# frozen_string_literal: true class Dashboard < ActiveRecord::Base include Redmine::I18n include Redmine::SafeAttributes include Additionals::EntityMethods class SystemDefaultChangeException < StandardError; end class ProjectSystemDefaultChangeException < StandardError; end belongs_to :project belongs_to :author, class_name: 'User' # current active project (belongs_to :project can be nil, because this is system default) attr_accessor :content_project serialize :options has_many :dashboard_roles, dependent: :destroy has_many :roles, through: :dashboard_roles VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = 0 VISIBILITY_ROLES = 1 VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = 2 scope :by_project, (->(project_id) { where project_id: project_id if project_id.present? }) scope :sorted, (-> { order :name }) scope :welcome_only, (-> { where dashboard_type: DashboardContentWelcome::TYPE_NAME }) scope :project_only, (-> { where dashboard_type: DashboardContentProject::TYPE_NAME }) safe_attributes 'name', 'description', 'enable_sidebar', 'always_expose', 'project_id', 'author_id', if: (lambda do |dashboard, user| dashboard.new_record? || user.allowed_to?(:save_dashboards, dashboard.project, global: true) end) safe_attributes 'dashboard_type', if: (lambda do |dashboard, _user| dashboard.new_record? end) safe_attributes 'visibility', 'role_ids', if: (lambda do |dashboard, user| user.allowed_to?(:share_dashboards, dashboard.project, global: true) || user.allowed_to?(:set_system_dashboards, dashboard.project, global: true) end) safe_attributes 'system_default', if: (lambda do |dashboard, user| user.allowed_to? :set_system_dashboards, dashboard.project, global: true end) before_validation :strip_whitespace before_save :dashboard_type_check, :visibility_check, :set_options_hash, :clear_unused_block_settings before_destroy :check_destroy_system_default after_save :update_system_defaults after_save :remove_unused_role_relations validates :name, :dashboard_type, :author, :visibility, presence: true validates :visibility, inclusion: { in: [VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, VISIBILITY_ROLES, VISIBILITY_PRIVATE] } validate :validate_roles validate :validate_visibility validate :validate_name validate :validate_system_default validate :validate_project_system_default class << self def system_default(dashboard_type) select(:id).find_by(dashboard_type: dashboard_type, system_default: true) .try(:id) end def default(dashboard_type, project = nil, user = User.current) recently_id = User.current.pref.recently_used_dashboard dashboard_type, project scope = where dashboard_type: dashboard_type scope = scope.where(project_id: project.id).or(scope.where(project_id: nil)) if project.present? dashboard = scope.visible.find_by id: recently_id if recently_id.present? if dashboard.blank? scope = scope.where(system_default: true).or(scope.where(author_id: user.id)) scope = scope.order(system_default: :desc) .order(Arel.sql("CASE WHEN #{Dashboard.table_name}.project_id IS NOT NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END")) .order(id: :asc) dashboard = scope.first if recently_id.present? Rails.logger.debug 'default cleanup required' # Remove invalid recently_id if project.present? User.current.pref.recently_used_dashboards[dashboard_type].delete project.id else User.current.pref.recently_used_dashboards[dashboard_type] = nil end end end dashboard end def fields_for_order_statement(table = nil) table ||= table_name ["#{table}.name"] end def visible(user = User.current, **options) scope = left_outer_joins :project scope = scope.where(projects: { id: nil }).or(scope.where(Project.allowed_to_condition(user, :view_project, options))) if user.admin? scope.where.not(visibility: VISIBILITY_PRIVATE).or(scope.where(author_id: user.id)) elsif user.memberships.includes([:memberships]).any? scope.where("#{table_name}.visibility = ?" \ " OR (#{table_name}.visibility = ? AND #{table_name}.id IN (" \ "SELECT DISTINCT d.id FROM #{table_name} d" \ " INNER JOIN #{table_name_prefix}dashboard_roles#{table_name_suffix} dr ON dr.dashboard_id = d.id" \ " INNER JOIN #{MemberRole.table_name} mr ON mr.role_id = dr.role_id" \ " INNER JOIN #{Member.table_name} m ON m.id = mr.member_id AND m.user_id = ?" \ " INNER JOIN #{Project.table_name} p ON p.id = m.project_id AND p.status <> ?" \ ' WHERE d.project_id IS NULL OR d.project_id = m.project_id))' \ " OR #{table_name}.author_id = ?", VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, VISIBILITY_ROLES, user.id, Project::STATUS_ARCHIVED, user.id) elsif user.logged? scope.where(visibility: VISIBILITY_PUBLIC).or(scope.where(author_id: user.id)) else scope.where visibility: VISIBILITY_PUBLIC end end end def initialize(attributes = nil, *args) super set_options_hash end def set_options_hash self.options ||= {} end def [](attr_name) if has_attribute? attr_name super else options ? options[attr_name] : nil end end def []=(attr_name, value) if has_attribute? attr_name super else h = (self[:options] || {}).dup h.update attr_name => value self[:options] = h value end end # Returns true if the dashboard is visible to +user+ or the current user. def visible?(user = User.current) return true if user.admin? return false unless project.nil? || user.allowed_to?(:view_project, project) return true if user == author case visibility when VISIBILITY_PUBLIC true when VISIBILITY_ROLES if project (user.roles_for_project(project) & roles).any? else user.memberships.joins(:member_roles).where(member_roles: { role_id: roles.map(&:id) }).any? end end end def content @content ||= "DashboardContent#{dashboard_type[0..-10]}".constantize.new(project: content_project.presence || project) end def available_groups content.groups end def layout self[:layout] ||= content.default_layout.deep_dup end def layout=(arg) self[:layout] = arg end def layout_settings(block = nil) s = self[:layout_settings] ||= {} if block s[block] ||= {} else s end end def layout_settings=(arg) self[:layout_settings] = arg end def remove_block(block) block = block.to_s.underscore layout.each_key do |group| layout[group].delete block end layout end # Adds block to the user page layout # Returns nil if block is not valid or if it's already # present in the user page layout def add_block(block) block = block.to_s.underscore return unless content.valid_block? block, layout.values.flatten remove_block block # add it to the first group # add it to the first group group = available_groups.first layout[group] ||= [] layout[group].unshift block end # Sets the block order for the given group. # Example: # preferences.order_blocks('left', ['issueswatched', 'news']) def order_blocks(group, blocks) group = group.to_s return if content.groups.exclude?(group) || blocks.blank? blocks = blocks.map(&:underscore) & layout.values.flatten blocks.each { |block| remove_block block } layout[group] = blocks end def update_block_settings(block, settings) block = block.to_s block_settings = layout_settings(block).merge(settings.symbolize_keys) layout_settings[block] = block_settings end def private?(user = User.current) author_id == user.id && visibility == VISIBILITY_PRIVATE end def public? visibility != VISIBILITY_PRIVATE end def editable?(user = User.current) return false unless user (user.admin? || (author == user && user.allowed_to?(:save_dashboards, project, global: true))) end def deletable?(user = User.current) return unless editable? user return !system_default_was if dashboard_type != DashboardContentProject::TYPE_NAME # project dashboards needs special care project.present? || !system_default_was end def to_s name end # Returns a string of css classes that apply to the entry def css_classes(user = User.current) s = ['dashboard'] s << 'created-by-me' if author_id == user.id s.join ' ' end def allowed_target_projects(user = User.current) self.class.allowed_entity_target_projects user: user, permission: :save_dashboards, project: project end # this is used to get unique cache for blocks def async_params(block, options, settings) if block.blank? msg = 'block is missing for dashboard_async' Rails.log.error msg raise msg end config = { dashboard_id: id, block: block } if RedminePluginKit.false? options[:skip_user_id] settings[:user_id] = User.current.id settings[:user_is_admin] = User.current.admin? end if settings.present? settings.each do |key, setting| settings[key] = setting.compact_blank.join ',' if setting.is_a? Array next if options[:exposed_params].blank? options[:exposed_params].each do |exposed_param| if key == exposed_param config[key] = settings[key] settings.delete key end end end unique_params = settings.flatten unique_params += options[:unique_params].compact_blank if options[:unique_params].present? # Rails.logger.debug "debug async_params for #{block}: unique_params=#{unique_params.inspect}" # For truncating hash security, see https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/9435/is-truncating-a-sha512-hash-to-the-first-160-bits-as-secure-as-using-sha1 # truncating should solve problem with long filenames on some file systems config[:unique_key] = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(unique_params.join('_'))[0..-20] end # Rails.logger.debug "debug async_params for #{block}: config=#{config.inspect}" config end def project_id_can_change? return true if new_record? || dashboard_type != DashboardContentProject::TYPE_NAME || !system_default_was || project_id_was.present? end private def strip_whitespace name&.strip! end def clear_unused_block_settings blocks = layout.values.flatten layout_settings.keep_if { |block, _settings| blocks.include? block } end def remove_unused_role_relations return if !saved_change_to_visibility? || visibility == VISIBILITY_ROLES roles.clear end def validate_roles return if visibility != VISIBILITY_ROLES || roles.present? errors.add(:base, [l(:label_role_plural), l('activerecord.errors.messages.blank')].join(' ')) end def validate_system_default return if new_record? || system_default_was == system_default || system_default? || project_id.present? raise SystemDefaultChangeException end def validate_project_system_default return if project_id_can_change? raise ProjectSystemDefaultChangeException if project_id.present? end def check_destroy_system_default raise 'It is not allowed to delete dashboard, which is system default' unless deletable? end def dashboard_type_check self.project_id = nil if dashboard_type == DashboardContentWelcome::TYPE_NAME end def update_system_defaults return unless system_default? && User.current.allowed_to?(:set_system_dashboards, project, global: true) scope = self.class .where(dashboard_type: dashboard_type) .where.not(id: id) scope = scope.where project: project if dashboard_type == DashboardContentProject::TYPE_NAME scope.update_all system_default: false end # check if permissions changed and dashboard settings have to be corrected def visibility_check user = User.current return if system_default? || user.allowed_to?(:share_dashboards, project, global: true) || user.allowed_to?(:set_system_dashboards, project, global: true) # change to private self.visibility = VISIBILITY_PRIVATE end def validate_visibility errors.add :visibility, :must_be_for_everyone if system_default? && visibility != VISIBILITY_PUBLIC end def validate_name return if name.blank? scope = self.class.visible.where name: name if dashboard_type == DashboardContentProject::TYPE_NAME scope = scope.project_only scope = scope.where project_id: project_id scope = scope.or scope.where(project_id: nil) if project_id.present? else scope = scope.welcome_only end scope = scope.where.not id: id unless new_record? errors.add :name, :name_not_unique if scope.count.positive? end end