update language files

This commit is contained in:
Claudia Meindl 2022-04-03 15:52:50 +02:00
parent 6b07bd50cd
commit 2dfb754bde
7 changed files with 58 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ cs:
label_change_is_private: "Změnit soukromé / neveřejné"
label_change_to_dashboard: "Přepnout na Dashboard"
label_chart_color_schema: "Barevné schéma grafů"
label_chart_with_name: "Chart: %{value}"
label_chart_with_name: "Diagram: %{value}"
label_chartjs_colorscheme_info: Seznam barev
label_content_plural: Obsah
label_copied_to_clipboard: "Zkopírováno!"
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ cs:
label_icon_color: "Barva ikony"
label_invalid_feed_data: "Neplatná data zdroje nebo adresa URL"
label_issue_assign_to_me: Show "Assign to me" on issue
label_issue_auto_assign: "If \"Assigned to\" is not assigned to a user and the new issue status is x then the issue is auto assigned to the first group with users of the pre-defined role."
label_issue_auto_assign: "Pokud \"Assigned to\" není přiřazeno uživateli a nový stav problému je x, pak je problém automaticky přiřazen první skupině s uživateli s předdefinovanou rolí."
label_issue_change_status: "Změnit stav"
label_issue_change_status_in_sidebar: "Stav vydání na postranním panelu"
label_issue_current_user_status: "Current issue status x is only allowed if \"Assignee\" is the current user."
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ cs:
rule_issue_current_user_status_info_html: "Is this function used in combination with the setting option \"Issue status on sidebar\" then the current user will automatically be assigned to the issue while changing the issue status.<br />Use Case: Users are only allowed to change the status to \"In Progress\" if they are the person who is actually working on the issue right now."
rule_issue_freezed_with_close_info: "Pokud je tato možnost aktivována, již uzavřené problémy již nelze upravovat a komentovat. Ani přes mail nebo API. Toto omezení se nevztahuje na uživatelské role s povolením \"Edit closed issues\"."
rule_issue_status_change_info: "Případ použití: problémy by měly být automaticky přiřazeny autorovi, pokud se stav změní na \"Approval\"."
rule_issue_timelog_required_info_html: 'Pro každý úkol vybraných sledovačů je nutná časová rezervace, pokud má lístek obdržet jednu z definovaných stavových vlastností. The time booking is not required if:<br />- no rights exist for the creation of time bookings<br />- the user has the authorization "Time logging not required"<br />Use case: For the acceptance of a ticket with the status "To Verify", the time spent is also required.'
rule_issue_timelog_required_info_html: 'Pro každý úkol vybraných sledovačů je nutná časová rezervace, pokud má lístek obdržet jednu z definovaných stavových vlastností. Rezervace času není nutná, pokud:<br />- neexistují žádná práva na vytvoření časových rezervací.<br />- uživatel má oprávnění "Time logging not required"<br />Případ použití: Pro přijetí tipu se stavem "To verify" je vyžadován také strávený čas.'
setting_export_limit: "Vývozní limit"
top_rules_help: "Zde můžete definovat pravidla, která se používají v úkolech všech projektů."
top_wiki_help: "Zde můžete definovat obsah a nastavení vaší Wiki."

View File

@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ fr:
label_icon_color: Couleur d'icône
label_invalid_feed_data: "Données d'alimentation ou URL invalides"
label_issue_assign_to_me: Voir "M'affecter" sur les tâches
label_issue_auto_assign: "If \"Assigned to\" is not assigned to a user and the new issue status is x then the issue is auto assigned to the first group with users of the pre-defined role."
label_issue_auto_assign: "Si l'option \"Assigned to\" n'est pas attribuée à un utilisateur et que le statut de la nouvelle question est x, la question est automatiquement attribuée au premier groupe d'utilisateurs ayant le rôle prédéfini."
label_issue_change_status: Modifier le statut
label_issue_change_status_in_sidebar: Statuts des tâches dans la bare latérale
label_issue_current_user_status: "Current issue status x is only allowed if \"Assignee\" is the current user."
label_issue_current_user_status: "L'état actuel du problème x n'est autorisé que si \"Assignee\" est l'utilisateur actuel."
label_issue_freezed_with_close: "Interdire l'édition des tâches fermées (freeze)"
label_issue_status_change: "If \"Assignee\" is unchanged and the issue status changed from x to y, than the author is assigned to the issue"
label_issue_status_change: "Si \"Assignee\" est inchangé et que le statut de la question est passé de x à y, l'auteur est assigné à la question."
label_issue_timelog_required: Saisie de temps obligatoire pour une tâche
label_issues_summary: "Aperçu des tâches"
label_last_year: année dernière

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ it:
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'Enter a project wide available text message for your wiki sidebar, here. This sidebar text will be displayed at the wiki pages only. Use this space for Macros like "Last changed pages" for example. In case a project specific sidebar is used (wiki page), this will be preferably displayed in the sidebar instead.'
google_maps_embed_api_html: Se si desidera utilizzare la macro Gmap per visualizzare Google Maps, è necessario immettere qui la chiave API incorporata di Google Maps. Potete trovare maggiori informazioni sotto <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: "Tutte le macro disponibili che l'utente registrato può utilizzare sono elencate tramite il pulsante macro della barra degli strumenti del wiki. Le macro contrassegnate qui non vengono offerte per la selezione. In questo modo è possibile limitare la portata dell'elenco."
info_dashboard_project_select: Leave it blank, if you want to use this dashboard for all projects.
info_dashboard_project_select: "Lascialo vuoto, se vuoi usare questo cruscotto per tutti i progetti."
info_hidden_roles_html: "I ruoli nascosti possono essere utilizzati solo insieme alla visibilità dell'utente \"Membri di progetti visibili\". Se l'utente non è in un ruolo visibile all'utente corrente, questo ruolo, incluso l'utente, è nascosto nella pagina di panoramica del progetto e nelle liste di ricerca."
info_live_search_result_restriction: "I risultati di LiveSearch sono limitati a %{value} colpi. Prova a descrivere la tua ricerca in modo più dettagliato."
label_account_login_bottom: "Testo per la pagina di accesso"
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ it:
label_app_menu: App menu
label_change_is_private: Change private/non-private
label_change_to_dashboard: "Passa a Dashboard"
label_chart_color_schema: Charts color scheme
label_chart_color_schema: "Schema di colori delle tabelle"
label_chart_with_name: "Chart: %{value}"
label_chartjs_colorscheme_info: Color list
label_content_plural: Il contentuto
@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ it:
label_icon_color: Icon colore
label_invalid_feed_data: "Dati di alimentazione o URL non validi"
label_issue_assign_to_me: Show "Assign to me" on issue
label_issue_auto_assign: "If \"Assigned to\" is not assigned to a user and the new issue status is x then the issue is auto assigned to the first group with users of the pre-defined role."
label_issue_auto_assign: "Se \"Assigned to\" non è assegnato a un utente e lo stato del nuovo problema è x, allora il problema è assegnato automaticamente al primo gruppo con utenti del ruolo predefinito."
label_issue_change_status: Modifica issue stato
label_issue_change_status_in_sidebar: Issue status on sidebar
label_issue_current_user_status: "Current issue status x is only allowed if \"Assignee\" is the current user."
label_issue_change_status_in_sidebar: Stato della questione sulla barra laterale
label_issue_current_user_status: "Lo stato attuale della questione x è permesso solo se \"Assignee\" è l'utente corrente."
label_issue_freezed_with_close: "Impedire la modifica dei problemi chiusi (Freeze)"
label_issue_status_change: "If \"Assignee\" is unchanged and the issue status changed from x to y, than the author is assigned to the issue"
label_issue_status_change: "Se \"Assignee\" è invariato e lo stato della questione è cambiato da x a y, allora l'autore è assegnato alla questione"
label_issue_timelog_required: "Time log per i problemi richiesti"
label_issues_summary: "Panoramica delle task"
label_last_year: l'anno scorso
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ it:
label_only_my_activities: "Solo la mia attività"
label_open_external_urls: "Aprire gli URL esterni"
label_open_in_google_docs: "Apri in Google Docs"
label_open_in_new_windows: Open in new windows
label_open_in_new_windows: "Apri in nuove finestre"
label_optional: "opzionale"
label_pdf_wiki_settings: PDF Wiki settings
label_project_information: "Informazioni sul progetto"
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ it:
label_twitter_account: Twitter account
label_twitter_hashtag: Twitter hashtag
label_uptime: Uptime
label_user_list: "User list"
label_user_list: "Lista utenti"
label_web_apis: Web APIs
label_weekly: settimanalmente
label_wiki_pdf_remove_attachments: "Rimuovere gli allegati dalla vista PDF"
@ -182,14 +182,14 @@ it:
permission_share_dashboards: "Condividi dashboard"
permission_show_hidden_roles_in_memberbox: "Mostra ruoli nascosti"
remove_help_info: "Rimuove l'elemento \"Aiuto\" dal menu superiore."
remove_mypage_info: "Sometimes it is more useful to hide the \"My Page\" link in order to introduce the task board. The task board advantage is that issues can be listed according to their status."
rule_issue_auto_assign_info: 'Use Case: The issue author does not know whom to assign the issue or who will be responsible for solving the task. In that case the issue for example with the status "To Do" is automatically assigned to the first group, which does contain a user of the pre-selected project manager role.'
rule_issue_current_user_status_info_html: "Is this function used in combination with the setting option \"Issue status on sidebar\" then the current user will automatically be assigned to the issue while changing the issue status.<br />Use Case: Users are only allowed to change the status to \"In Progress\" if they are the person who is actually working on the issue right now."
remove_mypage_info: "A volte è più utile nascondere il collegamento \"My Page\" per introdurre la lavagna dei compiti. Il vantaggio della lavagna dei compiti è che i problemi possono essere elencati in base al loro stato."
rule_issue_auto_assign_info: 'Caso d'uso: l'autore del problema non sa a chi assegnare il problema o chi sarà responsabile della risoluzione del compito. In questo caso il problema per esempio con lo stato "To Do" viene automaticamente assegnato al primo gruppo, che contiene un utente del ruolo di project manager preselezionato.'
rule_issue_current_user_status_info_html: "Se questa funzione è usata in combinazione con l'opzione di impostazione \"Issue status on sidebar\" Stato della questione sulla barra laterale allora l'utente corrente sarà automaticamente assegnato alla questione mentre si cambia lo stato della questione.<br />Caso d'uso: Gli utenti possono cambiare lo stato in \"In Progress\" solo se sono la persona che sta effettivamente lavorando al problema in questo momento."
rule_issue_freezed_with_close_info: "Se questa opzione è attivata, i numeri già chiusi non possono più essere modificati e commentati. Nemmeno via mail o API. Questa restrizione non si applica ai ruoli utente con il permesso \"Modifica problemi chiusi\"."
rule_issue_status_change_info: "Use Case: issues should be automatically assigned to author, if the status changes to \"Approval\"."
rule_issue_status_change_info: "Caso d'uso: i problemi dovrebbero essere assegnati automaticamente all'autore, se lo stato cambia in \"Approval\"."
rule_issue_timelog_required_info_html: "Per ogni biglietto degli inseguitori selezionati, è necessaria una prenotazione a tempo se il biglietto deve ricevere una delle proprietà di stato definite. La prenotazione del tempo non è richiesta se:<br />- non esistono diritti per la creazione di prenotazioni di tempo<br />- l'utente ha l'autorizzazione \"Tempo di prenotazione non richiesto\" <br />Use case: Per accettare un biglietto con lo stato \"Per verificare\", è richiesto anche il tempo trascorso."
setting_export_limit: "Limite di esportazione"
top_rules_help: "Here you can define rules, which are used in issues of all projects."
top_rules_help: "Qui è possibile definire le regole, che sono utilizzate nelle questioni di tutti i progetti."
top_wiki_help: "Qui puoi definire contenuti e impostazioni per il tuo Wiki."
wiki_pdf_remove_attachments_info: "Quando è attivo, il Wiki file allegati non verranno visualizzati nella vista PDF."
wiki_pdf_remove_title_info: "Quando è attivo, le informazioni sul titolo del Wiki non verranno visualizzate nella vista PDF."

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ ja:
label_only_my_activities: "私の活動のみ"
label_open_external_urls: "外部URLを開く"
label_open_in_google_docs: "Googleドキュメントで開く"
label_open_in_new_windows: Open in new windows
label_open_in_new_windows: "新しいウィンドウで開く"
label_optional: "任意"
label_pdf_wiki_settings: PDF Wiki settings
label_project_information: "プロジェクト情報"
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ ja:
label_redmine_org_wiki: Redmine.org wiki page
label_remove_help: "「ヘルプ」をトップメニューから外す"
label_remove_mypage: "「マイ・ページ」をトップメニューから外す"
label_search_by_name: Search by name
label_search_by_name: "名前から探す"
label_settings_macros: "マクロ"
label_settings_menu: "メニュー"
label_shared_dashboard_plural: "共有ダッシュボード"
@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ ja:
label_system_setting: "システム"
label_text_async: "テキスト(非同期)"
label_text_sync: "テキスト"
label_top_macros_help_html: "Here you get a list of all available Redmine macros of your installation, which are provided by Redmine and the Redmine plugins."
label_top_macros_help_html: "RedmineやRedmineプラグインで提供されている、インストールされているすべてのRedmineマクロのリストが表示されます。"
label_top_menu: Top menu
label_top_menu_help: "ここで新しいトップメニューの項目を定義出来ます。"
label_twitter_account: Twitter account
label_twitter_hashtag: Twitter hashtag
label_twitter_account: Twitter アカウント
label_twitter_hashtag: Twitter ハッシュタグ
label_uptime: Uptime
label_user_list: "ユーザ一覧"
label_web_apis: Web APIs

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pl:
issue_changes_not_allowed: "Ten issue jest zamknięty, nie masz prawa go zmieniać."
issue_requires_timelog: "Wybrany status issue wymaga rejestracji czasu."
invalid_icon_format: "jest nieprawidłowym kodem font-awesome"
relation_not_unique: multiple assigned.
relation_not_unique: wiele przydzielonych.
account_login_info: "Ta wiadomość tekstowa zostanie wyświetlona na stronie logowania i powinna być użyta jako informacja rejestracyjna. Ustawienia te są aktywne we wszystkich projektach."
add_go_to_top_info: "Jeśli masz dużo długich stron, pomocne jest dodanie skoku do górnego linku."
additionals_query_list_default_totals: "Domyślne sumy dla widoku listy"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ pl:
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'Wprowadź ogólnodostępną wiadomość tekstową dla paska bocznego wiki, tutaj. Ten pasek boczny będzie wyświetlany tylko na stronach wiki. Użyj tego miejsca dla makr, jak na przykład "Last changed pages". W przypadku użycia paska bocznego specyficznego dla projektu (strona wiki), zostanie on wyświetlony na pasku bocznym.'
google_maps_embed_api_html: "W przypadku, gdy chcesz użyć makra Gmapy do wyświetlania map Google, zaimplementuj tutaj swój klucz API Google Maps. Następnie możesz użyć makra i różnych parametrów. Więcej informacji na temat korzystania z paramaterów znajduje się na stronie <a href=\"https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide\" target=\"_blank\">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. The Gmap macro works only in combination with the embedded key here."
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: "Wszystkie dostępne makra, których może używać zalogowany użytkownik, są wymienione za pomocą przycisku makro na pasku narzędzi wiki. Makra zaznaczone tutaj nie są oferowane do wyboru. Pozwala to na ograniczenie zakresu listy."
info_dashboard_project_select: Leave it blank, if you want to use this dashboard for all projects.
info_dashboard_project_select: "Pozostaw to pole puste, jeśli chcesz używać tego pulpitu nawigacyjnego dla wszystkich projektów."
info_hidden_roles_html: Hidden roles can only be used together with the user visibility "Members of visible projects".Jeśli użytkownik nie jest w roli, która jest widoczna dla bieżącego użytkownika, rola ta wraz z użytkownikiem jest ukryta na stronie przeglądu projektu i na listach zapytań.
info_live_search_result_restriction: "Wyniki LiveSearch są ograniczone do %{value} trafienia. Spróbuj opisać swoje poszukiwania bardziej szczegółowo."
label_account_login_bottom: "Tekst dla strony logowania"
label_active_dashboard: "Active Dashboard"
label_active_dashboard: "Aktywny Dashboard"
label_add_dashboard_block: "Dodaj blok"
label_add_go_to_top: 'Dodaj "Go to top" link'
label_additionals: Additionals
@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ pl:
label_hidden_macros_in_toolbar: Hidden macros
label_hour: "godzina"
label_icon_color: Icon color
label_invalid_feed_data: "Invalid feed data or URL"
label_issue_assign_to_me: Show "Assign to me" on issue
label_invalid_feed_data: "Nieprawidłowe dane lub adres URL"
label_issue_assign_to_me: "Pokaż opcję \"Assign to me\" w sprawie"
label_issue_auto_assign: "If \"Assigned to\" is not assigned to a user and the new issue status is x then the issue is auto assigned to the first group with users of the pre-defined role."
label_issue_change_status: "Zmiana statusu"
label_issue_change_status_in_sidebar: "Status Issue na pasku bocznym"
label_issue_current_user_status: "Current issue status x is only allowed if \"Assignee\" is the current user."
label_issue_current_user_status: "Bieżący status sprawy x jest dozwolony tylko wtedy, gdy \"Assignee\" jest bieżącym użytkownikiem."
label_issue_freezed_with_close: "Uniemożliwienie edycji zamkniętych issues (Freeze)"
label_issue_status_change: "If \"Assignee\" is unchanged and the issue status changed from x to y, than the author is assigned to the issue"
label_issue_status_change: "Jeśli status \"Assignee\" jest niezmieniony, a status sprawy zmienił się z x na y, to autor jest przypisany do sprawy"
label_issue_timelog_required: "Wymagany jest dziennik czasowy dla issues"
label_issues_summary: "Przegląd zadań"
label_last_year: "rok poprzedni"
@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ pl:
label_top_macros_help_html: "Tutaj otrzymujesz listę wszystkich dostępnych makr Redmine z Twojej instalacji, które są dostarczane przez Redmine i wtyczki Redmine."
label_top_menu: Top menu
label_top_menu_help_html: "Tutaj możesz zdefiniować nowe pozycje menu górnego."
label_twitter_account: Twitter account
label_twitter_account: Twitter konto
label_twitter_hashtag: Twitter hashtag
label_uptime: Uptime
label_user_list: "Lista użytkowników"
label_web_apis: Web APIs
label_weekly: tygodnik
label_wiki_pdf_remove_attachments: Remove attachments from PDF view
label_wiki_pdf_remove_title: Remove Wiki title from PDF view
label_wiki_pdf_remove_attachments: "Usuwanie załączników z widoku PDF"
label_wiki_pdf_remove_title: Usuń tytuł Wiki z widoku PDF
label_without_value: "Nie %{value}"
label_yearly: coroczny
latest_entries_changes: "Ostatnie %{value} zmian"
@ -177,16 +177,16 @@ pl:
permission_edit_issue_author: "Edycja autora issue"
permission_issue_timelog_never_required: "Nie jest wymagane rejestrowanie czasu pracy."
permission_log_time_on_closed_issues: "Czas rejestracji w zamkniętych issues"
permission_save_dashboards: Save dashboards
permission_set_system_dashboards: Set system dashboards
permission_share_dashboards: Share dashboards
permission_save_dashboards: Zapisz dashboards
permission_set_system_dashboards: Ustaw system dashboards
permission_share_dashboards: Udostępnij dashboards
permission_show_hidden_roles_in_memberbox: "Pokaż ukryte role"
remove_help_info: "Usuń element 'Help' z górnego menu."
remove_mypage_info: 'Czasami bardziej użyteczne jest ukrywanie linku "My Page" w celu wprowadzenia tablicy zadań. Zaletą forum zadań jest to, że issues mogą być wymienione zgodnie z ich statusem.'
rule_issue_auto_assign_info: 'Przypadek użycia: Autor issue nie wie, komu przydzielić issue lub kto będzie odpowiedzialny za rozwiązanie zadania. W takim przypadku issue np. ze statusem "To Do" jest automatycznie przypisywana do pierwszej grupy, w której znajduje się użytkownik wstępnie wybranej roli kierownika projektu.'
rule_issue_current_user_status_info_html: "Is this function used in combination with the setting option \"Issue status on sidebar\" then the current user will automatically be assigned to the issue while changing the issue status.<br />Use Case: Users are only allowed to change the status to \"In Progress\" if they are the person who is actually working on the issue right now."
rule_issue_current_user_status_info_html: "Jeśli funkcja ta zostanie użyta w połączeniu z opcją ustawienia \"Issue status on sidebar\" to podczas zmiany statusu sprawy bieżący użytkownik zostanie automatycznie przypisany do sprawy.<br />Przypadek użycia: Użytkownicy mogą zmieniać status na \"In Progress\" tylko wtedy, gdy są osobami, które aktualnie pracują nad sprawą."
rule_issue_freezed_with_close_info: "Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, już zamknięte issues nie mogą być już edytowane i komentowane. Nawet za pośrednictwem poczty lub API. Ograniczenie to nie dotyczy ról użytkowników z uprawnieniem \"Edit closed issues\"."
rule_issue_status_change_info: "Use Case: issues should be automatically assigned to autor, if the status changes to \"Approval\"."
rule_issue_status_change_info: "Przypadek użycia: sprawy powinny być automatycznie przypisywane do autora, jeśli ich status zmieni się na \"Approval\"."
rule_issue_timelog_required_info_html: 'Dla każdego biletu wybranych trackerów konieczna jest rezerwacja czasu, jeśli bilet ma otrzymać jedną ze zdefiniowanych właściwości statusu. Rezerwacja czasu nie jest wymagana, jeśli:<br />- nie istnieją żadne prawa do tworzenia rezerwacji czasu.<br />- użytkownik posiada autoryzację "Time logging not required"<br />Przypadek użycia: Do przyjęcia biletu o statusie "To verify" wymagany jest również czas poświęcony na jego akceptację.'
setting_export_limit: "Limit eksportu"
top_rules_help: "Tutaj możesz zdefiniować reguły, które są używane w sprawach wszystkich projektów."

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ ru:
label_issue_assign_to_me: Show "Assign to me" on issue
label_issue_auto_assign: "If \"Assigned to\" is not assigned to a user and the new issue status is x then the issue is auto assigned to the first group with users of the pre-defined role."
label_issue_change_status: "Изменить статус"
label_issue_change_status_in_sidebar: Issue status on sidebar
label_issue_change_status_in_sidebar: "Состояние вопроса на боковой панели"
label_issue_current_user_status: "Current issue status x is only allowed if \"Assignee\" is the current user."
label_issue_freezed_with_close: "Запрет редактирования закрытых заданий (Freeze)"
label_issue_status_change: "If \"Assignee\" is unchanged and the issue status changed from x to y, than the author is assigned to the issue"
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ ru:
label_show_closed_issues: "Показать закрытые вопросы"
label_stats_new_today: "Новое сегодня"
label_stats_totals: "всего"
label_system_info: System info
label_system_info: "Системная информация"
label_system_setting: "Система"
label_text_async: "Текст (асинхронный)"
label_text_sync: "Текст"
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ ru:
label_twitter_account: Twitter account
label_twitter_hashtag: Twitter hashtag
label_uptime: Uptime
label_user_list: "User list"
label_user_list: "Список пользователей"
label_web_apis: Web APIs
label_weekly: "еженедельно"
label_wiki_pdf_remove_attachments: "Удаление вложений из PDF-формата"

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
must_be_for_everyone: "must be set for each user if System Default is used."
must_be_for_everyone: "如果使用系统默认值,必须为每个用户设置。"
issue_cannot_close_with_open_children: "只有關閉所有子任務以後,才能關閉對應的父議題。"
issue_current_user_status: "所選狀態必須要將 \"被分派者\"設定給你自己。"
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
alert_only_visible_by_admins: "Can only be seen by users with admin permissions"
alert_only_visible_by_yourself: "Can only be seen by you"
button_assign_to_me: Assign to me
button_dashboard_delete: Delete dashboard
button_dashboard_edit: Edit dashboard
button_dashboard_delete: 删除 dashboard
button_dashboard_edit: 编辑 dashboard
button_merge: "合并"
disabled_modules_info: "專案中無法選擇模組。如果這些模組已經在現有專案中啟用,必須先變更對應的專案設定。"
error_issue_status_could_not_changed: Issue state could not be changed
error_issues_could_not_be_assigned_to_me: Issue could not assigned to me
error_query_statement_invalid: An error occurred while executing the query and has been logged. Please report this error to your Redmine administrator.
error_issue_status_could_not_changed: 问题状态无法改变
error_issues_could_not_be_assigned_to_me: 问题无法分配给我
error_query_statement_invalid: 在执行查询时发生了一个错误并已被记录下来。请向您的Redmine管理员报告此错误。
errors_no_or_invalid_arguments: "參數無效或不存在。"
field_always_expose: "始终显示仪表盘名称"
field_color: 顏色
@ -65,10 +65,10 @@
label_additionals_feed: Atom+RSS Feed
label_additionals_message: "讯息"
label_app_menu: App 選單
label_change_is_private: Change private/non-private
label_change_is_private: 改变私人/非私人
label_change_to_dashboard: "Switch to Dashboard"
label_chart_color_schema: Charts color scheme
label_chart_with_name: "Chart: %{value}"
label_chart_with_name: "图表: %{value}"
label_chartjs_colorscheme_info: "顏色清單"
label_content_plural: 内容
label_copied_to_clipboard: "复制!"
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
label_hidden_macros_in_toolbar: Hidden macros
label_hour: 小時
label_icon_color: 圖示顏色
label_invalid_feed_data: "Invalid feed data or URL"
label_invalid_feed_data: "无效的饲料数据或URL"
label_issue_assign_to_me: Show "Assign to me" on issue
label_issue_auto_assign: "若建立新議題的 \"被分派者\" 未設定,且狀態為 X 時,將被自動分派給指定角色。"
label_issue_change_status: Change status
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
label_issue_current_user_status: " \"被分派者\"為目前用戶時,議題狀態只能被設定為 X 。"
label_issue_freezed_with_close: Disallow editing of closed issues (Freeze)
label_issue_status_change: "若未修改 \"被分派者\" ,且議題狀態要從 X 變更為 Y ,則該議題必須被分派給議題作者。"
label_issue_timelog_required: Time log for issues required
label_issue_timelog_required: "所需问题的时间记录"
label_issues_summary: "任务概述"
label_last_year: 去年
label_legacy_smiley_support: 支援表情符號
@ -115,20 +115,20 @@
label_max_live_search_results: "LiveSearch结果的最大数量"
label_menu_entry: "選單項"
label_monthly: 每月
label_my_activity: "My activity"
label_my_activity: "我的活动"
label_my_dashboard_plural: My dashboards
label_my_spent_time: My spent time
label_my_spent_time: "我花费的时间"
label_new_dashboard: New dashboard
label_new_issue_on_profile: New issue on user profile
label_new_ticket_message: "建立新議題時的提示訊息"
label_no_permission: "No permission"
label_only_my_activities: "Only my activity"
label_no_permission: "没有许可"
label_only_my_activities: "只有我的活动"
label_open_external_urls: "打開外部URL"
label_open_in_google_docs: "在Google文档中打开"
label_open_in_new_windows: Open in new windows
label_optional: "選擇性"
label_pdf_wiki_settings: "PDF Wiki 設定"
label_project_information: "Projekt information"
label_project_information: "项目信息"
label_project_list: "專案清單"
label_project_setting: "项目"
label_query_delete: 刪除查詢
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
label_settings_menu: "選單"
label_shared_dashboard_plural: Shared dashboards
label_show_all: "顯示全部"
label_show_closed_issues: Show closed issues
label_show_closed_issues: "显示已关闭的问题"
label_stats_new_today: "今天的新品"
label_stats_totals: "总数"
label_system_info: "系統訊息"