2020-08-10 18:31:17 +02:00

193 lines
14 KiB

# Japanese strings
one: minute
other: minutes
one: hour
other: hours
one: day
other: days
must_be_for_everyone: "は、System Default を使用している場合は、各ユーザに設定する必要があります。"
issue_cannot_close_with_open_children: "This issue can only be closed, if all sub-issues are closed, too."
issue_current_user_status: "The selected status requires that the \"Assignee\" is yourself."
issue_log_time_not_allowed: "is a closed issue. You are not allowed to log time at it."
issue_changes_not_allowed: "This issue is closed, you do not have any right to change it."
issue_requires_timelog: "The selected issue status requires a time logging."
invalid_icon_format: is an invalid font-awesome code
relation_not_unique: multiple assigned.
account_login_info: "この文章は、ログイン画面で表示され、登録情報の掲載を目的にしています。これらの設定は全プロジェクトで有効です。"
add_go_to_top_info: '長いページが多い場合、「トップへ」のリンクは役立ちます。'
additionals_query_list_default_totals: Default sums for list view
additionals_query_list_defaults: Default columns for list view
alert_only_visible_by_admins: "管理者権限を持つユーザーのみが見ることができます"
alert_only_visible_by_yourself: "あなただけが見ることができます"
button_assign_to_me: Assign to me
button_dashboard_delete: "ダッシュボードの削除"
button_dashboard_edit: "ダッシュボードの編集"
disabled_modules_info: "プロジェクト内で選択させたくないモジュール。もしこのモジュールが既存のプロジェクトで既に有効な場合、設定変更した上で、ウェブサーバを再起動しなければなりません。"
error_issue_status_could_not_changed: "問題の状態を変更できませんでした"
error_issues_could_not_be_assigned_to_me: "問題を自分に割り当てることができませんでした"
error_query_statement_invalid: An error occurred while executing the query and has been logged. Please report this error to your Redmine administrator.
errors_no_or_invalid_arguments: No or invalid arguments
field_always_expose: Always expose
field_autowatch_involved_issue: Autowatch involved issues
field_color: Color
field_enable_sidebar: Enable sidebar
field_hide: Hide
field_icon: Icon
field_issue_relation_plural: Issue relations
field_project_system_default: "プロジェクトのデフォルト"
field_system_default: "システムのデフォルト"
field_tag_list: Tags
field_tag_sidebar_style_cloud: Cloud
field_tag_sidebar_style_list: List
field_tags: Tags
field_visibility: "可視性"
field_website: Website
global_footer_info: 'プロジェクト全体のWikiフッターをここに入力する'
global_sidebar_info: "この文章はプロジェクト全体で表示されます。このサイドバーの文章は、プロジェクト概要・チケット関連ページ・Wiki関連ページに表示されます。"
global_wiki_footer_info: 'プロジェクトのWikiフッターをここで入力する。「Wiki Extensions」等のプロジェクト特有のWikiフッターが使用されている場合、こちらの文章が優先的に表示されます。'
global_wiki_header_info: 'プロジェクトのWikiヘッダーをここで入力する。「Wiki Extensions」等のプロジェクト特有のWikiヘッダーが使用されている場合、こちらの文章が優先的に表示されます。'
global_wiki_sidebar_info: 'プロジェクト全体のWikiサイドバーで使用される文章を入力する。このサイドバー文章は、Wikiページのみに表示されます。例えば、「直近変更されたページ」等のマクロで使う事をお勧めします。もしプロジェクト特有のサイドバーが使用されている場合でも、こちらの文章がサイドバーで優先的に表示されます。'
google_maps_embed_api_html: In case you want to use the Gmap macro in order to display Goole maps please implement your Google Maps API key here. Afterwards you can use the macro and various paramters. More information on how to use the paramaters are provided at <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide" target="_blank">https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide</a>. The Gmap macro works only in combination with the embedded key here.
hidden_macros_in_toolbar_info: All available macros that the logged in user can use are listed via the macro button of the wiki toolbar. Macros marked here are not offered for selection. This allows you to limit the scope of the list.
info_hidden_roles_html: Hidden roles can only be used together with the user visibility "Members of visible projects". If the user is not in a role that is visible to the current user, this role including user is hidden on the project overview page and in query lists.
invisible_captcha_info_html: In case this option is activated an <a href="https://github.com/markets/invisible_captcha" target="_blank">invisible_captcha</a> SPAM protection is activated for the registration page of new users. This function is only available, if you enabled self-registration, too.
label_account_login_bottom: "ログイン画面の文章"
label_active_dashboard: "アクティブダッシュボード"
label_add_dashboard_block: "ブロックを追加"
label_add_go_to_top: '「トップへ」リンクを追加する'
label_add_tags: Add tags
label_additionals_doc: Additionals documentation
label_additionals_feed: Atom+RSS Feed
label_additionals: Additionals
label_app_menu: App menu
label_change_is_private: Change private/non-private
label_change_to_dashboard: "ダッシュボードに切り替える"
label_chart_color_schema: Charts color scheme
label_chart_with_name: "Chart: %{value}"
label_chartjs_colorscheme_info: "カラーリスト"
label_content_plural: Contents
label_custom_fields_distribution: "配布用のカスタムフィールド"
label_custom_menu_items: Custom menu items
label_daily: daily
label_dashboard_author: "Author: %{name}"
label_dashboard_legacy_left: "標準インハルト左"
label_dashboard_legacy_right: "標準コンテンツの権利"
label_dashboard_plural: Dashboards
label_dashboard: Dashboard
label_day: day
label_disable_sidebar: "サイドバーを無効にする"
label_disabled_modules: "無効化したいモジュール"
label_docs_access_token: Access token
label_edit_tags: "編集 TAGs"
label_enable_sidebar: "サイドバーを有効にする"
label_global_footer: "プロジェクト全体フッター"
label_global_sidebar: "グローバルサイドバー"
label_global_wiki_footer: "プロジェクト全体Wikiフッター"
label_global_wiki_header: "プロジェクト全体Wikiヘッダー"
label_global_wiki_sidebar: "グローバルWikiサイドバー"
label_go_to_top: "トップへ"
label_google_maps_api_key: Google Maps Embed API Key
label_help_integration: Online help integration
label_help_manual: manual
label_hidden_macros_in_toolbar: Hidden macros
label_hour: hour
label_icon_color: Icon color
label_invalid_feed_data: "無効なフィードデータまたはURL"
label_invisible_captcha: SPAM protection for registration
label_issue_assign_to_me: Show "Assign to me" on issue
label_issue_auto_assign: "If \"Assigned to\" is not assigned to a user and the new issue status is x then the issue is auto assigned to the first group with users of the pre-defined role."
label_issue_autowatch_involved: Add involved users as watcher automatically
label_issue_change_status_in_sidebar: Issue status on sidebar
label_issue_change_status: Change status
label_issue_current_user_status: "Current issue status x is only allowed if \"Assignee\" is the current user."
label_issue_freezed_with_close: Disallow editing of closed issues (Freeze)
label_issue_status_change: "If \"Assignee\" is unchanged and the issue status changed from x to y, than the author is assigned to the issue"
label_issue_timelog_required: Time log for issues required
label_issues_summary: "課題登録"
label_last_year: previous year
label_legacy_smiley_support: Legacy smiley support
label_macro_plural: macros
label_max_entries: "最大エントリ数"
label_menu_entry: "メニュー項目"
label_monthly: monthly
label_my_activity: "私の活動"
label_my_dashboard_plural: "私のダッシュボード"
label_new_additional_dashboard: "新しいダッシュボード"
label_new_dashboard: "新しいダッシュボード"
label_new_issue_on_profile: "ユーザープロファイルの新しい問題"
label_new_ticket_message: "新規チケットのメモ"
label_no_permission: "許可がありません"
label_only_my_activities: "私の活動のみ"
label_open_external_urls: "外部URLを開く"
label_open_in_google_docs: "Googleドキュメントで開く"
label_open_in_new_windows: Open in new windows
label_optional: "任意"
label_pdf_wiki_settings: PDF Wiki settings
label_project_information: "プロジェクト情報"
label_project_list: "プロジェクト一覧"
label_query_delete: Delete query
label_query_edit: Edit query
label_query_name_search: "名前を検索"
label_query_with_name: "Query: %{value}"
label_reddit_subject: Reddit subject
label_reddit_user_account: Reddit user account
label_redmine_org_issue: Redmine.org issue
label_redmine_org_wiki: Redmine.org wiki page
label_remove_help: "「ヘルプ」をトップメニューから外す"
label_remove_mypage: "「マイ・ページ」をトップメニューから外す"
label_search_by_name: Search by name
label_settings_macros: "マクロ"
label_settings_menu: "メニュー"
label_shared_dashboard_plural: "共有ダッシュボード"
label_show_all: Show all
label_system_info: System info
label_tags_without_color: Show tags without color
label_top_macros_help_html: "Here you get a list of all available Redmine macros of your installation, which are provided by Redmine and the Redmine plugins."
label_top_menu_help: "ここで新しいトップメニューの項目を定義出来ます。"
label_top_menu: Top menu
label_twitter_account: Twitter account
label_twitter_hashtag: Twitter hashtag
label_uptime: Uptime
label_user_list: "ユーザ一覧"
label_web_apis: Web APIs
label_weekly: "毎週"
label_wiki_pdf_remove_attachments: Remove attachments from PDF view
label_wiki_pdf_remove_title: Remove Wiki title from PDF view
label_without_value: "%{value} なし"
label_yearly: '毎年'
latest_entries_changes: "Latest %{value} changes"
legacy_smiley_support_info_html: 'Convert smileys in text. This option should only be activated if the code for smileys (e.g. :) ) was entered manually and should be displayed as smiley face. In the <a href="https://www.webpagefx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/" target="_blank">Emoji cheat sheet</a> the available Emoji codes can be used. <strong>Restart the application server</strong>, in order to activate the settings.'
menu_roles_info: "Only members of selected roles will see this menu entry."
new_ticket_message_info: "新規チケットを登録したいときに表示されるメモ書き。例えば、チケット入力のルールや承認規程を掲載する目的にでも使えます。これらの設定は全プロジェクトで有効です。"
open_external_urls_info: "アクティブな場合、外部URLは新しいウィンドウ/タブで開かれます。"
permission_change_new_issue_author: Set author of new issues
permission_edit_closed_issues: "Edit closed issues"
permission_edit_issue_author: "著者を編集"
permission_issue_timelog_never_required: '時間の予約は必要ありません'
permission_log_time_on_closed_issues: "Log time on closed issues"
permission_share_dashboards: "ダッシュボードの共有"
permission_save_dashboards: "ダッシュボードの保存"
permission_set_system_dashboards: "システムダッシュボードの設定"
permission_show_hidden_roles_in_memberbox: "Show hidden roles"
remove_help_info: "ヘルプ」項目をトップメニューから外す"
remove_mypage_info: 'タスクボードを導入するために、「マイ・ページ」のリンクを隠した方が便利な場合があります。タスクボードにより、ステータス毎の順番並び替えに出来るメリットがあります。'
rule_issue_auto_assign_info: 'Use Case: The issue author does not know whom to assign the issue or who will be responsible for solving the task. In that case the issue for example with the status "To Do" is automatically assigned to the first group, which does contain a user of the pre-selected project manager role.'
rule_issue_current_user_status_info_html: "Is this function used in combination with the setting option \"Issue status on sidebar\" then the current user will automatically be assigned to the issue while changing the issue status.<br />Use Case: Users are only allowed to change the status to \"In Progress\" if they are the person who is actually working on the issue right now."
rule_issue_freezed_with_close_info: If this option is activated, already closed issues can no longer be edited and commented. Not even via mail or API. This restriction does not apply to user roles with the "Edit closed issues" permission.
rule_issue_status_change_info: "Use Case: issues should be automatically assigned to autor, if the status changes to \"Approval\"."
rule_issue_timelog_required_info_html: 'For each ticket of the selected trackers, a time booking is necessary if the ticket is to receive one of the defined status properties. The time booking is not required if:<br />- no rights exist for the creation of time bookings<br />- the user has the authorization "Time logging not required"<br />Use case: For the acceptance of a ticket with the status "To Verify", the time spent is also required.'
top_rules_help: "Here you can define rules, which are used in issues of all projects."
top_wiki_help: Here you can define contents and settings for your Wiki.
wiki_pdf_remove_attachments_info: When active the attached Wiki files will not be displayed in PDF view.
wiki_pdf_remove_title_info: When active the Wiki title info will not be displayed in PDF view.
label_my_spent_time: My spent time