Redmine tweaks plugin
- use "Project guide" on project overview page
- global header for all projects
- global footer for all projects
- welcome text for login page
- global sidebar content support
- set info message above new ticket (e.g. for guidelines)
- Wiki user macros
- Wiki project macros
- Wiki date macros
- option to remove "my page" from top menu
- customize "Help" url in top menu
- customize top menu items
- disable (hide) modules for projects
- open external urls in new window
- anonymize referrer for external urls
- Redmine version >= 2.4.6
Check the requirements!
Download the sources and put them to your vendor/plugins folder.
$ git clone git:// plugins/redmine_tweaks
Restart Redmine and have a fun!
User list macros
- users
- project members
{{list_users}} := lists all users of the current users project
{{list_users(123)}} or {{list_users(identifier)}} or {{list_users(My project)}} := Lists all users of the project with project id 123 (or identifier or project name)
{{list_users(123, Manager)}} := Lists all users of the project with project id 123 and the role "Manager". If you want to use multiple roles as filters, you have to use a | as separator.
{{list_users(123, Manager, Manager only)}} := Lists all users of the project with project id 123 and the role "Manager" and adds the heading "Manager only"
Project list macros
Lists projects of current user
{{list_projects}} := lists all projects of current users
{{list_projects(My title)}} := lists all projects of current users and adds the heading "My title"
Wiki date macros
Macro to get current date, year, month, day
{{current_year}} := current year {{current_month}} := current month {{current_day}} := current day {{current_hour}} := current hour {{current_min}} := current minute {{current_weekday}} := current weekday {{current_weeknumber}} := current week number (The week starts with Monday)
Youtube macros
{youtube(wvsboPUjrGc)}} := youtube video with video wvsboPUjrGc (iframe) and default size 640x360 {{youtube(wvsboPUjrGc,853,480)}} := youtube video with size 853x480 {{youtube(wvsboPUjrGc,853,480,1)}} := youtube video with size 853x480 and autoplay {{youtube(wvsboPUjrGc,,,1)}} := youtube video with size 853x480 and autoplay
Custom help URL
Change help url in top menu to custom url. Note: Redmine must be restarted after changing "Custom Help URL" value before the new url is used.
- added overview text field
- fix style for "goto top"
- added macro overview help page
- added youtube macro
- project guide subject can be defined for project overview page
- added jump to top link
- top menu item configuration has been added
- footer configuration (e.g. for imprint url) has been added
- initialize plugins settings now works with other plugins
- option to remove help menu item
- Redmine 2.4.1 required
- installation error fixed
- description update for link handling
- help url now opens in new windows
- sidebar error has been fixed, if no wiki page already exist
- global gantt and calendar bugfix
- no requirements of Wiki extensions plugin anymore
- Fix problem with my page permission
- First public release