diff --git a/app/jobs/additionals_job.rb b/app/jobs/additionals_job.rb
index 825904f8..5b5c73ac 100644
--- a/app/jobs/additionals_job.rb
+++ b/app/jobs/additionals_job.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
-class AdditionalsJob < ActiveJob::Base
-  # Automatically retry jobs that encountered a deadlock
-  # retry_on ActiveRecord::Deadlocked
+if Redmine::VERSION.to_s >= '5.1'
+  class AdditionalsJob < ApplicationJob
+  end
+  class AdditionalsJob < ActiveJob::Base
+    # Automatically retry jobs that encountered a deadlock
+    # retry_on ActiveRecord::Deadlocked
-  # Most jobs are safe to ignore if the underlying records are no longer available
-  # discard_on ActiveJob::DeserializationError
+    # Most jobs are safe to ignore if the underlying records are no longer available
+    # discard_on ActiveJob::DeserializationError
+    include Additionals::JobWrapper
+    around_enqueue :keep_current_user
+  end
diff --git a/app/models/dashboard.rb b/app/models/dashboard.rb
index bf1c0024..def833c5 100644
--- a/app/models/dashboard.rb
+++ b/app/models/dashboard.rb
@@ -118,20 +118,19 @@ class Dashboard < ActiveRecord::Base
       if user.admin?
         scope.where.not(visibility: VISIBILITY_PRIVATE).or(scope.where(author_id: user.id))
       elsif user.memberships.includes([:memberships]).any?
-        scope.where("#{table_name}.visibility = ?" \
-                    " OR (#{table_name}.visibility = ? AND #{table_name}.id IN (" \
+        scope.where "#{table_name}.visibility = :public" \
+                    " OR (#{table_name}.visibility = :roles AND #{table_name}.id IN (" \
                     "SELECT DISTINCT d.id FROM #{table_name} d" \
                     " INNER JOIN #{DashboardRole.table_name} dr ON dr.dashboard_id = d.id" \
                     " INNER JOIN #{MemberRole.table_name} mr ON mr.role_id = dr.role_id" \
-                    " INNER JOIN #{Member.table_name} m ON m.id = mr.member_id AND m.user_id = ?" \
-                    " INNER JOIN #{Project.table_name} p ON p.id = m.project_id AND p.status <> ?" \
+                    " INNER JOIN #{Member.table_name} m ON m.id = mr.member_id AND m.user_id = :user_id" \
+                    " INNER JOIN #{Project.table_name} p ON p.id = m.project_id AND p.status IN(:statuses)" \
                     ' WHERE d.project_id IS NULL OR d.project_id = m.project_id))' \
-                    " OR #{table_name}.author_id = ?",
-                    VISIBILITY_PUBLIC,
-                    VISIBILITY_ROLES,
-                    user.id,
-                    Project::STATUS_ARCHIVED,
-                    user.id)
+                    " OR #{table_name}.author_id = :user_id",
+                    public: VISIBILITY_PUBLIC,
+                    roles: VISIBILITY_ROLES,
+                    user_id: user.id,
+                    statuses: Project.usable_status_ids
       elsif user.logged?
         scope.where(visibility: VISIBILITY_PUBLIC).or(scope.where(author_id: user.id))
diff --git a/lib/additionals/job_wrapper.rb b/lib/additionals/job_wrapper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c5e68d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/additionals/job_wrapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Additionals
+  module JobWrapper
+    def keep_current_user
+      current_user = User.current
+      yield
+      User.current = current_user
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/additionals/patches/project_patch.rb b/lib/additionals/patches/project_patch.rb
index 46d9c551..b80926ca 100644
--- a/lib/additionals/patches/project_patch.rb
+++ b/lib/additionals/patches/project_patch.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ module Additionals
     module ProjectPatch
       extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+      USABLE_STATUSES = { Project::STATUS_ACTIVE => :active,
+                          Project::STATUS_CLOSED => :closed }.freeze
       included do
         prepend InstanceOverwriteMethods
         include InstanceMethods
@@ -14,6 +17,30 @@ module Additionals
         safe_attributes 'enable_new_ticket_message', 'new_ticket_message'
+      class_methods do
+        def usable_status_ids
+          USABLE_STATUSES.keys
+        end
+        def sql_for_usable_status(table = nil)
+          table ||= Project.table_name
+          "#{table}.status IN(#{usable_status_ids.join ', '})"
+        end
+        def available_status_ids
+          available_statuses.keys
+        end
+        def available_statuses
+          statuses = USABLE_STATUSES.dup
+          statuses[Project::STATUS_ARCHIVED] = :archived
+          statuses[Project::STATUS_SCHEDULED_FOR_DELETION] = :scheduled_for_deletion if Redmine::VERSION.to_s >= '5.1'
+          statuses
+        end
+      end
       module InstanceOverwriteMethods
         def assignable_users(tracker = nil)
diff --git a/test/unit/project_test.rb b/test/unit/project_test.rb
index 811b2e2f..73430839 100644
--- a/test/unit/project_test.rb
+++ b/test/unit/project_test.rb
@@ -150,4 +150,29 @@ class ProjectTest < Additionals::TestCase
     assert_save role
     assert project.consider_hidden_roles?
+  def test_usable_status_ids
+    ids = Project.usable_status_ids
+    assert_sorted_equal ids, [Project::STATUS_ACTIVE, Project::STATUS_CLOSED]
+  end
+  def test_sql_for_usable_status
+    assert_equal "projects.status IN(#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}, #{Project::STATUS_CLOSED})",
+                 Project.sql_for_usable_status
+    assert_equal "projects.status IN(#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}, #{Project::STATUS_CLOSED})",
+                 Project.sql_for_usable_status(:projects)
+    assert_equal "subprojects.status IN(#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}, #{Project::STATUS_CLOSED})",
+                 Project.sql_for_usable_status('subprojects')
+  end
+  def test_available_status_ids
+    ids = Project.available_status_ids
+    if Redmine::VERSION.to_s < '5.1'
+      assert_equal 3, ids.count
+    else
+      assert_operator ids.count, :>, 3
+    end
+  end