From 0a7dd8f580bab2d6c08990884ff0acfa7f931747 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Meindl <>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2018 16:04:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Working on help menu #3226

 CHANGELOG.rst                                 |   3 +-
 app/controllers/macros_controller.rb          |   7 ++
 app/helpers/additionals_fontawesome_helper.rb |  46 ++++++++
 app/helpers/additionals_menu_helper.rb        |  95 +++++++++++++++
 app/views/additionals/_body_bottom.html.slim  |   5 +
 .../additionals/settings/_macros.html.slim    |   4 -
 app/views/macros/show.html.slim               |  11 ++
 assets/stylesheets/additionals.css            |  45 +++++++
 config/routes.rb                              |   4 +
 lib/additionals/helpers.rb                    | 110 ------------------
 .../patches/application_controller_patch.rb   |  44 +++----
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/calendar_macro.rb |  14 +--
 .../wiki_macros/cryptocompare_macro.rb        |   6 +-
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/date_macro.rb     |  20 ++--
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/fa_macro.rb       |  48 ++++----
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/gmap_macro.rb     |  12 +-
 .../wiki_macros/group_users_macro.rb          |  12 +-
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/iframe_macro.rb   |  16 +--
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/issue_macro.rb    |  48 ++++----
 .../wiki_macros/last_updated_at_macro.rb      |   8 +-
 .../wiki_macros/last_updated_by_macro.rb      |   4 +-
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/member_macro.rb   |  30 ++---
 .../wiki_macros/meteoblue_macro.rb            |  12 +-
 .../wiki_macros/new_issue_macro.rb            |  28 ++---
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/project_macro.rb  |  20 ++--
 .../wiki_macros/recently_updated_macro.rb     |  16 +--
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/reddit_macro.rb   |   4 +-
 .../wiki_macros/redmine_issue_macro.rb        |   4 +-
 .../wiki_macros/redmine_wiki_macro.rb         |   4 +-
 .../wiki_macros/slideshare_macro.rb           |  14 +--
 .../wiki_macros/tradingview_macro.rb          |   6 +-
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/twitter_macro.rb  |   4 +-
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/vimeo_macro.rb    |  14 +--
 lib/additionals/wiki_macros/youtube_macro.rb  |  14 +--
 34 files changed, 408 insertions(+), 324 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 app/controllers/macros_controller.rb
 create mode 100644 app/helpers/additionals_fontawesome_helper.rb
 create mode 100644 app/helpers/additionals_menu_helper.rb
 delete mode 100644 app/views/additionals/settings/_macros.html.slim
 create mode 100644 app/views/macros/show.html.slim

diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index 38e1bd9a..088c59ac 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+2.0.14 - not tagged
 - Change status is now compatible with redmine_agile
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Changelog
 - compatibility with plugin redmine_sudo and redmine_base_deface
 - FontAwesome wiki macro has been added (called fa)
 - issue and wiki page macro has been added
+- Show macro list to all logged users at /help/macros
diff --git a/app/controllers/macros_controller.rb b/app/controllers/macros_controller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..990c868a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/controllers/macros_controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class MacrosController < ApplicationController
+  before_action :require_login
+  def show
+    @available_macros = Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.available_macros.sort
+  end
diff --git a/app/helpers/additionals_fontawesome_helper.rb b/app/helpers/additionals_fontawesome_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39dc0e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/helpers/additionals_fontawesome_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+module AdditionalsFontawesomeHelper
+  def fontawesome_info_url
+    s = []
+    s << l(:label_set_icon_from)
+    s << link_to('', '', class: 'external')
+    safe_join(s, ' ')
+  end
+  # name = TYPE-FA_NAME, eg. fas_car
+  #                          fas_cloud-upload-alt
+  #                          far_id-card
+  #                          fab_font-awesome
+  # options = class
+  #           pre_text
+  #           post_text
+  #           title
+  def font_awesome_icon(name, options = {})
+    info = AdditionalsFontAwesome.value_info(name)
+    return '' if info.blank?
+    post_text = ''
+    options['aria-hidden'] = 'true'
+    options[:class] = if options[:class].present?
+                        info[:classes] + ' ' + options[:class]
+                      else
+                        info[:classes]
+                      end
+    s = []
+    if options[:pre_text].present?
+      s << options[:pre_text]
+      s << ' '
+      options.delete(:pre_text)
+    end
+    if options[:post_text].present?
+      post_text = options[:post_text]
+      options.delete(:post_text)
+    end
+    s << content_tag('span', '', options)
+    if post_text.present?
+      s << ' '
+      s << post_text
+    end
+    safe_join(s)
+  end
diff --git a/app/helpers/additionals_menu_helper.rb b/app/helpers/additionals_menu_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3abac91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/helpers/additionals_menu_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+module AdditionalsMenuHelper
+  def handle_top_menu_item(menu_name, item)
+ if
+    html_options = {}
+    html_options[:class] = 'external' if item[:url].include? '://'
+    html_options[:title] = item[:title] if item[:title].present?
+    menu_options = { parent: item[:parent].present? ? item[:parent].to_sym : nil,
+                     html: html_options }
+    menu_options[:if] = menu_options[:if] if menu_options[:if].present?
+    menu_options[:caption] = if item[:symbol].present? && item[:name].present?
+                               font_awesome_icon(item[:symbol], post_text: item[:name])
+                             elsif item[:symbol].present?
+                               font_awesome_icon(item[:symbol])
+                             elsif item[:name].present?
+                               item[:name].to_s
+                             end
+    if item[:last].present? && item[:last]
+      menu_options[:last] = true
+    elsif item[:before].present?
+      menu_options[:before] = item[:before]
+    elsif item[:after].present?
+      menu_options[:after] = item[:after]
+    else
+      menu_options[:before] = :help
+    end
+, item[:url], menu_options)
+  end
+  def additionals_custom_top_menu_item(num, user_roles)
+    menu_name = 'custom_menu' + num.to_s
+    item = {
+      url: Additionals.settings[menu_name + '_url'],
+      name: Additionals.settings[menu_name + '_name'],
+      title: Additionals.settings[menu_name + '_title'],
+      roles: Additionals.settings[menu_name + '_roles']
+    }
+    if item[:name].blank? || item[:url].blank? || item[:roles].nil?
+ if
+      return
+    end
+    show_entry = false
+    item[:roles].each do |role|
+      if user_roles.empty? && role.to_i == Role::BUILTIN_ANONYMOUS
+        show_entry = true
+        break
+      elsif User.current.logged? && role.to_i == Role::BUILTIN_NON_MEMBER
+        # if user is logged in and non_member is active in item,
+        # always show it
+        show_entry = true
+        break
+      end
+      user_roles.each do |user_role|
+        if role.to_i ==
+          show_entry = true
+          break
+        end
+      end
+      break if show_entry == true
+    end
+    if show_entry
+      handle_top_menu_item(menu_name, item)
+    elsif
+    end
+  end
+  def additionals_help_menu_items
+    pages = [{ title: 'Redmine Guide', url: Redmine::Info.help_url },
+             { title: 'FontAwesome Icons', url: '' },
+             { title: 'Additionals manual', url: '' }]
+    if User.current.admin?
+      pages << { title: 'Redmine Changelog', url: '' }
+      pages << { title: 'Redmine Upgrade', url: '' }
+      pages << { title: 'Redmine Security Advisories', url: '' }
+    end
+    s = []
+    pages.each_with_index do |p, idx|
+      html_options = { class: 'help_item_' + idx.to_s }
+      s << content_tag(:li,
+                       link_to(p[:title], p[:url], html_options))
+    end
+    safe_join(s)
+  end
diff --git a/app/views/additionals/_body_bottom.html.slim b/app/views/additionals/_body_bottom.html.slim
index 7b47834b..28c4f22b 100644
--- a/app/views/additionals/_body_bottom.html.slim
+++ b/app/views/additionals/_body_bottom.html.slim
@@ -2,3 +2,8 @@
 - if footer.present?
     = textilizable(footer)
+- if @additionals_help_items.present?
+  javascript:
+    $(function() {
+      $('').parent().append("<ul class=\"menu-children\">#{escape_javascript(@additionals_help_items)}</ul>");
+    });
diff --git a/app/views/additionals/settings/_macros.html.slim b/app/views/additionals/settings/_macros.html.slim
deleted file mode 100644
index c52bdcd6..00000000
--- a/app/views/additionals/settings/_macros.html.slim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ = t(:label_top_macros_help_html)
-  = textilizable('{{macro_list}}').html_safe
diff --git a/app/views/macros/show.html.slim b/app/views/macros/show.html.slim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bb27440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/macros/show.html.slim
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+h2 = l(:label_settings_macros) + " (#{@available_macros.count})"
+ = t(:label_top_macros_help_html)
+  - @available_macros.each do |macro, options|
+    .macro-box
+      .macro-title
+        = macro.to_s
+      .macro-desc
+        pre = options[:desc]
diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/additionals.css b/assets/stylesheets/additionals.css
index 3f3b8956..58917b90 100644
--- a/assets/stylesheets/additionals.css
+++ b/assets/stylesheets/additionals.css
@@ -244,3 +244,48 @@ a.external.redmine-link {
   background-position: 0% 40%;
   padding-left: 13px;
+div.macro-box {
+  margin-bottom: 15px;
+div.macro-title {
+  font-weight: bold;
+div.macro-desc  {
+#top-menu li:hover,
+#top-menu li { display: block; }
+#top-menu .menu-children {
+  display: none;
+  position: absolute;
+  width: inherit;
+  z-index: 45;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  box-shadow: 2px 2px 14px #000;
+  top: 17px;
+  font-size: 110%;
+#top-menu .menu-children li {
+  float: left;
+  clear: both;
+  width: 100%;
+#top-menu .menu-children li a {
+  display: block;
+  color: #555;
+  padding: 5px 10px;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  font-weight: normal;
+  margin-right: 0;
+#top-menu .menu-children li a:hover {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #759fcf;
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index f7b7b9bb..7dfa306f 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ resources :issues, only: [] do
   resource 'assign_to_me', only: %i[update], controller: 'additionals_assign_to_me'
   resource 'change_status', only: %i[update], controller: 'additionals_change_status'
+scope '/help' do
+  resource :macros, only: :show
diff --git a/lib/additionals/helpers.rb b/lib/additionals/helpers.rb
index 97f77188..1ea7c5dc 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/helpers.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/helpers.rb
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ module Additionals
         tabs << { name: 'menu', partial: 'additionals/settings/menu', label: :label_settings_menu }
       tabs << { name: 'web', partial: 'additionals/settings/web_apis', label: :label_web_apis }
-      tabs << { name: 'macros', partial: 'additionals/settings/macros', label: :label_settings_macros }
@@ -195,70 +194,6 @@ module Additionals
-    def additionals_custom_top_menu_item(num, user_roles)
-      menu_name = 'custom_menu' + num.to_s
-      item = {
-        url: Additionals.settings[menu_name + '_url'],
-        name: Additionals.settings[menu_name + '_name'],
-        title: Additionals.settings[menu_name + '_title'],
-        roles: Additionals.settings[menu_name + '_roles']
-      }
-      if item[:name].blank? || item[:url].blank? || item[:roles].nil?
- if
-        return
-      end
-      show_entry = false
-      item[:roles].each do |role|
-        if user_roles.empty? && role.to_i == Role::BUILTIN_ANONYMOUS
-          show_entry = true
-          break
-        elsif User.current.logged? && role.to_i == Role::BUILTIN_NON_MEMBER
-          # if user is logged in and non_member is active in item,
-          # always show it
-          show_entry = true
-          break
-        end
-        user_roles.each do |user_role|
-          if role.to_i ==
-            show_entry = true
-            break
-          end
-        end
-        break if show_entry == true
-      end
-      if show_entry
-        handle_top_menu_item(menu_name, item)
-      elsif
-      end
-    end
-    def handle_top_menu_item(menu_name, item)
- if
-      html_options = {}
-      html_options[:class] = 'external' if item[:url].include? '://'
-      html_options[:title] = item[:title] if item[:title].present?
-      title = if item[:symbol].present? && item[:name].present?
-                font_awesome_icon(item[:symbol], post_text: item[:name])
-              elsif item[:symbol].present?
-                font_awesome_icon(item[:symbol])
-              else
-                item[:name].to_s
-              end
- menu_name,
-                                               item[:url],
-                                               parent: item[:parent].present? ? item[:parent].to_sym : nil,
-                                               caption: title,
-                                               html: html_options,
-                                               before: :help
-    end
     def bootstrap_datepicker_locale
       s = ''
       locale = User.current.language.presence || ::I18n.locale
@@ -375,51 +310,6 @@ module Additionals
-    def fontawesome_info_url
-      s = []
-      s << l(:label_set_icon_from)
-      s << link_to('', '', class: 'external')
-      safe_join(s, ' ')
-    end
-    # name = TYPE-FA_NAME, eg. fas_car
-    #                          fas_cloud-upload-alt
-    #                          far_id-card
-    #                          fab_font-awesome
-    # options = class
-    #           pre_text
-    #           post_text
-    #           title
-    def font_awesome_icon(name, options = {})
-      info = AdditionalsFontAwesome.value_info(name)
-      return '' if info.blank?
-      post_text = ''
-      options['aria-hidden'] = 'true'
-      options[:class] = if options[:class].present?
-                          info[:classes] + ' ' + options[:class]
-                        else
-                          info[:classes]
-                        end
-      s = []
-      if options[:pre_text].present?
-        s << options[:pre_text]
-        s << ' '
-        options.delete(:pre_text)
-      end
-      if options[:post_text].present?
-        post_text = options[:post_text]
-        options.delete(:post_text)
-      end
-      s << content_tag('span', '', options)
-      if post_text.present?
-        s << ' '
-        s << post_text
-      end
-      safe_join(s)
-    end
     def options_for_menu_select(active)
       options_for_select({ l(:button_hide) => '',
                            l(:label_top_menu) => 'top',
diff --git a/lib/additionals/patches/application_controller_patch.rb b/lib/additionals/patches/application_controller_patch.rb
index be596ac3..083d3611 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/patches/application_controller_patch.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/patches/application_controller_patch.rb
@@ -6,6 +6,14 @@ module Additionals
         base.class_eval do
           alias_method :user_setup_without_additionals, :user_setup
           alias_method :user_setup, :user_setup_with_additionals
+          helper :additionals_menu
+          helper :additionals_fontawesome
+          include AdditionalsMenuHelper
+          include AdditionalsFontawesomeHelper
+          include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
+          include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
@@ -14,41 +22,17 @@ module Additionals
           return unless User.current.try(:hrm_user_type_id).nil?
-          additionals_menu_item_delete(:help)
-          unless Additionals.setting?(:remove_help)
-            custom_url = Additionals.settings[:custom_help_url]
-            if custom_url.present?
-              additionals_menu_item_add(:help, custom_url)
-            else
-              additionals_menu_item_add(:help)
-            end
-          end
           if Additionals.setting?(:remove_mypage)
-            additionals_menu_item_delete(:my_page)
+   if
-            additionals_menu_item_add(:my_page)
+            handle_top_menu_item(:my_page, url: my_path, after: :home, if: proc { User.current.logged? })
-        end
-        def additionals_menu_item_delete(item)
- if
-        end
-        def additionals_menu_item_add(item, custom_url = nil)
-          return if
-          case item
-          when :help
-            url = custom_url.presence || Redmine::Info.help_url
-   :help, url, html: { class: 'external' }, last: true
-          when :my_page
-   :my_page,
-                                                     { controller: 'my', action: 'page' },
-                                                     after: :home,
-                                                     if: proc { User.current.logged? }
+          if Additionals.setting?(:remove_help)
+   if
-            raise 'unknow top menu item'
+            handle_top_menu_item(:help, url: '#', symbol: 'fas_question', last: true)
+            @additionals_help_items = additionals_help_menu_items
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/calendar_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/calendar_macro.rb
index c733fb2b..603185f7 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/calendar_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/calendar_macro.rb
@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Display calendar (only works on wiki pages)
+  Display calendar (only works on wiki pages)
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{calendar}}                    show calendar for current date
-        {{calendar(year=2014,month=6)}} show calendar for Juni in year 2014
-        {{calendar(show_weeks=true)}}   show calendar with week numbers
-        {{calendar(select=2015-07-12 2015-07-31, show_weeks=true)}} preselect dates and show week numbers
-        {{calendar(select=2016-03-13:2016-03-27)}} preselect dates between 2016/3/13 and 2016/3/27
+    {{calendar}}                    show calendar for current date
+    {{calendar(year=2014,month=6)}} show calendar for Juni in year 2014
+    {{calendar(show_weeks=true)}}   show calendar with week numbers
+    {{calendar(select=2015-07-12 2015-07-31, show_weeks=true)}} preselect dates and show week numbers
+    {{calendar(select=2016-03-13:2016-03-27)}} preselect dates between 2016/3/13 and 2016/3/27
       macro :calendar do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/cryptocompare_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/cryptocompare_macro.rb
index e56d89b5..2c9e5d12 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/cryptocompare_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/cryptocompare_macro.rb
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Create CryptoCompare information.
-        {{cryptocompare(options)}}
-      see
+  Create CryptoCompare information.
+    {{cryptocompare(options)}}
+  see
       macro :cryptocompare do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/date_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/date_macro.rb
index 5f46c457..7ba2dcef 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/date_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/date_macro.rb
@@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Display current dates.
+  Display current dates.
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{current_year}}       current year
-        {{current_month}}      current month
-        {{current_day}}        current day
-        {{current_day}}        current day
-        {{current_hour}}       current hour
-        {{current_minute}}     current minute
-        {{current_weekday}}    current weekday
-        {{current_weeknumber}} current week number (1 - 52) The week starts with Monday
+    {{current_year}}       current year
+    {{current_month}}      current month
+    {{current_day}}        current day
+    {{current_day}}        current day
+    {{current_hour}}       current hour
+    {{current_minute}}     current minute
+    {{current_weekday}}    current weekday
+    {{current_weeknumber}} current week number (1 - 52) The week starts with Monday
       macro :current_year do |_obj, _args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/fa_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/fa_macro.rb
index a869d84d..7e905666 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/fa_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/fa_macro.rb
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Show Font Awesome icon.
+  Show Font Awesome icon.
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-         {{fa(ICON [, class=CLASS, title=TITLE, text=TEXT size=SIZE, color=COLOR)}}
-         ICON of fontawesome icon, eg. fa-adjust
-         CLASS = additional css classes
-         TITLE = mouseover title
-         TEXT = Text to show
-         LINK = Link icon and text (if specified) to this URL
-         COLOR = css color code
+     {{fa(ICON [, class=CLASS, title=TITLE, text=TEXT size=SIZE, color=COLOR)}}
+     ICON of fontawesome icon, eg. fa-adjust
+     CLASS = additional css classes
+     TITLE = mouseover title
+     TEXT = Text to show
+     LINK = Link icon and text (if specified) to this URL
+     COLOR = css color code
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-         {{fa(adjust)}}
- fontawesome icon "fas fa-adjust"
-         {{fa(adjust, class=fa-inverse)}}
- fontawesome icon "fas fa-stack" and inverse
-         {{fa(adjust, size=4x)}}
-  fontawesome icon "fas fa-adjust" with size 4x
-         {{fa(fas_adjust, title=Show icon)}}
- fontawesome icon "fas fa-adjust" with title "Show icon"
-         {{fa(fab_angellist)}}
-         ...Show fontawesome icon "fab fa-angellist"
-         {{fa(adjust, link=https=//}}
-         ...Show fontawesome icon "fas fa-adjust" and link it to
-         {{fa(adjust, link=https=//, name=Go to}}
-         ...Show fontawesome icon "fas fa-adjust" with name "Go to" and link it to
+     {{fa(adjust)}}
+ fontawesome icon "fas fa-adjust"
+     {{fa(adjust, class=fa-inverse)}}
+ fontawesome icon "fas fa-stack" and inverse
+     {{fa(adjust, size=4x)}}
+ fontawesome icon "fas fa-adjust" with size 4x
+     {{fa(fas_adjust, title=Show icon)}}
+ fontawesome icon "fas fa-adjust" with title "Show icon"
+     {{fa(fab_angellist)}}
+     ...Show fontawesome icon "fab fa-angellist"
+     {{fa(adjust, link=https=//}}
+     ...Show fontawesome icon "fas fa-adjust" and link it to
+     {{fa(adjust, link=https=//, name=Go to}}
+     ...Show fontawesome icon "fas fa-adjust" with name "Go to" and link it to
       macro :fa do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/gmap_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/gmap_macro.rb
index 956c09a2..9be3c959 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/gmap_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/gmap_macro.rb
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Display a google map.  Examples:
+  Display a google map.  Examples:
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-      {{gmap([q=QUERY, mode=MODE, width=216, height=368])}}
+  {{gmap([q=QUERY, mode=MODE, width=216, height=368])}}
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{gmap(Munich)}} Google maps with Munich
+    {{gmap(Munich)}} Google maps with Munich
-        {{gmap(mode=directions, origin=Munich+Rosenheimerstr, destination=Arco)}} Direction from Munich to Arco
+    {{gmap(mode=directions, origin=Munich+Rosenheimerstr, destination=Arco)}} Direction from Munich to Arco
       macro :gmap do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/group_users_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/group_users_macro.rb
index b43e0ec0..19ebcdb8 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/group_users_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/group_users_macro.rb
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Display users of group.
+  Display users of group.
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-        {{group_users(GROUP_NAME}}
+    {{group_users(GROUP_NAME}}
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{group_users(Team)}}
-        ...List all users in user group "Team" (with the current user permission)
+    {{group_users(Team)}}
+    ...List all users in user group "Team" (with the current user permission)
       macro :group_users do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/iframe_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/iframe_macro.rb
index 928d1f26..3621e5f7 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/iframe_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/iframe_macro.rb
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Include iframe
+  Include iframe
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-        {{iframe(<url> [, width=100%, height=485)}}
+    {{iframe(<url> [, width=100%, height=485)}}
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        show iframe of URL
-        {{iframe(}}
+    show iframe of URL
+    {{iframe(}}
-        show iframe of URL and show link to it
-        {{iframe(, with_link: true)}}
+    show iframe of URL and show link to it
+    {{iframe(, with_link: true)}}
       macro :iframe do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/issue_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/issue_macro.rb
index 931769a5..62e6d8c4 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/issue_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/issue_macro.rb
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Create a link to issue with the subject of this issue.
+  Create a link to issue with the subject of this issue.
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-         {{issue(URL [, format=USER_FORMAT, id=ID, note_id=NOTE_ID)}}
-         URL is URL to issue
-         USER_FORMATS
-         - text
-         - short
-         - link (default)
-         - full
-         ID is issue
-         NOTE_ID is note id, if you want to display it
+     {{issue(URL [, format=USER_FORMAT, id=ID, note_id=NOTE_ID)}}
+     URL is URL to issue
+     - text
+     - short
+     - link (default)
+     - full
+     ID is issue
+     NOTE_ID is note id, if you want to display it
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-         {{issue(1)}}
-         ...Link to issue with id and subject
-         {{issue(http://myredmine.url/issues/1)}}
-         ...Link to issue with id and subject
-         {{issue(http://myredmine.url/issues/1#note-3)}}
-         ...Link to issue with id and subject and display comment 3
-         {{issue(1, format=short)}}
-         ...Link to issue with subject (without id)
-         {{issue(1, format=text)}}
-         ...Display subject name
-         {{issue(1, format=full)}}
-         ...Link to issue with track, issue id and subject
+     {{issue(1)}}
+     ...Link to issue with id and subject
+     {{issue(http://myredmine.url/issues/1)}}
+     ...Link to issue with id and subject
+     {{issue(http://myredmine.url/issues/1#note-3)}}
+     ...Link to issue with id and subject and display comment 3
+     {{issue(1, format=short)}}
+     ...Link to issue with subject (without id)
+     {{issue(1, format=text)}}
+     ...Display subject name
+     {{issue(1, format=full)}}
+     ...Link to issue with track, issue id and subject
       macro :issue do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/last_updated_at_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/last_updated_at_macro.rb
index 17f67ab9..57d09886 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/last_updated_at_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/last_updated_at_macro.rb
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Displays a date that updated the page.
-        {{last_updated_at}}
-        {{last_updated_at(project_name, wiki_page)}}
-        {{last_updated_at(project_identifier, wiki_page)}}
+  Displays a date that updated the page.
+    {{last_updated_at}}
+    {{last_updated_at(project_name, wiki_page)}}
+    {{last_updated_at(project_identifier, wiki_page)}}
       macro :last_updated_at do |obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/last_updated_by_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/last_updated_by_macro.rb
index 5c8d43e3..9d7461b3 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/last_updated_by_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/last_updated_by_macro.rb
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Displays a user who updated the page.
-        {{last_updated_by}}
+  Displays a user who updated the page.
+    {{last_updated_by}}
       macro :last_updated_by do |obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/member_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/member_macro.rb
index cbd71ba6..c7cba5d9 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/member_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/member_macro.rb
@@ -3,29 +3,29 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Display members.
+  Display members.
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-        {{members([PROJECT_NAME, title=My members list, role=ROLE)]}}
+    {{members([PROJECT_NAME, title=My members list, role=ROLE)]}}
-        PROJECT_NAME can be project identifier, project name or project id
+    PROJECT_NAME can be project identifier, project name or project id
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{members}}
-        ...List all members for all projects (with the current user permission)
+    {{members}}
+    ...List all members for all projects (with the current user permission)
-        {{members(the-identifier)}}
-        ...A box showing all members for the project with the identifier of 'the-identifier'
+    {{members(the-identifier)}}
+    ...A box showing all members for the project with the identifier of 'the-identifier'
-        {{members(the-identifier, role=Manager)}}
-        ...A box showing all members for the project with the identifier of 'the-identifier', which
-        have the role "Manager"
+    {{members(the-identifier, role=Manager)}}
+    ...A box showing all members for the project with the identifier of 'the-identifier', which
+    have the role "Manager"
-        {{members(the-identifier, title=My user list)}}
-        ...A box showing all members for the project with the identifier of 'the-identifier' and with
-        box title "My user list"
+    {{members(the-identifier, title=My user list)}}
+    ...A box showing all members for the project with the identifier of 'the-identifier' and with
+    box title "My user list"
       macro :members do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/meteoblue_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/meteoblue_macro.rb
index 991f6b55..8f84ce6c 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/meteoblue_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/meteoblue_macro.rb
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Display current weather from meteoblue service.  Examples:
+  Display current weather from meteoblue service.  Examples:
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-      {{meteoblue(<location> [, days=INT, width=216, height=368, color=BOOL])}}
+  {{meteoblue(<location> [, days=INT, width=216, height=368, color=BOOL])}}
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{meteoblue(münchen_deutschland_2867714)}}       weather for Munich
+    {{meteoblue(münchen_deutschland_2867714)}}       weather for Munich
-        {{meteoblue(münchen_deutschland_2867714, days=6, color=false)}} weather for Munich of the next 6 days without color
+    {{meteoblue(münchen_deutschland_2867714, days=6, color=false)}} weather for Munich of the next 6 days without color
       macro :meteoblue do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/new_issue_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/new_issue_macro.rb
index a1df0908..4c207fac 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/new_issue_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/new_issue_macro.rb
@@ -3,26 +3,26 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Create a link for "New issue" for the current user.
+  Create a link for "New issue" for the current user.
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-         {{new_issue([PROJECT_NAME, name=Custom name]}}
+     {{new_issue([PROJECT_NAME, name=Custom name]}}
-         PROJECT_NAME can be project identifier, project name or project id.
+     PROJECT_NAME can be project identifier, project name or project id.
-         If no PROJECT_NAME is specified, first project is used, which the current user
-         has permission to create an issue.
+     If no PROJECT_NAME is specified, first project is used, which the current user
+     has permission to create an issue.
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-         {{new_issue}}
-         ...Link to create new issue in first available project
-         {{new_issue(the-identifier)}}
-         ...Link to create new issue in project with the identifier of 'the-identifier'
-         {{new_issue(the-identifier, title=New issue for broken displays)}}
-         ...Link to create new issue in project with the identifier of 'the-identifier'
-            and the name 'New issue for broken displays'
+     {{new_issue}}
+     ...Link to create new issue in first available project
+     {{new_issue(the-identifier)}}
+     ...Link to create new issue in project with the identifier of 'the-identifier'
+     {{new_issue(the-identifier, title=New issue for broken displays)}}
+     ...Link to create new issue in project with the identifier of 'the-identifier'
+        and the name 'New issue for broken displays'
       macro :new_issue do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/project_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/project_macro.rb
index ac98c83d..12bb1382 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/project_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/project_macro.rb
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Display projects.
+  Display projects.
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-        {{projects([title=My project list, with_create_issue=BOOL])}}
+    {{projects([title=My project list, with_create_issue=BOOL])}}
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{projects}}
-        ...List all project, which I am member of
+    {{projects}}
+    ...List all project, which I am member of
-        {{projects(title=My project list)}}
-        ...List all project with title "My project list", which I am member of
+    {{projects(title=My project list)}}
+    ...List all project with title "My project list", which I am member of
-        {{projects(with_create_issue=true)}}
-        ...List all project with link to create new issue, which I am member of
+    {{projects(with_create_issue=true)}}
+    ...List all project with link to create new issue, which I am member of
       macro :projects do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/recently_updated_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/recently_updated_macro.rb
index 8f655c4c..e4bfae6b 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/recently_updated_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/recently_updated_macro.rb
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Displays a list of pages that were updated recently.
-        {{recently_updated}}
-        {{recently_updated([days])}}
+  Displays a list of pages that were updated recently.
+    {{recently_updated}}
+    {{recently_updated([days])}}
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{recently_updated}}
-        ...List last updated pages (of the last 5 days)
+    {{recently_updated}}
+    ...List last updated pages (of the last 5 days)
-        {{recently_updated(15)}}
-        ...List last updated pages of the last 15 days
+    {{recently_updated(15)}}
+    ...List last updated pages of the last 15 days
       macro :recently_updated do |obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/reddit_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/reddit_macro.rb
index 1dfa9e1e..dc85173f 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/reddit_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/reddit_macro.rb
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Creates link to reddit.
-        {{reddit(name)}}
+  Creates link to reddit.
+    {{reddit(name)}}
       macro :reddit do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/redmine_issue_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/redmine_issue_macro.rb
index 253c479c..cf8e26a2 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/redmine_issue_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/redmine_issue_macro.rb
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Creates link to issue.
-        {{redmine_issue(1448)}}
+  Creates link to issue.
+    {{redmine_issue(1448)}}
       macro :redmine_issue do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/redmine_wiki_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/redmine_wiki_macro.rb
index fed7e5fa..0aa25528 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/redmine_wiki_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/redmine_wiki_macro.rb
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Creates link to wiki page.
-        {{redmine_wiki(Installing Redmine)}}
+  Creates link to wiki page.
+    {{redmine_wiki(Installing Redmine)}}
       macro :redmine_wiki do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/slideshare_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/slideshare_macro.rb
index 506b8714..38dbb521 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/slideshare_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/slideshare_macro.rb
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Slideshare macro to include Slideshare slide.
+  Slideshare macro to include Slideshare slide.
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-        {{slideshare(<key> [, width=595, height=485, slide=SLIDE])}}
+    {{slideshare(<key> [, width=595, height=485, slide=SLIDE])}}
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{slideshare(57941706)}} show slideshare slide with default size 595x485
-        {{slideshare(57941706, width=514, height=422)}} show slide with user defined size
-        {{slideshare(57941706, slide=5)}} start with slide (page) 5
+    {{slideshare(57941706)}} show slideshare slide with default size 595x485
+    {{slideshare(57941706, width=514, height=422)}} show slide with user defined size
+    {{slideshare(57941706, slide=5)}} start with slide (page) 5
       macro :slideshare do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/tradingview_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/tradingview_macro.rb
index b8c9eb4d..8bcb232a 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/tradingview_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/tradingview_macro.rb
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Creates Tradingview chart
-        {{tradingview(options)}}
-      see
+  Creates Tradingview chart
+    {{tradingview(options)}}
+  see
       macro :tradingview do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/twitter_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/twitter_macro.rb
index 6c7146d5..b6df33b2 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/twitter_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/twitter_macro.rb
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Creates link to twitter account page or topic.
-        {{twitter(name)}}
+  Creates link to twitter account page or topic.
+    {{twitter(name)}}
       macro :twitter do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/vimeo_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/vimeo_macro.rb
index 22384cd3..aebf9c03 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/vimeo_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/vimeo_macro.rb
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Vimeo macro to include vimeo video.
+  Vimeo macro to include vimeo video.
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-        {{vimeo(<video key> [, width=640, height=360, autoplay=BOOL])}}
+    {{vimeo(<video key> [, width=640, height=360, autoplay=BOOL])}}
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{vimeo(142849533)}} show video with default size 640x360
-        {{vimeo(142849533, width=853, height=480)}} show video with user defined size
-        {{vimeo(142849533, autoplay=true)}} autoplay video
+    {{vimeo(142849533)}} show video with default size 640x360
+    {{vimeo(142849533, width=853, height=480)}} show video with user defined size
+    {{vimeo(142849533, autoplay=true)}} autoplay video
       macro :vimeo do |_obj, args|
diff --git a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/youtube_macro.rb b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/youtube_macro.rb
index 5a8481d9..2e90c618 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/youtube_macro.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/wiki_macros/youtube_macro.rb
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ module Additionals
   module WikiMacros
     Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
       desc <<-DESCRIPTION
-      Youtube macro to include youtube video.
+  Youtube macro to include youtube video.
-      Syntax:
+  Syntax:
-        {{youtube(<video key> [, width=640, height=360, autoplay=BOOL])}}
+    {{youtube(<video key> [, width=640, height=360, autoplay=BOOL])}}
-      Examples:
+  Examples:
-        {{youtube(KMU0tzLwhbE)}} show video with default size 640x360
-        {{youtube(KMU0tzLwhbE, width=853, height=480)}} show video with user defined size
-        {{youtube(KMU0tzLwhbE, autoplay=true)}} autoplay video
+    {{youtube(KMU0tzLwhbE)}} show video with default size 640x360
+    {{youtube(KMU0tzLwhbE, width=853, height=480)}} show video with user defined size
+    {{youtube(KMU0tzLwhbE, autoplay=true)}} autoplay video
       macro :youtube do |_obj, args|