refactor: bring more control to install.Manifest execution

This unifies more code paths under the control of `install.Manifest` vs.
being split across the installer and manifest code.

There should be no functional changes now.

Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <>
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Smirnov 2020-10-16 17:00:40 +03:00 committed by talos-bot
parent 773912833e
commit 4adb613f66
14 changed files with 436 additions and 331 deletions

View File

@ -11,12 +11,8 @@ import (
@ -79,8 +75,6 @@ type Installer struct {
Current string
Next string
bootPartitionFound bool
// NewInstaller initializes and returns an Installer.
@ -95,16 +89,6 @@ func NewInstaller(cmdline *procfs.Cmdline, seq runtime.Sequence, opts *Options)
var dev *probe.ProbedBlockDevice
if dev, err = probe.DevForFileSystemLabel(opts.Disk, constants.BootPartitionLabel); err != nil {
i.bootPartitionFound = false
} else {
//nolint: errcheck
defer dev.Close()
i.bootPartitionFound = true
i.Current, i.Next, err = i.bootloader.Labels()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -125,89 +109,15 @@ func NewInstaller(cmdline *procfs.Cmdline, seq runtime.Sequence, opts *Options)
// nolint: gocyclo
func (i *Installer) Install(seq runtime.Sequence) (err error) {
if i.options.Force {
if i.bootPartitionFound {
var dev *probe.ProbedBlockDevice
if dev, err = probe.DevForFileSystemLabel(i.options.Disk, constants.BootPartitionLabel); err != nil {
return err
// Reset the partition table.
if err = dev.Reset(); err != nil {
return err
if err = dev.RereadPartitionTable(); err != nil {
return err
if err = dev.Close(); err != nil {
return err
// Zero the disk.
if i.options.Zero {
if err = zero(i.manifest); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to wipe device(s): %w", err)
// Partition and format the block device(s).
if err = i.manifest.ExecuteManifest(); err != nil {
return err
} else if !i.bootPartitionFound {
if i.options.Zero {
if err = zero(i.manifest); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to wipe device(s): %w", err)
if err = i.manifest.ExecuteManifest(); err != nil {
return err
if seq == runtime.SequenceUpgrade {
var meta *bootloader.Meta
if meta, err = bootloader.NewMeta(); err != nil {
return err
//nolint: errcheck
defer meta.Close()
if ok := meta.SetTag(bootloader.AdvUpgrade, i.Current); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set upgrade tag: %q", i.Current)
if _, err = meta.Write(); err != nil {
return err
if err = i.manifest.Execute(); err != nil {
return err
// Mount the partitions.
mountpoints := mount.NewMountPoints()
for dev := range i.manifest.Targets {
var mp *mount.Points
mp, err = mount.SystemMountPointsForDevice(dev)
if err != nil {
return err
iter := mp.Iter()
for iter.Next() {
mountpoints.Set(iter.Key(), iter.Value())
mountpoints, err := i.manifest.SystemMountpoints()
if err != nil {
return err
if err = mount.Mount(mountpoints); err != nil {
@ -252,7 +162,7 @@ func (i *Installer) Install(seq runtime.Sequence) (err error) {
if i.bootPartitionFound && i.Current != "" {
if i.Current != "" {
grubcfg.Fallback = i.Current
grubcfg.Labels = append(grubcfg.Labels, &grub.Label{
@ -263,10 +173,29 @@ func (i *Installer) Install(seq runtime.Sequence) (err error) {
if err = i.bootloader.Install(i.Current, grubcfg, seq, i.bootPartitionFound); err != nil {
if err = i.bootloader.Install(i.Current, grubcfg, seq); err != nil {
return err
if seq == runtime.SequenceUpgrade {
var meta *bootloader.Meta
if meta, err = bootloader.NewMeta(); err != nil {
return err
//nolint: errcheck
defer meta.Close()
if ok := meta.SetTag(bootloader.AdvUpgrade, i.Current); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set upgrade tag: %q", i.Current)
if _, err = meta.Write(); err != nil {
return err
if i.options.Save {
u, err := url.Parse(i.options.ConfigSource)
if err != nil {
@ -301,41 +230,3 @@ func (i *Installer) Install(seq runtime.Sequence) (err error) {
return nil
func zero(manifest *Manifest) (err error) {
var zero *os.File
if zero, err = os.Open("/dev/zero"); err != nil {
return err
defer zero.Close() //nolint: errcheck
for dev := range manifest.Targets {
if err = func(dev string) error {
var f *os.File
if f, err = os.OpenFile(dev, os.O_RDWR, os.ModeDevice); err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close() //nolint: errcheck
var size uint64
if _, _, ret := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_IOCTL, f.Fd(), unix.BLKGETSIZE64, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&size))); ret != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to got block device size: %v", ret)
if _, err = io.CopyN(f, zero, int64(size)); err != nil {
return err
return f.Close()
}(dev); err != nil {
return err
return zero.Close()

View File

@ -12,15 +12,19 @@ import (
@ -28,20 +32,35 @@ import (
// Manifest represents the instructions for preparing all block devices
// for an installation.
type Manifest struct {
Devices map[string]Device
Targets map[string][]*Target
// Device represents device options.
type Device struct {
Device string
ResetPartitionTable bool
Zero bool
// Target represents an installation partition.
//nolint: go-lint
type Target struct {
Label string
Device string
FileSystemType string
PartitionName string
Size uint
Force bool
Test bool
Assets []*Asset
BlockDevice *blockdevice.BlockDevice
Device string
Label string
PartitionType PartitionType
FileSystemType FileSystemType
LegacyBIOSBootable bool
Size uint
Force bool
Assets []*Asset
// set during execution
PartitionName string
// Asset represents a file required by a target.
@ -50,13 +69,49 @@ type Asset struct {
Destination string
// PartitionType in partition table.
type PartitionType = string
// GPT partition types.
// TODO: should be moved into the blockdevice library.
const (
EFISystemPartition PartitionType = "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B"
BIOSBootPartition PartitionType = "21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649"
LinuxFilesystemData PartitionType = "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
// FileSystemType is used to format partitions.
type FileSystemType = string
// Filesystem types.
const (
FilesystemTypeNone FileSystemType = "none"
FilesystemTypeXFS FileSystemType = "xfs"
FilesystemTypeVFAT FileSystemType = "vfat"
// Partition default sizes.
const (
MiB = 1024 * 1024
EFISize = 100 * MiB
BIOSGrubSize = 1 * MiB
BootSize = 300 * MiB
MetaSize = 1 * MiB
StateSize = 100 * MiB
// NewManifest initializes and returns a Manifest.
//nolint: gocyclo
func NewManifest(label string, sequence runtime.Sequence, opts *Options) (manifest *Manifest, err error) {
if label == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("a label is required, got \"\"")
manifest = &Manifest{
Devices: map[string]Device{},
Targets: map[string][]*Target{},
@ -72,6 +127,38 @@ func NewManifest(label string, sequence runtime.Sequence, opts *Options) (manife
// Verify existence of boot partition.
var bootPartitionFound bool
if dev, err := probe.DevForFileSystemLabel(opts.Disk, constants.BootPartitionLabel); err != nil {
bootPartitionFound = false
} else {
//nolint: errcheck
defer dev.Close()
bootPartitionFound = true
// TODO: legacy, to support old Talos initramfs, assume force if boot partition not found
if !bootPartitionFound {
opts.Force = true
if !opts.Force {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("installation with preserve is not supported yet")
if !opts.Force && opts.Zero {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("zero option can't be used without force")
manifest.Devices[opts.Disk] = Device{
Device: opts.Disk,
ResetPartitionTable: bootPartitionFound && opts.Force,
Zero: opts.Zero,
// Initialize any slices we need. Note that a boot partition is not
// required.
@ -80,30 +167,34 @@ func NewManifest(label string, sequence runtime.Sequence, opts *Options) (manife
efiTarget := &Target{
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.EFIPartitionLabel,
Size: 100 * 1024 * 1024,
Force: true,
Test: false,
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.EFIPartitionLabel,
PartitionType: EFISystemPartition,
FileSystemType: FilesystemTypeVFAT,
Size: EFISize,
Force: true,
biosTarget := &Target{
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.BIOSGrubPartitionLabel,
Size: 1 * 1024 * 1024,
Force: true,
Test: false,
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.BIOSGrubPartitionLabel,
PartitionType: BIOSBootPartition,
FileSystemType: FilesystemTypeNone,
LegacyBIOSBootable: true,
Size: BIOSGrubSize,
Force: true,
var bootTarget *Target
if opts.Bootloader {
bootTarget = &Target{
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.BootPartitionLabel,
Size: 300 * 1024 * 1024,
Force: true,
Test: false,
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.BootPartitionLabel,
PartitionType: LinuxFilesystemData,
FileSystemType: FilesystemTypeXFS,
Size: BootSize,
Force: true,
Assets: []*Asset{
Source: constants.KernelAssetPath,
@ -118,27 +209,30 @@ func NewManifest(label string, sequence runtime.Sequence, opts *Options) (manife
metaTarget := &Target{
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.MetaPartitionLabel,
Size: 1 * 1024 * 1024,
Force: true,
Test: false,
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.MetaPartitionLabel,
PartitionType: LinuxFilesystemData,
FileSystemType: FilesystemTypeNone,
Size: MetaSize,
Force: true,
stateTarget := &Target{
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.StatePartitionLabel,
Size: 100 * 1024 * 1024,
Force: true,
Test: false,
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.StatePartitionLabel,
PartitionType: LinuxFilesystemData,
FileSystemType: FilesystemTypeXFS,
Size: StateSize,
Force: true,
ephemeralTarget := &Target{
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.EphemeralPartitionLabel,
Size: 0,
Force: true,
Test: false,
Device: opts.Disk,
Label: constants.EphemeralPartitionLabel,
PartitionType: LinuxFilesystemData,
FileSystemType: FilesystemTypeXFS,
Size: 0,
Force: true,
for _, target := range []*Target{efiTarget, biosTarget, bootTarget, metaTarget, stateTarget, ephemeralTarget} {
@ -152,54 +246,130 @@ func NewManifest(label string, sequence runtime.Sequence, opts *Options) (manife
return manifest, nil
// ExecuteManifest partitions and formats all disks in a manifest.
func (m *Manifest) ExecuteManifest() (err error) {
// Execute partitions and formats all disks in a manifest.
func (m *Manifest) Execute() (err error) {
for dev, targets := range m.Targets {
var bd *blockdevice.BlockDevice
if bd, err = blockdevice.Open(dev, blockdevice.WithNewGPT(true)); err != nil {
if err = m.executeOnDevice(m.Devices[dev], targets); err != nil {
return err
// nolint: errcheck
defer bd.Close()
for _, target := range targets {
if err = target.Partition(bd); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to partition device: %w", err)
if err = bd.RereadPartitionTable(); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to re-read partition table on %q: %s, ignoring error...", dev, err)
for _, target := range targets {
target := target
err = retry.Constant(time.Minute, retry.WithUnits(100*time.Millisecond)).Retry(func() error {
e := target.Format()
if e != nil {
if strings.Contains(e.Error(), "No such file or directory") {
// workaround problem with partition device not being visible immediately after partitioning
return retry.ExpectedError(e)
return retry.UnexpectedError(e)
return nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to format device: %w", err)
return nil
//nolint: gocyclo
func (m *Manifest) executeOnDevice(device Device, targets []*Target) (err error) {
if device.Zero {
if err = m.zeroDevice(device); err != nil {
return err
var bd *blockdevice.BlockDevice
if bd, err = blockdevice.Open(device.Device, blockdevice.WithNewGPT(true)); err != nil {
return err
if device.ResetPartitionTable {
// TODO: how should it work with zero option above?
if err = bd.Reset(); err != nil {
return err
if err = bd.RereadPartitionTable(); err != nil {
return err
// nolint: errcheck
defer bd.Close()
for _, target := range targets {
if err = target.Partition(bd); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to partition device: %w", err)
if err = bd.RereadPartitionTable(); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to re-read partition table on %q: %s, ignoring error...", device.Device, err)
for _, target := range targets {
target := target
err = retry.Constant(time.Minute, retry.WithUnits(100*time.Millisecond)).Retry(func() error {
e := target.Format()
if e != nil {
if strings.Contains(e.Error(), "No such file or directory") {
// workaround problem with partition device not being visible immediately after partitioning
return retry.ExpectedError(e)
return retry.UnexpectedError(e)
return nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to format device: %w", err)
return nil
// SystemMountpoints returns list of system mountpoints for the manifest.
func (m *Manifest) SystemMountpoints() (*mount.Points, error) {
mountpoints := mount.NewMountPoints()
for dev := range m.Targets {
mp, err := mount.SystemMountPointsForDevice(dev)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
iter := mp.Iter()
for iter.Next() {
mountpoints.Set(iter.Key(), iter.Value())
return mountpoints, nil
// zeroDevice fills first block of the device with zeroes.
func (m *Manifest) zeroDevice(device Device) (err error) {
var zero *os.File
if zero, err = os.Open("/dev/zero"); err != nil {
return err
defer zero.Close() //nolint: errcheck
var f *os.File
if f, err = os.OpenFile(device.Device, os.O_RDWR, os.ModeDevice); err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close() //nolint: errcheck
var size uint64
if _, _, ret := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_IOCTL, f.Fd(), unix.BLKGETSIZE64, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&size))); ret != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to got block device size: %v", ret)
if _, err = io.CopyN(f, zero, int64(size)); err != nil {
return err
return f.Close()
// Partition creates a new partition on the specified device.
// nolint: dupl, gocyclo
func (t *Target) Partition(bd *blockdevice.BlockDevice) (err error) {
@ -211,33 +381,17 @@ func (t *Target) Partition(bd *blockdevice.BlockDevice) (err error) {
return err
opts := []interface{}{}
opts := []interface{}{
const (
EFISystemPartition = "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B"
BIOSBootPartition = "21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649"
LinuxFilesystemData = "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
if t.Size == 0 {
opts = append(opts, partition.WithMaximumSize(true))
switch t.Label {
case constants.EFIPartitionLabel:
opts = append(opts, partition.WithPartitionType(EFISystemPartition), partition.WithPartitionName(t.Label))
case constants.BIOSGrubPartitionLabel:
opts = append(opts, partition.WithPartitionType(BIOSBootPartition), partition.WithPartitionName(t.Label), partition.WithLegacyBIOSBootableAttribute(true))
case constants.BootPartitionLabel:
opts = append(opts, partition.WithPartitionType(LinuxFilesystemData), partition.WithPartitionName(t.Label))
case constants.MetaPartitionLabel:
opts = append(opts, partition.WithPartitionType(LinuxFilesystemData), partition.WithPartitionName(t.Label))
case constants.StatePartitionLabel:
opts = append(opts, partition.WithPartitionType(LinuxFilesystemData), partition.WithPartitionName(t.Label))
case constants.EphemeralPartitionLabel:
opts = append(opts, partition.WithPartitionType(LinuxFilesystemData), partition.WithPartitionName(t.Label), partition.WithMaximumSize(true))
opts = append(opts, partition.WithPartitionType(LinuxFilesystemData))
if t.Size == 0 {
opts = append(opts, partition.WithMaximumSize(true))
if t.LegacyBIOSBootable {
opts = append(opts, partition.WithLegacyBIOSBootableAttribute(true))
part, err := pt.Add(uint64(t.Size), opts...)
@ -245,6 +399,8 @@ func (t *Target) Partition(bd *blockdevice.BlockDevice) (err error) {
return err
log.Printf("created %sp%d (%s) size %d blocks", t.Device, part.No(), t.Label, part.Length())
if err = pt.Write(); err != nil {
return err
@ -261,43 +417,21 @@ func (t *Target) Partition(bd *blockdevice.BlockDevice) (err error) {
//nolint: gocyclo
func (t *Target) Format() error {
switch t.Label {
case constants.EFIPartitionLabel:
log.Printf("formatting partition %q as %q with label %q\n", t.PartitionName, "fat", t.Label)
return makefs.VFAT(t.PartitionName, makefs.WithLabel(t.Label))
case constants.BIOSGrubPartitionLabel:
if t.FileSystemType == FilesystemTypeNone {
return nil
case constants.BootPartitionLabel:
log.Printf("formatting partition %q as %q with label %q\n", t.PartitionName, "xfs", t.Label)
opts := []makefs.Option{makefs.WithForce(t.Force)}
if t.Label != "" {
opts = append(opts, makefs.WithLabel(t.Label))
log.Printf("formatting partition %q as %q with label %q\n", t.PartitionName, t.FileSystemType, t.Label)
return makefs.XFS(t.PartitionName, opts...)
case constants.MetaPartitionLabel:
return nil
case constants.StatePartitionLabel:
log.Printf("formatting partition %q as %q with label %q\n", t.PartitionName, "xfs", t.Label)
opts := []makefs.Option{makefs.WithForce(t.Force)}
if t.Label != "" {
opts = append(opts, makefs.WithLabel(t.Label))
return makefs.XFS(t.PartitionName, opts...)
case constants.EphemeralPartitionLabel:
log.Printf("formatting partition %q as %q with label %q\n", t.PartitionName, "xfs", t.Label)
opts := []makefs.Option{makefs.WithForce(t.Force)}
if t.Label != "" {
opts = append(opts, makefs.WithLabel(t.Label))
opts := []makefs.Option{makefs.WithForce(t.Force), makefs.WithLabel(t.Label)}
switch t.FileSystemType {
case FilesystemTypeVFAT:
return makefs.VFAT(t.PartitionName, opts...)
case FilesystemTypeXFS:
return makefs.XFS(t.PartitionName, opts...)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported filesystem type: %q", t.FileSystemType)

View File

@ -6,18 +6,20 @@ package install_test
import (
// Some tests in this package cannot be run under buildkit, as buildkit doesn't propagate partition devices
@ -32,13 +34,19 @@ type manifestSuite struct {
loopbackDevice *os.File
const diskSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 10 GiB
const (
diskSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 4 GiB
lbaSize = 512
gptReserved = 67
func TestManifestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(manifestSuite))
func (suite *manifestSuite) SetupSuite() {
var err error
suite.disk, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "talos")
@ -75,7 +83,13 @@ func (suite *manifestSuite) skipUnderBuildkit() {
func (suite *manifestSuite) verifyBlockdevice() {
func (suite *manifestSuite) skipIfNotRoot() {
if os.Getuid() != 0 {
suite.T().Skip("can't run the test as non-root")
func (suite *manifestSuite) verifyBlockdevice(manifest *install.Manifest) {
bd, err := blockdevice.Open(suite.loopbackDevice.Name())
@ -84,23 +98,113 @@ func (suite *manifestSuite) verifyBlockdevice() {
table, err := bd.PartitionTable()
suite.Assert().Len(table.Partitions(), 5)
// verify partition table
suite.Assert().Len(table.Partitions(), 6)
part := table.Partitions()[0]
suite.Assert().Equal(install.EFISystemPartition, strings.ToUpper(part.(*partition.Partition).Type.String()))
suite.Assert().EqualValues(0, part.(*partition.Partition).Flags)
suite.Assert().EqualValues(install.EFISize/lbaSize, part.Length())
part = table.Partitions()[1]
suite.Assert().Equal(install.BIOSBootPartition, strings.ToUpper(part.(*partition.Partition).Type.String()))
suite.Assert().EqualValues(4, part.(*partition.Partition).Flags)
suite.Assert().EqualValues(install.BIOSGrubSize/lbaSize, part.Length())
part = table.Partitions()[2]
suite.Assert().Equal(install.LinuxFilesystemData, strings.ToUpper(part.(*partition.Partition).Type.String()))
suite.Assert().EqualValues(0, part.(*partition.Partition).Flags)
suite.Assert().EqualValues(install.BootSize/lbaSize, part.Length())
part = table.Partitions()[3]
suite.Assert().Equal(install.LinuxFilesystemData, strings.ToUpper(part.(*partition.Partition).Type.String()))
suite.Assert().EqualValues(0, part.(*partition.Partition).Flags)
suite.Assert().EqualValues(install.MetaSize/lbaSize, part.Length())
part = table.Partitions()[4]
suite.Assert().Equal(install.LinuxFilesystemData, strings.ToUpper(part.(*partition.Partition).Type.String()))
suite.Assert().EqualValues(0, part.(*partition.Partition).Flags)
suite.Assert().EqualValues(install.StateSize/lbaSize, part.Length())
part = table.Partitions()[5]
suite.Assert().Equal(install.LinuxFilesystemData, strings.ToUpper(part.(*partition.Partition).Type.String()))
suite.Assert().EqualValues(0, part.(*partition.Partition).Flags)
suite.Assert().EqualValues((diskSize-install.EFISize-install.BIOSGrubSize-install.BootSize-install.MetaSize-install.StateSize)/lbaSize-gptReserved, part.Length())
// query mount points directly for the device
mountpoints, err := mount.SystemMountPointsForDevice(suite.loopbackDevice.Name())
suite.Assert().Equal(4, mountpoints.Len())
// verify filesystems by mounting and unmounting
tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "talos")
defer func() {
mountpoints, err = manifest.SystemMountpoints()
suite.Assert().Equal(4, mountpoints.Len())
suite.Require().NoError(mount.PrefixMountTargets(mountpoints, tempDir))
err = mount.Mount(mountpoints)
defer func() {
func (suite *manifestSuite) TestExecuteManifestClean() {
manifest, err := install.NewManifest("A", runtime.SequenceInstall, &install.Options{
Disk: suite.loopbackDevice.Name(),
Force: true,
Disk: suite.loopbackDevice.Name(),
Bootloader: true,
Force: true,
func (suite *manifestSuite) TestExecuteManifestForce() {
manifest, err := install.NewManifest("A", runtime.SequenceInstall, &install.Options{
Disk: suite.loopbackDevice.Name(),
Bootloader: true,
Force: true,
// reinstall
manifest, err = install.NewManifest("B", runtime.SequenceInstall, &install.Options{
Disk: suite.loopbackDevice.Name(),
Bootloader: true,
Force: true,
Zero: true,
func (suite *manifestSuite) TestTargetInstall() {
@ -112,25 +216,19 @@ func (suite *manifestSuite) TestTargetInstall() {
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
// Create a tempfile for local copy
tempfile, err := ioutil.TempFile(dir, "example")
src, err := ioutil.TempFile(dir, "example")
// Create simple http test server to serve up some content
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/yolo", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// nolint: errcheck
ts := httptest.NewServer(mux)
dst := filepath.Join(dir, "dest")
defer ts.Close()
// Attempt to download and copy files
target := &install.Target{
Assets: []*install.Asset{
Source: tempfile.Name(),
Destination: "/path/relative/to/mountpoint/example",
Source: src.Name(),
Destination: dst,

View File

@ -866,19 +866,6 @@ Valid Values:
- `false`
- `no`
#### force
Indicates if filesystems should be forcefully created.
Type: `bool`
Valid Values:
- `true`
- `yes`
- `false`
- `no`
### TimeConfig

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ require ( v0.0.0-20180916011248-d98352740cb2 v0.0.0-20200915135634-229d57e818f3 v0.2.0 v0.1.0 v0.1.1-0.20201009184237-ff3a8210be99 v0.1.0 v0.0.0-20200219015357-57c7311fdd45 v0.1.1-0.20200922131245-752f081252cf

View File

@ -754,8 +754,8 @@ v0.0.0-20200915135634-229d57e818f3 h1:L v0.0.0-20200915135634-229d57e818f3/go.mod h1:AbdJAgHK5rJNDPUN3msPTfQJSR9b4DKb5xNN07uG8/Y= v0.2.0 h1:UwT8uhJ0eDlklY0vYwo1+LGoFgiqkPqjQnae6j8UNYE= v0.2.0/go.mod h1:KwqG+jANKU1FNQIapmioHQ5fkovY1DJkAqMenjYBGh0= v0.1.0 h1:KEUqVnsFzLaVSWaLHoilEjJ8HTMG/LZGFMtanxDgHyo= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:z7Wgf5zZUFRiASnjKMoMwYQUr841NK03Pn/RZ4DkF/M= v0.1.1-0.20201009184237-ff3a8210be99 h1:2WrfCMZHBgdzM0KnfAhjhWVbhBTzkABeSIQS3/eH7bY= v0.1.1-0.20201009184237-ff3a8210be99/go.mod h1:efEE9wjtgxiovqsZAV39xlOd/AOI/0sLuZqb5jEgeqo= v0.1.0 h1:MQFONvSjoleU8RrKq1O1Z8CyTCJGd4SLqdAHDlR6o9s= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:D5Qjfz+29WVjONWECZvOkmaLsBb3f5YeWME0u/5HmIc= v0.0.0-20200219015357-57c7311fdd45 h1:FND/LgzFHTBdJBOeZVzdO6B47kxQZvSIzb9AMIXYotg=

View File

@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ import (
// Bootloader describes a bootloader.
type Bootloader interface {
Labels() (string, string, error)
Install(string, interface{}, runtime.Sequence, bool) error
Install(string, interface{}, runtime.Sequence) error
Default(string) error

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ func (g *Grub) Labels() (current, next string, err error) {
// specified kernel parameters.
// nolint: gocyclo
func (g *Grub) Install(fallback string, config interface{}, sequence runtime.Sequence, bootPartitionFound bool) (err error) {
func (g *Grub) Install(fallback string, config interface{}, sequence runtime.Sequence) (err error) {
grubcfg, ok := config.(*Cfg)
if !ok {
return errors.New("expected a grub config")

View File

@ -815,14 +815,13 @@ func partitionAndFormatDisks(logger *log.Logger, r runtime.Runtime) (err error)
Device: disk.Device(),
Size: part.Size(),
Force: true,
Test: false,
m.Targets[disk.Device()] = append(m.Targets[disk.Device()], extraTarget)
if err = m.ExecuteManifest(); err != nil {
if err = m.Execute(); err != nil {
return err
@ -1229,12 +1228,6 @@ func ResetSystemDisk(seq runtime.Sequence, data interface{}) (runtime.TaskExecut
// disk is not in use.
func VerifyDiskAvailability(seq runtime.Sequence, data interface{}) (runtime.TaskExecutionFunc, string) {
return func(ctx context.Context, logger *log.Logger, r runtime.Runtime) (err error) {
// We only need to verify system disk availability if we are going to
// reformat the ephemeral partition.
if !r.Config().Machine().Install().Force() {
return nil
devname := r.State().Machine().Disk().BlockDevice.Device().Name()
// We MUST close this in order to avoid EBUSY.
@ -1552,7 +1545,7 @@ func Install(seq runtime.Sequence, data interface{}) (runtime.TaskExecutionFunc,

View File

@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ func (p *Points) Get(key string) (value *Point, ok bool) {
return nil, false
// Len returns number of mount points.
func (p *Points) Len() int {
return len(p.points)
// Key returns the current key.
func (i *PointsIterator) Key() string {
return i.key

View File

@ -116,6 +116,17 @@ func Move(mountpoints *Points, prefix string) (err error) {
return nil
// PrefixMountTargets prefixes all mountpoints targets with fixed path.
func PrefixMountTargets(mountpoints *Points, targetPrefix string) error {
iter := mountpoints.Iter()
for iter.Next() {
mountpoint := iter.Value() = filepath.Join(targetPrefix,
return iter.Err()
func mountRetry(f RetryFunc, p *Point) (err error) {
err = retry.Constant(5*time.Second, retry.WithUnits(50*time.Millisecond)).Retry(func() error {
if err = f(p); err != nil {

View File

@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ type Install interface {
Disk() string
ExtraKernelArgs() []string
Zero() bool
Force() bool
WithBootloader() bool

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@ -979,11 +979,6 @@ func (i *InstallConfig) Zero() bool {
return i.InstallWipe
// Force implements the config.Provider interface.
func (i *InstallConfig) Force() bool {
return i.InstallForce
// WithBootloader implements the config.Provider interface.
func (i *InstallConfig) WithBootloader() bool {
return i.InstallBootloader

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@ -525,14 +525,6 @@ type InstallConfig struct {
// - false
// - no
InstallWipe bool `yaml:"wipe"`
// description: |
// Indicates if filesystems should be forcefully created.
// values:
// - true
// - yes
// - false
// - no
InstallForce bool `yaml:"force"`
// TimeConfig represents the options for configuring time on a node.