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// This file contains the logic for building our CI for Drone. The idea here is
// that we create a pipeline for all of the major tasks we need to perform
// (e.g. builds, E2E testing, conformance testing, releases). Each pipeline
// after the default builds on a previous pipeline.
// Generate with `drone jsonnet --source ./hack/drone.jsonnet --stream --format`
// Sign with `drone sign talos-systems/talos --save`
local build_container = 'autonomy/build-container:latest';
local local_registry = 'registry.dev.talos-systems.io';
local volumes = {
dockersock: {
pipeline: {
name: 'dockersock',
temp: {},
step: {
name: $.dockersock.pipeline.name,
path: '/var/run',
outerdockersock: {
pipeline: {
name: 'outerdockersock',
host: {
path: '/var/ci-docker'
step: {
name: $.outerdockersock.pipeline.name,
path: '/var/outer-run',
docker: {
pipeline: {
name: 'docker',
temp: {},
step: {
name: $.docker.pipeline.name,
path: '/root/.docker/buildx',
kube: {
pipeline: {
name: 'kube',
temp: {},
step: {
name: $.kube.pipeline.name,
path: '/root/.kube',
dev: {
pipeline: {
name: 'dev',
host: {
path: '/dev',
step: {
name: $.dev.pipeline.name,
path: '/dev',
tmp: {
pipeline: {
name: 'tmp',
temp: {
'medium': 'memory',
step: {
name: $.tmp.pipeline.name,
path: '/tmp',
ForStep(): [
ForPipeline(): [
// This provides the docker service.
local docker = {
name: 'docker',
image: 'docker:19.03-dind',
entrypoint: ['dockerd'],
privileged: true,
command: [
// Set resource requests to ensure that only three builds can be performed at a
// time. We set it on the service so that we get the scheduling restricitions
// while still allowing parallel steps.
resources: {
requests: {
cpu: 12000,
memory: '18GiB',
volumes: volumes.ForStep(),
// Sets up the CI environment
local setup_ci = {
name: 'setup-ci',
image: 'autonomy/build-container:latest',
pull: "always",
privileged: true,
commands: [
'make ./_out/sonobuoy',
'make ./_out/kubectl',
volumes: volumes.ForStep(),
// Step standardizes the creation of build steps. The name of the step is used
// as the target when building the make command. For example, if name equals
// "test", the resulting step command will be "make test". This is done to
// encourage alignment between this file and the Makefile, and gives us a
// standardized structure that should make things easier to reason about if we
// know that each step is essentially a Makefile target.
local Step(name, image='', target='', privileged=false, depends_on=[], environment={}, extra_volumes=[], when={}) = {
local make = if target == '' then std.format('make %s', name) else std.format('make %s', target),
local common_env_vars = {
"PLATFORM": "linux/amd64,linux/arm64",
name: name,
image: if image == '' then build_container else image,
pull: "always",
commands: [make],
privileged: privileged,
environment: common_env_vars + environment,
volumes: volumes.ForStep() + extra_volumes,
depends_on: [x.name for x in depends_on],
when: when,
// Pipeline is a way to standardize the creation of pipelines. It supports
// using and existing pipeline as a base.
local Pipeline(name, steps=[], depends_on=[], with_docker=true, disable_clone=false, type='kubernetes') = {
kind: 'pipeline',
type: type,
name: name,
[if type == 'digitalocean' then 'token']: {
from_secret: 'digitalocean_token'
// See https://slugs.do-api.dev/.
[if type == 'digitalocean' then 'server']: {
image: 'ubuntu-20-04-x64',
size: 'c-32',
region: 'nyc3',
[if with_docker then 'services']: [docker],
[ if disable_clone then 'clone']: {
disable: true,
steps: steps,
volumes: volumes.ForPipeline(),
depends_on: [x.name for x in depends_on],
// Default pipeline.
local generate = Step("generate", target="generate docs", depends_on=[setup_ci]);
local check_dirty = Step("check-dirty", depends_on=[generate]);
local build = Step("build", target="talosctl kernel initramfs installer talos", depends_on=[check_dirty], environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry, "PUSH": true});
local lint = Step("lint", depends_on=[build]);
local talosctl_cni_bundle = Step('talosctl-cni-bundle', depends_on=[build, lint]);
local iso_amd64 = Step("iso-amd64", target="iso", depends_on=[build], environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry});
local iso_arm64 = Step("iso-arm64", target="iso", depends_on=[build], environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry, "DOCKER_HOST": "tcp://docker-arm64.ci.svc:2376"});
local images_amd64 = Step("images-amd64", target="images", depends_on=[iso_amd64], environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry});
local images_arm64 = Step("images-arm64", target="images", depends_on=[iso_arm64], environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry, "DOCKER_HOST": "tcp://docker-arm64.ci.svc:2376"});
local sbcs_arm64 = Step("sbcs-arm64", target="sbcs", depends_on=[images_amd64, images_arm64], environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry, "DOCKER_HOST": "tcp://docker-arm64.ci.svc:2376"});
local unit_tests = Step("unit-tests", target="unit-tests unit-tests-race", depends_on=[build, lint]);
local e2e_docker = Step("e2e-docker-short", depends_on=[build, unit_tests], target="e2e-docker", environment={"SHORT_INTEGRATION_TEST": "yes", "REGISTRY": local_registry});
local e2e_qemu = Step("e2e-qemu-short", privileged=true, target="e2e-qemu", depends_on=[build, unit_tests, talosctl_cni_bundle], environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry, "SHORT_INTEGRATION_TEST": "yes"}, when={event: ['pull_request']});
local e2e_iso = Step("e2e-iso", privileged=true, target="e2e-iso", depends_on=[build, unit_tests, iso_amd64], when={event: ['pull_request']}, environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry});
local coverage = {
name: 'coverage',
image: 'alpine:3.10',
environment: {
CODECOV_TOKEN: { from_secret: 'codecov_token' },
commands: [
'apk --no-cache add bash curl git',
'bash -c "bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -f _out/coverage.txt -X fix"'
when: {
event: ['pull_request'],
depends_on: [unit_tests.name],
local push = {
name: 'push',
image: 'autonomy/build-container:latest',
pull: 'always',
environment: {
GHCR_USERNAME: { from_secret: 'ghcr_username' },
GHCR_PASSWORD: { from_secret: 'ghcr_token' },
PLATFORM: "linux/amd64,linux/arm64",
commands: ['make push'],
volumes: volumes.ForStep(),
when: {
event: {
exclude: [
depends_on: [e2e_docker.name, e2e_qemu.name],
local push_latest = {
name: 'push-latest',
image: 'autonomy/build-container:latest',
pull: 'always',
environment: {
GHCR_USERNAME: { from_secret: 'ghcr_username' },
GHCR_PASSWORD: { from_secret: 'ghcr_token' },
PLATFORM: "linux/amd64,linux/arm64",
commands: ['make push-latest'],
volumes: volumes.ForStep(),
when: {
branch: [
event: [
depends_on: [push.name],
local save_artifacts = {
name: 'save-artifacts',
image: 'docker.io/d3fk/s3cmd:latest',
pull: 'always',
environment: {
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: { from_secret: 'rook_access_key_id' },
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: { from_secret: 'rook_secret_access_key' },
commands: [
's3cmd --host=rook-ceph-rgw-ci-store.rook-ceph.svc --host-bucket=rook-ceph-rgw-ci-store.rook-ceph.svc --no-ssl mb s3://${CI_COMMIT_SHA}${DRONE_TAG//./-}',
's3cmd --host=rook-ceph-rgw-ci-store.rook-ceph.svc --host-bucket=rook-ceph-rgw-ci-store.rook-ceph.svc --no-ssl --stats sync _out s3://${CI_COMMIT_SHA}${DRONE_TAG//./-}',
volumes: volumes.ForStep(),
depends_on: [build.name, images_amd64.name, images_arm64.name, iso_amd64.name, iso_arm64.name, sbcs_arm64.name, talosctl_cni_bundle.name],
local load_artifacts = {
name: 'load-artifacts',
image: 'docker.io/d3fk/s3cmd:latest',
pull: 'always',
environment: {
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: { from_secret: 'rook_access_key_id' },
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: { from_secret: 'rook_secret_access_key' },
commands: [
's3cmd --host=rook-ceph-rgw-ci-store.rook-ceph.svc --host-bucket=rook-ceph-rgw-ci-store.rook-ceph.svc --no-ssl --stats sync s3://${CI_COMMIT_SHA}${DRONE_TAG//./-} .',
volumes: volumes.ForStep(),
depends_on: [setup_ci.name],
local default_steps = [
local default_trigger = {
trigger: {
event: {
exclude: [
local default_pipeline = Pipeline('default', default_steps) + default_trigger;
// Full integration pipeline.
local cron_trigger(schedules) = {
trigger: {
cron: {
include: ['thrice-daily', 'nightly'],
local default_pipeline_steps = [
local integration_qemu = Step("e2e-qemu", privileged=true, depends_on=[load_artifacts], environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry});
local integration_provision_tests_prepare = Step("provision-tests-prepare", privileged=true, depends_on=[load_artifacts]);
local integration_provision_tests_track_0 = Step("provision-tests-track-0", privileged=true, depends_on=[integration_provision_tests_prepare], environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry});
local integration_provision_tests_track_1 = Step("provision-tests-track-1", privileged=true, depends_on=[integration_provision_tests_prepare], environment={"REGISTRY": local_registry});
local integration_cilium = Step("e2e-cilium-1.8.5", target="e2e-qemu", privileged=true, depends_on=[load_artifacts], environment={
"CUSTOM_CNI_URL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cilium/cilium/v1.8.5/install/kubernetes/quick-install.yaml",
"REGISTRY": local_registry,
local integration_uefi = Step("e2e-uefi", target="e2e-qemu", privileged=true, depends_on=[integration_cilium], environment={
"WITH_UEFI": "true",
"REGISTRY": local_registry,
local integration_disk_image = Step("e2e-disk-image", target="e2e-qemu", privileged=true, depends_on=[integration_uefi], environment={
"USE_DISK_IMAGE": "true",
"REGISTRY": local_registry,
local push_edge = {
name: 'push-edge',
image: 'autonomy/build-container:latest',
pull: 'always',
environment: {
GHCR_USERNAME: { from_secret: 'ghcr_username' },
GHCR_PASSWORD: { from_secret: 'ghcr_token' },
commands: ['make push-edge'],
volumes: volumes.ForStep(),
when: {
cron: [
depends_on: [
local integration_trigger(names) = {
trigger: {
target: {
include: ['integration'] + names,
local integration_pipelines = [
// regular pipelines, triggered on promote events
Pipeline('integration-qemu', default_pipeline_steps + [integration_qemu, push_edge]) + integration_trigger(['integration-qemu']),
Pipeline('integration-provision-0', default_pipeline_steps + [integration_provision_tests_prepare, integration_provision_tests_track_0]) + integration_trigger(['integration-provision', 'integration-provision-0']),
Pipeline('integration-provision-1', default_pipeline_steps + [integration_provision_tests_prepare, integration_provision_tests_track_1]) + integration_trigger(['integration-provision', 'integration-provision-1']),
Pipeline('integration-misc', default_pipeline_steps + [integration_cilium, integration_uefi, integration_disk_image]) + integration_trigger(['integration-misc']),
// cron pipelines, triggered on schedule events
Pipeline('cron-integration-qemu', default_pipeline_steps + [integration_qemu, push_edge]) + cron_trigger(['thrice-daily', 'nightly']),
Pipeline('cron-integration-provision-0', default_pipeline_steps + [integration_provision_tests_prepare, integration_provision_tests_track_0]) + cron_trigger(['thrice-daily', 'nightly']),
Pipeline('cron-integration-provision-1', default_pipeline_steps + [integration_provision_tests_prepare, integration_provision_tests_track_1]) + cron_trigger(['thrice-daily', 'nightly']),
Pipeline('cron-integration-misc', default_pipeline_steps + [integration_cilium, integration_uefi, integration_disk_image]) + cron_trigger(['thrice-daily', 'nightly']),
// E2E pipeline.
local creds_env_vars = {
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: { from_secret: 'aws_access_key_id' },
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: { from_secret: 'aws_secret_access_key' },
AWS_SVC_ACCT: {from_secret: "aws_svc_acct"},
AZURE_SVC_ACCT: {from_secret: "azure_svc_acct"},
// TODO(andrewrynhard): Rename this to the GCP convention.
GCE_SVC_ACCT: {from_secret: "gce_svc_acct"},
PACKET_AUTH_TOKEN: {from_secret: "packet_auth_token"},
local capi_docker = Step("e2e-docker", depends_on=[load_artifacts], target="e2e-docker", environment={"SHORT_INTEGRATION_TEST": "yes", "REGISTRY": local_registry});
local e2e_capi = Step("e2e-capi", depends_on=[capi_docker], environment=creds_env_vars);
local e2e_aws = Step("e2e-aws", depends_on=[e2e_capi], environment=creds_env_vars);
local e2e_azure = Step("e2e-azure", depends_on=[e2e_capi], environment=creds_env_vars);
local e2e_gcp = Step("e2e-gcp", depends_on=[e2e_capi], environment=creds_env_vars);
local e2e_trigger(names) = {
trigger: {
target: {
include: ['e2e'] + names,
local e2e_pipelines = [
// regular pipelines, triggered on promote events
Pipeline('e2e-aws', default_pipeline_steps + [capi_docker, e2e_capi, e2e_aws]) + e2e_trigger(['e2e-aws']),
Pipeline('e2e-gcp', default_pipeline_steps + [capi_docker, e2e_capi, e2e_gcp]) + e2e_trigger(['e2e-gcp']),
// cron pipelines, triggered on schedule events
Pipeline('cron-e2e-aws', default_pipeline_steps + [capi_docker, e2e_capi, e2e_aws]) + cron_trigger(['nightly']),
Pipeline('cron-e2e-gcp', default_pipeline_steps + [capi_docker, e2e_capi, e2e_gcp]) + cron_trigger(['nightly']),
// Conformance pipeline.
local conformance_aws = Step("e2e-aws", depends_on=[e2e_capi], environment=creds_env_vars+{SONOBUOY_MODE: "certified-conformance"});
local conformance_azure = Step("e2e-azure", depends_on=[e2e_capi], environment=creds_env_vars+{SONOBUOY_MODE: "certified-conformance"});
local conformance_gcp = Step("e2e-gcp", depends_on=[e2e_capi], environment=creds_env_vars+{SONOBUOY_MODE: "certified-conformance"});
local conformance_trigger(names) = {
trigger: {
target: {
include: ['conformance'] + names,
local conformance_pipelines = [
Pipeline('conformance-aws', default_pipeline_steps + [capi_docker, e2e_capi, conformance_aws]) + conformance_trigger(['conformance-aws']),
Pipeline('conformance-gcp', default_pipeline_steps + [capi_docker, e2e_capi, conformance_gcp]) + conformance_trigger(['conformance-gcp']),
// Cloud images pipeline.
local cloud_images = Step("cloud-images", depends_on=[load_artifacts], environment=creds_env_vars);
local upload_images_steps = default_pipeline_steps + [
local upload_images_trigger = {
trigger: {
target: {
include: ['upload-images'],
local upload_images_pipeline = Pipeline('upload-images', upload_images_steps) + upload_images_trigger;
// Release pipeline.
local boot = Step('boot', depends_on=[e2e_docker, e2e_qemu]);
local release_notes = Step('release-notes', depends_on=[e2e_docker, e2e_qemu]);
// TODO(andrewrynhard): We should run E2E tests on a release.
local release = {
name: 'release',
image: 'plugins/github-release',
settings: {
api_key: { from_secret: 'github_token' },
draft: true,
note: '_out/RELEASE_NOTES.md',
files: [
checksum: ['sha256', 'sha512'],
when: {
event: ['tag'],
depends_on: [build.name, boot.name, talosctl_cni_bundle.name, images_amd64.name, images_arm64.name, sbcs_arm64.name, iso_amd64.name, iso_arm64.name, push.name, release_notes.name]
local release_steps = default_steps + [
local release_trigger = {
trigger: {
event: [
local release_pipeline = Pipeline('release', release_steps) + release_trigger;
// Notify pipeline.
local notify = {
name: 'slack',
image: 'plugins/slack',
settings: {
webhook: { from_secret: 'slack_webhook' },
channel: 'proj-talos-maintainers',
link_names: true,
template: '{{#if build.pull }}
*{{#success build.status}}✓ Success{{else}}✕ Fail{{/success}}*: {{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }} - <https://github.com/{{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }}/pull/{{ build.pull }}|Pull Request #{{ build.pull }}>
*{{#success build.status}}✓ Success{{else}}✕ Fail{{/success}}: {{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }} - Build #{{ build.number }}* (type: `{{ build.event }}`)
Commit: <https://github.com/{{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }}/commit/{{ build.commit }}|{{ truncate build.commit 8 }}>
Branch: <https://github.com/{{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }}/commits/{{ build.branch }}|{{ build.branch }}>
Author: {{ build.author }}
<{{ build.link }}|Visit build page>'
when: {
status: [
local notify_steps = [notify];
local notify_trigger = {
trigger: {
status: ['success', 'failure'],
local notify_pipeline = Pipeline('notify', notify_steps, [default_pipeline, upload_images_pipeline, release_pipeline] + integration_pipelines + e2e_pipelines + conformance_pipelines, false, true) + notify_trigger;
// Final configuration file definition.
] + integration_pipelines + e2e_pipelines + conformance_pipelines + [