lf(vt); } else { vt->cx = vt->cx + (8 - (vt->cx % 8)); } break; case 10: /* LF,*/ case 11: /* VT */ case 12: /* FF */ spiceterm_put_lf(vt); break; case 13: /* carriage return */ vt->cx = 0; break; case 14: /* SI (shift in), select character set 1 */ vt->charset = 1; vt->cur_enc = vt->g1enc; /* fixme: display controls = 1 */ break; case 15: /* SO (shift out), select character set 0 */ vt->charset = 0; vt->cur_enc = vt->g0enc; /* fixme: display controls = 0 */ break; case 27: /* esc */ vt->tty_state = ESesc; break; case 127: /* delete */ /* ignore */ break; case 128+27: /* csi */ vt->tty_state = ESsquare; break; default: if (vt->cx >= vt->width) { /* line wrap */ vt->cx = 0; spiceterm_put_lf(vt); } int y1 = (vt->y_base + vt->cy) % vt->total_height; TextCell *c = &vt->cells[y1*vt->width + vt->cx]; c->attrib = vt->cur_attrib; c->ch = ch; spiceterm_update_xy(vt, vt->cx, vt->cy); vt->cx++; break; } break; } } static int spiceterm_puts(spiceTerm *vt, const char *buf, int len) { gunichar2 tc; spiceterm_show_cursor(vt, 0); while (len) { unsigned char c = *buf; len--; buf++; if (vt->tty_state != ESnormal) { // never translate escape sequence tc = c; } else if (vt->utf8 && !vt->cur_enc) { if(c & 0x80) { // utf8 multi-byte sequence if (vt->utf_count > 0 && (c & 0xc0) == 0x80) { // inside UTF8 sequence vt->utf_char = (vt->utf_char << 6) | (c & 0x3f); vt->utf_count--; if (vt->utf_count == 0) { if (vt->utf_char <= G_MAXUINT16) { tc = vt->utf_char; } else { tc = 0; } } else { continue; } } else { // first char of a UTF8 sequence if ((c & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { vt->utf_count = 1; vt->utf_char = (c & 0x1f); } else if ((c & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { vt->utf_count = 2; vt->utf_char = (c & 0x0f); } else if ((c & 0xf8) == 0xf0) { vt->utf_count = 3; vt->utf_char = (c & 0x07); } else if ((c & 0xfc) == 0xf8) { vt->utf_count = 4; vt->utf_char = (c & 0x03); } else if ((c & 0xfe) == 0xfc) { vt->utf_count = 5; vt->utf_char = (c & 0x01); } else vt->utf_count = 0; continue; } } else { // utf8 single byte tc = c; vt->utf_count = 0; } } else { // never translate controls if (c >= 32 && c != 127 && c != (128+27)) { tc = translations[vt->cur_enc][c & 0x0ff]; } else { tc = c; } } spiceterm_putchar(vt, tc); } spiceterm_show_cursor(vt, 1); return len; } void spiceterm_update_watch_mask(spiceTerm *vt, gboolean writable) { g_assert(vt != NULL); int mask = SPICE_WATCH_EVENT_READ; if (writable) { mask |= SPICE_WATCH_EVENT_WRITE; } vt->screen->core->watch_update_mask(vt->screen->mwatch, mask); } static void mouse_report(spiceTerm *vt, int butt, int mrx, int mry) { char buf[8]; sprintf(buf, "[M%c%c%c", (char)(' ' + butt), (char)('!' + mrx), (char)('!' + mry)); spiceterm_respond_esc(vt, buf); spiceterm_update_watch_mask(vt, TRUE); } static void spiceterm_respond_unichar2(spiceTerm *vt, gunichar2 uc) { if (vt->utf8) { gchar buf[10]; gint len = g_unichar_to_utf8(uc, buf); if (len > 0) { spiceterm_respond_data(vt, len, (uint8_t *)buf); } } else { uint8_t buf[1] = { (uint8_t)uc }; spiceterm_respond_data(vt, 1, buf); } } void spiceterm_clear_selection(spiceTerm *vt) { DPRINTF(1, "mark_active = %d", vt->mark_active); vt->mark_active = 0; if (vt->selection) free (vt->selection); vt->selection = NULL; spiceterm_unselect_all(vt); } void spiceterm_motion_event(spiceTerm *vt, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t buttons) { DPRINTF(1, "mask=%08x x=%d y=%d", buttons, x ,y); static int last_mask = 0; static int sel_start_pos = 0; static int sel_end_pos = 0; static int button2_released = 1; int i; int cx = x/8; int cy = y/16; if (cx < 0) cx = 0; if (cx >= vt->width) cx = vt->width - 1; if (cy < 0) cy = 0; if (cy >= vt->height) cy = vt->height - 1; if (vt->report_mouse && buttons != last_mask) { last_mask = buttons; if (buttons & 2) { mouse_report(vt, 0, cx, cy); } if (buttons & 4) { mouse_report (vt, 1, cx, cy); } if (buttons & 8) { mouse_report(vt, 2, cx, cy); } if(!buttons) { mouse_report(vt, 3, cx, cy); } } if (buttons & 4) { if(button2_released) { if (vdagent_owns_clipboard(vt)) { if (vt->selection) { int i; for(i = 0; i < vt->selection_len; i++) { spiceterm_respond_unichar2(vt, vt->selection[i]); } spiceterm_update_watch_mask(vt, TRUE); if (vt->y_displ != vt->y_base) { vt->y_displ = vt->y_base; spiceterm_refresh(vt); } } } else { vdagent_request_clipboard(vt); } } button2_released = 0; } else { button2_released = 1; } if (buttons & 2) { int pos = cy*vt->width + cx; // code borrowed from libvncserver (VNCconsole.c) if (!vt->mark_active) { spiceterm_unselect_all(vt); vt->mark_active = 1; sel_start_pos = sel_end_pos = pos; spiceterm_toggle_marked_cell(vt, pos); } else { if (pos != sel_end_pos) { if (pos > sel_end_pos) { cx = sel_end_pos; cy=pos; } else { cx=pos; cy=sel_end_pos; } if (cx < sel_start_pos) { if (cy < sel_start_pos) cy--; } else { cx++; } while (cx <= cy) { spiceterm_toggle_marked_cell(vt, cx); cx++; } sel_end_pos = pos; } } } else if (vt->mark_active) { vt->mark_active = 0; if (sel_start_pos > sel_end_pos) { int tmp = sel_start_pos - 1; sel_start_pos = sel_end_pos; sel_end_pos = tmp; } int len = sel_end_pos - sel_start_pos + 1; if (vt->selection) free (vt->selection); vt->selection = (gunichar2 *)malloc (len*sizeof(gunichar2)); vt->selection_len = len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { int pos = sel_start_pos + i; int x = pos % vt->width; int y1 = ((pos / vt->width) + vt->y_displ) % vt->total_height; TextCell *c = &vt->cells[y1*vt->width + x]; vt->selection[i] = c->ch; c++; } DPRINTF(1, "selection length = %d", vt->selection_len); vdagent_grab_clipboard(vt); } } void init_spiceterm(spiceTerm *vt, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { int i; g_assert(vt != NULL); g_assert(vt->screen != NULL); vt->width = width / 8; vt->height = height / 16; vt->total_height = vt->height * 20; vt->scroll_height = 0; vt->y_base = 0; vt->y_displ = 0; vt->region_top = 0; vt->region_bottom = vt->height; vt->g0enc = LAT1_MAP; vt->g1enc = GRAF_MAP; vt->cur_enc = vt->g0enc; vt->charset = 0; /* default text attributes */ vt->default_attrib.bold = 0; vt->default_attrib.uline = 0; vt->default_attrib.blink = 0; vt->default_attrib.invers = 0; vt->default_attrib.unvisible = 0; vt->default_attrib.fgcol = 7; vt->default_attrib.bgcol = 0; vt->cur_attrib = vt->default_attrib; if (vt->cells) { vt->cx = 0; vt->cy = 0; vt->cx_saved = 0; vt->cy_saved = 0; g_free(vt->cells); } vt->cells = (TextCell *)calloc (sizeof (TextCell), vt->width*vt->total_height); for (i = 0; i < vt->width*vt->total_height; i++) { vt->cells[i].ch = ' '; vt->cells[i].attrib = vt->default_attrib; } if (vt->altcells) { g_free(vt->altcells); } vt->altcells = (TextCell *)calloc (sizeof (TextCell), vt->width*vt->height); } void spiceterm_resize(spiceTerm *vt, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { width = (width/8)*8; height = (height/16)*16; if (vt->screen->width == width && vt->screen->height == height) { return; } DPRINTF(0, "width=%u height=%u", width, height); spice_screen_resize(vt->screen, width, height); init_spiceterm(vt, width, height); struct winsize dimensions; dimensions.ws_col = vt->width; dimensions.ws_row = vt->height; ioctl(vt->pty, TIOCSWINSZ, &dimensions); } static gboolean master_error_callback(GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { //spiceTerm *vt = (spiceTerm *)data; DPRINTF(1, "condition %d", condition); exit(0); return FALSE; } static void master_watch(int master, int event, void *opaque) { spiceTerm *vt = (spiceTerm *)opaque; int c; // fixme: if (!vt->mark_active) { if (event == SPICE_WATCH_EVENT_READ) { char buffer[1024]; while ((c = read(master, buffer, 1024)) == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN) break; } if (c == -1) { perror("master pipe read error"); // fixme } spiceterm_puts (vt, buffer, c); } else { if (vt->ibuf_count > 0) { DPRINTF(1, "write input %x %d", vt->ibuf[0], vt->ibuf_count); if ((c = write (master, vt->ibuf, vt->ibuf_count)) >= 0) { if (c == vt->ibuf_count) { vt->ibuf_count = 0; } else if (c > 0) { // not all data written memmove(vt->ibuf, vt->ibuf + c, vt->ibuf_count - c); vt->ibuf_count -= c; } else { // nothing written -ignore and try later } } else { perror("master pipe write error"); } } if (vt->ibuf_count == 0) { spiceterm_update_watch_mask(vt, FALSE); } } } static void spiceterm_print_usage(const char *msg) { if (msg) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", msg); } fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: spiceterm [OPTIONS] [-- command [args]]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --timeout Wait this time before aborting (default is 10 seconds)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --authpath Authentication path (PVE AUTH)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --permission Required permissions (PVE AUTH)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --port Bind to port \n"); fprintf(stderr, " --addr Bind to address \n"); fprintf(stderr, " --sasl Enable SASL based authentication\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --noauth Disable authentication\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --keymap Spefify keymap (uses kvm keymap files)\n"); } int main (int argc, char** argv) { int c; char **cmdargv = NULL; char *command = "/bin/bash"; // execute normal shell as default int pid; int master; char ptyname[1024]; struct winsize dimensions; SpiceTermOptions opts = { .timeout = 10, .port = 5900, .addr = NULL, .noauth = FALSE, .sasl = FALSE, }; static struct option long_options[] = { { "timeout", required_argument, 0, 't' }, { "authpath", required_argument, 0, 'A' }, { "permissions", required_argument, 0, 'P' }, { "port", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, { "addr", required_argument, 0, 'a' }, { "keymap", required_argument, 0, 'k' }, { "noauth", no_argument, 0, 'n' }, { "sasl", no_argument, 0, 's' }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }, }; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "nkst:a:p:P:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'n': opts.noauth = TRUE; break; case 's': opts.sasl = TRUE; break; case 'k': opts.keymap = optarg; break; case 'A': pve_auth_set_path(optarg); break; case 'P': pve_auth_set_permissions(optarg); break; case 'p': opts.port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': opts.addr = optarg; break; case 't': opts.timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case '?': spiceterm_print_usage(NULL); exit(-1); break; default: spiceterm_print_usage("getopt returned unknown character code"); exit(-1); } } if (optind < argc) { command = argv[optind]; cmdargv = &argv[optind]; } spiceTerm *vt = spiceterm_create(744, 400, &opts); if (!vt) exit(-1); setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); // set from environment char *ctype = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL); // query LC_CTYPE // fixme: ist there a standard way to detect utf8 mode ? if (strcasestr (ctype, ".utf-8")||strcasestr (ctype, ".utf8")) { vt->utf8 = 1; } dimensions.ws_col = vt->width; dimensions.ws_row = vt->height; setenv("TERM", TERM, 1); DPRINTF(1, "execute %s", command); pid = forkpty (&master, ptyname, NULL, &dimensions); if(!pid) { // install default signal handlers signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL); if (cmdargv) { execvp (command, cmdargv); } else { execlp (command, command, NULL); } perror ("Error: exec failed\n"); exit (-1); // should not be reached } else if (pid == -1) { perror ("Error: fork failed\n"); exit (-1); } vt->pty = master; /* watch for errors - we need to use glib directly because spice * does not have SPICE_WATCH_EVENT for this */ GIOChannel *channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(master); g_io_channel_set_flags(channel, G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, NULL); g_io_channel_set_encoding(channel, NULL, NULL); g_io_add_watch(channel, G_IO_ERR|G_IO_HUP, master_error_callback, vt); vt->screen->mwatch = vt->screen->core->watch_add( master, SPICE_WATCH_EVENT_READ /* |SPICE_WATCH_EVENT_WRITE */, master_watch, vt); basic_event_loop_mainloop(); kill (pid, 9); int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); exit (0); }