/* Copyright (C) 2013 Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH Copyright: spiceterm is under GNU GPL, the GNU General Public License. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Author: Dietmar Maurer Note: qlx drawing code is copied from spice-server test code. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "glyphs.h" #include "spiceterm.h" static int debug = 0; #define DPRINTF(x, format, ...) { \ if (x <= debug) { \ printf("%s: " format "\n" , __FUNCTION__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } #define MEM_SLOT_GROUP_ID 0 #define NOTIFY_DISPLAY_BATCH (SINGLE_PART/2) #define NOTIFY_CURSOR_BATCH 10 /* these colours are from linux kernel drivers/char/vt.c */ /* the default colour table, for VGA+ colour systems */ int default_red[] = {0x00,0xaa,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0xaa, 0x55,0xff,0x55,0xff,0x55,0xff,0x55,0xff}; int default_grn[] = {0x00,0x00,0xaa,0x55,0x00,0x00,0xaa,0xaa, 0x55,0x55,0xff,0xff,0x55,0x55,0xff,0xff}; int default_blu[] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xaa,0xaa,0xaa,0xaa, 0x55,0x55,0x55,0x55,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff}; /* Parts cribbed from spice-display.h/.c/qxl.c */ typedef struct SimpleSpiceUpdate { QXLCommandExt ext; // first QXLDrawable drawable; QXLImage image; uint8_t *bitmap; } SimpleSpiceUpdate; static void spice_screen_destroy_update(SimpleSpiceUpdate *update) { if (!update) { return; } if (update->drawable.clip.type != SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_NONE) { uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)update->drawable.clip.data; free(ptr); } g_free(update->bitmap); g_free(update); } #define DEFAULT_WIDTH 640 #define DEFAULT_HEIGHT 320 static int unique = 1; static void set_cmd(QXLCommandExt *ext, uint32_t type, QXLPHYSICAL data) { ext->cmd.type = type; ext->cmd.data = data; ext->cmd.padding = 0; ext->group_id = MEM_SLOT_GROUP_ID; ext->flags = 0; } static void simple_set_release_info(QXLReleaseInfo *info, intptr_t ptr) { info->id = ptr; //info->group_id = MEM_SLOT_GROUP_ID; } /* Note: push_command/get_command are called from different threads */ static void push_command(SpiceScreen *spice_screen, QXLCommandExt *ext) { g_mutex_lock(spice_screen->command_mutex); while (spice_screen->commands_end - spice_screen->commands_start >= COMMANDS_SIZE) { g_cond_wait(spice_screen->command_cond, spice_screen->command_mutex); } g_assert(spice_screen->commands_end - spice_screen->commands_start < COMMANDS_SIZE); spice_screen->commands[spice_screen->commands_end % COMMANDS_SIZE] = ext; spice_screen->commands_end++; g_mutex_unlock(spice_screen->command_mutex); spice_screen->qxl_worker->wakeup(spice_screen->qxl_worker); } /* bitmap are freed, so they must be allocated with g_malloc */ static SimpleSpiceUpdate * spice_screen_update_from_bitmap_cmd(uint32_t surface_id, QXLRect bbox, uint8_t *bitmap) { SimpleSpiceUpdate *update; QXLDrawable *drawable; QXLImage *image; uint32_t bw, bh; bh = bbox.bottom - bbox.top; bw = bbox.right - bbox.left; update = g_new0(SimpleSpiceUpdate, 1); update->bitmap = bitmap; drawable = &update->drawable; image = &update->image; drawable->surface_id = surface_id; drawable->bbox = bbox; drawable->clip.type = SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_NONE; drawable->effect = QXL_EFFECT_OPAQUE; simple_set_release_info(&drawable->release_info, (intptr_t)update); drawable->type = QXL_DRAW_COPY; drawable->surfaces_dest[0] = -1; drawable->surfaces_dest[1] = -1; drawable->surfaces_dest[2] = -1; drawable->u.copy.rop_descriptor = SPICE_ROPD_OP_PUT; drawable->u.copy.src_bitmap = (intptr_t)image; drawable->u.copy.src_area.right = bw; drawable->u.copy.src_area.bottom = bh; QXL_SET_IMAGE_ID(image, QXL_IMAGE_GROUP_DEVICE, unique); image->descriptor.type = SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_BITMAP; image->bitmap.flags = QXL_BITMAP_DIRECT | QXL_BITMAP_TOP_DOWN; image->bitmap.stride = bw * 4; image->descriptor.width = image->bitmap.x = bw; image->descriptor.height = image->bitmap.y = bh; image->bitmap.data = (intptr_t)bitmap; image->bitmap.palette = 0; image->bitmap.format = SPICE_BITMAP_FMT_32BIT; set_cmd(&update->ext, QXL_CMD_DRAW, (intptr_t)drawable); return update; } static SimpleSpiceUpdate * spice_screen_draw_char_cmd(SpiceScreen *spice_screen, int x, int y, int c, int fg, int bg) { int top, left; uint8_t *dst; uint8_t *bitmap; int bw, bh; int i, j; QXLRect bbox; left = x*8; top = y*16; unique++; bw = 8; bh = 16; bitmap = dst = g_malloc(bw * bh * 4); unsigned char *data = vt_font_data + c*16; unsigned char d = *data; g_assert(fg >= 0 && fg < 16); g_assert(bg >= 0 && bg < 16); unsigned char fgc_red = default_red[fg]; unsigned char fgc_blue = default_blu[fg]; unsigned char fgc_green = default_grn[fg]; unsigned char bgc_red = default_red[bg]; unsigned char bgc_blue = default_blu[bg]; unsigned char bgc_green = default_grn[bg]; for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((i&7) == 0) { d=*data; data++; } if (d&0x80) { *(dst) = fgc_blue; *(dst+1) = fgc_green; *(dst+2) = fgc_red; *(dst+3) = 0; } else { *(dst) = bgc_blue; *(dst+1) = bgc_green; *(dst+2) = bgc_red; *(dst+3) = 0; } d<<=1; dst += 4; } } bbox.left = left; bbox.top = top; bbox.right = left + bw; bbox.bottom = top + bh; return spice_screen_update_from_bitmap_cmd(0, bbox, bitmap); } void spice_screen_scroll(SpiceScreen *spice_screen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int src_x, int src_y) { SimpleSpiceUpdate *update; QXLDrawable *drawable; QXLRect bbox; int surface_id = 0; update = g_new0(SimpleSpiceUpdate, 1); drawable = &update->drawable; bbox.left = x1; bbox.top = y1; bbox.right = x2; bbox.bottom = y2; drawable->surface_id = surface_id; drawable->bbox = bbox; drawable->clip.type = SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_NONE; drawable->effect = QXL_EFFECT_OPAQUE; simple_set_release_info(&drawable->release_info, (intptr_t)update); drawable->type = QXL_COPY_BITS; drawable->surfaces_dest[0] = -1; drawable->surfaces_dest[1] = -1; drawable->surfaces_dest[2] = -1; drawable->u.copy_bits.src_pos.x = src_x; drawable->u.copy_bits.src_pos.y = src_y; set_cmd(&update->ext, QXL_CMD_DRAW, (intptr_t)drawable); push_command(spice_screen, &update->ext); } void spice_screen_clear(SpiceScreen *spice_screen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { SimpleSpiceUpdate *update; QXLDrawable *drawable; QXLRect bbox; int surface_id = 0; update = g_new0(SimpleSpiceUpdate, 1); drawable = &update->drawable; bbox.left = x1; bbox.top = y1; bbox.right = x2; bbox.bottom = y2; drawable->surface_id = surface_id; drawable->bbox = bbox; drawable->clip.type = SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_NONE; drawable->effect = QXL_EFFECT_OPAQUE; simple_set_release_info(&drawable->release_info, (intptr_t)update); drawable->type = QXL_DRAW_BLACKNESS; drawable->surfaces_dest[0] = -1; drawable->surfaces_dest[1] = -1; drawable->surfaces_dest[2] = -1; set_cmd(&update->ext, QXL_CMD_DRAW, (intptr_t)drawable); push_command(spice_screen, &update->ext); } static void create_primary_surface(SpiceScreen *spice_screen, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { QXLWorker *qxl_worker = spice_screen->qxl_worker; QXLDevSurfaceCreate surface = { 0, }; g_assert(height <= MAX_HEIGHT); g_assert(width <= MAX_WIDTH); g_assert(height > 0); g_assert(width > 0); surface.format = SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_32_xRGB; surface.width = spice_screen->primary_width = width; surface.height = spice_screen->primary_height = height; surface.stride = -width * 4; /* negative? */ surface.mouse_mode = TRUE; /* unused by red_worker */ surface.flags = 0; surface.type = 0; /* unused by red_worker */ surface.position = 0; /* unused by red_worker */ surface.mem = (uint64_t)&spice_screen->primary_surface; surface.group_id = MEM_SLOT_GROUP_ID; spice_screen->width = width; spice_screen->height = height; qxl_worker->create_primary_surface(qxl_worker, 0, &surface); } QXLDevMemSlot slot = { .slot_group_id = MEM_SLOT_GROUP_ID, .slot_id = 0, .generation = 0, .virt_start = 0, .virt_end = ~0, .addr_delta = 0, .qxl_ram_size = ~0, }; static void attache_worker(QXLInstance *qin, QXLWorker *_qxl_worker) { SpiceScreen *spice_screen = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(qin, SpiceScreen, qxl_instance); if (spice_screen->qxl_worker) { g_assert_not_reached(); } spice_screen->qxl_worker = _qxl_worker; spice_screen->qxl_worker->add_memslot(spice_screen->qxl_worker, &slot); create_primary_surface(spice_screen, DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); spice_screen->qxl_worker->start(spice_screen->qxl_worker); } static void set_compression_level(QXLInstance *qin, int level) { /* not used */ } static void set_mm_time(QXLInstance *qin, uint32_t mm_time) { /* not used */ } static void get_init_info(QXLInstance *qin, QXLDevInitInfo *info) { memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); info->num_memslots = 1; info->num_memslots_groups = 1; info->memslot_id_bits = 1; info->memslot_gen_bits = 1; info->n_surfaces = 1; } /* called from spice_server thread (i.e. red_worker thread) */ static int get_command(QXLInstance *qin, struct QXLCommandExt *ext) { SpiceScreen *spice_screen = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(qin, SpiceScreen, qxl_instance); int res = FALSE; g_mutex_lock(spice_screen->command_mutex); if ((spice_screen->commands_end - spice_screen->commands_start) == 0) { res = FALSE; goto ret; } *ext = *spice_screen->commands[spice_screen->commands_start % COMMANDS_SIZE]; g_assert(spice_screen->commands_start < spice_screen->commands_end); spice_screen->commands_start++; g_cond_signal(spice_screen->command_cond); res = TRUE; ret: g_mutex_unlock(spice_screen->command_mutex); return res; } static int req_cmd_notification(QXLInstance *qin) { //SpiceScreen *spice_screen = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(qin, SpiceScreen, qxl_instance); //spice_screen->core->timer_start(spice_screen->wakeup_timer, spice_screen->wakeup_ms); return TRUE; } static void release_resource(QXLInstance *qin, struct QXLReleaseInfoExt release_info) { QXLCommandExt *ext = (QXLCommandExt*)(unsigned long)release_info.info->id; g_assert(release_info.group_id == MEM_SLOT_GROUP_ID); switch (ext->cmd.type) { case QXL_CMD_DRAW: spice_screen_destroy_update((void*)ext); break; case QXL_CMD_SURFACE: free(ext); break; case QXL_CMD_CURSOR: { QXLCursorCmd *cmd = (QXLCursorCmd *)(unsigned long)ext->cmd.data; if (cmd->type == QXL_CURSOR_SET) { free(cmd); } free(ext); break; } default: abort(); } } #define CURSOR_WIDTH 8 #define CURSOR_HEIGHT 16 static struct { QXLCursor cursor; uint8_t data[CURSOR_WIDTH * CURSOR_HEIGHT * 4]; // 32bit per pixel } cursor; static void cursor_init() { cursor.cursor.header.unique = 0; cursor.cursor.header.type = SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR32; cursor.cursor.header.width = CURSOR_WIDTH; cursor.cursor.header.height = CURSOR_HEIGHT; cursor.cursor.header.hot_spot_x = 0; cursor.cursor.header.hot_spot_y = 0; cursor.cursor.data_size = CURSOR_WIDTH * CURSOR_HEIGHT * 4; // X drivers addes it to the cursor size because it could be // cursor data information or another cursor related stuffs. // Otherwise, the code will break in client/cursor.cpp side, // that expect the data_size plus cursor information. // Blame cursor protocol for this. :-) cursor.cursor.data_size += 128; cursor.cursor.chunk.data_size = cursor.cursor.data_size; cursor.cursor.chunk.prev_chunk = cursor.cursor.chunk.next_chunk = 0; } static int get_cursor_command(QXLInstance *qin, struct QXLCommandExt *ext) { SpiceScreen *spice_screen = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(qin, SpiceScreen, qxl_instance); static int set = 1; static int x = 0, y = 0; QXLCursorCmd *cursor_cmd; QXLCommandExt *cmd; if (!spice_screen->cursor_notify) { return FALSE; } spice_screen->cursor_notify--; cmd = calloc(sizeof(QXLCommandExt), 1); cursor_cmd = calloc(sizeof(QXLCursorCmd), 1); cursor_cmd->release_info.id = (unsigned long)cmd; if (set) { cursor_cmd->type = QXL_CURSOR_SET; cursor_cmd->u.set.position.x = 0; cursor_cmd->u.set.position.y = 0; cursor_cmd->u.set.visible = TRUE; cursor_cmd->u.set.shape = (unsigned long)&cursor; // white rect as cursor memset(cursor.data, 255, sizeof(cursor.data)); set = 0; } else { cursor_cmd->type = QXL_CURSOR_MOVE; cursor_cmd->u.position.x = x++ % spice_screen->primary_width; cursor_cmd->u.position.y = y++ % spice_screen->primary_height; } cmd->cmd.data = (unsigned long)cursor_cmd; cmd->cmd.type = QXL_CMD_CURSOR; cmd->group_id = MEM_SLOT_GROUP_ID; cmd->flags = 0; *ext = *cmd; return TRUE; } static int req_cursor_notification(QXLInstance *qin) { /* not used */ return TRUE; } static void notify_update(QXLInstance *qin, uint32_t update_id) { /* not used */ } static int flush_resources(QXLInstance *qin) { /* not used */ return TRUE; } static int client_monitors_config(QXLInstance *qin, VDAgentMonitorsConfig *monitors_config) { /* not used */ return 0; } static void set_client_capabilities(QXLInstance *qin, uint8_t client_present, uint8_t caps[58]) { SpiceScreen *spice_screen = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(qin, SpiceScreen, qxl_instance); DPRINTF(1, "present %d caps %d", client_present, caps[0]); if (spice_screen->on_client_connected && client_present) { spice_screen->on_client_connected(spice_screen); } if (spice_screen->on_client_disconnected && !client_present) { spice_screen->on_client_disconnected(spice_screen); } } static int client_count = 0; static void client_connected(SpiceScreen *spice_screen) { client_count++; DPRINTF(1, "client_count = %d", client_count); } static void client_disconnected(SpiceScreen *spice_screen) { if (client_count > 0) { client_count--; DPRINTF(1, "client_count = %d", client_count); exit(0); // fixme: cleanup? } } static void do_conn_timeout(void *opaque) { // SpiceScreen *spice_screen = opaque; if (client_count <= 0) { printf("connection timeout - stopping server\n"); exit (0); // fixme: cleanup? } } QXLInterface display_sif = { .base = { .type = SPICE_INTERFACE_QXL, .description = "spiceterm display server", .major_version = SPICE_INTERFACE_QXL_MAJOR, .minor_version = SPICE_INTERFACE_QXL_MINOR }, .attache_worker = attache_worker, .set_compression_level = set_compression_level, .set_mm_time = set_mm_time, .get_init_info = get_init_info, /* the callbacks below are called from spice server thread context */ .get_command = get_command, .req_cmd_notification = req_cmd_notification, .release_resource = release_resource, .get_cursor_command = get_cursor_command, .req_cursor_notification = req_cursor_notification, .notify_update = notify_update, .flush_resources = flush_resources, .client_monitors_config = client_monitors_config, .set_client_capabilities = set_client_capabilities, }; /* vdagent interface - not sure why we need that? */ static int vmc_write(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin, const uint8_t *buf, int len) { return len; } static int vmc_read(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin, uint8_t *buf, int len) { return 0; } static void vmc_state(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin, int connected) { } static SpiceCharDeviceInterface vdagent_sif = { .base.type = SPICE_INTERFACE_CHAR_DEVICE, .base.description = "spice virtual channel char device", .base.major_version = SPICE_INTERFACE_CHAR_DEVICE_MAJOR, .base.minor_version = SPICE_INTERFACE_CHAR_DEVICE_MINOR, .state = vmc_state, .write = vmc_write, .read = vmc_read, }; SpiceCharDeviceInstance vdagent_sin = { .base = { .sif = &vdagent_sif.base, }, .subtype = "vdagent", }; void spice_screen_draw_char(SpiceScreen *spice_screen, int x, int y, gunichar2 ch, TextAttributes attrib) { int fg, bg; if (attrib.invers) { bg = attrib.fgcol; fg = attrib.bgcol; } else { bg = attrib.bgcol; fg = attrib.fgcol; } if (attrib.bold) { fg += 8; } // unsuported attributes = (attrib.blink || attrib.unvisible) // fixme: //if (attrib.uline) { //rfbDrawLine (vt->screen, rx, ry + 14, rxe, ry + 14, fg); //} int c = vt_fontmap[ch]; SimpleSpiceUpdate *update; update = spice_screen_draw_char_cmd(spice_screen, x, y, c, fg, bg); push_command(spice_screen, &update->ext); } SpiceScreen * spice_screen_new(SpiceCoreInterface *core) { int port = 5912; SpiceScreen *spice_screen = g_new0(SpiceScreen, 1); SpiceServer* server = spice_server_new(); spice_screen->command_cond = g_cond_new(); spice_screen->command_mutex = g_mutex_new(); spice_screen->on_client_connected = client_connected, spice_screen->on_client_disconnected = client_disconnected, spice_screen->qxl_instance.base.sif = &display_sif.base; spice_screen->qxl_instance.id = 0; spice_screen->core = core; spice_screen->server = server; spice_screen->cursor_notify = NOTIFY_CURSOR_BATCH; printf("listening on port %d (unsecure)\n", port); spice_server_set_port(server, port); spice_server_set_noauth(server); int res = spice_server_init(server, core); if (res != 0) { g_error("spice_server_init failed, res = %d\n", res); } cursor_init(); int timeout = 10; // max time to wait for client connection spice_screen->conn_timeout_timer = core->timer_add(do_conn_timeout, spice_screen); spice_screen->core->timer_start(spice_screen->conn_timeout_timer, timeout*1000); spice_server_add_interface(spice_screen->server, &spice_screen->qxl_instance.base); spice_server_add_interface(server, &vdagent_sin.base); return spice_screen; }