111 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File
111 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File
# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
require 'redmine'
Redmine::Plugin.register :redmine_tweaks do
name 'Redmine Tweaks'
author 'AlphaNodes GmbH'
description 'Wiki and content extensions'
version '0.5.5'
author_url 'https://alphanodes.com/'
url 'https://github.com/alexandermeindl/redmine_tweaks'
default_settings = {
'external_urls' => '0',
'custom_help_url' => 'http://www.redmine.org/guide',
'remove_help' => false,
'remove_news_box' => false,
'remove_lastest_projects' => false,
'add_go_to_top' => false,
'remove_mypage' => false,
'disabled_modules' => nil,
'account_login_bottom' => '',
'new_ticket_message' => 'Don\'t forget to define acceptance criteria!',
'overview_right' => '',
'overview_top' => '',
'overview_bottom' => '',
'project_overview_content' => 'Go to admin area and define a nice wiki text here as a fixed skeletal for all projects.',
'global_sidebar' => '',
'global_wiki_sidebar' => '',
'global_wiki_header' => '',
'global_wiki_footer' => '',
'global_footer' => ''
permission :hide_in_memberbox, {}
permission :show_hidden_roles_in_memberbox, {}
project_module :issue_tracking do
permission :edit_closed_issues, {}
5.times do |i|
default_settings['custom_menu'+i.to_s+'_name'] = '';
default_settings['custom_menu'+i.to_s+'_url'] = '';
default_settings['custom_menu'+i.to_s+'_title'] = '';
settings(:default => default_settings, :partial => 'settings/redmine_tweaks')
# required redmine version
requires_redmine :version_or_higher => '2.6.0'
# remove help menu (it will be added later again)
delete_menu_item(:top_menu, :help)
# remove my page
delete_menu_item(:top_menu, :my_page)
menu :top_menu, :my_page, { :controller => 'my', :action => 'page'}, :via => :get,
:if => Proc.new{User.current && !RedmineTweaks.settings[:remove_mypage] }
RedCloth3::ALLOWED_TAGS << "div"
ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare do
require_dependency 'redmine_tweaks/hooks'
require_dependency 'redmine_tweaks/custom_help_url'
require_dependency 'redmine_tweaks/project_macros'
require_dependency 'redmine_tweaks/user_macros'
require_dependency 'redmine_tweaks/date_macros'
require_dependency 'redmine_tweaks/garfield_macros'
require_dependency 'redmine_tweaks/youtube_macros'
if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:settings)
# Workaround inability to access Setting.plugin_name['setting'], both directly as well as via overridden
# module containing the call to Setting.*, before completed plugin registration since we use a call to either:
# * Setting.plugin_redmine_custom_help_url['custom_help_url'] or (and replaced by)
# * RedmineCustomHelpUrl::Redmine::Info.help_url,
# which both can *only* be accessed *after* completed plugin registration (http://www.redmine.org/issues/7104)
# We now use overridden module RedmineCustomHelpUrl::Redmine::Info instead of directly calling
# Setting.plugin_redmine_custom_help_url['custom_help_url']
Rails.configuration.to_prepare do
unless RedmineTweaks.settings[:remove_help]
Redmine::Plugin.find('redmine_tweaks').menu :top_menu, :help, RedmineTweaks::CustomHelpUrl::Redmine::Info.help_url, :html => {:target => '_blank'}, :last => true
Issue.send(:include, RedmineTweaks::IssuePatch) unless Issue.include?(RedmineTweaks::IssuePatch)
unless Wiki.included_modules.include? RedmineTweaks::WikiPatch
Wiki.send(:include, RedmineTweaks::WikiPatch)
unless WikiController.included_modules.include? RedmineTweaks::WikiControllerPatch
WikiController.send(:include, RedmineTweaks::WikiControllerPatch)
require 'settings_helper'
SettingsHelper.send :include, RedmineTweaksHelper
# Little hack for deface in redmine:
# - redmine plugins are not railties nor engines, so deface overrides are not detected automatically
# - deface doesn't support direct loading anymore ; it unloads everything at boot so that reload in dev works
# - hack consists in adding "app/overrides" path of all plugins in Redmine's main #paths
Rails.application.paths["app/overrides"] ||= []
Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/plugins/*/app/overrides").each do |dir|
Rails.application.paths["app/overrides"] << dir unless Rails.application.paths["app/overrides"].include?(dir)