2019-04-03 18:29:21 -07:00
module github . com / talos - systems / talos
2018-08-29 14:27:28 -07:00
2021-03-12 13:59:27 +03:00
go 1.16
2019-08-14 18:00:25 +00:00
2020-09-07 23:36:42 +03:00
replace (
github . com / talos - systems / talos / pkg / machinery = > . / pkg / machinery
2021-03-15 22:06:15 +03:00
/ / forked go - yaml that introduces RawYAML interface , which can be used to populate YAML fields using bytes
/ / which are then encoded as a valid YAML blocks with proper indentiation
gopkg . in / yaml . v3 = > github . com / unix4ever / yaml v0 . 0.0 - 20210315173758 - 8 fb30b8e5a5b
2020-09-07 23:36:42 +03:00
2020-08-17 19:12:47 +03:00
2018-08-29 14:27:28 -07:00
require (
2021-01-19 15:45:50 +03:00
github . com / AlekSi / pointer v1 . 1.0
2020-02-07 23:39:13 +03:00
github . com / BurntSushi / toml v0 . 3.1
2020-12-01 16:06:25 +03:00
github . com / Microsoft / hcsshim v0 . 8.10 / / indirect
github . com / Microsoft / hcsshim / test v0 . 0.0 - 20201124231931 - de74fe8b94ae / / indirect
2020-05-26 00:21:11 +03:00
github . com / beevik / ntp v0 . 3.0
2020-12-01 16:06:25 +03:00
github . com / containerd / cgroups v0 . 0.0 - 20201119153540 - 4 cbc285b3327
2021-03-05 21:30:50 +03:00
github . com / containerd / containerd v1 . 4.4
2020-10-20 01:08:16 +03:00
github . com / containerd / continuity v0 . 0.0 - 20200928162600 - f2cc35102c2a / / indirect
2020-12-01 16:06:25 +03:00
github . com / containerd / cri v1 . 19.0
2020-10-20 01:08:16 +03:00
github . com / containerd / go - cni v1 . 0.1
github . com / containerd / ttrpc v1 . 0.2 / / indirect
2020-07-16 17:50:44 +03:00
github . com / containerd / typeurl v1 . 0.1
2021-02-08 16:41:32 +03:00
github . com / containernetworking / cni v0 . 8.1
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / containernetworking / plugins v0 . 9.1
github . com / coreos / go - iptables v0 . 5.0
2021-03-25 21:29:11 +03:00
github . com / coreos / go - semver v0 . 3.0
2019-08-14 18:00:25 +00:00
github . com / docker / distribution v2 . 7.1 + incompatible
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / docker / docker v20 . 10.4 + incompatible
2019-04-29 11:51:39 -07:00
github . com / docker / go - connections v0 . 4.0
2019-12-17 16:54:55 +03:00
github . com / dustin / go - humanize v1 . 0.0
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / elazarl / goproxy v0 . 0.0 - 20210110162100 - a92cc753f88e / / indirect
2021-01-19 15:45:50 +03:00
github . com / emicklei / dot v0 . 15.0
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / emicklei / go - restful v2 . 15.0 + incompatible / / indirect
2021-02-24 23:14:52 +03:00
github . com / evanphx / json - patch v4 . 9.0 + incompatible
2020-12-01 16:06:25 +03:00
github . com / fatih / color v1 . 10.0
github . com / firecracker - microvm / firecracker - go - sdk v0 . 22.0
2021-01-30 13:19:37 +03:00
github . com / fsnotify / fsnotify v1 . 4.9
2020-07-16 17:50:44 +03:00
github . com / fullsailor / pkcs7 v0 . 0.0 - 20190404230743 - d7302db945fa
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / gdamore / tcell / v2 v2 . 2.0
2020-07-16 17:50:44 +03:00
github . com / gizak / termui / v3 v3 . 1.0
github . com / gogo / googleapis v1 . 4.0 / / indirect
2021-04-05 15:31:57 +03:00
github . com / golang / protobuf v1 . 5.2
2021-03-22 09:29:13 +03:00
github . com / google / go - cmp v0 . 5.5
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / google / uuid v1 . 2.0
2020-10-20 01:08:16 +03:00
github . com / grpc - ecosystem / go - grpc - middleware v1 . 2.2
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / hashicorp / go - getter v1 . 5.2
2021-03-15 15:06:23 +03:00
github . com / hashicorp / go - multierror v1 . 1.1
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / insomniacslk / dhcp v0 . 0.0 - 20210120172423 - cc9239ac6294
github . com / jsimonetti / rtnetlink v0 . 0.0 - 20210226120601 - 1 b79e63a70a0
2020-10-20 01:08:16 +03:00
github . com / mattn / go - isatty v0 . 0.12
2020-04-23 21:12:44 -07:00
github . com / mdlayher / genetlink v1 . 0.0
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / mdlayher / netlink v1 . 4.0
github . com / morikuni / aec v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
2019-10-04 13:46:17 -07:00
github . com / opencontainers / image - spec v1 . 0.1 / / indirect
2020-09-04 08:58:16 -07:00
github . com / opencontainers / runc v1 . 0.0 - rc92 / / indirect
github . com / opencontainers / runtime - spec v1 . 0.3 - 0.20200728170252 - 4 d89ac9fbff6
2019-12-17 19:53:19 +00:00
github . com / pin / tftp v2 . 1.0 + incompatible
2021-02-24 19:46:38 +03:00
github . com / plunder - app / kube - vip v0 . 3.2
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / prometheus / procfs v0 . 6.0
github . com / rivo / tview v0 . 0.0 - 20210217110421 - 8 a8f78a6dd01
2020-07-06 23:50:45 +03:00
github . com / rs / xid v1 . 2.1
2020-10-20 01:08:16 +03:00
github . com / ryanuber / columnize v2 . 1.2 + incompatible
2020-12-01 16:06:25 +03:00
github . com / smira / go - xz v0 . 0.0 - 20201019130106 - 9921 ed7a9935
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / spf13 / cobra v1 . 1.3
2021-01-19 15:45:50 +03:00
github . com / stretchr / testify v1 . 7.0
2021-02-01 16:15:12 +03:00
github . com / talos - systems / crypto v0 . 2.1 - 0.20210202170911 - 39584 f1b6e54
2021-04-06 15:42:49 +03:00
github . com / talos - systems / go - blockdevice v0 . 2.1 - 0.20210401182259 - bec914ffdda4
2021-02-16 20:42:11 +03:00
github . com / talos - systems / go - cmd v0 . 0.0 - 20210216164758 - 68 eb0067e0f0
2020-09-02 20:14:25 +03:00
github . com / talos - systems / go - loadbalancer v0 . 1.0
2021-01-08 16:46:11 +03:00
github . com / talos - systems / go - procfs v0 . 0.0 - 20210108152626 - 8 cbc42d3dc24
2021-02-25 16:40:50 +03:00
github . com / talos - systems / go - retry v0 . 2.1 - 0.20210119124456 - b9dc1a990133
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / talos - systems / go - smbios v0 . 0.0 - 20201228201610 - fb425d4727e6
2019-12-20 20:02:35 +00:00
github . com / talos - systems / grpc - proxy v0 . 2.0
2021-02-24 19:46:38 +03:00
github . com / talos - systems / net v0 . 2.1 - 0.20210212213224 - 05190541 b0fa
2021-03-15 22:06:15 +03:00
github . com / talos - systems / os - runtime v0 . 0.0 - 20210315190223 - 7 b3d14457439
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
github . com / talos - systems / talos / pkg / machinery v0 . 0.0 - 20210302191918 - 8 ffb55943c71
2020-12-18 17:19:14 +03:00
github . com / u - root / u - root v7 . 0.0 + incompatible
2020-12-24 18:06:25 +03:00
github . com / vmware - tanzu / sonobuoy v0 . 20.0
2020-07-16 17:50:44 +03:00
github . com / vmware / vmw - guestinfo v0 . 0.0 - 20200218095840 - 687661 b8bd8e
2021-02-25 20:35:17 +03:00
go . etcd . io / etcd / api / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0
go . etcd . io / etcd / pkg / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
golang . org / x / net v0 . 0.0 - 20210226172049 - e18ecbb05110
golang . org / x / sync v0 . 0.0 - 20210220032951 - 036812 b2e83c
golang . org / x / sys v0 . 0.0 - 20210301091718 - 77 cc2087c03b
golang . org / x / term v0 . 0.0 - 20210220032956 - 6 a3ed077a48d
golang . org / x / time v0 . 0.0 - 20210220033141 - f8bda1e9f3ba
2020-12-31 18:58:59 +03:00
golang . zx2c4 . com / wireguard / wgctrl v0 . 0.0 - 20200609130330 - bd2cb7843e1b
2021-03-29 16:13:47 +03:00
google . golang . org / grpc v1 . 36.1
2021-03-22 09:29:13 +03:00
google . golang . org / protobuf v1 . 26.0
2019-07-21 18:27:15 +00:00
gopkg . in / freddierice / go - losetup . v1 v1 . 0.0 - 20170407175016 - fc9adea44124
2021-01-19 15:45:50 +03:00
gopkg . in / yaml . v3 v3 . 0.0 - 20210107192922 - 496545 a6307b
2021-03-02 23:29:15 +03:00
honnef . co / go / tools v0 . 1.2 / / indirect
2021-03-24 17:47:19 +03:00
k8s . io / api v0 . 21.0 - rc . 0
k8s . io / apimachinery v0 . 21.0 - rc . 0
k8s . io / apiserver v0 . 21.0 - rc . 0 / / indirect
k8s . io / client - go v0 . 21.0 - rc . 0
k8s . io / cri - api v0 . 21.0 - rc . 0
k8s . io / kubectl v0 . 21.0 - rc . 0
k8s . io / kubelet v0 . 21.0 - rc . 0
2019-08-14 18:00:25 +00:00