import * as assert from 'assert' import {URL} from 'url' import {IGitSourceSettings} from './git-source-settings' export function getFetchUrl(settings: IGitSourceSettings): string { assert.ok( settings.repositoryOwner, 'settings.repositoryOwner must be defined' ) assert.ok(settings.repositoryName, 'settings.repositoryName must be defined') const serviceUrl = getServerUrl(settings.githubServerUrl) const encodedOwner = encodeURIComponent(settings.repositoryOwner) const encodedName = encodeURIComponent(settings.repositoryName) if (settings.sshKey) { const user = settings.sshUser.length > 0 ? settings.sshUser : 'git' return `${user}@${serviceUrl.hostname}:${encodedOwner}/${encodedName}.git` } // "origin" is SCHEME://HOSTNAME[:PORT] return `${serviceUrl.origin}/${encodedOwner}/${encodedName}` } export function getServerUrl(url?: string): URL { let resolvedUrl = process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] || '' if (hasContent(url, WhitespaceMode.Trim)) { resolvedUrl = url! } return new URL(resolvedUrl) } export function getServerApiUrl(url?: string): string { if (hasContent(url, WhitespaceMode.Trim)) { let serverUrl = getServerUrl(url) if (isGhes(url)) { serverUrl.pathname = 'api/v3' } else { serverUrl.hostname = 'api.' + serverUrl.hostname } return pruneSuffix(serverUrl.toString(), '/') } return process.env['GITHUB_API_URL'] || '' } export function isGhes(url?: string): boolean { const ghUrl = new URL( url || process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] || '' ) const hostname = ghUrl.hostname.trimEnd().toUpperCase() const isGitHubHost = hostname === 'GITHUB.COM' const isGitHubEnterpriseCloudHost = hostname.endsWith('.GHE.COM') const isLocalHost = hostname.endsWith('.LOCALHOST') return !isGitHubHost && !isGitHubEnterpriseCloudHost && !isLocalHost } function pruneSuffix(text: string, suffix: string) { if (hasContent(suffix, WhitespaceMode.Preserve) && text?.endsWith(suffix)) { return text.substring(0, text.length - suffix.length) } return text } enum WhitespaceMode { Trim, Preserve } function hasContent( text: string | undefined, whitespaceMode: WhitespaceMode ): boolean { let refinedText = text ?? '' if (whitespaceMode == WhitespaceMode.Trim) { refinedText = refinedText.trim() } return refinedText.length > 0 }