Drop wiki and footer header, which required RedCloth3::ALLOWED_TAGS div
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Changelog
- D3 6.1.1 support
- Mermaid 8.8.0 support
- d3plus to v2.0.0-alpha.29 support
- drop wiki header and footer settings
@ -9,14 +9,6 @@ fieldset.settings
= additionals_settings_textarea :global_wiki_sidebar
= l(:global_wiki_sidebar_info)
= additionals_settings_textarea :global_wiki_header
= l(:global_wiki_header_info)
= additionals_settings_textarea :global_wiki_footer
= l(:global_wiki_footer_info)
legend = l(:label_pdf_wiki_settings)
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ cs:
field_website: Website
global_footer_info: 'Sem zadejte zápatí široké wiki projektu.'
global_sidebar_info: "Sem zadejte textovou zprávu dostupnou pro celý projekt. Tento text postranního panelu se zobrazí v přehledu projektu, na problémových stránkách a na wiki stránkách."
global_wiki_footer_info: 'Sem zadejte zápatí široké wiki projektu. V případě, že zápatí wiki specifické pro projekt používá "Wiki Extensions", bude to místo toho zobrazeno.'
global_wiki_header_info: 'Sem zadejte záhlaví wiki pro celý projekt. V případě, že záhlaví wiki specifické pro projekt používá „Wiki Extensions“, bude to místo toho zobrazeno.'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'Zde zadejte textovou textovou zprávu, která je k dispozici pro váš postranní panel wiki. Tento text postranního panelu se zobrazí pouze na stránkách wiki. Tento prostor použijte například pro makra, například „Last changed pages“. V případě, že je použit boční panel specifický pro projekt (wiki stránka), bude to místo toho zobrazen na postranním panelu.'
google_maps_embed_api_html: "V případě, že chcete k zobrazení map Goole použít makro Gmap, implementujte zde klíč API Google Maps API. Poté můžete použít makro a různé parametry. Více informací o tom, jak používat parametry, naleznete na <a href=\"https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide\" target=\"_blank\">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. Makro Gmap zde funguje pouze v kombinaci s vloženým klíčem."
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: "Všechna dostupná makra, která může přihlášený uživatel použít, jsou uvedena prostřednictvím tlačítka makro na panelu nástrojů wiki. Makra zde označená nejsou nabízena k výběru. To vám umožní omezit rozsah seznamu."
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ cs:
label_enable_sidebar: "Umožnit sidebar"
label_global_footer: "Široká zápatí projektu"
label_global_sidebar: "Globální postranní panel"
label_global_wiki_footer: "Zápatí široké wiki projektu"
label_global_wiki_header: "Projděte širokou hlavičku wiki"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "Globální postranní panel wiki"
label_go_to_top: "Go to top"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ de:
field_website: Website
global_footer_info: 'Hier kann ein projektübergreifender Footer hinterlegt werden, z.B. um einen Verweis auf die Datenschutzbestimmungen zu setzen.'
global_sidebar_info: "Hier kann für die Sidebar ein projektübergreifender Text hinterlegt werden. Der hier hinterlegte Sidebar Inhalt wird auf der Projektübersichtsseite, auf den Ticketseiten und den Wikiseiten angezeigt."
global_wiki_footer_info: 'Hier kann ein projektübergreifender Wiki Footer hinterlegt werden. Wird über "Wiki Extensions" ein projektspezifischer Footer angelegt, wird dieser anstelle des projektübergreifenden Footers verwendet.'
global_wiki_header_info: 'Hier kann ein projektübergreifender Wiki Header hinterlegt werden. Wird über "Wiki Extensions" ein projektspezifischer Header angelegt, wird dieser immer vorzugsweise vor dem projektübergreifenden Header verwendet.'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'Hier kann für die Wiki Sidebar ein projektübergreifender Text hinterlegt werden. Diese Sidebar wird nur auf den Wiki Seiten angezeigt und kann z.B. für Makros wie "Zuletzt geänderte Seiten" verwendet werden. Wird eine projektspezifische Sidebar angelegt (über eine Wiki Seite), dann wird diese anstelle der projektübergreifenden Sidebar angezeigt.'
google_maps_embed_api_html: Wenn Du das Gmap Makro verwenden willst um Google Karten darzustellen, musst Du hier Deinen Google Maps Embed API Schlüssel eintragen. Mehr Informationen dazu findest Du unter <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide" target="_blank">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. Wird hier kein Schlüssel eingetragen, kann das gmap Makro nicht verwendet werden.
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: Alle verfügbaren Makros, die der angemeldete Benutzer verwenden kann, werden über den Makro-Button der Wiki-Toolbar aufgelistet. Hier markierte Makros werden nicht zur Auswahl angeboten. Damit lässt sich der Listenumfang einschränken.
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ de:
label_enable_sidebar: Sidebar aktivieren
label_global_footer: "Projektübergreifender Footer"
label_global_sidebar: "Projektübergreifender Sidebar Inhalt"
label_global_wiki_footer: "Projektübergreifender Wiki Footer"
label_global_wiki_header: "Projektübergreifender Wiki Header"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "Projektübergreifender Wiki-Sidebar Inhalt"
label_go_to_top: "Nach oben"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ en:
field_website: Website
global_footer_info: 'Enter a project wide wiki footer here.'
global_sidebar_info: "Enter a project wide available text message here. This sidebar text will be displayed at the project overview, the issue pages and the wiki pages."
global_wiki_footer_info: 'Enter a project wide wiki footer here. In case a project specific wiki footer is used by "Wiki Extensions", this will be preferably displayed instead.'
global_wiki_header_info: 'Enter a project wide wiki header here. In case a project specific wiki header is used by "Wiki Extensions", this will be preferably displayed instead.'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'Enter a project wide available text message for your wiki sidebar, here. This sidebar text will be displayed at the wiki pages only. Use this space for Macros like "Last changed pages" for example. In case a project specific sidebar is used (wiki page), this will be preferably displayed in the sidebar instead.'
google_maps_embed_api_html: In case you want to use the Gmap macro in order to display Goole maps please implement your Google Maps API key here. Afterwards you can use the macro and various paramters. More information on how to use the paramaters are provided at <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide" target="_blank">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. The Gmap macro works only in combination with the embedded key here.
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: All available macros that the logged in user can use are listed via the macro button of the wiki toolbar. Macros marked here are not offered for selection. This allows you to limit the scope of the list.
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ en:
label_enable_sidebar: Enable sidebar
label_global_footer: "Project wide footer"
label_global_sidebar: "Global sidebar"
label_global_wiki_footer: "Project wide wiki footer"
label_global_wiki_header: "Project wide wiki header"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "Global wiki sidebar"
label_go_to_top: "Go to top"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ es:
field_website: Sitio Web
global_footer_info: 'Ingrese un pie de página para la wiki de todo el proyecto.'
global_sidebar_info: "Ingrese aquí el texto de Barra lateral de wiki. Esta Barra lateral será mostrada en el vistazo del proyecto, las peticiones y las páginas de la Wiki."
global_wiki_footer_info: 'Ingrese aquí un pie de página para la Wiki de los proyectos. En caso de que se utilice un encabezado específico para el proyecto con "Wiki Extensions", este texto será mostrado en su lugar.'
global_wiki_header_info: 'Ingrese aquí un encabezado para la Wiki de los proyectos. En caso de que se utilice un encabezado específico para el proyecto con "Wiki Extensions", este texto será mostrado en su lugar.'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'Ingrese aquí un el texto a ser mostrado en la barra lateral de la Wiki. Esta barra lateral solo será mostrada en las Wiki. Puede utilizar este espacio para macros como "Últimas páginas modificadas". En caso de que se utilice una barra lateral de proyecto esté en uso, este texto será mostrado en su lugar.'
google_maps_embed_api_html: En caso de querer utilizar el macro Gmap para mostrar mapas de Google necesita ingresar su Clave de API de Google Maps aquí. Luego podrá utilizar el macro y varios parámetros. Mas información acerca de como utilizar estos parametros está disponible en <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide" target="_blank">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. El macro Gmap funciona solamente si se ingresa esta clave.
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: Todas las macros disponibles que el usuario conectado puede utilizar se enumeran mediante el botón de macros de la barra de herramientas wiki. Las macros marcadas aquí no se ofrecen para la selección. Esto permite restringir el alcance de la lista.
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ es:
label_enable_sidebar: "Activar la barra lateral"
label_global_footer: "Footer para todo el proyecto"
label_global_sidebar: "Barra lateral global"
label_global_wiki_footer: "Footer de wiki para todo el proyecto"
label_global_wiki_header: "Header de wiki para todo el proyecto"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "Barra lateral de wiki global"
label_go_to_top: "Volver al inicio"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ fr:
field_website: Website
global_footer_info: 'Entrez un projet en bas de page wiki ici.'
global_sidebar_info: "Saisissez ici un message texte disponible pour l'ensemble du projet. Ce texte latéral sera affiché dans la vue d'ensemble du projet, les pages d'édition et les pages wiki."
global_wiki_footer_info: "Entrez ici un pied de page wiki pour l'ensemble du projet. Dans le cas où un pied de page wiki spécifique à un projet est utilisé par \"Wiki Extensions\", celui-ci sera de préférence affiché à la place."
global_wiki_header_info: "Entrez ici un en-tête wiki pour l'ensemble du projet. Dans le cas où un en-tête wiki spécifique à un projet est utilisé par \"Wiki Extensions\", celui-ci sera de préférence affiché à la place."
global_wiki_sidebar_info: "Entrez ici un message texte disponible pour l'ensemble du projet pour votre barre latérale wiki. Ce texte de la barre latérale sera affiché uniquement sur les pages wiki. Use this space for Macros like \"Last changed pages\" for example. Dans le cas où une barre latérale spécifique au projet est utilisée (page wiki), celle-ci sera de préférence affichée dans la barre latérale."
google_maps_embed_api_html: "Si vous souhaitez utiliser la macro Gmap pour afficher les cartes de Goole, veuillez implémenter votre clé API Google Maps ici. Ensuite, vous pouvez utiliser la macro et divers paramètres. Pour plus d'informations sur l'utilisation des paramètres, voir <a href=\"https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide\">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. La macro Gmap ne fonctionne qu'en combinaison avec la clé intégrée."
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: "Toutes les macros disponibles que l'utilisateur connecté peut utiliser sont listées via le bouton macro de la barre d'outils wiki. Les macros marquées ici ne sont pas proposées à la sélection. Ceci vous permet de limiter la portée de la liste."
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ fr:
label_enable_sidebar: "Activer la sidebar"
label_global_footer: "Project wide footer"
label_global_sidebar: "Global sidebar"
label_global_wiki_footer: "Project wide wiki footer"
label_global_wiki_header: "Project wide wiki header"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "Global wiki sidebar"
label_go_to_top: "Go to top"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ it:
field_website: Website
global_footer_info: 'Enter a project wide wiki footer here.'
global_sidebar_info: "Enter a project wide available text message here. This sidebar text will be displayed at the project overview, the issue pages and the wiki pages."
global_wiki_footer_info: 'Enter a project wide wiki footer here. In case a project specific wiki footer is used by "Wiki Extensions", this will be preferably displayed instead.'
global_wiki_header_info: 'Enter a project wide wiki header here. In case a project specific wiki header is used by "Wiki Extensions", this will be preferably displayed instead.'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'Enter a project wide available text message for your wiki sidebar, here. This sidebar text will be displayed at the wiki pages only. Use this space for Macros like "Last changed pages" for example. In case a project specific sidebar is used (wiki page), this will be preferably displayed in the sidebar instead.'
google_maps_embed_api_html: Se si desidera utilizzare la macro Gmap per visualizzare Google Maps, è necessario immettere qui la chiave API incorporata di Google Maps. Potete trovare maggiori informazioni sotto <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: "Tutte le macro disponibili che l'utente registrato può utilizzare sono elencate tramite il pulsante macro della barra degli strumenti del wiki. Le macro contrassegnate qui non vengono offerte per la selezione. In questo modo è possibile limitare la portata dell'elenco."
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ it:
label_enable_sidebar: "Attivare la barra laterale"
label_global_footer: "Project wide footer"
label_global_sidebar: "Globale sidebar"
label_global_wiki_footer: "Project wide wiki footer"
label_global_wiki_header: "Project wide wiki header"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "Global wiki sidebar"
label_go_to_top: "Vai in cima"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ ja:
field_website: Website
global_footer_info: 'プロジェクト全体のWikiフッターをここに入力する'
global_sidebar_info: "この文章はプロジェクト全体で表示されます。このサイドバーの文章は、プロジェクト概要・チケット関連ページ・Wiki関連ページに表示されます。"
global_wiki_footer_info: 'プロジェクトのWikiフッターをここで入力する。「Wiki Extensions」等のプロジェクト特有のWikiフッターが使用されている場合、こちらの文章が優先的に表示されます。'
global_wiki_header_info: 'プロジェクトのWikiヘッダーをここで入力する。「Wiki Extensions」等のプロジェクト特有のWikiヘッダーが使用されている場合、こちらの文章が優先的に表示されます。'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'プロジェクト全体のWikiサイドバーで使用される文章を入力する。このサイドバー文章は、Wikiページのみに表示されます。例えば、「直近変更されたページ」等のマクロで使う事をお勧めします。もしプロジェクト特有のサイドバーが使用されている場合でも、こちらの文章がサイドバーで優先的に表示されます。'
google_maps_embed_api_html: In case you want to use the Gmap macro in order to display Goole maps please implement your Google Maps API key here. Afterwards you can use the macro and various paramters. More information on how to use the paramaters are provided at <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide" target="_blank">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. The Gmap macro works only in combination with the embedded key here.
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: "ログインしているユーザーが使用できるすべての利用可能なマクロは、wikiツールバーのマクロボタンを使ってリストアップされています。ここでマークされたマクロは選択のために提供されていません。これにより、リストの範囲を制限することができます。"
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ ja:
label_enable_sidebar: "サイドバーを有効にする"
label_global_footer: "プロジェクト全体フッター"
label_global_sidebar: "グローバルサイドバー"
label_global_wiki_footer: "プロジェクト全体Wikiフッター"
label_global_wiki_header: "プロジェクト全体Wikiヘッダー"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "グローバルWikiサイドバー"
label_go_to_top: "トップへ"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ ko:
field_website: 웹 사이트
global_footer_info: '여기에 프로젝트 전체 위키 바닥 글을 입력하십시오.'
global_sidebar_info: "여기에 프로젝트 전체 문자 메시지를 입력하십시오. 이 사이드 바 텍스트는 프로젝트 개요, 이슈 페이지 및 위키 페이지에 표시됩니다."
global_wiki_footer_info: '여기에 프로젝트 전체 위키 바닥 글을 입력하십시오. "Wiki Extensions"에서 프로젝트 특정 위키 바닥 글을 사용하는 경우, 대신이 것이 표시됩니다.'
global_wiki_header_info: '여기에 프로젝트 전체 위키 헤더를 입력하십시오. "Wiki Extensions"에서 프로젝트 고유의 wiki 헤더를 사용하는 경우, 이는 대신 표시되는 것이 좋습니다.'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: '위키 사이드 바에 사용할 수있는 프로젝트 전체 문자 메시지를 여기에 입력하십시오. 이 사이드 바 텍스트는 위키 페이지에만 표시됩니다. 예를 들어 "마지막으로 변경된 페이지"와 같은 매크로에이 공간을 사용하십시오. 프로젝트 특정 사이드 바가 사용되는 경우 (위키 페이지), 대신 사이드 바에 표시되는 것이 좋습니다.'
google_maps_embed_api_html: 'Goole지도를 표시하기 위해 Gmap 매크로를 사용하려는 경우 여기에 Google Maps API 키를 구현하십시오. 그 후 매크로 및 다양한 매개 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다. 매개 변수를 사용하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide" target="_blank">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. Gmap 매크로는 여기에 포함 된 키와 조합해서 만 작동합니다.'
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: 로그인 한 사용자가 사용할 수있는 모든 매크로가 위키 도구 모음의 매크로 버튼을 통해 나열됩니다. 여기에 표시된 매크로는 선택할 수 없습니다. 이를 통해 목록의 범위를 제한 할 수 있습니다.
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ ko:
label_enable_sidebar: Enable sidebar
label_global_footer: "넓은 바닥 글 프로젝트"
label_global_sidebar: "글로벌 사이드 바"
label_global_wiki_footer: "프로젝트 전체 위키 바닥 글"
label_global_wiki_header: "프로젝트 전체 위키 헤더"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "글로벌 위키 사이드 바"
label_go_to_top: "맨 위로"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ pl:
field_website: Strona internetowa
global_footer_info: "Wprowadź tutaj szeroką stopkę projektu wiki footer."
global_sidebar_info: "Wprowadź tutaj ogólnodostępną wiadomość tekstową dotyczącą projektu. Ten pasek boczny będzie wyświetlany w przeglądzie projektu, na stronach spraw i na stronach wiki."
global_wiki_footer_info: 'Wprowadź tutaj szeroką stopkę projektu wiki footer. In case a project specific wiki footer is used by "Wiki Extensions", this will be preferably displayed instead.'
global_wiki_header_info: 'Wprowadź tutaj szeroką stopkę projektu wiki footer. In case a project specific wiki header is used by "Wiki Extensions", this will be preferably displayed instead.'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'Wprowadź ogólnodostępną wiadomość tekstową dla paska bocznego wiki, tutaj. Ten pasek boczny będzie wyświetlany tylko na stronach wiki. Użyj tego miejsca dla makr, jak na przykład "Last changed pages". W przypadku użycia paska bocznego specyficznego dla projektu (strona wiki), zostanie on wyświetlony na pasku bocznym.'
google_maps_embed_api_html: "W przypadku, gdy chcesz użyć makra Gmapy do wyświetlania map Google, zaimplementuj tutaj swój klucz API Google Maps. Następnie możesz użyć makra i różnych parametrów. Więcej informacji na temat korzystania z paramaterów znajduje się na stronie <a href=\"https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide\" target=\"_blank\">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. The Gmap macro works only in combination with the embedded key here."
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: "Wszystkie dostępne makra, których może używać zalogowany użytkownik, są wymienione za pomocą przycisku makro na pasku narzędzi wiki. Makra zaznaczone tutaj nie są oferowane do wyboru. Pozwala to na ograniczenie zakresu listy."
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ pl:
label_enable_sidebar: "Włącz pasek boczny"
label_global_footer: "Szeroka podstawa projektu"
label_global_sidebar: "Globalny pasek boczny"
label_global_wiki_footer: "Szeroka stopka wikii projektu"
label_global_wiki_header: "Szeroki nagłówek projektu wiki"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "Globalny pasek boczny Wiki"
label_go_to_top: "Go to top"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ pt-BR:
field_website: Website
global_footer_info: 'Insira aqui um rodapé do wiki do projeto.'
global_sidebar_info: "Digite aqui uma ampla mensagem de texto disponível para o projeto. Este texto lateral será exibido na visão geral do projeto, nas páginas de tarefas e nas páginas wiki."
global_wiki_footer_info: "Insira aqui um rodapé do wiki do projeto. Caso um rodapé de wiki específico do projeto seja usado por \"Wiki Extensions\", este será exibido de preferência no lugar."
global_wiki_header_info: "Digite aqui um cabeçalho de projeto wiki. Caso um cabeçalho wiki específico de um projeto seja usado por \"Wiki Extensions\", isto será preferencialmente exibido em seu lugar."
global_wiki_sidebar_info: "Digite aqui uma mensagem de texto disponível para o projeto de sua barra lateral wiki. Este texto da barra lateral será exibido apenas nas páginas do wiki. Use este espaço para Macros como \"Last changed pages\", por exemplo. Caso seja usada uma barra lateral específica de um projeto (página wiki), esta será exibida preferencialmente na barra lateral."
google_maps_embed_api_html: "Caso você queira usar a macro Gmap para exibir os mapas Goole, por favor, implemente sua chave API do Google Maps aqui. Em seguida, você pode usar a macro e vários parâmetros. Mais informações sobre como usar os paramaters são fornecidas em <a href=\"https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide\" target=\"_blank\">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. A macro Gmap funciona apenas em combinação com a chave embutida aqui."
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: "Todas as macros disponíveis que o usuário logado pode usar são listadas através do botão de macro da barra de ferramentas do wiki. As macros aqui marcadas não são oferecidas para seleção. Isto permite limitar o escopo da lista."
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ pt-BR:
label_enable_sidebar: "Habilitar barra lateral"
label_global_footer: "Projeto de rodapé largo"
label_global_sidebar: "Barra lateral global"
label_global_wiki_footer: "Projeto de rodapé largo wiki"
label_global_wiki_header: "Cabeçalho do wiki do projeto"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "Barra lateral wiki global"
label_go_to_top: "Ir para o topo"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ ru:
field_website: "Веб-сайт"
global_footer_info: "Введите здесь проект в нижний колонтитул вики-проекта."
global_sidebar_info: "Введите сюда широко доступное текстовое сообщение для проекта. Этот текст на боковой панели будет отображаться в обзоре проекта, на страницах задач и вики-страницах."
global_wiki_footer_info: 'Enter a project wide wiki footer here. In case a project specific wiki footer is used by "Wiki Extensions", this will be preferably displayed instead.'
global_wiki_header_info: 'Enter a project wide wiki header here. In case a project specific wiki header is used by "Wiki Extensions", this will be preferably displayed instead.'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'Enter a project wide available text message for your wiki sidebar, here. This sidebar text will be displayed at the wiki pages only. Use this space for Macros like "Last changed pages" for example. In case a project specific sidebar is used (wiki page), this will be preferably displayed in the sidebar instead.'
google_maps_embed_api_html: In case you want to use the Gmap macro in order to display Goole maps please implement your Google Maps API key here. Afterwards you can use the macro and various paramters. More information on how to use the paramaters are provided at <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide" target="_blank">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. The Gmap macro works only in combination with the embedded key here.
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: "Все доступные макросы, которые может использовать вошедший в систему пользователь, перечислены с помощью кнопки макроса на панели инструментов вики. Макросы, отмеченные здесь, не предлагаются для выбора. Это позволяет вам ограничить область действия списка."
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ ru:
label_enable_sidebar: "Включить боковую панель"
label_global_footer: "Project wide footer"
label_global_sidebar: "Глобальная боковая панель"
label_global_wiki_footer: "Широкий вики-футбол проекта"
label_global_wiki_header: "Заголовок вики широкого проекта"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "Глобальная боковая панель вики-проекта"
label_go_to_top: "Go to top"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@
field_website: 網站
global_footer_info: "專案中頁尾訊息。"
global_sidebar_info: "專案中側邊訊息。自訂側邊訊息將在專案概觀頁、議題清單頁及Wiki頁顯示。"
global_wiki_footer_info: "專案中Wiki頁尾訊息。若 \"Wiki Extensions\" 外掛設定了Wiki頁尾訊息,則該優先顯示該訊息。"
global_wiki_header_info: "專案中Wiki頁首訊息。若 \"Wiki Extensions\" 外掛設定了Wiki頁首訊息,則該優先顯示該訊息。"
global_wiki_sidebar_info: "專案中Wiki側邊訊息。僅在wiki頁內顯示。可輸入如 \"Last changed pages\" 等macro指令。若專案內使用指定的Wiki側邊訊息,則該優先顯示該訊息。"
google_maps_embed_api_html: In case you want to use the Gmap macro in order to display Goole maps please implement your Google Maps API key here. Afterwards you can use the macro and various paramters. More information on how to use the paramaters are provided at <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide" target="_blank">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. The Gmap macro works only in combination with the embedded key here.
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: All available macros that the logged in user can use are listed via the macro button of the wiki toolbar. Macros marked here are not offered for selection. This allows you to limit the scope of the list.
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@
label_enable_sidebar: Enable sidebar
label_global_footer: "專案中頁尾設定"
label_global_sidebar: "專案中側邊設定"
label_global_wiki_footer: "專案中Wiki頁尾訊息設定"
label_global_wiki_header: "專案中Wiki頁首訊息設定"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "專案中Wiki側邊設定"
label_go_to_top: "回到頁首"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ zh:
field_website: Website
global_footer_info: '请在此处输入项目范围内 WIKI 页尾信息。'
global_sidebar_info: "请在此处输入项目范围内侧边栏信息。自定义侧边栏信息将在项目概述页、问题列表页及WIKI页显示。"
global_wiki_footer_info: '请在此处输入项目范围内的 WIKI 页脚信息。若"Wiki Extensions"插件使用了指定的WIKI页脚,则该信息会被优先显示。'
global_wiki_header_info: '请在此处输入项目范围内的 WIKI 页首信息。若"Wiki Extensions"插件使用了指定的WIKI页首,则该信息会被优先显示。'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: '请在此处输入项目范围内的 WIKI 侧边栏信息。该侧边栏信息将只显示在WIKI页内。在此空间内输入诸如 "Last changed pages" 的宏命令。若项目内使用指定的侧边栏(WIKI页),则该信息将优先显示在侧边栏内。'
google_maps_embed_api_html: In case you want to use the Gmap macro in order to display Goole maps please implement your Google Maps API key here. Afterwards you can use the macro and various paramters. More information on how to use the paramaters are provided at <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide" target="_blank">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. The Gmap macro works only in combination with the embedded key here.
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: 登录用户可以使用的所有可用宏都可通过Wiki页面工具栏 的 宏 按钮列出。请在此处选择不希望列出的宏。
@ -92,8 +90,6 @@ zh:
label_enable_sidebar: 启用侧栏。
label_global_footer: "项目范围内的页脚设置"
label_global_sidebar: "全局侧边栏设置"
label_global_wiki_footer: "项目范围内 WIKI 页脚设置"
label_global_wiki_header: "项目范围内的页首设置"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "全局 WIKI 侧边栏设置"
label_go_to_top: "回到顶部"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ disabled_modules:
open_external_urls: 1
global_footer: ''
global_sidebar: ''
global_wiki_footer: ''
global_wiki_header: ''
global_wiki_sidebar: ''
google_maps_api_key: ''
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ Field Description
========================= ===========================================================================================
Global wiki sidebar Here you can implement useful macros like a display of your page hierarchy.
But remember - only people with the correspondent rights will get a display of the content.
Project wide wiki header You can also implement useful macros in this section.
Project wide wiki footer For example to implement some date or author macros (e.g. last_updated_at, last_updated_by)
You can also implement useful macros in this section.
For example to implement some date or author macros (e.g. last_updated_at, last_updated_by)
========================= ===========================================================================================
.. note:: Use simple text, macros and wiki syntax for your content.
@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ Redmine::Plugin.register :additionals do
requires_redmine version_or_higher: '4.1'
menu :admin_menu, :additionals, { controller: 'settings', action: 'plugin', id: 'additionals' }, caption: :label_additionals
RedCloth3::ALLOWED_TAGS << 'div'
Rails.configuration.to_prepare do
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ module Additionals
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
require_dependency 'wiki_controller'
module Additionals
module Patches
module WikiControllerPatch
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
prepend InstanceOverwriteMethods
module InstanceOverwriteMethods
def respond_to(&block)
if @project && @content && @_action_name == 'show'
def additionals_include_header
wiki_header = Additionals.setting(:global_wiki_header).to_s
return if wiki_header.empty?
if Object.const_defined?('WikiExtensionsUtil') && WikiExtensionsUtil.is_enabled?(@project)
header = @wiki.find_page('Header')
return if header
text = "\n"
text << '<div id="wiki_extentions_header">'
text << "\n\n"
text << wiki_header
text << "\n\n</div>"
text << "\n\n"
text << @content.text
@content.text = text
def additionals_include_footer
wiki_footer = Additionals.setting(:global_wiki_footer).to_s
return if wiki_footer.empty?
if Object.const_defined?('WikiExtensionsUtil') && WikiExtensionsUtil.is_enabled?(@project)
footer = @wiki.find_page 'Footer'
return if footer
text = @content.text
text << "\n\n"
text << '<div id="wiki_extentions_footer">'
text << "\n\n"
text << wiki_footer
text << "\n\n</div>"
@ -478,44 +478,4 @@ class WikiControllerTest < Additionals::ControllerTest
assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/users/2',
text: 'John Smith'
def test_show_wiki_with_header
with_additionals_settings(global_wiki_header: 'Lore impsuum') do
get :show,
params: { project_id: 1, id: 'Another_page' }
assert_response :success
assert_select 'div#wiki_extentions_header', text: /Lore impsuum/
def test_show_wiki_without_header
with_additionals_settings(global_wiki_header: '') do
get :show,
params: { project_id: 1, id: 'Another_page' }
assert_response :success
assert_select 'div#wiki_extentions_header', count: 0
def test_show_wiki_with_footer
with_additionals_settings(global_wiki_footer: 'Lore impsuum') do
get :show,
params: { project_id: 1, id: 'Another_page' }
assert_response :success
assert_select 'div#wiki_extentions_footer', text: /Lore impsuum/
def test_show_wiki_without_footer
with_additionals_settings(global_wiki_footer: '') do
get :show,
params: { project_id: 1, id: 'Another_page' }
assert_response :success
assert_select 'div#wiki_extentions_footer', count: 0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user