247 lines
7.5 KiB
247 lines
7.5 KiB
// e2awinfo.h -- Header for for e2AppWinInfo class //
// This file is part of PonyProg. //
// //
// PonyProg - Serial Device Programmer //
// //
// Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Claudio Lanconelli //
// //
// e-mail: lanconel@cs.unibo.it //
// http://www.cs.unibo.it/~lanconel //
// //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License //
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version2 of //
// the License, or (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// General Public License for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program (see COPYING); if not, write to the //
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //
// //
#ifndef e2AWINFO_H
#define e2AWINFO_H
// Include standard V files as needed
#ifdef vDEBUG
#include <v/vdebug.h>
#include <v/vawinfo.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "e2cmdw.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
//Include Device Classes
#include "e24xx.h"
#include "e24xx-2.h"
#include "e24xx-5.h"
#include "at90sxx.h"
#include "at89sxx.h"
#include "at93cxx.h"
#include "pic16xx.h"
#include "at250xx.h"
#include "at25xxx.h"
#include "sde2506.h"
#include "filebuf.h"
#include "e2pfbuf.h"
#include "hexfbuf.h"
#include "intfbuf.h"
#include "motsfbuf.h"
#include "eeptypes.h"
#include "e2app.h"
//At the moment the bigger device is ATmega (128Kb + 4Kb)
#define BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 132)
#ifdef _WINDOWS
# ifndef WIN32
# define BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 16)
# endif
#define STRINGID_SIZE 32
#define COMMENT_SIZE 90
class e2AppWinInfo : public vAppWinInfo
public: //---------------------------------------- public
e2AppWinInfo(vCmdWindow* win = 0, char* name = "", BusIO** busptr = 0, void* ptr = 0);
int Read();
int Write(int leave_on = FALSE);
int Verify(int raise_power = TRUE);
int Load(int bank = 0);
int Save();
char const *Dump(int line, int type = 0);
int GetNoOfBlock() const
{ return no_block; }
void SetNoOfBlock(int blk)
{ no_block = blk; }
int GetBlockSize() const
{ return block_size; }
long GetSize() const;
int GetHexPerLine() const
{ return hex_per_line; }
void SetEEProm(int type = E24XX, int subtype = 0);
void SetFileBuf(FileType type);
void SetFileName(char const *name);
char const *GetFileName() const
{ return fname; }
char *GetStringID(char *s = 0);
void SetStringID(char const *s);
char *GetComment(char *s = 0);
void SetComment(char const *s);
int GetEEPPriType() const
{ return eep_type; }
int GetEEPSubType() const
{ return eep_subtype ? eep_subtype : GetE2PSubType( GetEEPTypeFromSize(eep_type, GetNoOfBlock()) ); } //GetNoOfBlock(); }
int GetBankRollOver() const
{ return roll_over; }
void SetBankRollOver(int rlv = 0)
{ roll_over = rlv; }
int BankRollOverDetect(int force = 0);
void Reset();
int Erase();
int GetSplittedInfo() const
{ return splitted; }
void SetSplittedInfo(int spl = 0)
{ splitted = spl; }
UWORD GetCRC() const
{ return crc; }
void SetCRC(int c = 0)
{ crc = c; }
UWORD RecalcCRC();
UBYTE *GetBufPtr() const
{ return (UBYTE *)buffer; }
int GetBufSize() const
{ return buffer_size; }
void DoubleSize();
void SwapBytes();
void FillBuffer(int first_pos = 0, int ch = 0xFF, long len = -1);
int SecurityRead(int &blocks);
int SecurityWrite(int blocks = -1);
int HighEnduranceRead(int &block_no);
int HighEnduranceWrite(int block_no = -1);
int FusesRead(int &bits);
int FusesWrite(int bits = -1);
UBYTE GetLockBits() const
{ return lock_bits; }
UBYTE GetFuseBits() const
{ return fuse_bits; }
void SetLockBits(UBYTE bits)
{ lock_bits = bits; }
void SetFuseBits(UBYTE bits)
{ fuse_bits = bits; }
int IsBufferValid() const
{ return buf_ok; }
void BufChanged(int val = 1)
{ buf_changed = val; }
int IsBufChanged() const
{ return buf_changed; }
protected: //--------------------------------------- protected
e2CmdWindow* cmdWin;
private: //--------------------------------------- private
int OpenBus()
{ return THEAPP->OpenBus(eep->GetBus()); }
void SleepBus()
{ THEAPP->SleepBus(); }
void SetBlockSize(int blk)
{ block_size = blk; }
void ClearBuffer();
int LoadFile(int bank = 0);
int const hex_per_line;
int const buffer_size;
UBYTE buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; //buffer in cui risiede il contenuto dell'eeprom
char linebuf[128]; //buffer di appoggio per la visualizzazione
int buf_ok; //indica se il contenuto del buffer e` valido
int buf_changed; //indica se il contenuto del buffer e` stato modificato
int eep_type; //indica il tipo di chip di eeprom
int eep_subtype; //sottotipo (in pratica il numero di banchi)
//se zero viene usato GetNoOfBank(), serve per una forzatura manuale
char *fname; //nome del file
int block_size; //dimensione del blocco (puo` essere anche 1, dipende dal tipo di eeprom)
int no_block; //numero dei blocchi che contiene l'eeprom, indica la dimensione
int splitted; //indica se la EEPROM e` divisa in due parti distinte (EEPROM - FLASH)
int roll_over; //indica se e`presente una features della eeprom
//** 13/09/99
UBYTE fuse_bits; //device dependent bits
UBYTE lock_bits; //device dependent lock (security) bits
UWORD crc; //CRC del contenuto della eeprom
char eeprom_string[STRINGID_SIZE]; //eeprom string ID
char eeprom_comment[COMMENT_SIZE]; //eeprom comment
EEProm *eep; //puntatore al tipo di eeprom su cui si lavora
//List of available device types
E24xx eep24xx;
E24xx2 eep24xxx;
E24xx5 eep24xx5;
At90sxx eepAt90s;
At89sxx eepAt89s;
At93cxx eep93x6;
Pic16xx eepPic16;
At250xx eep250xx;
At25xxx eep25xxx;
Sde2506 eep2506;
FileBuf *fbufp; //puntatore al tipo di file su cui si lavora
FileBuf *fbufvet[NO_OF_FILETYPE]; //puntatori ai tipi di file conosciuti
//List of available file types
e2pFileBuf e2pfbuf;
hexFileBuf hexfbuf;
IntelFileBuf intfbuf;
MotorolaSFileBuf motsfbuf;