test: implement new class of tests: provision tests (upgrades)
This class of tests is included/excluded by build tags, but as it is
pretty different from other integration tests, we build it as separate
executable. Provision tests provision cluster for the test run, perform
some actions and verify results (could be upgrade, reset, scale up/down,
There's now framework to implement upgrade tests, first of the tests
tests upgrade from latest 0.3 (0.3.2 at the moment) to current version
of Talos (being built in CI). Tests starts by booting with 0.3
kernel/initramfs, runs 0.3 installer to install 0.3.2 cluster, wait for
bootstrap, followed by upgrade to 0.4 in rolling fashion. As Firecracker
supports bootloader, this boots 0.4 system from boot disk (as installed
by installer).
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <smirnov.andrey@gmail.com>
2020-02-18 01:00:51 +03:00
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// +build integration_provision
package provision
import (
2020-02-21 21:58:30 +03:00
test: implement new class of tests: provision tests (upgrades)
This class of tests is included/excluded by build tags, but as it is
pretty different from other integration tests, we build it as separate
executable. Provision tests provision cluster for the test run, perform
some actions and verify results (could be upgrade, reset, scale up/down,
There's now framework to implement upgrade tests, first of the tests
tests upgrade from latest 0.3 (0.3.2 at the moment) to current version
of Talos (being built in CI). Tests starts by booting with 0.3
kernel/initramfs, runs 0.3 installer to install 0.3.2 cluster, wait for
bootstrap, followed by upgrade to 0.4 in rolling fashion. As Firecracker
supports bootloader, this boots 0.4 system from boot disk (as installed
by installer).
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <smirnov.andrey@gmail.com>
2020-02-18 01:00:51 +03:00
machineapi "github.com/talos-systems/talos/api/machine"
2020-03-20 17:38:48 -07:00
talosclient "github.com/talos-systems/talos/cmd/talosctl/pkg/client"
test: implement new class of tests: provision tests (upgrades)
This class of tests is included/excluded by build tags, but as it is
pretty different from other integration tests, we build it as separate
executable. Provision tests provision cluster for the test run, perform
some actions and verify results (could be upgrade, reset, scale up/down,
There's now framework to implement upgrade tests, first of the tests
tests upgrade from latest 0.3 (0.3.2 at the moment) to current version
of Talos (being built in CI). Tests starts by booting with 0.3
kernel/initramfs, runs 0.3 installer to install 0.3.2 cluster, wait for
bootstrap, followed by upgrade to 0.4 in rolling fashion. As Firecracker
supports bootloader, this boots 0.4 system from boot disk (as installed
by installer).
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <smirnov.andrey@gmail.com>
2020-02-18 01:00:51 +03:00
talosnet "github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/net"
type upgradeSpec struct {
ShortName string
SourceKernelPath string
SourceInitramfsPath string
SourceInstallerImage string
SourceVersion string
TargetInstallerImage string
TargetVersion string
MasterNodes int
WorkerNodes int
const (
talos03Version = "v0.3.2-1-g71ac6696"
2020-02-21 21:58:30 +03:00
talos04Version = "v0.4.0-alpha.5-19-g8913d9df"
test: implement new class of tests: provision tests (upgrades)
This class of tests is included/excluded by build tags, but as it is
pretty different from other integration tests, we build it as separate
executable. Provision tests provision cluster for the test run, perform
some actions and verify results (could be upgrade, reset, scale up/down,
There's now framework to implement upgrade tests, first of the tests
tests upgrade from latest 0.3 (0.3.2 at the moment) to current version
of Talos (being built in CI). Tests starts by booting with 0.3
kernel/initramfs, runs 0.3 installer to install 0.3.2 cluster, wait for
bootstrap, followed by upgrade to 0.4 in rolling fashion. As Firecracker
supports bootloader, this boots 0.4 system from boot disk (as installed
by installer).
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <smirnov.andrey@gmail.com>
2020-02-18 01:00:51 +03:00
var (
defaultNameservers = [ ] net . IP { net . ParseIP ( "" ) , net . ParseIP ( "" ) }
defaultCNIBinPath = [ ] string { "/opt/cni/bin" }
const (
defaultCNIConfDir = "/etc/cni/conf.d"
defaultCNICacheDir = "/var/lib/cni"
func trimVersion ( version string ) string {
// remove anything extra after semantic version core, `v0.3.2-1-abcd` -> `v0.3.2`
return regexp . MustCompile ( ` (-\d+-g[0-9a-f]+)$ ` ) . ReplaceAllString ( version , "" )
// upgradeZeroThreeToZeroFour upgrades Talos 0.3.x to Talos 0.4.x.
func upgradeZeroThreeToZeroFour ( ) upgradeSpec {
return upgradeSpec {
ShortName : fmt . Sprintf ( "%s-%s" , talos03Version , talos04Version ) ,
SourceKernelPath : helpers . ArtifactPath ( filepath . Join ( trimVersion ( talos03Version ) , constants . KernelUncompressedAsset ) ) ,
SourceInitramfsPath : helpers . ArtifactPath ( filepath . Join ( trimVersion ( talos03Version ) , constants . InitramfsAsset ) ) ,
SourceInstallerImage : fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%s" , constants . DefaultInstallerImageRepository , talos03Version ) ,
SourceVersion : talos03Version ,
TargetInstallerImage : fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%s" , constants . DefaultInstallerImageRepository , talos04Version ) ,
TargetVersion : talos04Version ,
MasterNodes : DefaultSettings . MasterNodes ,
WorkerNodes : DefaultSettings . WorkerNodes ,
// upgradeZeroFourToCurrent upgrade Talos 0.4.x to the current version of Talos.
func upgradeZeroFourToCurrent ( ) upgradeSpec {
return upgradeSpec {
ShortName : fmt . Sprintf ( "%s-%s" , talos04Version , DefaultSettings . CurrentVersion ) ,
SourceKernelPath : helpers . ArtifactPath ( filepath . Join ( trimVersion ( talos04Version ) , constants . KernelUncompressedAsset ) ) ,
SourceInitramfsPath : helpers . ArtifactPath ( filepath . Join ( trimVersion ( talos04Version ) , constants . InitramfsAsset ) ) ,
SourceInstallerImage : fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%s" , constants . DefaultInstallerImageRepository , talos04Version ) ,
SourceVersion : talos04Version ,
TargetInstallerImage : fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/%s:%s" , DefaultSettings . TargetInstallImageRegistry , constants . DefaultInstallerImageName , DefaultSettings . CurrentVersion ) ,
TargetVersion : DefaultSettings . CurrentVersion ,
MasterNodes : DefaultSettings . MasterNodes ,
WorkerNodes : DefaultSettings . WorkerNodes ,
type UpgradeSuite struct {
suite . Suite
base . TalosSuite
specGen func ( ) upgradeSpec
spec upgradeSpec
provisioner provision . Provisioner
configBundle * v1alpha1 . ConfigBundle
clusterAccess provision . ClusterAccess
ctx context . Context
ctxCancel context . CancelFunc
stateDir string
// SetupSuite ...
func ( suite * UpgradeSuite ) SetupSuite ( ) {
// call generate late in the flow, as it needs to pick up settings overridden by test runner
suite . spec = suite . specGen ( )
suite . T ( ) . Logf ( "upgrade spec = %v" , suite . spec )
// timeout for the whole test
suite . ctx , suite . ctxCancel = context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , 30 * time . Minute )
var err error
suite . provisioner , err = firecracker . NewProvisioner ( suite . ctx )
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( err )
// TearDownSuite ...
func ( suite * UpgradeSuite ) TearDownSuite ( ) {
2020-02-21 21:58:30 +03:00
if suite . T ( ) . Failed ( ) && suite . Cluster != nil {
// for failed tests, produce crash dump for easier debugging,
// as cluster is going to be torn down below
suite . provisioner . CrashDump ( suite . ctx , suite . Cluster , os . Stderr )
test: implement new class of tests: provision tests (upgrades)
This class of tests is included/excluded by build tags, but as it is
pretty different from other integration tests, we build it as separate
executable. Provision tests provision cluster for the test run, perform
some actions and verify results (could be upgrade, reset, scale up/down,
There's now framework to implement upgrade tests, first of the tests
tests upgrade from latest 0.3 (0.3.2 at the moment) to current version
of Talos (being built in CI). Tests starts by booting with 0.3
kernel/initramfs, runs 0.3 installer to install 0.3.2 cluster, wait for
bootstrap, followed by upgrade to 0.4 in rolling fashion. As Firecracker
supports bootloader, this boots 0.4 system from boot disk (as installed
by installer).
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <smirnov.andrey@gmail.com>
2020-02-18 01:00:51 +03:00
if suite . clusterAccess != nil {
suite . Assert ( ) . NoError ( suite . clusterAccess . Close ( ) )
if suite . Cluster != nil {
suite . Assert ( ) . NoError ( suite . provisioner . Destroy ( suite . ctx , suite . Cluster ) )
suite . ctxCancel ( )
if suite . stateDir != "" {
suite . Assert ( ) . NoError ( os . RemoveAll ( suite . stateDir ) )
if suite . provisioner != nil {
suite . Assert ( ) . NoError ( suite . provisioner . Close ( ) )
// setupCluster provisions source clusters and waits for health
func ( suite * UpgradeSuite ) setupCluster ( ) {
2020-02-21 21:58:30 +03:00
shortNameHash := sha256 . Sum256 ( [ ] byte ( suite . spec . ShortName ) )
clusterName := fmt . Sprintf ( "upgrade.%x" , shortNameHash [ : 8 ] )
test: implement new class of tests: provision tests (upgrades)
This class of tests is included/excluded by build tags, but as it is
pretty different from other integration tests, we build it as separate
executable. Provision tests provision cluster for the test run, perform
some actions and verify results (could be upgrade, reset, scale up/down,
There's now framework to implement upgrade tests, first of the tests
tests upgrade from latest 0.3 (0.3.2 at the moment) to current version
of Talos (being built in CI). Tests starts by booting with 0.3
kernel/initramfs, runs 0.3 installer to install 0.3.2 cluster, wait for
bootstrap, followed by upgrade to 0.4 in rolling fashion. As Firecracker
supports bootloader, this boots 0.4 system from boot disk (as installed
by installer).
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <smirnov.andrey@gmail.com>
2020-02-18 01:00:51 +03:00
_ , cidr , err := net . ParseCIDR ( DefaultSettings . CIDR )
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( err )
var gatewayIP net . IP
gatewayIP , err = talosnet . NthIPInNetwork ( cidr , 1 )
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( err )
ips := make ( [ ] net . IP , suite . spec . MasterNodes + suite . spec . WorkerNodes )
for i := range ips {
ips [ i ] , err = talosnet . NthIPInNetwork ( cidr , i + 2 )
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( err )
suite . stateDir , err = ioutil . TempDir ( "" , "talos-integration" )
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( err )
suite . T ( ) . Logf ( "initalizing provisioner with cluster name %q, state directory %q" , clusterName , suite . stateDir )
request := provision . ClusterRequest {
Name : clusterName ,
Network : provision . NetworkRequest {
Name : clusterName ,
CIDR : * cidr ,
GatewayAddr : gatewayIP ,
MTU : DefaultSettings . MTU ,
Nameservers : defaultNameservers ,
CNI : provision . CNIConfig {
BinPath : defaultCNIBinPath ,
ConfDir : defaultCNIConfDir ,
CacheDir : defaultCNICacheDir ,
} ,
2020-02-27 00:35:26 +03:00
LoadBalancer : provision . LoadBalancerConfig {
// as we're upgrading from older versions of Talos,
// disable LB to all apid nodes
LimitApidOnlyInitNode : true ,
} ,
test: implement new class of tests: provision tests (upgrades)
This class of tests is included/excluded by build tags, but as it is
pretty different from other integration tests, we build it as separate
executable. Provision tests provision cluster for the test run, perform
some actions and verify results (could be upgrade, reset, scale up/down,
There's now framework to implement upgrade tests, first of the tests
tests upgrade from latest 0.3 (0.3.2 at the moment) to current version
of Talos (being built in CI). Tests starts by booting with 0.3
kernel/initramfs, runs 0.3 installer to install 0.3.2 cluster, wait for
bootstrap, followed by upgrade to 0.4 in rolling fashion. As Firecracker
supports bootloader, this boots 0.4 system from boot disk (as installed
by installer).
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <smirnov.andrey@gmail.com>
2020-02-18 01:00:51 +03:00
} ,
KernelPath : suite . spec . SourceKernelPath ,
InitramfsPath : suite . spec . SourceInitramfsPath ,
SelfExecutable : suite . OsctlPath ,
StateDirectory : suite . stateDir ,
defaultInternalLB , defaultExternalLB := suite . provisioner . GetLoadBalancers ( request . Network )
genOptions := suite . provisioner . GenOptions ( request . Network )
for _ , registryMirror := range DefaultSettings . RegistryMirrors {
parts := strings . SplitN ( registryMirror , "=" , 2 )
suite . Require ( ) . Len ( parts , 2 )
genOptions = append ( genOptions , generate . WithRegistryMirror ( parts [ 0 ] , parts [ 1 ] ) )
suite . configBundle , err = config . NewConfigBundle ( config . WithInputOptions (
& config . InputOptions {
ClusterName : clusterName ,
Endpoint : fmt . Sprintf ( "https://%s:6443" , defaultInternalLB ) ,
KubeVersion : constants . DefaultKubernetesVersion , // TODO: should be upgradeable
GenOptions : append (
genOptions ,
generate . WithEndpointList ( [ ] string { defaultExternalLB } ) ,
generate . WithInstallImage ( suite . spec . SourceInstallerImage ) ,
) ,
} ) )
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( err )
for i := 0 ; i < suite . spec . MasterNodes ; i ++ {
var cfg runtime . Configurator
if i == 0 {
cfg = suite . configBundle . Init ( )
} else {
cfg = suite . configBundle . ControlPlane ( )
request . Nodes = append ( request . Nodes ,
provision . NodeRequest {
Name : fmt . Sprintf ( "master-%d" , i + 1 ) ,
IP : ips [ i ] ,
Memory : DefaultSettings . MemMB * 1024 * 1024 ,
NanoCPUs : DefaultSettings . CPUs * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 ,
DiskSize : DefaultSettings . DiskGB * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ,
Config : cfg ,
} )
for i := 1 ; i <= suite . spec . WorkerNodes ; i ++ {
request . Nodes = append ( request . Nodes ,
provision . NodeRequest {
Name : fmt . Sprintf ( "worker-%d" , i ) ,
IP : ips [ suite . spec . MasterNodes + i - 1 ] ,
Memory : DefaultSettings . MemMB * 1024 * 1024 ,
NanoCPUs : DefaultSettings . CPUs * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 ,
DiskSize : DefaultSettings . DiskGB * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ,
Config : suite . configBundle . Join ( ) ,
} )
suite . Cluster , err = suite . provisioner . Create ( suite . ctx , request , provision . WithBootladerEmulation ( ) , provision . WithTalosConfig ( suite . configBundle . TalosConfig ( ) ) )
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( err )
suite . clusterAccess = access . NewAdapter ( suite . Cluster , provision . WithTalosConfig ( suite . configBundle . TalosConfig ( ) ) )
suite . waitForClusterHealth ( )
// waitForClusterHealth asserts cluster health after any change
func ( suite * UpgradeSuite ) waitForClusterHealth ( ) {
checkCtx , checkCtxCancel := context . WithTimeout ( suite . ctx , 10 * time . Minute )
defer checkCtxCancel ( )
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( check . Wait ( checkCtx , suite . clusterAccess , check . DefaultClusterChecks ( ) , check . StderrReporter ( ) ) )
func ( suite * UpgradeSuite ) assertSameVersionCluster ( client * talosclient . Client , expectedVersion string ) {
nodes := make ( [ ] string , len ( suite . Cluster . Info ( ) . Nodes ) )
for i , node := range suite . Cluster . Info ( ) . Nodes {
nodes [ i ] = node . PrivateIP . String ( )
ctx := talosclient . WithNodes ( suite . ctx , nodes ... )
var v * machineapi . VersionResponse
err := retry . Constant (
time . Minute ,
) . Retry ( func ( ) error {
var e error
v , e = client . Version ( ctx )
return retry . ExpectedError ( e )
} )
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( err )
suite . Require ( ) . Len ( v . Messages , len ( nodes ) )
for _ , version := range v . Messages {
suite . Assert ( ) . Equal ( expectedVersion , version . Version . Tag )
func ( suite * UpgradeSuite ) readVersion ( client * talosclient . Client , nodeCtx context . Context ) ( version string , err error ) {
var v * machineapi . VersionResponse
v , err = client . Version ( nodeCtx )
if err != nil {
version = v . Messages [ 0 ] . Version . Tag
func ( suite * UpgradeSuite ) upgradeNode ( client * talosclient . Client , node provision . NodeInfo ) {
suite . T ( ) . Logf ( "upgrading node %s" , node . PrivateIP )
nodeCtx := talosclient . WithNodes ( suite . ctx , node . PrivateIP . String ( ) )
2020-03-10 07:52:10 -07:00
resp , err := client . Upgrade ( nodeCtx , suite . spec . TargetInstallerImage , false )
test: implement new class of tests: provision tests (upgrades)
This class of tests is included/excluded by build tags, but as it is
pretty different from other integration tests, we build it as separate
executable. Provision tests provision cluster for the test run, perform
some actions and verify results (could be upgrade, reset, scale up/down,
There's now framework to implement upgrade tests, first of the tests
tests upgrade from latest 0.3 (0.3.2 at the moment) to current version
of Talos (being built in CI). Tests starts by booting with 0.3
kernel/initramfs, runs 0.3 installer to install 0.3.2 cluster, wait for
bootstrap, followed by upgrade to 0.4 in rolling fashion. As Firecracker
supports bootloader, this boots 0.4 system from boot disk (as installed
by installer).
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <smirnov.andrey@gmail.com>
2020-02-18 01:00:51 +03:00
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( err )
suite . Require ( ) . Equal ( "Upgrade request received" , resp . Messages [ 0 ] . Ack )
// wait for the version to be equal to target version
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( retry . Constant ( 5 * time . Minute ) . Retry ( func ( ) error {
var version string
version , err = suite . readVersion ( client , nodeCtx )
if err != nil {
// API might be unresponsive during upgrade
return retry . ExpectedError ( err )
if version != suite . spec . TargetVersion {
// upgrade not finished yet
return retry . ExpectedError ( fmt . Errorf ( "node %q version doesn't match expected: expected %q, got %q" , node . PrivateIP . String ( ) , suite . spec . TargetVersion , version ) )
return nil
} ) )
suite . waitForClusterHealth ( )
// TestRolling performs rolling upgrade starting with master nodes.
func ( suite * UpgradeSuite ) TestRolling ( ) {
suite . setupCluster ( )
client , err := suite . clusterAccess . Client ( )
suite . Require ( ) . NoError ( err )
// verify initial cluster version
suite . assertSameVersionCluster ( client , suite . spec . SourceVersion )
// upgrade master nodes
for _ , node := range suite . Cluster . Info ( ) . Nodes {
if node . Type == machine . TypeInit || node . Type == machine . TypeControlPlane {
suite . upgradeNode ( client , node )
// upgrade worker nodes
for _ , node := range suite . Cluster . Info ( ) . Nodes {
if node . Type == machine . TypeWorker {
suite . upgradeNode ( client , node )
// verify final cluster version
suite . assertSameVersionCluster ( client , suite . spec . TargetVersion )
// SuiteName ...
func ( suite * UpgradeSuite ) SuiteName ( ) string {
if suite . spec . ShortName == "" {
suite . spec = suite . specGen ( )
return fmt . Sprintf ( "provision.UpgradeSuite.%s" , suite . spec . ShortName )
func init ( ) {
allSuites = append ( allSuites ,
& UpgradeSuite { specGen : upgradeZeroThreeToZeroFour } ,
2020-02-21 21:58:30 +03:00
& UpgradeSuite { specGen : upgradeZeroFourToCurrent } ,
test: implement new class of tests: provision tests (upgrades)
This class of tests is included/excluded by build tags, but as it is
pretty different from other integration tests, we build it as separate
executable. Provision tests provision cluster for the test run, perform
some actions and verify results (could be upgrade, reset, scale up/down,
There's now framework to implement upgrade tests, first of the tests
tests upgrade from latest 0.3 (0.3.2 at the moment) to current version
of Talos (being built in CI). Tests starts by booting with 0.3
kernel/initramfs, runs 0.3 installer to install 0.3.2 cluster, wait for
bootstrap, followed by upgrade to 0.4 in rolling fashion. As Firecracker
supports bootloader, this boots 0.4 system from boot disk (as installed
by installer).
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <smirnov.andrey@gmail.com>
2020-02-18 01:00:51 +03:00